Camp Pinewood

By electric_forest

11.8K 430 84

Photographer and horse rider Rowan Miller goes to summer camp for the first time. She makes new friends, and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Epilogue (Chapter 23)

Chapter 12

422 17 0
By electric_forest

{Song in video: Passion Pit - Take A Walk}

"Okay, guys and girls, listen up!" Janee exclaimed to us, grinning. We stood in the usual spot where the camp fire usually was to see what plans we had going on today and for this week. "We're going to go camping in the woods tonight since it is cooler today and is supposed to stay like that. Guys will be assigned to one area, and the girls another."

"And there will be camp fires and no electronics while camping. It will be like real camping," Shane piped up.

There were a few groans and complaints, but Janee said, "Hey, it'll be so much fun! We'll have a camp fire, tell stories, and explore. It'll be awesome!" She grinned.

"Yes, I was looking forward to this!" Lupe exclaimed giddily.

"I knew it was coming up soon," Jillian said. She turned to me, continuing, "We've done this each year, and it's a lot of fun. Have you ever camped?"

"Yup, I have plenty of times. I love it," I said, nodding my head. "Our family goes camping every three or four months, except when it snows a lot."

"Oh okay, cool." She smiled.

"Do you even have a real camping outfit?" Chantel asked Jillian, snickering.

"Yes, I have, thank you very much." She jokingly rolled her eyes.

"You know she means you won't be wearing a bunch of accessories right?" Lupe said.

"I won't be wearing a lot of it, just some. It'll be camping chic," Jillian said, and we laughed.

"Camping chic? What exactly is that?" I asked her.

"Um, like casual and still somewhat fashionable. You'll see." She grinned.

I nodded, having a confused smile on my face. Why someone cared about fashion why they went camping was beyond me, but that was up to them.

A few minutes later, we were all dismissed to get our bags ready.

After we got our bags together, we went back outside to help out and pitch tents. Everyone either had an eight or ten person tent, so we split off into different groups. Lupe, Chantel, Jillian, and I were going to share half of the eight person tent since you can zip it in the middle if you wanted to. We were going to share with Helena and three other girls.

"Where should we pitch the tent?" Jillian asked us.

"Whatever we did the past few years," Chantel said, shrugging.

"I don't think anybody remembers that," Lupe said, and we laughed.

"What about here?" I suggested, pointing in the near distance. "There's a perfect place to have a campfire and to pitch the tent."

"Seems good to me," Chantel said, putting her bag down.

The eight of us pitched the tent, and finally after a while of figuring that out, we got the tent ready.

"I'm so glad this is over," Lupe said as we put our bags in the tent.

"Tell me about it," Chantel said.

"It is part of camping," I said, shrugging.

"That's true," Jillian said.

"Hey, how's the tent coming along?" Janee asked as she walked up to us.

"We got the tent together," Jillian replied.

"Awesome." She grinned, giving us a thumbs up. "In the meantime, you all can walk around and hang out."

"Okay, cool."

Janee walked over to Helena and some other girls, and briefly talked to them.

"Let's go explore," Lupe said, grinning.

We nodded, and went to go walking in the woods.

There was a huge tree we came upon, and I immediately climbed it. It wasn't too difficult to climb, but I wasn't going to climb way to the top.

Lupe climbed the tree after me. "This is great," she said, grinning.

Chantel tried climbing the tree, but kept sliding off. "Ugh, I don't know how to climb up," she whined.

"I'll give you a boost," Jillian offered.

"Okay." She got on her shoulders, and lifted herself onto a branch. Unfortunately, she fell down a few seconds later.

"Are you okay?" I asked, immediately climbing down from the tree.

"Yeah." She mumbled.

"Did you get hurt?" Lupe asked, also climbing down.

"Not really. My arm hurts a little, but it's not a big deal." She frowned. "I'm never climbing a tree again."

"Aw, but it's not the tree's fault."

She gave her a look, which made Jillian and I snicker.

"I'm just saying." Lupe raised her hands up.

"I know, Loopy." She laughed.

Jillian went to climb up the tree, but her boot got stuck halfway. "Ugh, I got stuck," she complained.

"Here, we'll help you out," I said. Lupe, Chantel, and I grabbed her, pulling her out. After about a minute, her boot got unstuck.

"She's free!" Lupe exclaimed, laughing.

"Thankfully," Jillian muttered.

"That tree is messed up," Chantel said, glancing at it.

"But it's not the-" Lupe started to say.

"Loopy, if you're going to say it's not the tree's fault, then I'm going to-"

"Everything's okay guys. Let's be chill," Jillian said. For a second, we looked at each other in silence, and then we burst out laughing.

"Let's keep on exploring," I said, continuing to walk.

After exploring the woods for a bit, we met up with the rest of the girls, guys, and camp counselors to eat dinner.

After we got our food, we sat down. I sat with Chantel, Jillian, Lupe, Roger, Josh, Helena, Devon, and a few other guys.

While we were talking, Bryson came up to us, and sat next to me. "Hey," he said to everyone, and they said hi back. He turned to me. "So are you enjoying camp so far?"

"Yeah, I am," I said, smiling.

"Remember the time that we went hiking a year ago, and got lost?" He chuckled.

"Oh yeah, I remember that." I laughed. "We were lost for a few hours."

"Yeah, we were."

"Well Chantel, you're not the only one that gets lost," Lupe said, and we laughed.

"That's a relief," Chantel said, laughing.

Josh glanced at Bryson and I, and then went back to talking to Helena and Roger.

Bryson and I continued talking about different memories, and after a while, Josh said, "Hey, we should go stargazing."

"Sounds like a great idea!" Roger exclaimed, grinning.

"Yeah, we should definitely go," I said, nodding in agreement.

All of us stood up, and walked about fifty feet ahead, to get away from all the campfire light.

We looked at the sky, observing all the stars and constellations.

Josh sat next to me, while Bryson sat on the right side of me.

"You see the Big Dipper?" Josh asked, pointing at the sky.

"Yeah," I said, nodding and smiling. "I see the Little Dipper too."

"There's also Orion," Bryson said, pointing at the constellation.

"Anyways, it's great isn't it?" Josh said to me.

"Yeah. I love looking at the sky and just thinking," I said, smiling.

"Oh yeah, I remember that," Bryson said. He turned to Josh. "We used to go star gazing all the time with our friends."

"Oh okay," Josh said casually.

Bryson turned to me. "I remember you took incredible pictures of the sky and stars. Do you still have those pictures?"

"Yeah, I do," I said. "It's still in my camera and also in one of my scrapbooks."

"You have scrapbooks?" Josh asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I usually put my photos in a scrapbook."

Jillian glanced back and forth at Bryson and Josh, and then looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

Roger stood up. "Well, I'm going back to the campfire," he said.

"Me too," Lupe said.

One by one, all of us got up, and headed back to where the campfire was.

"Hey, I'm glad you guys are back," Janee said, grinning. "Shane is going to play guitar for us." She handed him the acoustic guitar.

Shane took it, and gave her a look. "Maybe some other time-" he started to say.

"Aw, come on, Shane. You don't have to be so serious all the time. Just play one song."

Shane sighed, and started playing a song on his guitar.

Everyone else was whispering to themselves, surprised that he played the guitar. I could hardly believe it myself.

"Shane plays the guitar?!" Lupe exclaimed.

"He's obviously playing the guitar right now, Loopy," Chantel said.

She rolled her eyes. "I know that, I'm just surprised."

"How did we not know this?" Roger said.

"Yeah, some of us have been here for five years, and we're just now finding out that he plays the guitar," Jillian said. "I wish I had my phone, so I could record this."

"Same here," Helena said.

I watched him, sort of surprised myself. He was usually serious, almost like a drill sergeant, but right now, he was smiling and playing the guitar.

After he was done, everyone applauded.

"Thank you," Shane said, giving one nod, and then sitting back down.

"That was great!" Janee exclaimed, clapping. When everyone stopped applauding, she continued, "See, that wasn't so bad after all." She grinned.

He gave her a slight smile, and then he turned to us, and said, "Okay, we should start heading back to our tents. Guys, follow me. We'll all meet back here for breakfast in the morning."

"Can you believe that Shane plays the guitar?" Josh said to me, smiling.

"It was unexpected, but he's really good," I said, smiling back.

"Yeah he is." He paused. "I learned to play the guitar about a year ago, so I sometimes play it."

"You do?" I looked at him in surprise. "You should have played!"

"Nah, it's alright." He chuckled. "I'm still learning it a little."

"Well, you'll play it a lot better than me because I don't know how to." I laughed.

"Hey, you should get going, Josh. The guys already went back to their tents," Bryson said as he came up to us.

He slightly narrowed his eyes at him, but then softened his face when he turned back to me. "Well, I'll see you later." He smiled, and then walked away.

"Are you sure that's not your boyfriend?" Bryson asked me.

I shook my head. "He's not," I said. Why would he think Josh was my boyfriend?

"Hmmm...okay." He glanced around. "I'm going to get to the tents too. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Oh okay." I walked back to my tent.

"Okay, what was that about?" Jillian asked, raising her eyebrows.

I gave her a confused look. "What was what about?" I asked.

"Bryson and Josh competing for you." She looked amused.

"What?" I blinked.

"It's obvious that they don't really like each other. I think they're jealous."

"I know they seem like they don't like each other, but why would they be jealous? I'm not with either of them."

"Because guys are weird sometimes." She laughed.

"And I'm not the type of girl that guys would fight over."

"It can happen to anyone." She smiled.

"Well, Bryson did assume that Josh was my boyfriend."

"See?" She laughed again. "You two would make a good couple though."

"He's been talking to Helena a lot." I lowered my voice, making sure that Helena wouldn't hear us from the other side of the tent.

She rolled her eyes. "They're just friends, trust me."

I still wasn't absolutely sure with that, but I nodded my head anyways.

"Helena likes some other guy at camp. I forgot his name, but they talk sometimes."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Oh okay."

Just then, Lupe barged into our tent. "I think Shane and Janee are dating!" She exclaimed.

"Loopy, stop spreading rumors!" Chantel said, following behind her.

"It's true. I saw them laughing and talking!"

"So? Everyone laughs and talks."

"But they were different! It was like a couples laugh and talk."

She rolled her eyes. "What does that even mean?"

"You know...the way couples laugh and talk. Plus, Shane is like a robot, but lately he's been more human-like."

"Hmmm...that is a good point..." She paused. "We'll find out someday I guess."

Jillian and I glanced at each other, and laughed.

All of us got ready and went to sleep.


A/N: Rowan and her friends go camping, and they have fun, despite some slight awkwardness with Bryson and Josh .-.




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