Never Meant to be [Rewrite of...

By SilverLove

28K 563 66

Cecilia Sophie was meant to marry a man she never met by her forceful parents, but that was the last straw. I... More

Never Meant To Be [Preface]
Never Meant To Be [1] The Arrangements
Never Meant To Be [2] The Escape
Never Meant To Be [3] Into the Unknown
Never Meant to Be [4] Vanishing point
Never Meant To Be [6] New Life
Never Meant To Be [7] Dare You
Never Meant To Be [8] Amber Eyes
Never Meant To Be [9] The Wolf Prince

Never Meant To Be [5] The Deal

2.4K 61 8
By SilverLove

Alright, next chapter of NMTB is now up! Hope you like the update and feel free to comment on how it was. Like I've said before, the plot and characters are the same (except for the names) I have switch some things around here and there and added more detail. Now you might notice though that Cecilia (aka Kara) is a tiny bit different. Unlike the first one, here she's a bit more cautious than the older version in a small way. :P

Vote? Comment? :)


Like a wingless bird inside a beautiful iron cage, my fate might not be as I had wished for it.


"Just relax dove." A deep delicious voice repeated inside my thoughts, continuing onward like a wondrous melody that haunted my dreamless sleep. Though I had barely caught a glimpse of his face, his eyes still burned into my memory, they depths deep and endless as I floated within the dark space of my mind.

Drifting in and out of consciousness, I find myself slowly beginning to regain my movements as I realized that I have been knocked out. With my eyes closed, I breathe in the air, testing the delicate smell of some lushes' aroma that reminded me of faint flowers that used to appear in the outskirts of the woods behind my home.

Moving my arms, the sense of cold, rusty metal against my flesh ran around my wrists as I slowly slide back into my body from the depths of my mind. Beneath me I could feel soft sheets of silk, while my head nestled upon a comfortable cushion that indicated that I was resting upon a bed. Weakly, I lift the lids of my weary eyes, curious to see where I might be to be resting on such a heavenly bed.

What I find is luxurious room filled with colors of Victorian black and indigo fabric that steamed form the beds top while the windows were a crystal glass that over looked the forest. There were sofas and desks scattered wonderfully around the room, designed with the same colored imprints of the room. I could only stare at this exquisite sight for a mere time, trying to soak all the work that whoever had put into this.

My gaze halted to my arms, seeing what the cold, metallic feeling was on my wrists. Whoever had brought me here had chained me to the bed, making it impossible to walk or flee. Testing the strength of the metal, I gently pull my arms forward; stretching them as far as I could before the chain restrained my movement. Tugging again, I gave up on the fourth try as I realized that the metal was too strong to break from a messily pull. Carefully, I move from the bed into a sitting position, the chains digging into the bruised flesh. My eyes scanned ever inch of the room, looking for a pen, clip or something that could fit through the lock.

But instead I found nothing. Absolutely nothing. There were neither clips nor pins in sight. My heart thumped in revelation that I might not get out of here. Clasping onto the heavenly bed, my thoughts drew back to the man from last night. His features were perfect in every way, way to perfect for a human though. Might he have been the one who brought me here? As well chained me to the bed for some unknown reason? If so, he had much explaining to do, or possibly not at all.

I didn't plan to stick around long enough to find out.

Contemplating, I sat there in the silence as I tried to think up a way to leave this place. I didn't even know this man, and for all I know that dog beast could have been his pet.

Besides, I still have to meet the man Drake wanted me to see. I don't want his help as well as Lee's to be in vain.

An abrupt knock on the door startled out of my thoughts as I looked up to see a girl around my age waltz in with a tray of food. Her hair was fine and blond, just like angels hair while her baby blue eyes glimmered in a friendly fashion. I took notice that her slim, willowy body was very tall, taller than me perhaps as she faced me with a smile that held certain childlike innocence to it.

"Ah so you must be the girl yes?" Her voice asked in a very heavy English accent. Her outfit was that of a maid except in the original black in white it was slightly more form fitting and personally made for her with black and blue fabric that held patterns on the pleading of the skirt.

"Umm...yes?" my voice came out in a slight whisper, not quit understanding why she was full of smiles and happiness while I was chained to a bed. Part of me even wondered if she noticed as I absentmindedly let the metal rattle a bit to see if it catch her attention.

"Oh then you're the one master Wrath saved. I heard you were chased down by those dreadful wolves. How I pity the unlucky soul to be devoured by them." She chirped out happily, making me stare at her when she mentioned devoured. I didn't even bother with try to grab her attention with the chains, seeing she had no intentions of even noticing my imprisoned state.

'I've could have died and yet she still acts happy...there's something wrong within her head.' I thought silently to myself, noting to question her sanity later once I was free form this place.

"Oh the master said to have you cleaned and refreshed for when you see him at dinner. I'm just here to give you lunch and set you up till dinner time. He has some things to speak with you about." She placed the food on a table next to me, while taking some keys from her pocket. "He says you can be unlocked now but under my watch. He doesn't want you running away, which by the way, would be a terrible idea since there are demons that roam theses lands."

Nodding in agreement, she leaned down and steadily unlocked me from the chains. I glanced at her for a moment, thinking how easy it would be to knock her out and run from this place but then again if I did I might not know where to go. What rotten luck would it be to finally have an escape plan when you don't even know the layout of building you have yet to explore?

'I'll just get enough information to know what the closest city from here is. Then that's when I'll make my move.'

"What is your name?" The question caught me off guard for a moment, confusing me as I gazed upward to see the blond studiously watched me.

"..It's Cecilia." I replied awkwardly, avoiding from saying my last name. I didn't know this girl very well and even though I'm sure she had the best intentions, I would remain on guard just in case.

"Well Cecilia, I'm Alyssa Tyme. Do you have a last name at all?" she quickly implied, studying me in curiosity as I inwardly sigh.

"It's Spencer." I stated flatly, hoping she buy the fake last name as I absently looked around the room.

"That's it your fathers perhaps?" She inquired with her baby blue eyes still locked on my odd colored golden green ones. I was surprised she had yet to comment on them, seeing that most would be curious of how there was two colors inside my irises.

"Yes. He was a poor man indeed. He couldn't afford to let me have mothers for the she had died and felt necessary to let her name rest in peace." I lied through my lips, letting them pour out like fine wicked wine as this Alyssa bought my fake words. I even caught a glimpse of pity shimmer in her blue eyes, something that inwardly made me feel guilty as I tried to shake the feeling away. Sometimes it was better to keep things a secret, especially if your one that just want to get out of this place.

"Oh you poor thing. I'm sorry to bring such a depressing memory up." Her voice was filled with pity as she shook her head sadly.

"Its ok, it's good to know both are resting in peace now." Inwardly chuckling, biting down on a piece of bread while Alice brought over some cloths for me.

"These are for you. The master said you'll look splendid in them." She exclaimed, lifting the fabric into my arms. I gracelessly nod my head in thanks as my eyes drift down to my own clothing. It seemed I was still dressed in my torn green gown, but thankfully the scratches I had received from the yesterday had already faded and cleaned while I was asleep.

"I'll be out here when you are done." Stiffly walking into the bathroom, I shut the door behind me and quickly placed the dress onto the counter.

Taking my eyes off from the door, I turned around and gasped. The bathroom was just are beautiful as the room I was in. It had candles laid out every war making a welcoming vibe to me. The floors glimmered from the marble tile while the sink was made of polished, grayish garnet. It was much roomier then my old one. Running the hot water I climbed in, letting the warmth relax my tense muscles. The tube was even bigger than my old one as well, letting one submerge within it depths.

'I'm sure I can t least enjoy a nice bather before I decided to leave.' I thought to myself, letting a wistful smile spread along my lips as I remove my clothing and strolled over to the tub. Never in my life have I seen such a device on the top of a bath and turn the silver knobs in wonder. Yelping, I find a stream of gushing water emerging from the strange silver thing and awkwardly placed my hand under the water to see what the temperature was like. Amazingly enough the water was warm and perfect for me as I quickly hop in to rid any of the dirt that had collected onto me from the forest exploration from before.

After cleansing my body, I carefully got out, drying myself while doing so. Scanning over to the clothes I pick up a remarkable dark red dress that was laced within the back. It flowed down my legs, fitting ever curve. Deciding to go with this for dinner, look for a brush. Surprisingly I find a few along with loads of markup that I've never seen before. Brushing through the tangles, I considered of going with my hair down, since it was much easier then curling.

Applying some red lip stick as well as mascara that I found neatly placed upon the counter, I hope I wouldn't make a clown out of myself. Looking up to the mirror I see a different person. I rarely used makeup, since my mother only allowed it on very special occasion. Thinking it was time to leave, I pull the door open to reveal Alyssa sitting in a chair, reading some novel from the bookshelf. As soon as she heard the door close shut she glanced from her book to me.

'It looks like I'll just have to negotiate with this man.' I sighed direly, wishing I could just have escaped through a window or perhaps had knocked out that girl. Of course though, I knew deep down I couldn't ever truly find the will to harm someone unless it was in self defense. From what I could see, Alyssa was a sweet girl, and didn't deserve such cruel thoughts that echoed in my mind.

"Oh you look so lovely Cecilia! Master Wrath is sure to be pleased by your appearance." She gushed out, looking over to me with her childlike blue eyes.

"Thanks." I wasn't much for compliments; they always made me feel slightly embarrassed.

"You're welcome; now let's get you down there. Master Wrath is somewhat the impatient type." She winked at me, grabbing my arm as we left from the room. We slipped down the halls, avoiding the other servants as she led me through the halls that had much more paintings then my own home.

Descending down the stairs, we chatted amongst ourselves as we neared the dining room.

"Here we are, Master Wrath will be in waiting for you." Unexpectedly Alyssa shoved me through the doors, causing me to almost trip as I entered. Glaring at the door I twist around to spot a man at the fair end of a very large table. His violet staring right into mine, almost spell binding me.

"Nice for you to be joining me, and also for not being late either." His voice was silky as he spoke; his eyes boring into mine as felt the oxygen in my lungs escape though my lips.

This being was absolutely breath taking. Unlike form the night before I had only caught a glimpse of his eyes and features. At first I only assumed he was handsome, but on closer expectation I found him enthralling.

"Come now, I don't bite." He lifted his hand to a chair next time him, signaling me to sit down. Once I reached the seat, he gladly got up and pushed the chair for me in a gentlemen fashion.

"I see you have met one of my servants, Alyssa. Had she treated you kindly?" At his words I nodded swiftly, my senses on high alert as I tried to remain calm. Something about this man set my blood aflame, triggering an odd feeling of familiarity inside me. Though he was a sight to behold, I couldn't allow myself to let bewitching looks spell bind me into silence. I needed answers, and I also had a place that I still needed to be.

"She's rarely nice to many who come here, but it looks as though she has taken a liking to you." He continued pleasantly, looking from my eyes to the large doors.

"Why have you brought me here?" I finally asked, my tone impatient as the chiefs came in and placed the food before us.

"If I hadn't you would have surely died by that beast last night." He drank some of his wine that one had poured for him; it looked as though it were blood from my view.

"Then why chain me? Isn't that a bit over the top for saving someone as you say?" I integrate, seeking the truth within his stunning violet orbs.

"Measures had to be taken for your safety, what if you had run out and had died?" he remarked back, thanking the chiefs and servants before dismissing them form the room. From the corner of my eye I could see they were studying me as they left, curious about something but unwilling to speak their minds.

"Why do you care? I'm a stranger for god's sakes." I hissed out warningly, not seeing eye to eye with this man. If anything, I might assumed that perhaps there was more to his 'valiant efforts'. What if he was working for my parents? Then how would I ever get my freedom? Something here did not go well with me...

"Truth be told, you not just here because I saved you." He answered candidly, taking a sip of his wine that held a certain red coloring that irked me. Never in my life have I seen such a colored wine that was such a deep red, one that reminded me of the very liquid that ran within my veins.

"Really? What might that be?" I sarcastically remark, glaring intensely into his eyes as I forced myself to look away from his drink. Though I had drunk my own drink, I couldn't help the underling sensation to have a sip of that hauntingly colored wine. Strange, for one second I was disgusted with its coloring, yet now I'm starting to feel myself drawn to it.

"You were originally planned to be brought here Cecilia Sophie." He said with a grin placed on his features, his amethyst eyes observing my strange behavior with slight amusement.

"How do you know my name?" My words came out low, thinking over about the whole escape plan that I had wished to have used earlier. I should have known that something was wrong with this situation.

"Your friend's lover was going to bring you here, but it looks like he didn't make it." He said, suddenly lifting himself from his chair and leaned over me as he gazed downward into my eyes.

'That has to be a lie.' I thought to myself, feeling my fist from underneath the table clench as I wished for his words to not be true. 'There was no way that Drake would leave me in the arms of a man like this!'

"I know you were hoping for freedom but it looks like that won't ever happen." He whispered softly, knowing that I didn't exactly have room to talk as I stood there in a moment of shock that embedded itself within me.

With no words to say, he leaned in, closing the distance. Yet, before he could ever near me I slap him a crossed the face, making him to stare at me in bewilderment.

"That's a first." He chuckled as he rubbed his now scarlet cheek.

"First what?" I dismally questioned, not to fond of men trying to near me in any way. Ever since I had been little, I remember other boys always trying to grab my attention. Though most were told by their family to perhaps become my friends and possible suitors, I merely shrugged them off and stayed close to what little true friends that I had.

"First time I've been slapped by a woman." His eyes looked from the side to me, an unknown glimmer echoing in his eyes that slightly made me feel uneasy.

"Mostly they beg for my company, but you on the other hand are different." His laugh was harmonious, making my heart pace race as I looked away.

"Then I guess I'm different. I don't see what they could find in the likes of you." I remark simply, ignoring his comment.

"A challenge I see...Well then let's make a deal." A smile graces his lips, holding his hand out as I stared at it with a quizzical look.

"What kind of deal?" I inquired, intrigued by this.

"You can leave in four months, but during those four months you'll have to be my personal maid. After that, you can freely go as you wish." His words held no lie what so ever as I thought how easy this would be.

"No catch? Just a 'you be my maid for four months' and then I'm free?" I inquired, wearily watching the man as he placed his hand over his heart and made a crossing gesture.

"Yes, no strings attached" He said simply.

"Deal." I said carefully, reaching out to his hand as I shook it. From the mere contact alone I felt a strange tingle run up my arm that surprised me and caused me to jerk my hand away in bewilderment. Glancing up, I see that the man seemed slightly taken back as well and stared at me with

"How old are you?" He suddenly asked, catching me off guard as I absently wondered about the strange incident.

"Sixteen. I'll be seventeen tomorrow." I replied tensely, shaking myself awake from the daze as the violet eyed man eyed man thought over my answer. Yet, as I thought about it, last night I was suppose to turn seventeen at the stroke of midnight. If it was already morning here, that could only mean one thing.

I was already seventeen...and free from an arrange marriage.

Shivers of elation rocked though my body, feeling the many years of pains and recent fights against my parents had finally been conquered. Now, I was free and if anything, would never be forced to marry a stranger! Despite the fact that I had been chained to a bed and now a maid for four months, I couldn't help the happiness that overflowed my body.

Yet, like my ill-fated luck, it was instantly ruined by a few words.

"You mean in a few weeks." He abruptly remarked, his expression emotionless as felt the feeling of bliss that had only begun to creep within slip away in a torrent of emotion.


"Time is different here. Where you come from yes you would have been seventeen. Yet, in this place you are still sixteen." He explained, his tone deeper than before as my body shook. This couldn't be happening, this was not even right! This man, this being had to be lying, there was no other explanation!

"That's impossible." I whispered under my breath, my eyes widening as the man before merely stood there with an odd glimmer dancing within his violet eyes.

"Like I said before its different here and unlike your realm," He began, leaning in again as his lips curved upward into a beautiful smile that made me hold my breath. Deep down, I had the sinking feeling that perhaps I should have escaped when I had the chance. Yet, when he looked me in the eye with those strange colored orbs, I knew instantly that even if I had done so, it would not have mattered.

Waiting, I felt his face brush against mine as his lips touched my ear and breathed.

"Anything is possible here."

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