Falling In Love With A Flea (...

By All_Anime_Otaku

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Izaya Orihara and Shizou Heiwajima have been fighting to the death ever since they first met. However, what h... More

Fighting with the Flea
Izaya's Secret
Celty's Understanding
A Strange Meeting
The Next Meeting
Shinra becomes a Savior
Our Last Battle
Unfinished Business
Visiting Shinra
Nightmares and Shizuo's Voice
A Suprise Someone
A First Date
Sleep and the Devil?
Fighting for Eachother
Realization and Relationship
A strange feeling & a Nightmare
Winter of Ikebukuro and ERIKA
A scary understanding
A battle is brewing
The beginning of the battle
Overwhelmed and Overcoming
The end of an era
not update OH MY GOD!!


4K 150 74
By All_Anime_Otaku

Izaya POV

He hadn't left my side. It was making me nervous as my brain kept over thinking his voice, movement, and way he was talking to me. I hated being confused. I was the damn info broker and he was the only person I couldn't figure out. He was the only human that I couldn't predict. Maybe that's why I kept coming back to Ikebukuro. I of course could predict that he would get angry and try to kill me, but after that was over I stayed on top of rooftops watching him. He was so unpredictable, and I wanted to figure him out. He saved me. Why? He was supposed to hate me. I had given up on this discusting human filled world. Those pathetic humans couldn't even see it.

Shizuo POV

I hadn't moved once from the flea's side and had no intention to start. Shinra had told me he would be okay, and I really wanted to believe him. But until he was back to teasing me or messing up people's lives I couldn't shake my worry. I stared down at our hands that were intertwined. Silence filled the room. I hadn't noticed that his crimson eyes were open, looking at me until I looked up to him.

"Flea!?" I exclaimed.

"Hey Shizu-chan." He croaked, his voice rough and dry. I let out a sigh of relief as I smiled happily.

"You're okay." I whispered. "You're going to be okay."

"Yeah. I am." Suddenly his voice turned sour, bitter almost towards me. I looked at him with confusion. "Why? Why the hell would you try to save me Shizu-chan? Why? I didn't wa-" He was cut off by his own fit of coughing and I stood getting him some water and coming back. I helped him sit up, much to his resistance and let him drink some water before setting him down and looking at him once more from my chair. "Like that. Why would you do that? You should want me to be in pain. You should want me to die. So why did you save me you stupid protozoan." His voice sounded much smoother but angrier.

"I'm not exactly sure Flea. Maybe it's because the only person that can kill you is me." I replied quietly. I didn't know exactly what was wrong with me, but I was starting to figure it out and I didn't really like the answer. But my flea was stressed so I gave him an answer that would calm him for the time being. He relaxed back onto the bed staring at the ceiling with an restless expression.

"I was ready to leave this world Shizu-chan. You're supposed to be my enemy. How did you switch personalities so quickly?" He asked glancing towards me. I shuffled my feet, unsure and trying to find a suitable answer.

"Why would you say I switched personalities?" I asked.

"You went from angry demon to soft Shizu teddy bear in like two days." He answered huffing in annoyance. I laughed at his frustrated expression, he had said that so deadpanned. He looked at me in confusion and I only laughed harder.

Izaya POV

"You went from angry demon to soft Shizu teddy bear in like two days." I retorted, huffing in annoyance. Suddenly, Shizu-chan started laughing. It wasn't an angry laugh, or a laugh to mask something, but a sweet joy - filled laugh that hung in the air beautifully. I had never heard him laugh before. I hadn't, but now that I had, I longed to hear it again. Shizuo was chuckling and wiping tears from his eyes before he completely stopped laughing at all and looked at me with a bright smile. I watched him, memorizing every small detail I could. My heart grew heavy at my own emotions. My face fell as I turned away from Shizu-chan and closed my eyes imagining that picture once more.

"Hey? Iza-" He started but I quickly interrupted.

"No. Go away Shizu-chan. You shouldn't have saved me." I whispered sadly.

"Izaya please. Don't say that." He replied sadness plaguing his voice. I huffed in response before answering.

"I thought I said to go away." I growled softly.

"Izaya. . . ." He whispered, begging me to change my decision. I stayed silent squeezing my eyes shut. I couldn't stay near Shizu-chan any longer. I had just realized my mistake. I had gotten too close to my enemy. He could easily hurt me, and I didn't want to hurt him either. I was in a job profession where people constantly wanted me dead for information I didn't want to give them. Not only that, but I was incapable of having close friendships. The only one close to a friend of mine would be Shinra. But even he is constantly under my close watch. I cannot trust anyone, and I cannot worry or feel for anyone either. I was supposed to be a god. I was supposed to be greater than any human being. And suddenly, I had been dragged back down to reality by none other than Shizuo. He had shown me my humanity, and now he knew of my weakness. I had to distance myself from everyone, so I could peacefully leave. There wasn't a reason for me to live any longer since I knew I would still exist in a sort of afterlife. Celty would escort me away from this existence and I wouldn't have to deal with pain, loss, or the voices that were still constantly bombarding me. I had to leave with no ties to this life so I could forget this completely. I heard shuffling and then the click of the door closing. I glanced behind me once more, and sure enough, Shizu-chan had left. I pulled the blanket further up on my body and strangely, felt the want to cry. Shizuo was gone and I was never going to see him again.

*Time skip*

It was four days later and Shinra had taken good care of me. I was much stronger and had decided on a plan of escape. I stood from the bed I had been confined to and stumbled slightly before standing straight again. I walked through the door and into the living room, where Shinra jumped to his feet immediately protesting my walking around.

"Shinra. . . . . . . . Shinra . . . . . . . . . . .Shinra!!" I yelled, cutting him off from his continuous rant. "I'm fine." I told him, trying to get away.

"You shouldn't be up yet Izaya!" He exclaimed, scolding me.

"As I just said, I'm fine." I repeated sighing in annoyance.

"Arrg. You're so stubborn! Where's Shizuo when I need him? He'd just pick you up an-" He stopped himself, suddenly concerned and watching me carefully. "Izaya? Are you okay?" He asked gently.

"Yes! For the last time I'M FINE alright!? FINE!" I snapped, I then realized this and quickly covered up my feelings with a giggle. "Ya know. Fine? F I N E? You should know how to spell, you're a doctor for god's sakes." I sarcastically joked, covering up my little outburst.

"Izaya." Shinra wined, knowing my ways too well. "What's wrong?" He asked carefully.

"Nothing. Look, I have to go. I've already spent too much time here. I'll see you someday Shinra." I said in my sing-song voice as I hugged him tightly. I could feel the confusion radiating off of him, as I had never hugged him before and I'm sure he was confused by my behavior as well. I pulled away and smirked. "Say thanks to Celty for me." I told him, my smirk hiding the pain I was feeling. "Bye Shinra. Thank you for everything as well." I whispered before waltzing out the door and disappearing quickly, before Shinra had time to think. I had one last wish, but I wasn't going to put Shizu-chan in that position when I was going to leave so soon. It would only make him laugh anyways. He might even grimace. I chuckled at my own thoughts. That would be fun to see. I skipped through the streets of Ikebukuro eventually getting to my workplace and walked up to Namie's desk.

"What do you want? I have work to do Izaya." She complained, her voice not really showing any emotion but boredom and annoyance. I giggled at her and smirked shaking my head once.

"You know what? I think I'm going to miss you the least Namie. I have to go now. Bye." I said before running out of the door again. "Oh, you can keep the place alright? Live in it if ya want!" I called out, before once again disappearing out into the streets of Ikebukuro. I skipped along once more before slowing to a walk as I reached my next destination. I walked up to my sister's graves sitting down respectfully in front of them.

"Hey guys. I-I'm sorry. About everything. You didn't deserve what happened to you. . . . . . . . . and this is my fault." I sniffled, putting my hand to my chin looking at their names engraved in stone. "But I might be able to see you soon. I'll atone for all of this I promise." I whispered, making a vow to myself. I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself and when I opened them a soft white glow shone in front of my before dissipating into the spirits of my two sisters. I stared at them, my eyes growing wide. "W-what? H-h-how? H-how did-?" I stuttered in complete shock. Mairu looked down at me, smiling softly.

"Hey Bro. It's okay." She whispered softly. Tears pricked the corner of my eyes as I looked at them both. "Don't cry. We forgive you." She smiled gently, tilting her head to the side. Kururi nodded her head in agreement.

"I-I-I" I stuttered trying to remember how to breathe. "I love you both." I whispered looking at them before hanging my head and letting the tears fall to the ground below me.

Hi everyone! So Izaya is off, with another of his crazy schemes to leave this earth. But now that he saw his sisters what will happen? There is some crazy stuff about to go down in the next chapters and Shizuo is going to be VITAL to Izaya's survival. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Feedback is always GREATLY appreciated! Loves you all so very much! ♡

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