Our Rebel Love Song

By BVBMonroeInsanity

55.9K 771 182

Andy and Ashley are in a secret relationship. No one knows about it, though. Andy won't tell anyone because h... More

1-This Was Bound To Happen
2-The Words Can Burn
3-Secrets Are Eating Me Alive
4-Trust Is What You Need
5-I Must Confess
6-Love Confessions
7-Love Can Conquer All
8-Unexpected Troubles In The Way
9-This Confusion Is Taking A Toll On My Mind
11-Left Heart Broken and Alone
12-Happening Every Day
14-Suspicions Are High
15-Love Isn't Always Fair
Author's Note
16-The New Kids
18-I Don't Know What To Do Anymore
19-A Good Night
20-Second Chances Are All We've Been Begging For

13-Taking Back

2K 34 4
By BVBMonroeInsanity

I walked home with Dylan. It was only twelve o’clock. We got suspended for ruining Dave’s tires. Three days without having to go to school. I thought that it was a good thing. I didn’t have to worry about getting beat up for the next three days and I got to sleep in, but I guess it’s a big deal to everyone else. I thought that I should’ve gotten suspended longer.

I got home and Dylan walked off to his house. Mom was home because she got a call telling her what happened.

“What do you mean you got suspended?” she yelled the second I walked in the door. I shrugged.

“I popped a kid’s tires. Apparently you can get in big trouble for that.” I said as I looked through the fridge for some food.

“Andrew! Why did you do that?” I closed to fridge and looked at her. I pointed at my face.

“Do you see my face? My black eye, mom? My nose started bleeding at school and my whole body is aching. The football players beat me up. And I’m the one getting punished because I don’t have a reputation to keep and the entire school’s reputation doesn’t depend on me. Just because I’m worthless to everyone else I wasn’t let go easy. I had to pay. The football players only got a warning, for beating me up. They almost broke Dylan’s ribs, mom.” I yelled. “And the principal didn’t even yell at them! They came up with some dumb excuse and they got let off easy. They always do this to me, mom.” He face softened and she gave me a hug.

“Oh, Andy. I’ll talk to the principal if you want.”

“Yes! Please do, mom. I’m sick of their shit and they need to pay for doing all of this to me.” she let go and nodded.

“Okay. You go in your room and rest while I go to the school to get this sorted out.” I nodded and walked into my room. I dropped on my bed in pain, forgetting about my injuries, and eventually fell asleep.


I walked out of my house and closed the door behind me. I decided that it would be nice just to take a walk while everyone else was still in school. I still had a few hours left before I’d have to see anyone else from school walking on the streets. I looked at the ground as I walked on the sidewalk. The sun was shining on me so I felt warm with my hands stuffed in my sweatshirt pockets and it was bright with the sun reflecting off of the dirty gray pavement. It made me feel a little nice for once in a long time. Just being alone and outside made me feel great. I was so distracted that it scared me when I bumped into someone. I looked up to see the worst thing ever. I almost started crying because it broke my heart to see him. It was Ashley.

“Uh, h-hi Ash....ley.” He looked at me, surprised and rubbed his neck.

“Um. Hi, Andy. How are you doing?” I shrugged.

“Great.” I wanted to make him feel bad so that maybe he’d take me back.

“Oh, good. Have you been doing well lately?” I nodded confidently. “Oh! Then I’d like you to explain your black eye to me.” he got me. I sighed.

“I.....I got beat up today and I got suspended.” He put his hand on my shoulder.

“Oh my god, Andy! Are you okay? Why did you get suspended? Is that why you’re out here right now?” I pushed his hand off of me.

“Why the hell do you care, Ash? You’re the one who broke up with me. You said you didn’t care about me.” He sighed.

“You’re right Andy. I’m sorry for asking. I’ve been thinking about you a lot and I was actually walking to your house right now to apologize for what I said to you.” I shook my head. Why do I keep messing up? I could see that he was hurt again.

“Oh....Well...Why aren’t you at school right now?”

“Because you’re more important to me than school.”

“What?” I asked. He shook his head.

“Never mind, Andy. I don’t even know why I bother with you.” I thought. I don’t know what to do now.

“Wait.” I said. He rolled his eyes.


“I’m sorry for what I did to you. I didn’t mean to do it, Ash. I’ve been thinking about you a lot and I can’t stand not being with you.” He shook his head again.

“That’s what the last guy said.” I took his hand.

“Just another chance? Please?” I saw him think.

“I...I don’t know, Andy. You really hurt me.”

“But I didn’t know what I was doing!” I insisted.

“I....I guess I could give you another chance, Andy. But don’t mess this up.” he gave me a bright smile and I hugged him tightly.

“Thank you so much, Ash. I love you so much.” he hugged me back.

“I love you, too, Andy.” I kissed him and held his hand.

“I promise that you won’t regret this.”

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