The Nightmare You Saved Me Fr...

By Lasting4ever

342K 7K 853

Life without being notice was top priority for Emma Davis. The dark secrets that linger in the place she call... More

Tears Come First ~ chapter 1
Tears Come First ~ chapter 2
Tears Come First ~ chapter 3
Tears Come First ~ chapter 4
Tears Come First ~ chapter 5
Tears Come First ~ chapter 6
Tears Come First ~ chapter 8
Tears Come First ~ chapter 9
Tears Come First ~ chapter 10
Tears Come First ~ chapter 11
Tears Come First ~ chapter 12
Tears Come First ~ chapter 13
Tears Come First ~ chapter 14
Tears Come First ~ chapter 15
Tears Come First ~ chapter 16
Tears Come First ~ chapter 17
Tears Come First ~ chapter 18
Tears Come First ~ chapter 19
Tears Come First ~ chapter 20
Tears Come First ~ chapter 21
Tears Come First ~ chapter 22
Tears Come First ~ chapter 23
Tears Come First ~ chapter 24
Tears Come First ~ chapter 25
Tears Come First ~ chapter 26
Tears Come First ~ chapter 27
Tears Come First ~ chapter 28
Tears Come First ~ chapter 29
Tears Come First ~ chapter 30
Tears Come First ~ chapter 31
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 32
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 33
Tears Come First ~ chapter 34
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 35
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 36
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 37
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 38
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 39
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 40
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 41
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 42
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 43
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 44
Tears Come First ~ Chapter 45
Tears Come First ~ Final Chapter

Tears Come First ~ chapter 7

12K 282 18
By Lasting4ever

Hey guys happy Thursday!! Hope you all are having a good week after all tomorrow is Friday!!

So like I promised I updated! YAY!!

I'll most likely update next Thursday or when if I get 10 Votes before that then I'll post it then!

So Enjoy!!




(not edited)


Nodding my head he released me from the hug. I waved to him and went on my death walk to Kevin’s car.

Taking a minute to take a few quick breathers I got into the back of the car. Kevin was shacking and was blood red in the face.

“Emma I promise you are in for hell tonight, how dare you come to the hospital you know my rules about the hospitals, you know how many questions I was asked. Remember bitch if something happens to me your life is over.”

I turned my head to look out the window but my vision was blurry due to the tears my eyes were producing. I just hoped he won’t kill this baby.


On the way home Kevin got a phone call, which I was thankful for it was one of his friends inviting him out somewhere. He warned me that he would take care of me when he returned.

While Kevin was away I had time to think. I knew Lisa was right I did have another life to worry about but there is something that won’t let me tell on Kevin.

Even though he’s done all this to me I feel like he is the last bit of family I have left even if he isn’t at all family. I want to hate him and turn him in, letting him rot in a cell like he deserves but I remember all the times I would see him with my parents and how nice and happy he was.

How happy my dad was to call him his best friend, why did my life have to be so screw up. I just wanted to have my parents again and be back at my old school with my friends. Now I’m here in a place that hates me.

I placed my hands on my stomach “I’m sorry you were brought into this.”

Lugging myself up stairs to my room then plopped down on my bed, to get some well needed rest. When I closed my eyes that only thing I saw was Tyler. I couldn’t get him out of my head. His smile, eyes, hair, his beautiful abs, just everything about him.

I knew I need to go tomorrow but how? Could I really get away from Kevin? It’s Saturday so he may go out to a bar with his friends but that’s always at dark. This was a lot harder than I thought it would be.

After Kevin returned last night her fulfilled his promise but the one thing I managed to do was keep him from hitting even kicking my stomach which I was grateful for. Now the only problem is I have a busted lip one black eye and a serious headache. I was anticipating way worse things.

When I awoke the next morning I looked ten times worse than when I went to sleep. My wrist was left with Kevin’s hand print that was now a purplish color as well as a huge bruise on my forehead. Plus the busted lip and black eye, there was no way I could go see Tyler.

I kept myself in my room for the whole day. Pray Kevin would leave me alone, which he did for most of it.

“Emma, love I’m going with the guys to get drinks I’ll be home at 1 so make yourself look descent by then.” Kevin hollered at me.

Tears started to form from my eyes; I knew what he meant when he said that. It was pointless to hide because I’ve tried multiple times and it always seems to fail.

It was about 7 in the evening when I heard the front door open. My heart stopped, knowing that when Kevin came home early was never a good sign. I could hear him walking up the stairs, and without thinking I bolted for the closet, trying to protect myself and this baby.

I heard the footsteps come closer to the closet “Emma, you here?”

Shock took over me as much as relieve did “Tyler?”

The closet door flew open and right in front of me was Tyler “Emma are you okay?”

Remembering what I looked like and noticing I was only in shorts and a tee-shirt I bulled my legs to my chest and placed my head on my knees. “Go away.”

“No can do, I came here to get you and that is exactly what I plan to do. No matter how long it takes.” He told me folding his hands and sitting in front of the closet.

“How did you know where I was? Last you brought me home you didn’t know this was my house.”

“Let’s just say I didn’t pick up you scent that much so when I asked your neighbors they informed me you lived here.”

Nodding my head until I realized what he just said “My scent?”

He laughed at this “If you would have showed up today I would have explained it to you, but since you never came I knew I needed to find you. Why don’t you come out? I won’t bite.”

Shaking my head I brought my face up off of my knees just to see his facial expression. “Okay then if you don’t come out I’ll come in.”

“No! Wait I’ll come out.” Looking around to see if I had anything to cover myself up with, I spotted a blanket which I grabbed and threw around me quickly.

When I got out of the closet I realized how warm it was in my room and how stupid I looked. I kept my head to the floor so Tyler couldn’t see my face.

I felt him approach me so I backed away some “Emma look at me.”

“No.” I informed him with tears falling from my face.

Something warm to touch my face then next thing I knew I was staring Tyler in the eyes “Emma, what the hell happened to you?”

“I fell.” I responded immediately.

“Don’t you lie to me! Tell me right now who is hurting you.” Tyler told me in a serious voice.

My breathing started to pick up “Tyler I want to but I can’t he will kill me.”

With Tyler’s hand still on my face I could feel him shaking “Emma I have told you many times I will never let anything hurt you, but right now you have to trust me when I say tell me.”

“You don’t know what he is capable of doing.” I shouted “I’m sorry, please don’t hurt me.” I knew what happens when I yell at people but I was think clearly when I yelled at him.

 I started to back away from Tyler until I hit the wall, I felt him at my side instantly “Did you honestly think I would hurt you?”

“You’ve already hurt me before.” I mumbled

“Emma when I said I would tell you I meant it. For starter the whole Stacy thing was to protect you. Like I said before if I would have known that was you she took to the bathroom I would have stopped it and second I will not tell you anymore unless you tell me who is hurting you.”

I sat on the floor and cried. Tyler sat beside me the whole time and tried to get me to calm down. When I felt composed enough I turned to look at Tyler.

“Are you ready to talk; because you don’t have to if you’re not ready I have all the time in the world.” He informed me.

I nodded my head “You may have all the time in the world but he gets back at one. Anyways when I was 15 my parents and sister were killed in a car accident. Some reason I wasn’t wearing my seatbelt and was thrown from the car. Both of my parents had no siblings and their parents had died way before the incident, so when it came to custody my parents gave it to my dad’s best friend and his wife.”

Taking a breath I proceeded on “Kevin wasn’t always so abusive, he was actually nice when Leigh-Ann his wife was alive. She was like a second mom to me, but then she was diagnosed with breast cancer she ended up dying leaving me all alone with Kevin. At first I thought he would be the same after a month of her death had past but he turned to drugs and alcohol. He was laid off from work, so this allowed him to be home all the time.”

I had to stop for a moment when I could barely breathe. Tyler rubbed my back to calm me down “Take deep breaths. You are safe now, I promise.”

I did what he told me to do and then tried to continue “One night Kevin came home, from a bar where some woman had blown him off and he was so mad. So when he saw me sitting on the couch it’s like the Kevin I once knew was lost and he was nothing more than a monster. The date was March 5, it was my sixteenth Birthday and that was the day Kevin first raped me. Trust me I tried everything I could to get him to stop but I couldn’t and now it’s all the time but it’s not only sexual abusive it physical too. I always tried to get him to stop but that makes him hit me more and and I……I couldn’t do anything about it. Now it’s at school too and when his friends come over I just don’t know what to do…”

I looked down the my stomach and placed my hands on it “Now I have this baby whose done nothing wrong and I couldn’t even tell you who the father is. I can’t do this anymore.”

Tyler picked me up from where I was sitting and placed me in his lap. I placed my head on his chest and cried for what seemed like hours. “He...He’s going to be home soon, you might want to leave.”

“Emma, do you honestly think I would leave you here? If I leave you’re leaving with me.” He told me.

“But he will hurt you Tyler I can’t allow you to risk your life for me.”

I looked up at Tyler to see a smirk on his face “There is a lot you don’t know about me and you will find out soon what that is, but for now I need to get you out of here.”

“Tyler what happens when he comes home and fines I’m not here and he comes looking for me?”

Tyler helped me up to my feet then turned me around to look at him “Emma do you trust me.” I nodded “Then trust me when I say I’ll keep you safe.”

“Grab anything you want to take with you, I have a feeling you won’t be coming back.” Tyler said.

I walked to the closet and grabbed the green duffel bag Leigh-Ann had got me and shoved all the clothes I wanted and then the few personal items I actually had.

I turned to Tyler “I’m ready.”

He nodded his head “Okay let’s go home.”


Reminder VOTE!!!!!!

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