TMD:Sophomore Year

By sweetlynana

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Sequel to TMD:High school?!?!. Su and the Ducks are back for their sophomore year facing new challenges and o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 11

654 21 0
By sweetlynana

"I hate heels!" I muttered under my breath as I tripped…again. Part of the debutante training was learning how to walk comfortably in heels, like that is ever going to happen. The closest things I have worn to heels are skates, which I don't think counts. I picked myself off from the floor and dusted myself off.

I was in the middle of a vacant hallway at the country club, practicing. I sighed looking down at my watch.

3:30, hockey practice was well under way and I wasn't there…again. If you add up all the minutes I had been at practice for the past week, it would equal half of a normal practice, man I am so dead. And of course the Ducks will do one of two things, make fun of me or be angry. Or maybe a combo of both till I threaten to kill them.

"It's ok Su take a deep breath, you can do this, it's not that long of a hallway." I nodded, I always felt better after a little chat even if it was with myself. Taking in a deep breath I started walking forward but didn't get far before I stumbled…again.

"Why can't I do this?" I yelled to myself, my voice echoing off the beige walls. I was a very competitive person even with something I detested, such as heels.

"You were better this time then you have been the last week." A voice remarked from behind me as I turned to see Tracy standing there, her hands placed on her hips. She looked good as usual; she was in a short red skirt with a matching blazer and red heels. Her hair straightened, the bangs stopping right above her eyebrows. I looked at her confused, looking down the hallway to see if there was anyone else standing behind me.

"Yes I am talking to you, moron." I turned back towards her surprised, letting the insult slip.

"Why?" She rolled her eyes as if the answer was obvious.

"Because it's obvious that you are the girl here that needs the most help, I can help you." I quirked an eyebrow very confused now.

"Why would you want to help me?" She shrugged looking down at her nails in a bored manner.

"Because unlike you I rock at this and you…well you suck to put it nicely. I thought you might want my help but if you don't its not like I care." She turned to walk away as I sighed, I'm gonna kick myself for this later.

"Tracy wait!" She turned back around a smug expression playing on her face. I shuffled awkwardly on my heels.

"You're help would be nice." She nodded pleased.

"All right, it seems you haven't done this often am I right?'

"Crystal." She nodded and motioned for me to stand next to the wall.

"Ok watch me, more importantly watch my feet and legs and then copy, think you can do that?" I nodded as she walked down the hallway effortlessly, swaying her hips, never missing a beat. She turned back towards me.

"Now you're turn."

"I warn you this could get scary." She giggled but quickly coughed it away.

"Yeah well I've known you for practically our whole lives, I'm used to scary." I glared at her before walking and this time I managed to almost get down the hallway before tripping.

"Good now try it again!" We continued at it for another half an hour till I finally could walk right without looking like an idiot.

"My feet are killing me!" I complained taking a seat on a comfy leather chair that was conveniently placed at the end of the hallway, perks of belong to a country club. Tracy sat down next to me smirking down at my blistered feet as I took them of out the heels.

"Yeah you'll get use to that, my advice, place them in cold water when you get home and then wrap them up in your hockey bandages, also were sandals to school, tennis shoes will only make them worse."

"Why are you helping me? Seriously we hate each other." She shrugged looking down, before looking back up.

"Well if you must know our Mothers have arranged for us to go dress shopping with each other on Friday." I groaned, great dress shopping, haven't I gone through enough torture for a lifetime? I mean jeez, going up against the Hawks, Iceland and varsity was a piece of cake compared to this. Uh oh.

"I have a hockey game on Friday!" I cried out nearly jumping out of my chair as Tracy watched amused.

"Yeah I know and thanks to me we won't go shopping till after your game." I nodded relaxing back into the chair.

"Thanks, you're my life savor." She nodded smirking.

"I do what I can." I laughed nodding staring up at the textured ceiling. It was great to talk to Tracy without us being bitter, I mean when we were kids we were best friends.

"Hey Tracy?"

"Hmm?" She murmured staring up at the ceiling as well.

"Thanks." I said quietly as she looked at me in surprise. A long moment passed before a smile spread upon her face.

"Don't mention it."

"So how was practice?" I asked Adam as we walked around campus, heading to science together. It was the only class that all of the Ducks had together and luckily for us Miss. Ranazzi was a loose teacher who didn't mind if we talked to each other.

Adam shrugged, his arm wrapped around my shoulder.

"Fine I guess. Coach was pretty angry though."

"Why?" Adam sighed looking down at me as I realized why. A guilty expression came over my face.

"It's because I was gone wasn't it?" He nodded slowly as we continued on through the mob. I groaned lightly.

"Ugh, I can't help that I have places I have to be."

"So hockey isn't important anymore?" Adam asked offended, hockey was life to him, anyone who said hockey wasn't important was an enemy in his eyes. I shook my head quickly.

"No it's just…"

"Just what?" I shook my head.

"Never mind, come one we're going to be late." I rushed forward letting his arm drop as I continued on, we made it into class just before the bell rang. I sighed sitting down next to Julie who kept her eyes on the board instead of greeting me like usual. Great, just great, I thought glumly resting my head on my hand.

How I love home games, I mused seeing all the Eden Hall students sitting in the stands rooting us on. Even varsity was here, sure they had a game after us but they came, they glared at us but they came. I looked out on the ice smiling as Charlie shot the puck in giving us another point. It was the second period and I had yet to play oddly enough. I looked at Coach expecting him to yell Granger any moment now. He opened his mouth and I smiled feeling the excitement coming on, I hadn't been on the ice in days, I needed this.

"Averman get out there!" I sank back into my seat dejected, seriously what have I done to deserve this?

"Averman is he serious?" I mumbled as Connie shrugged next to me.

"At least he shows up for practice." She snapped as I looked at her oddly, great now the Ducks were in an I-hate-Su mode, great. I turned away from her not even bothering about the diss.

"Clear the trash Julie!" Coach called as I sighed, time to take matters into my own hands. I stood up and walked next to Coach.

"What is it Granger?' he asked not taking his eyes off the ice.

"Coach when do I get to play?" Luis, Russ and Kenny all watched in interest as Coach continued watching the game.

"If you're wondering if you get to play today the answer is no."

"But why?"

"I only allow players that take the time and effort to go to practices." Oh here we go again with the practices.

"Oh come on! You know I've been busy!"

"Right with your debutante stuff." I nodded.

"Yes and I am trying."

"Well try harder." I stared disbelievingly at him.

"Coach this isn't fair!" He turned towards me, his eyes dark as I took a step back.

"No this is very fair. You want to know what isn't fair, the Ducks having to put up with a player who isn't putting in as much time and effort as they are. It isn't fair to them to have to work around your schedule; it isn't fair to them to come second to you. This…this is entirely fair." I glared at him turning away.

"Fine if this is fair then I don't want to play." I headed to the side door opening it and stepping out so I was in the audience.

"Granger where are you going?" Coach yelled at me as I glared coldly back.

"Shopping!" I spat stomping off to the locker room one the way I ran into Tracy who was decked out in a Mighty Ducks sweatshirt with a matching purple skirt and stockings.

"Hey why aren't you playing?" She asked as I glared shaking my head.

"It's not important, hey are you ready to go shopping?" She nodded confused as I sighed in relief.

"Good, cause I'll be ready in a few minutes."

"Right, I'll just go call our Moms." I nodded heading into the locker room, I went to my locker and grabbed my things out of it slamming the metal door shut. Stupid Coach! Stupid Ducks! Stupid Debutante!

"Mom I have a strict no ruffles policy and I intend to keep it." I wearily said as my Mom held a pink ruffle dress up in front of me. Tracy laughed from where she was sitting.

"Ah come on Susie, where's your sense of fashion, this is all the rage."

"In a different world maybe." I muttered under my breath as my Mom went to pick something else off.

"Boy am I tired." I said flopping down beside Tracy as she laughed.

"Yeah shopping with our Mom's can be a real drag."

"You're telling me." She nodded as our Moms came back; this time my Mom had a light blue gown that was strapless and actually very pretty. I tried it on and twirled in front of the three ladies who all clapped.

"I think we found the one and just in time, the ball is on December 14th." Mom said checking out the price tag smiling, I nodded, this will be over sooner then I thought.

I can't believe I'm late! I ran through campus, dodging by people as I ran to the rink. I am so, so dead when Coach Orion finds me. I burst through the locker room swearing as I saw that it was all empty. This is not good. I hurried to my locker fling it open as I stripped to my shorts and a tank top before piling my pads on. I quickly placed my hair in a loose messy braid before sloppily lacing up my skates.

"Where's my stick?" I asked moving around in a quick circle finally seeing it next to my locker. I grabbed it and ran towards the rink; maybe just maybe they won't notice.

Fat chance, everyone stared at me as I quickly skated over. Coach scowled at me as I took in a deep breath, panting and I hadn't even warmed up yet, this is bad.

"Granger." He noted tightly as I weakly smiled.

"Hey Coach…Ducks. Sorry I'm…"

"We don't need to hear it, we already know." He cut me off as I gulped.

"Yeah well…um…I'm here now and ready to practice. We have the championship game coming up soon, December 20th right?" I asked racking my brain trying to remember the date of it, sadly enough we were going up against the Hyenas A.K.A. the Hawks.

"It's December 14th, how could you forget?" Charlie asked as if I just slapped him. I paled, my eyes widening.

"Uh oh." I muttered under my breath as Connie rolled her eyes.

"What you have to leave yet again?" I let the insult slide as I shook my head.

"No that's not it; I really wish it was though. It's just the debutante ball is December 14th though, and I have to be there." The team all sighed annoyed, as I looked down.

"Kinda like how you have to be at the game as well." Portman said sarcastically as I flinched; now they're going on the defensive.

"Wait, the game is at 6:30 and you're ball isn't till 8:00, you could at least make most of the game." Julie sensibly said as everyone nodded, this is just getting worse but the minute.

"Actually I can't. I need to be at the country club two hours early so I can get ready and everything."

"Oh so what you're saying is that you're skipping the game for you're stupid ball?" Russ said as I glared up at him.

"Hey it's not stupid! And I don't like this any better then you guys so lay off!"

"Why should we, you're barley ever here, you don't play. You prance along all day with your snotty friends going shopping and whatnot for your ball. It's like hockey isn't even important to you anymore!" Luis said as I winced, that hurt. I looked at Coach for help but it appears he was siding with the Ducks.

"Su it seems you have to make a choice us or them. Hockey or debutante ball." No, not a choice. I looked away to the Duck banner hanging proudly beneath the scoreboard. Why do they have to do this? Can't they see that I hate being a debutante? Can't they see I'm only doing it for my Mom? No of course not, none of them know what I'm going through. All of their parents have been proud of them at one point or another even Adam's parents. But mine, they've never been proud. I looked at the Ducks, tears welling up in my eyes.

"You don't understand, none of you understand, because if you did you would know why I need to do this." And without another word I turned around and skated off the ice.

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