Worse Games To Play (Hunger G...

By infinity_and_beyond3

41.9K 1.4K 528

~ A modern day Hunger Games High fanfiction. ~ In Hunger Games High there are two different groups. The Caree... More

Worse Games To Play (Hunger Games High Fan fiction)
Chapter One: The New Girl
Chapter Two: The Victors & The Careers
Chapter Four: Something's Not Right
Chapter Five: Homecoming Part 1
Chapter Six: Homecoming Part 2
Chapter Seven: The Hospital
Chapter Eight: The Hospital Part 2
Chapter Nine: Thanksgiving Break
Chapter Ten: Dinner With The Mellark's
Chapter Eleven: The Christmas Concert
Chapter Twelve: The Very First Date
Chapter Thirteen: A Secret Is Revealed
Chapter Fourteen: The Discussion
Chapter Fifteen: Christmas Day
Chapter Sixteen: New Years at Finnick's

Chapter Three: The Gym Incident

3.2K 126 43
By infinity_and_beyond3

Heyyy guys! So, school starts again tomorrow and I'll be busy studying for Exams. I hate school with a passion. Ugh. My last soccer game is on Tuesday so I'll be busy with that also.

Good thing I turned in all my homework before break. I couldn't stand doing homework during my winter break. That would have made me stressed out.

Anyway, let's forget about school for now. What do you guys think of this story so far? Do you guys have any ideas? I will be willing to work with some people on ideas.

If I can't incorporate your ideas into my story, I'm so sorry. It's not that I don't like them its probably what I don't want for my story, or It doesn't fit well with the plot line. So please forgive me. :)

I know I'm talking a lot, so I'll stop. Here's Chapter 3! Enjoy! :D



As we're kissing, I feel little butterflies in my stomach. I feel different. I've never felt this way before. A warm feeling runs through my body. It feels good.

I don't want to stop at all but Peeta manages to pull away. We look into each others eyes and breath heavily. I hear whistles and cheers. I look at the group of people and blush.

I wish me and Peeta had that moment alone. Wait no I don't. I don't like him at all. I've only known him for a week. My head is practically spinning from all these thoughts.

I'm so confused right now. "Excuse me." I say getting up from my spot. I turn around and run out of the house.

*End of Recap*

*Katniss' POV*

I should of never kissed him. Sure, it was a dare, but I should of said truth or passed my turn. I feel so stupid. I made myself more confused than I've ever been in my life.

My head is clouded with so many thoughts right now that I feel so dizzy. I sit down on the front steps of Finnick's house.

What have I done? I possibly ruined a really good chance of a good friendship. I don't even know one thing about Peeta. Not even his favorite color.

I hear the front door open and close behind me. Something's telling me it's just Gale coming to talk to me, so I don't look back. I run my fingers through my hair and sigh.

The person sits down next to me and asks me,"Are you okay Katniss?" I look next to me and see Peeta there. That's not the person I wanted to see right now.

I look away and say,"I'm fine." I look down and play around with my fingernails. "Sorry about Johanna. She's always like that. She's like the Queen of Dares. Her and Finnick come up with the best dares. You know. You didn't have to do it. I didn't expect you to do it anyway. But you did do it and now it's bothering you. And I'm sorry."

I look at him and say,"Why are you saying sorry? Your not the one who kissed me, I kissed you. I should be the one saying sorry. I can tell you didn't want to kiss me. So, sorry."

"You shouldn't be saying sorry either. And it's not that I didn't want to kiss you, it just came out of nowhere. Like I said before. I didn't expect you to kiss me so I was kind of surprised." He tells me.

"Oh. Well okay." I say looking down. It's silent for awhile until Peeta breaks the silence. "I just remembered that I know nothing about you. Friends are supposed to know things about each other." He says smiling.

I smile and he asks me,"What's your favorite color?" I look at him and say,"Green. Yours?"

"Orange." He answers. I scrunch up my nose and ask him,"Orange like Ms.Trinket's hair?" He laughs and shakes his head. "No. Orange like the sunset."

I smile and nod. Now that I think about it, it's a pretty nice color. I look at him and he looks at me. For some reason I've felt like I've seen him somewhere else before California.

Then it comes to me. He's the boy with the bread. He's the one that saved my family's life. After my dad died I couldn't find game in the woods. It was hard.

I've tried my best to find food so Prim can eat but it was so hard. My mom didn't work because she was in a really deep depression. So there was no money coming in the house.

I went through people's trash to see if I could find anything to eat. If I was lucky, I did find some food but I would give it to Prim. Because her life was more important than mine.

One day, I was going through the Bakery's trash and Peeta's mom or aunt I think, saw me. She yelled nasty things at me so I ran away.

I was so hungry and I was probably on the brink of dying. I saw a blonde hair boy and he looked the same age as me. He had two loaves of burnt bread in his hand and he saw me sitting near a tree in the pouring rain.

He looked back at the Bakery and back at me. He walked a little closer and threw the loaves of bread at me. I got up and he went back inside.

I grab the loaves and ran back home. Those two loaves saved my life. And I never got the chance to thank him for that. Until now.

"Oh my god. Your the one." I say him to softly. He knits his eyebrows and says,"What?"

"You used to live in Kentucky. Your the boy with the bread. You saved my life with those two loaves of bread." I tell him.

"You remember that?" He asks me with a surprised look on his face. "Why wouldn't I? You saved my life."

"About that. I shouldn't of thrown that bread. I should of walked up to you and gave it to you." I interrupt him by hugging him tight.

"I don't care how you gave it to me. I care about the fact that you did give it to me and saved me and my little sisters life. And I thank you so much for that." I say while still hugging him.

He hugs me back and says,"Your welcome Katniss." I pull away and smile. I didn't ruin a possible good friendship, I started a good friendship.


It's been almost a week since Peeta and I talked at Finnick's Party. Me and Peeta have gotten so much closer since that day. We talk so much more then we did before.

Everytime that I talk to him now I get these little butterflies in my stomach. It's really weird though because I've never had these feelings before.

Just thinking about him sometimes makes me smile. He's truly a really great friend. The bell rings and we all walk to our next class.

Me, Annie and Johanna walk inside the girls lockeroom and change into our gym clothes. "So how are you and Peeta doing?" Annie asks me.

I knit my eyebrows together and ask her,"What do you mean how are we doing?" She rolls her eyes and says,"I think you guys should date. You guys look really cute together!" She says all gushy.

I roll my eyes and say,"No. We're just friends Annie. I don't even like him." She crosses her arms over her chest and says,"You do like him. And I think he likes you."

"Annie stop. It won't happen. He doesn't even like me. Okay?" I tell her putting my stuff in my gym locker.

"Of course he doesn't like you. He doesn't like girls like you." I hear a girl say behind me. I roll my eyes and turn around.

"It's not like he likes you either. So back off Glimmer. It's not like you have a chance either." I say to her in an annoyed tone.

She crosses her arms and says,"I have a way better chance with him than you do. Your just a slut."

Annie stops me before I do anything reckless. "C'mon Katniss. The guys are waiting for us." She takes my hand in hers and we walk inside the Gym.

We look around for the guys and we find them laughing in one of the Gym corners. We walk over to them and Peeta looks at me.

I'm still pretty heated up from what happened in the locker room with Glimmer. "You okay Katniss?" Peeta asks me.

"I'm fine." I snap at him. He's taken aback but Annie says,"She's just heated up. Her and Glimmer had a face off in the locker room."

"Oh." Was all he said. Coach Gloss blows the whistle and Coach Cashmere stands next to him. "Alright guys. Today we're playing Volleyball. It's going to be 3 on 3 to make it even. Get into your teams and we'll pair you up."

Me, Johanna and Annie link our arms quickly. We look at each other and laugh.

Coach Cashmere blows her whistle and says," Okay here are the teams. Katniss, Annie and Johanna V.S. Glimmer, Clove and Foxface. Finnick, Peeta and Gale V.S. Cato, Marvel and Thresh. Madge, Delly and Sky V.S. Fitch, Joey, and Hunter. Alright, Finnick and Cato's teams first."

This should be fun. I think to myself. "Hell yeah it'll be fun!" Johanna says to me. Was I thinking out loud? Oops.

The only funny part about the whole game was when Finnick hit Marvel in the head when he wasn't looking. Me and the girls were laughing like crazy.

You couldn't even ignore the dirty looks Glimmer and Clove were giving us. Finnick's team ended up winning. Finn did this weird victory dance that had eveyone laughing except for the Careers.

The other teams went up and Me and Glimmer's teams were next. We walk up to the volleyball net. "Shake hands girls." Coach Cashmere says to us.

I scoff and walk further back from the net. "Alright Katniss. Your team serves first." Coach Gloss blows the whistle and Annie serves the ball.

Clove hits it back over the net and Johanna spikes it, giving us a point. I smile and give Johanna a high five. Foxface serves the ball and I hit it back to the other side.

Glimmer and I keep hitting the ball each other and until she spikes it and hits me right in the face. I fall to the ground and I hear her start laughing.

Coach Cashmere blows the whistle and she says,"Glimmer! Principal's office now!" Coach Gloss walks over to me. "Miss Mason. Take Miss Everdeen to the nurse."

Johanna comes to me and helps me up. I just fall back to the ground. I'm really dizzy and my head is pounding. My vision is kind of blurry as well so I don't see who picks me up.

I close my eyes and the person lays me down on a small bed. I stop them and say,"Stay with me." The person sits down next to me and responds saying,"Always."

I smile and everything goes black.


I wake up and there's ice on my head. I look around and I see the nurse walk over to me. "Hey. How are you feeling?" She asks me taking the ice of my head.

"A lot better." I tell her sitting up. She smiles and says,"Okay. You can go to your last period class. No more Gym for the rest of the week. Okay?" I nod and stand up.

"Thank you." She nods and I walk to Chorus class. I walk in and Ms. Venia says,"Welcome to class Miss Everdeen. I have some announcements, so please sit."

I sit down next to Annie on the risers. "Alright, our Christmas Concert is coming up and I need someone to sing solo on one of the songs."

Annie raises her hand and says,"I think Katniss should do it. She has an amazing voice and I know she'll be perfect for the solo."

What is she doing? I don't wanna sing solo! I have a little bit of stage fright. Ms. Venia looks at me and says,"Well Katniss? Will you do it?"

I look at her and say,"Oh, I don't know." Glimmer stands up and says,"I'll do it Ms. Venia. She's not even that good anyway."

I roll my eyes and say,"You know what Ms. Venia. I'll be glad to do the solo." She smiles and says,"Perfect! You'll be singing All I Want For Christmas Is You. Then you and Annie will sing the two solos in This Christmas. I added another solo so you two can sing. For the last song, we'll all sing Silent Night. This concert will be perfect!"

She claps her hands together and says,"Alright everyone stand up! Let's start practicing."

I stand up and look at Annie. This should be interesting.


All of us are at Annie's house eating snacks and just talking. "Me and Katniss got solos in Chorus. You guys need to hear her sing. She's amazing." Annie tells everyone.

I look at her and a blush creeps up on my cheeks. Finnick turns to me and says,"Oh really? Kitty sing for us!"

I shake my head and say,"Not right now. I want to surprise you guys." I take the bowl of popcorn from Finnick and put a handful in my mouth.

"Whatever. Let's play truth or dare." Finnick says taking the popcorn away from me. I roll my eyes and say,"Fine. Lets play."

Annie looks at me and says,"Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." I say quickly. She smiles and says,"What is the first physical feature you look for in someone your attracted to?"

I smile and say,"Their eyes. Always the eyes." She smiles and I look at Gale. "Truth or Dare?" I ask him. "Dare." He says with a smirk on his face.

I smile and say,"You have to wear all your clothes inside out." He shakes his head and laughs a little. "Your so weird Catnip." He says getting up from his spot.

"You know I'm not good at dares." I tell him as he walks towards the bathroom. "Peeta. Truth or Dare?" Finnick asks him.

"Dare." Peeta says quickly. Finnick thinks for a minute and says,"You have to talk in a sexy voice until your next turn."

I look at Peeta and smile a little. "I don't have a sexy voice. Sorry."

"Find one." Finnick says to him. "Fine." Peeta mumbles. He clears his throat and says,"Is this sexy enough?" His voice is deep and husky.

That voice sends chills down my spine, not bad chills, good chills. I really does sound sexy. Wait, no it doesn't.

Yes it does.

We're just friends and it's going to stay that way. I don't like him and I never will.

You do like him.

I don't like him and he doesn't like me. We will never date, it won't happen. I see him as a friend.

No you don't.

I don't like him in any romantic way possible. He's my friend and that's it. Nothing more.

You want to be more than friends.

My conscience keeps yelling all these lies in my mind. Me and Peeta are only friends!!

"Kitty, are you okay?" Finnick asks me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I look at him and say,"Yeah. I just have a lot on my mind."

"Okay, just making sure. Johanna! Truth or Dare?" Finnick says continuing the game. I look at Annie and she's just smiling at me.

For some reason, I feel like she knows what I'm thinking about. Everytime I zone out, it's always because I'm thinking about Peeta. Sometimes Prim but she doesn't know that.

I look away from her and I hear Johanna walk back to the group. She had chips, cookies and popcorn in her arms. She sets it on the table and looks at Finnick.

"Dare." She says smirking at him. I grab a cookie and take a bite. Finnick smirks and says,"You have to stay seductively still."

Johanna smirks and actually stays still. She has this seductive look on face and it's starting to creep me out.

Finnick laughs and says,"Stop. Your creeping me out."

"Oh Finnick, we all know you can't get enough of me." She says jokingly. I smile and laugh a little. I have a wierd group of friends but I like that about them.

"Katniss and Johanna. I was wondering if tomorrow you guys wanted have a sleepover here. Since tomorrow is Friday." Annie says to Johanna and I.

I look at Johanna and we both nod. "Sure." I say to her. Annie smiles and says,"Great. Bring your clothes tomorrow to school and leave it in your locker. When school ends, you guys can grab your stuff and we'll go straight to my house."

We both nod and say,"Okay."

"We still have time till we all have to go home. Let's watch a movie." Gale says to us. We all nod and Annie asks everyone,"What movie do you guys wanna watch?"

Finnick looks at me with a smile on his face. I smile and nod. We look at Annie and we both say,"White Chicks." She smiles and puts the movie in the DVD player.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I tell them. They nod and I use the bathroom. I wash my hands and walk out of the bathroom.

Annie is sitting with Finn, Johanna with Gale and there's only one spot left. And it's next to Peeta. I awkwardly walk to the couch and sit down next to him.

I look at Annie and she gives me a thumbs up. Finnick looks at both me and Peeta and smirks. They are up to something and I don't like it. And I'm going to find out what it is.



I updated this Chapter because I know I won't update in awhile because of school. I probably won't update until next week or this weekend.

What did you guys think of this Chapter? Was it good? It's my first time writing a HGH fanfic so let me know what you think. :)

What do think Annie and Finnick are up to? Do you think Katniss likes Peeta? Do you think Katniss and Peeta will date? What do you think of the Gym Incident with Glimmer? Okay, im done asking questions. Lol.

Sorry for any typos. Until next time! xoxoxoxo

-Gabby <3





All rights go to Suzanne Collins! :)

xxxxx infinity_and_beyond3 xxxxx

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