Camren One-Shots

By lynellee_02

87.2K 2K 340

A collection of Camren fluff one shots from idea prompts I find... More

Almond Milk
Skinny Dipping
The Nickname
The Older Sibling
Meeting Lauren
The Fight
The Fight...kind of
Dream Girl
The "Jaureguis"
Don't Go
My Little Sister and Her Pancakes
275 Windell Street - Stella's - 10:15
The Other Fight

The Older Sibling - Part 2

4K 98 46
By lynellee_02

a/n you guys asked for the older sibling part 2 so here it is, sorry i've been gone for so long 

"Why are you smiling like that?" Camila asked Lauren as they drove to Camila's house to drop her off.

"Nothing. It's nothing. I'm just excited to take you out for our date tonight." She said with a grin.

Camila replied, clearly touched, "Awww babe, me too! What do you have planned?"

Lauren scoffed, "As if I'm going to tell you!"

"What's wrong with telling me? I'm going to find out anyways!" 

"Yeah, but that ruins the surprise. There's no suspense if I tell you now." Lauren smirked.

"God Lo, are you going to kill me? Because it kind of sounds like it." Camila laughed.

"Oh ha ha ha." She drew out sarcastically, "C'mon I just want it to be special." 

"Aw, babe, it will be! I'm so excited! I'll see you at 8!" Camila said as she got out of the car.

"Alright bye, love! Wear something cute!" Lauren yelled as she backed out of Camila's drive way.

Lauren wore a grin on her face the whole way home.

~At the Jauregui Home~

"Why are you smiling like that?" Taylor asked Lauren as she observed her unusually perky behavior from her position on the couch.

"Like what? I'm not smiling like anything! Can't I just smile and be happy? What's wrong with being happy? Why aren't you letting me be happy, Taylor?" Lauren rambled nervously. A key fact about this situation that caused Lauren to ramble was that Taylor didn't know that her older sister was dating her best friend.

"Woah, woah, woah. What's going on? What's got you all off your game?" Taylor questioned, actually concerned for her older sister.

"Oh pshhh nothing, just nothing." Taylor gave her a skeptical look, "Nothing! It's nothing, Taylor! Just let it go!"

"So what's her name?" Taylor asked subtly.

"What?! I mean what? How did-??" Lauren was filled with disbelief at her sister's spot on assumption.

"Ah don't worry about it, I have super powers. Just stick with that. Anyways, what's her name?" Taylor said nonchalantly.

"Irrelevant. You're not going to get her name. I know you're going to hunt her down so just quit it."

"Am not! What's her name? What's her name? What's her name?" Knowing her sister wasn't going to quit pestering her about it, she had to think fast.

"I HAVE A DATE TONIGHT." Lauren frantically yelled

"Oh my god! You should've said sooner! What time?"

"8?" Lauren replied hesitantly.

"That means you have to be there at 7:45 to make a good impression, but assuming the commute is at least 15 minutes, putting us at 7:30..."Lauren was amazed at how fast Taylor's brain worked as soon as she said date. "And I have a date tonight too, so if I'm going to help you find an outfit, do your makeup, and prep for all aspects of your date, we have to" With that Taylor dragged her to the bathroom to start the process.

After 3 hours, Lauren felt like she had seen every shirt, skirt, pants, jeans, top, and shoes imaginable in their house.

"Alright, that last one screamed too much 'I'm thirsty and gay', so hopefully this one will be better." Taylor said from outside the closet Lauren was changing in.

Lauren took a deep breathe and came out of the closet. She hoped the torture of being in the closet would end soon. She had been in there for way too long. 

~Lauren's outfit~

"Alright, what do we think?" Lauren asked hopefully.

"This is it! You look amazing! She'll love it, whoever she is." Taylor replied excitedly, "Oh my goodness, it's 7! You have to get flowers and stuff, right? Come on, Lauren, hurry!" She practically pushed her out the door.

Lauren laughed to herself. Taylor was crazy, but definitely the good kind. She quickly packed everything they needed in the back of her car and dropped by a local flower shop for a bouquet of roses. After all the rushing and chaos, she found herself in front of the Cabello residence, filled to the brim with jitters nonetheless. She finally gathered the courage to ring the doorbell.

There was a series of crashes and frantic rushing. 






The door finally opened. "Heyyy Lauren," Ally said coolly, trying to cover up the recent panic, "Mila will be out in a sec, she's just getting changed. You know you should've seen her earlier. She was a MESS, it was cute really-"

"ALLY" Camila yelled from behind her and Lauren chuckled at the comedy happening between them,

Ally chuckled nervously, "Oops that's me, guess I'll just let you two go on. Bye, kids! Don't have too much fun!"

Camila stepped out from behind the door and Lauren was stunned.

Lauren laughed and handed Camila the flowers, "These are for you." She blushed accepting them, handed them to Ally to put in some water and they were off.

Their first stop was Stefano's a fancy Italian place nearby.  They were seated a table and given menus to look over. Any other time conversation would be lively and constant, but for some reason neither of them could find words to say. Butterflies were running rampant and awkward smiles were thrown back and forth. 

"Can I get you two started on drinks?" The waiter asked.

"Yeah I'll have the- fuck!" Lauren cursed, "Ahem, I mean, would you please give us a moment?" she smiled politely to the slightly frightened waiter.

A confused Camila replied, "What? What's wrong?" She traced Lauren's eye line to see her best friend on a date a few tables away, "We have to get out of here!" She whisper-yelled. So they scurried out of there covering their faces, just barely missing Taylor's line of sight.

Lauren let out a sigh of relief. "That was a close one!" Camila exclaimed once they left.

"Shit, I left my wallet inside." Lauren muttered to herself, "And we sure as hell aren't going back in there."

"It's fine! I'll pay for everything, don't worry about-" Camila stopped suddenly, "Damn, I left my wallet in there too."

"It's okay, I'll just call them to hold it for us so I can pick it up tomorrow." There was a bit of silence before Lauren started again in a small voice, "I'm sorry that we couldn't have our date at Stefano's, I'm sorry that our date is ruined because of that."

Camila lifted Lauren's face to look into her eyes, "It's not ruined, it's not even over yet. The night is still young! So what do you suggest we do?"

With a little bit more hope and confidence Lauren said, "Well there's a convenience store not too far away...Maybe we could splurge with the small amount of money I have in my car and then eat in the park?"

Camila nodded eagerly and they did exactly that. They went to the closest convenience store and ran along the aisles laughing as they picked up new and old snacks for them to share. Lauren's car was full of their favorite chips, drinks and candies and some new ones to try. When they got to the park, Lauren pulled out a picnic blanket from the back of her car and opened it up in a spot near the lake. It was warm summer night, crickets chirping, stars bright and beautiful and no other souls in the park. Camila's head was comfortably on Lauren's lap and they talked and laughed about everything and anything while tossing snacks into each other's mouths. Reliving all of their childhood memories together and sharing their hopes for the future. Since the unfortunate events at the beginning of the night, the awkward aura had dissipated. They were back to their usual groove, it felt like nothing else mattered. Just them. Just Lauren and Camila.

That was until there was a flash of a car's headlights in their direction from the parking lot, signaling more people were there. Lauren squinted into the headlights. It's probably nothing. She thought to herself, but right as those words went off in her brain, who other than her little sister stepping out of the car.

Right as Taylor looked in their direction, Lauren got up and pulled a disoriented Camila behind a nearby tree. That one was too close for comfort.

"You know if you wanted to get close to me you didn't have to do it this way..." Camila said with a smirk as Lauren clearly hadn't noticed their close proximity until Camila let out a breath that reached her neck. A light blushed traveled to Lauren's cheeks and she released the grip she didn't know she had on Camila's shirt, "I- I- uh- Taylor!" she stuttered.

Now Camila was even more bewildered. "I meant Taylor's right there! She's with her date at the car we just saw!" Lauren said pulling herself together.

"OH" Camila said finally realizing the situation, "Let's just wait until they pass by and we can go."

So they stood frozen in their positions as Taylor passed them, walking with her date, holding hands on the walk way 15 or so feet away. As soon as she was far enough it was like a weight had been lifted, they quickly gathered their things and got into the car.

"Wow, this date is not at all like I intended." Lauren said a little discouraged,

"Well in my opinion it's going great so far! Also, the night's not over yet. What else do you think we should do?" Camila asked

"Taylor shouldn't be back at the house for another few hours and my parents are out of town and Chris is at a friend's movie night?"

"Let's do it!" Camila replied enthusiastically,

So there they were in Lauren's room watching Footloose, when Camila spoke up in the middle of the movies. 

"Would it be so bad if Taylor knew?"

"What?" Lauren asked completely out of sync

"Would it be so bad if Taylor knew we were dating? Because it's only been our first date and I don't know if I can keep it from her anymore. She's my best friend, Lauren. I'm willing to keep it a secret if you really want to, but I can't think of a really good reason to keep it from her...unless... you don't want her to know don't want to be seen with me..." Camila's eyes weren't meeting Lauren's.

"Camz, it's not at all like that. Not even close. I love that we're dating! I would gladly show it off to everybody," That brought a small smile to Camila's face "I just didn't know if you were ready or not...I want you to be comfortable because I want all of this, everything with you, to be perfect. I really can't afford to screw this up, I like you way too much." There faces were mere inches apart, Camila pulled Lauren in and the Footloose movie was completely forgotten. Soft lips moved against each other, Camila's hands getting caught in Lauren's hair, Lauren's hands playing with the hem of Camila's shirt. It was getting heated and fast. Everything else was irrelevant. That was until it was at their very door.

"Oh my god, Lauren you won't believe the- OH MY GOD, LAUREN" Taylor yelled as she barged into Lauren's room.

Both Camila and Lauren jolted into their respective places, staring in horror at Taylor who was staring just as shocked back at them.

"YOU- YOU- YOU WERE KISSING MY BEST FRIEND!" she exclaimed at a frightened Lauren and hit her on the arm.

"AND YOU" she turned to a frightened Camila, "YOU WERE KISSING MY SISTER!" Then she hit her on the arm. 

"Taylor, we were going to tell you we were dating but-" Camila began


"Taylor, we're just dating. We didn't kill anyone-" Lauren started

"I KNOW, I know... this is just reaaalllyy weird." Taylor said as she contemplated it with a blank wide-eyed stare.

" are you going to be okay with it?" Camila asked hesitantly

"Do I get to name your first child?" Taylor asked back

"Absolutely not." Lauren jumped in

"Damn...well I guess so, what kind of sis and best friend would I be if I didn't?" Taylor said with a small smile.

"Thanks, Tay"

"Thanks, Taylor" They said simultaneously as she left the room.

"So we're going to have a child, huh?" Camila questioned with a smirk

"Maybe we'll talk about that at our next date." Lauren said as she wrapped her arms around Camila

"Oh, a next date?" Camila asked with the same smirk

This got Lauren to stutter, "W-well I mean if you want to?"

"I'd love to." Camila sealed it with a kiss.

A/N more parts?

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