A Bad Girl

By beyonceisnumber1

36.2K 2.5K 1.5K

Did she kill them? I don't know. Do I love her anyway? Yeah More

1: The Calm Before The Storm. He was Calm. She was a Storm.
2: The Shadow Behind Her Eyes. The Truth Behind Her Lies.
3: Books are more than words on paper, much like our history.
4: Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
5: Fear cuts deeper than swords. She sure was scared.
6: No one knows.
7: Sticks and stones may break your bones but guns will always hurt more.
8: Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust. Secret to Knowledge. The truth behind Trust.
9: Miss Knowles, did you kill your parents?
10: Are we entitled to a family or is it just for the lucky ones?
11: I don't need fixing.
12: Once Upon a December...
13: Ghost in the head...
14: Boiling on Ice.
15: Keep loving me the way I love you loving me.
16: A good day?
17: December 17th...
18: So remind us again... You didn't do it?
19: Show me what you got
21: The Peace of Wild things.
22: Music of the Night
24: The end comes closer
25: Jailhouse, Cell block...Freedom.

20: I wish it could be Christmas every day.

1.3K 98 70
By beyonceisnumber1

Beyoncé walked through the front door with the coffee from  Étoile and just as she walked into the house she heard him say, "Hey beautiful" which of course made her blush like a teenager before she handed him his coffee and smiled up at him. 

"Hey hansom" She replied, "Last night you was on the phone with Ty and you were talking about a pocket watch?" She asked him. She knew she had overheard him on the phone and wanted to know more about this pocket watch business because she had no idea what she was giving him for Christmas, 

"It's no big deal really" He said, "When I was a kid I was obsessed with anything vintage and I always wanted a pocket watch but never got one. I forgot about it until Ty brought it up" He chuckled to himself but Beyoncé's mind drifted to the fact that she had no money and nothing to offer him. "I don't care much for gifts though, it's just good to be spending some time with my parents and you this Christmas" 

 "Have you packed already?" She asked him, not sure if she should have started packing to go to his parents house yet or not. They wouldn't be going until tomorrow but these things took time. 

"Yeah, I just got done actually" He took a sip of his coffee but she shot her head at him and quickly put hers down and ran to the guest bedroom. "What?" He yelled after her, he shrugged and placed his coffee down and saw her run from the guest room into his room then out again. She looked at him and complained, 

"You took all the good clothes!" She groaned and he began laughing a little, 

"Bey" He began, "They're my clothes" She shot her eyes at him and shook her head before walking up to him and placing her hands on his chest, 

"No Carter, they're our clothes" She spun around from him and walked back into the guest bedroom to begin packing her things also. Carter watched her for a while and smiled at her but she didn't look at him, he wondered how she felt about people touching her now. It had been a while of him touching her and sooner or later someone else would have to touch her too. Did his touch change her at all? did it make her feel any more open? She really had changed a lot from the first time he met her, or maybe she had stayed the same but he found out more. Who knew, all he knew was that his attraction toward her built every day and he didn't think there would ever be a day that he loved her any less than the day before. 

He paused for a moment and gulped. 

He moved away from the room and looked at the plain wall and thought about it all. 

Did he love her? Really and honestly? Was he in love with her? 

He wasn't the type of person to believe in love at first sight and he didn't think people could fall in love so fast, it seemed rather ridiculous for people to do that. He was the man who made fun of those who knew a girl for 2 days and decided they had fallen in love but he was doing the same thing. The only difference was that it had been almost 3 weeks of living with her and 5 months of semi-knowing her before then. Could he possibly be in love so fast? Was that real or was his dick thinking more than his brain? He looked into her room again and heard her humming away to a tune inside her head. He smiled to himself and closed his eyes, swept away by her humming the darkness behind his eye lids revealed nothing but her smile. Her words, her voice and her laugh rang through his ears and soon enough he opened his eyes again and looked at her. "I love her" He whispered to himself, so quietly that she couldn't hear but loud enough that he could. He, of course, did not plan on telling her this.

He walked into the room and she looked up at him with an eye roll, still annoyed by the fact that he took the clothes she liked to wear. He watched as she took his golden chain and dropped it into her bag with a devilish grin. He walked beside her and looked down at the bag in front of her and saw his chain laying on top of her underwear- he would deffinately be wearing that again. 

"You know what you are" He began, slowly he ran his hand over the small of her back. Seeming completely unbothered by his gesture he continued to talk "An angelic devil" He pointed out. She looked over at him out of the corner of her eye and gave him a quick smirk and continued packing some clothes in her bag while his hand slipped down to her ass and he began to massage it. 

"An angelic Devil" She repeated, "I think I like the sound of that" she turned to face him and took his other hand in hers before placing it on her ass so that both of his hands were massaging her. "You like it huh?" She asked him seductively, he licked his lips and said, 

"Of course" He replied. She chuckled a little and turned away before continuing with her packing. He moved his body behind hers, wrapping one arm around her collar bone and shoulders with the other around her waist. He leaned forward and began whispering in her ear, "I couldn't stop thinking about you this morning. You weren't there when I woke up" She continued to pack and tried to make it seem as if she wasn't turned on but Carter knew exactly which buttons to press. 

"I went to get coffee, I know it's your favourite" She reminded him, she was right about that. The Coffee shop did make his favourite coffee better than anyone else. 

"you think you know me so well?" He asked her as he began rubbing his dick on her ass, she bit her lip a little and nodded her head because she couldn't talk. "So tell me how I would fuck you" He leaned down and began placing soft kisses on her neck causing her to moan out just a little. The hand around her waist messaged her sides a little while the hand around her shoulders caressed her neck. She gulped a little trying to get the words out, 

"Slow" She whispered to him, "Hard" She continued, "Deep" Was the only world that came to mind. She knew she was wet, she knew he was hard and she knew that she wanted him to take from her the one thing that no one had ever taken. 

"You'd like it like that?" He asked her, she nodded her head but a part of her wondered if he was going to leave her this time the way he had before. Another part asked if she would ever get the packing done. He kissed just under her ear before she spoke, 

"Why do you keep doing this to me?" She asked him, 

"I can't help myself" He groaned into her ear, he slipped his hand onto her breast and squeezed it a little causing her eyes to close and her mouth to let out a satisfied gasp. "Do you know how sexy you are? How much you turn me on? How badly I've wanted to be this close to you?" She bit her lip, feeling her juices flow as a consequence of his words and soon enough she slipped her hand down to her pussy but before she could do anything he held her hand in place through her clothing and continued to kiss her. 

"Carter" She croaked with her pussy throbbing. "Carter" She needed him to let her do it or she'd continue burning until her body could take it no longer. He continued to kiss all over her neck while playing with her nipple. "Shawn" She whispered for what seemed like the first time although she had called him that name once before. The sound of that particular name turned him on, the way it rolled of her tongue in a moan, how unusual it was to hear it. He pulled her nipple and she yelped before trying once again to touch herself but he wouldn't let her. 

"Beyoncé" He growled into her ear. He removed himself from her body and stepped back a little, he expected her to turn around but instead she continued to face forward and thought about everything that was happening in that moment. She gulped slightly and turned to look at him, 

"I need to pack" She said proudly, she wanted him and he wanted her too but it was not the time. Despite her obvious differences with the rest of humanity she was still the romantic type- strange but true. She wanted to date first, she wanted to be madly in love first, she wanted her first time to consist of roses and candles and all those beautiful things that made the average person cringe just a little. She wanted him to be madly in love with her when he did it but she didn't know if he really loved her, if he did then he'd ask her out wouldn't he? They're not teenagers, he's over thirty and she's 23.  She didn't believe that she was madly in love with him, not because she wasn't but because she was scared of feeling it when she had spent so long not feeling the things that other people in the world felt. His love changed her so that she began to feel empathy and sympathy she had never felt before and she began to felt a warmth she had never had before. But was that enough?

Carter smiled at her softly, a smile she had grown to appreciate in a way not many others had. He slipped his hand around her waist again and pulled the two of them chest to chest before kissing her head and looking over her body. He bit down on his lip which caused her to do the same before he looked over her shoulder at the desk. 

"May I?" He asked her as he took a hold of the hair tie on the desk and held it up. She nodded her head obediently and turned around letting him put her hair into a pony tail, "I like it up" he informed her. She felt him gently touch her side again before turning her body around to face him. It seemed pointless fighting him now, he had made it clear that he didn't care if she wanted to pack because he was going to do the thing they both wanted. He smiled before lifting her into his arms bridal style and carrying her onto the bed and laying her on her back. He went to kiss her but she placed a finger on his lip and said, 

"Carter, I can't let this happen" Her voice was a whisper but her eyes yelled the same words. 

"Why?" He asked her. 

"I don't want it to happen like this" She admitted, "I always imagined it would be different. Ya know?" He nodded his head and went to climb off but she stopped him and held the sides of his face. "I want it, just not like this"

"Of Course" He chuckled but she shook her head and repeated it, 

"Really, I do. Do you get what I mean?" He understood perfectly what she was trying to say and he knew his answer as soon as she had said it. 

"Knowles" He began with a smile, "It's okay to be a little mushy, you can be all girly every now and then" He teased her, 

"I'm not exactly-" She began but he cut her off with his words, 

"You're not what? Perfect? Why would I want perfect when you're supreme?" She blushed again and wrapped her arms around him pulling him down into a hug. 


"If there's one thing I can do, it's spell" Michael insisted. The man fixed his glasses on his face and looked up at the TV playing some silly kids quiz show where the category was spelling. "Bey, I'm spelling it right. If they can do it on the TV then so can I" He insisted, he looked back over at Beyoncé who laughed and shook her head, 

"But you're spelling it wrong" She complained, "You can't spell it wrong and then tell me you can spell it" Beyoncé and Michael sat in the living room watching the show while Gloria and Carter stayed in the kitchen fixing up the last aspects of the Christmas eve dinner. 

"You know how I know I'm right?" He asked as he looked over at her, she tilted her head and listened, "Coco Montrese!" He yelled abruptly, "Coco, not Cocoa" He smiled smugly and Beyoncé rolled her eyes with a laugh, 

"They're not asking for a drag queen" She pointed out, "They're asking for the bean we make chocolate from" He shook his head still disagreeing with her but she was far too stubborn to let it go... and so was he so they were stuck. "Gloria!" She called, knowing that she'd agree with her. The woman popped her head into the living room and looked between the two, "Spell Cocoa" Beyoncé asked but before she could answer Michael jumped in. 

"No! Spell Coco Montrese" He suggested with a smug smile, Gloria rolled her eyes and pointed the wooden spoon at them. 

"I don't have time for you two, now get y'alls asses in the kitchen" She turned away from them and back to the kitchen. The two laughed just a little and Beyoncé stood up expecting Michael to follow but as she walked out of the room he called her name, 

"You're gonna have to help me up honey. My legs are a bit weak" He chuckled a little and she looked over him briefly. She  didn't know what to do, she'd have to touch him and she couldn't do that. She gulped and went to explain that she couldn't but for some reason something stopped her and she smiled, 

"Sure" She simply stated before walking over to him and helping him out of his seat. As soon as he was up on his feet he began walking away fast as if he didn't have a problem so she stopped and asked, "I thought your legs were weak" She crossed her arms and he spun to face her with a smile, 

"I might have lied" He admitted, she pulled her eyebrows together in annoyance when he continued. "You wanna know why?" She nodded her head slowly and he went on to continue, "Let's just say that Shawn came to work with his dad one day and that day he decided to be just like his father" He winked at her and then walked out of the room leaving her dumbfounded. What the fuck was he on about? 

Carter and Beyoncé sat beside each other at the table with Gloria and Michael on the other side. They were having the usual dinner conversation about how days were going and events happening in the new year and such when Beyoncé felt a hand on her leg. She immediately looked at Carter to see why he was doing it but when she noticed that he wasn't rubbing or moving his hand she figured he was just resting it there for his own comfort. 

"Shawn" Gloria began, "Take your hand off the girl" She looked at him with a suspicious face and then mumbled beneath her breath, "Leave that for the bedroom please" Carter and Beyoncé quickly looked at her before blurting out their sentences at the same time, 

"We're not together" Beyoncé said while Carter yelled, 

"It's not like that" The two looked at each other and then laughed awkwardly, "I mean, we don't-" Shawn cut himself off and looked at his parents, "Let's change the subject" Beyoncé nodded in agreement and then Michael spoke, 

"Well I don't believe that shit for a second!" He yelled, Gloria spun her head and looked at him angrily when he went on, "I don't!" He repeated. "Adults have needs Shawn and I don't mind if you're doing the dirty just don't do it at the table" He insisted, Gloria began laughing and smacked his arm to get him to shut up, 

"This is so horrible" Carter stated with a chuckle, "This is embarrassing as hell, dad you can't say those things." Carter shook his head and looked away from the man who obviously disagreed, 

"Oh really?" He asked, "I can say whatever I want" He nodded his head proudly and Beyoncé grinned, 

"Yeah I agree" As she would, Carter looked at her with a blank face. 

"Nah, don't you get involved" He told her, 

"Or what?" She asked him. He raised his eyebrows and began poking and tickling her stomach to show her the consequences or her actions when their eyes briefly travelled to his parents sitting across from them and he stopped. Gloria and Michael both sat with their eye brows raised and a 'I told you so' face before looking between each other and shaking their heads. 

"I don't think we'll be getting much sleep tonight" Michael whispered to Gloria while maintaining eye contact with his son. Gloria leaned in to him also and added, 

"I've still got those industrial headphones" She reminded him. Beyoncé and Shawn rolled their eyes with a groan and soon enough everyone began laughing and shaking their heads at the silliness of the conversation. 


"IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Michael yelled as he threw Carter and Beyoncé's bedroom door open and smiled at them. He was wearing Christmas pyjamas with a silly Christmas hat on with Gloria standing behind him looking at him disapprovingly for waking the two up so scarily. Beyoncé looked at him with a shocked expression on her face but laughed at the sight as Carter sat up in the bed and looked at his dad but shook his head head immediately, 

"Now that's a fashion mistake" He chuckled, Beyoncé nudged him and climbed out of bed ready for the first family Christmas she's had in 11 years. 

"Come on" She pulled his arm but he didn't budge, "I want to open the gifts" She whinged like a child, he nodded his head and followed her out of the room and down the stairs where his parents sat with happy little smiles. Michael got Gloria a beautiful diamond jewellery set, Carter and Bey (well paid for by Carter but thought of by Bey) booked her a day at the spa for her and a friend. Michael was given a new suit that apparently he had been looking at for a while because he thought it would look way better on a 'mature' man than on one of those young models. Carter and Beyoncé got him a nice Rolex to go with it and so now it was just Carter and her left. His parents had given him a signed basketball jersey and when Beyoncé held out the box for him he looked down at it wearily, 

"You didn't need to get me anything" He reminded her, she sat beside him and shrugged. 

"I think it'll be better off in your hands" She told him. He opened the box and his eyes grew wide, 

"Where did you get this from?" He asked her, she hadn't even left the house really so she couldn't have gone anywhere. 

"It was my dad's" She admitted wearily, "I never had any use for it and to be honest no one knew I took it. I needed something to remind me of him but I want you to have it. I don't have any money but this is the best I could do" She looked at him with shy eyes and he pulled her into a hug holding her tight, 

"This is the best thing you could have possibly given me" He insisted, "But I can't take this" He tried to hand it back to her but she just pushed his hand back to him with a light chuckle. 

"I don't even like pocket watches" Beyoncé told him truthfully. He laughed a little then picked up her box and handed it to her with a smile on his face, 

"Well you're gonna like this" She took the box from his hands and began opening it and gasped when she saw what was inside. 

"They're shiny!" She screamed like a child, she quickly put them on her feet and began running up and down the room with a smile on her face before stopping and pulling Carter in for a kiss. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou" She swirled her left ankle around and looked at the shoe admirably. "I wish every day was christams" She announced as she threw her body back onto the couch. 

-Thank you for reading! Please vote and comment

1) Has Bey changed from the first chapter or have we just seen the real her instead of the image she created? Both?

2)Why did Carter not want to tell her that he loves her? Does he love her? Is he really in love with her or does he just like her a lot?

3) Why does Carter keep making her sexually aroused? Is it simple or more complicated and thought out than it seems?

4) Why is it important to Bey to have sex in the most beautiful (and cringiest) way possible? 

5) The relationship between Bey and Carter's parents? She actually touched Michael?!?!?! 

6) Why did Michael lie to make her help him out of her seat? What did he mean about what he said about Carter? 

7) She gave Carter her dad's pocket watch? What do we think about that? How did she feel about that? What does it symbolise?

8)Bey's shoes? (they were the shiniest ones I could find lol and earlier in the book I did say that she liked shiny things) 

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