Chapter 4

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The week went by quickly from all the activities going on such as school, being picked on by varsity, fighting with Tracy, and of course hockey practice. And now it was Friday and we were playing our first game of the season, I can only hope it will go better then the Blake game last year. Coach had been drilling us hard because the team we were playing was tough. Norrington Academy was a brand new school that just started this year so we didn't know much about them or their hockey team.

I hurried into the locker room, bag sling over my shoulder and my stick in my hand.

"Hey guys." I said walking past everyone as they were changing.

"Hey Su!" They yelled back not even turning to look at me. Adam smiled as I past by and I winked at him heading towards my locker next to Connie. Luckily our game was here at Eden Hall and not at Norrington.

"Hey Cons." I said taking my bag off and digging around in it for my gear, she nodded back as she laced up her skates.

"Why are you late, everyone is practically ready." I rolled my eyes annoyed and replied.

"Because Tracy made me late." I huffed out and Connie and Julie looked at me waiting for me to continue on.

"She hid my bag from me and then acted innocent when I found it and accused her causing this huge fight then causing me to race across the campus to get here!" I sighed loudly and collapsed on the bench as Julie and Connie shook their heads.

"You two really need to start getting along." Julie said and my eyes widened.

"No way! No way will Tracy and I ever be friends!" I said banging my head against my locker drawing the attention of the rest of the Ducks who watched in amusement and concern.

"Not friends, just get along with her." Connie said patting me on the shoulder. Just then the door opened and in came Coach. He had a slight smile on his face but it vanished as he saw me. Now Coach had a soft spot for me ever since last year but that doesn't mean I was immune to his glares or remarks.

"Granger please tell me why you aren't dressed and ready to go?" he asked clenching his jaw and I sighed and shrugged.

"My roommate hid my bag then we fought then I raced across campus to get here! But don't just give me five minutes!" I said smiling and he sighed and nodded I quickly changed aware that everyone was watching me. I threw my jersey on backwards and sighed and turned it around and laced up my skates and threw my hair back into a braid and held my hands up victoriously.

"Done!" I then proceed to collapse on the bench as everyone laughed and Coach chuckled quietly, see soft spot. He turned towards everyone else and said.

"All right Ducks first game of the season, now let's go hunt some goose eggs!" We just ignored his remark, he was always talking about goose eggs, you get kinda use to it after awhile. We all headed out to the ice and I hurried past everyone so I was with Charlie and Adam in the front. We stopped at the boards to look out at the other team whose colors were blue and gold. They were practicing drills on the ice as their coach whistled at them. The arena was a blur of red and black for the Warriors even though they were a lot of green and purple which we liked.

"Guys I forget to mention to you, Josh the announcer wants to call you guys out by your numbers so once you get called out just get on the ice, wave a little to the crowd and get warmed up." Coach sounded annoyed that we had to do this as we nodded. I turned my attention back to the other team as some of their player's movements seemed oddly familiar. Just then two players spotted us and sneered and turned their back and I gasped. On their jerseys read McGill and Larson! I turned to look at Adam who also looked surprised, just as I opened my mouth to speak Josh the announcer came over the speakers.

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