TMD:Sophomore Year

By sweetlynana

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Sequel to TMD:High school?!?!. Su and the Ducks are back for their sophomore year facing new challenges and o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 4

895 17 3
By sweetlynana

The week went by quickly from all the activities going on such as school, being picked on by varsity, fighting with Tracy, and of course hockey practice. And now it was Friday and we were playing our first game of the season, I can only hope it will go better then the Blake game last year. Coach had been drilling us hard because the team we were playing was tough. Norrington Academy was a brand new school that just started this year so we didn't know much about them or their hockey team.

I hurried into the locker room, bag sling over my shoulder and my stick in my hand.

"Hey guys." I said walking past everyone as they were changing.

"Hey Su!" They yelled back not even turning to look at me. Adam smiled as I past by and I winked at him heading towards my locker next to Connie. Luckily our game was here at Eden Hall and not at Norrington.

"Hey Cons." I said taking my bag off and digging around in it for my gear, she nodded back as she laced up her skates.

"Why are you late, everyone is practically ready." I rolled my eyes annoyed and replied.

"Because Tracy made me late." I huffed out and Connie and Julie looked at me waiting for me to continue on.

"She hid my bag from me and then acted innocent when I found it and accused her causing this huge fight then causing me to race across the campus to get here!" I sighed loudly and collapsed on the bench as Julie and Connie shook their heads.

"You two really need to start getting along." Julie said and my eyes widened.

"No way! No way will Tracy and I ever be friends!" I said banging my head against my locker drawing the attention of the rest of the Ducks who watched in amusement and concern.

"Not friends, just get along with her." Connie said patting me on the shoulder. Just then the door opened and in came Coach. He had a slight smile on his face but it vanished as he saw me. Now Coach had a soft spot for me ever since last year but that doesn't mean I was immune to his glares or remarks.

"Granger please tell me why you aren't dressed and ready to go?" he asked clenching his jaw and I sighed and shrugged.

"My roommate hid my bag then we fought then I raced across campus to get here! But don't just give me five minutes!" I said smiling and he sighed and nodded I quickly changed aware that everyone was watching me. I threw my jersey on backwards and sighed and turned it around and laced up my skates and threw my hair back into a braid and held my hands up victoriously.

"Done!" I then proceed to collapse on the bench as everyone laughed and Coach chuckled quietly, see soft spot. He turned towards everyone else and said.

"All right Ducks first game of the season, now let's go hunt some goose eggs!" We just ignored his remark, he was always talking about goose eggs, you get kinda use to it after awhile. We all headed out to the ice and I hurried past everyone so I was with Charlie and Adam in the front. We stopped at the boards to look out at the other team whose colors were blue and gold. They were practicing drills on the ice as their coach whistled at them. The arena was a blur of red and black for the Warriors even though they were a lot of green and purple which we liked.

"Guys I forget to mention to you, Josh the announcer wants to call you guys out by your numbers so once you get called out just get on the ice, wave a little to the crowd and get warmed up." Coach sounded annoyed that we had to do this as we nodded. I turned my attention back to the other team as some of their player's movements seemed oddly familiar. Just then two players spotted us and sneered and turned their back and I gasped. On their jerseys read McGill and Larson! I turned to look at Adam who also looked surprised, just as I opened my mouth to speak Josh the announcer came over the speakers.

"Welcome to the first game of the season it's the Ducks versus the Hyenas. Now let's make some noise for our Ducks!" The stadium erupted in cheers as we smiled and Josh continued on.

"Now let's bring them out. Starting off when great defenseman and honorary Bash Brother I give you #33 Greg Goldberg!" Goldberg clambered out to the ice as we cheered and waved to the ground and almost tripping over his own skates. He then quickly headed over to our side of the rink and started stretching.

"Next is forward and comical relief on the team #4 Lester Averman!" We all snickered as Averman got called Lester, he sighed and went to the ice and did a weird dance before joining Goldberg.

"And now another forward and one time figure skater #16 Ken Wu!" Kenny looked appalled that he was called a one time figure skater and to spite Josh he did a figure skating move onto the ice getting the crowd into cheers.

"Another forward who is not to be messed with no matter her size #18 Connie Moreau!" Connie smiled modestly and waved at her admirers who cheered back.

"Now let's give it up for defensemen and creator of the Knucklepuck, #56 Russ Tyler!" Russ skated smoothly onto the ice and smiled and acted cool like he usually did.

"Now let's give it up for the speedster from Miami #22 Luis Mendoza!" Luis winked to all the girls but upon seeing Mindy he genuinely smiled and blew her a kiss which she accepted with a blush. I saw Reily glare over at her, still sour that she chose Luis instead of him no doubt.

"And give it up for a resident cowboy #7 Dwayne Robertson!" Dwayne blushed as red as a tomato but gave his signature yee-haw for the excited crowd.

"Now these next two I'll do at the same time. They're the legendary Bash Brother # 21 Dean Portman and #44 Fulton Reed!" The Bash Brothers yelled and did their manly stuff getting the crowd pumped.

"Next up is the quickest goalie around; give it up for #6 Julie the Cat Gaffney!" Julie went out onto the ice and smiled before quickly heading over to the goal.

"Our next player is a great forward #00 Guy Germaine!" I clapped absentmindedly as Guy skated onto the ice and did a quick bow before heading over to Connie.

"And here she is, the last part of the girl trio, she is hot on the ice and off and is the second best player on this team. I wouldn't dream to mess with her because she is as tough as the Bash Brothers give it up for #26 Su Granger!" I smirked and headed out to the ice and waved at the crowd and spied my parents sitting together looking at me bewildered as I just shrugged and headed over to the side of the ice rink and started stretching. I was way from everyone else.

"And here for the star player on the team, he was so good last year he got moved up to varsity. I give you #99 Adam Banks!" I looked up to see Adam nervously come on the ice and smile sheepishly as all the girls swooned over him, he definitely had a fan club. He quickly skated next to me as one insane girl yelled.

"Can I have your children?" I burst out laughing and almost fell down at Adam's expression, he looked beyond scared! I pointed at him and laughed as he glared at me. He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Josh.

"Now for the last player but certainly not the least, he's Captain of the Ducks, give a great round of cheers for #96 Charlie Conway!" We cheered for Charlie as he came out and waved at the crowd before quickly heading over, I looked at Adam and again laughed seeing his face.

"That was so funny!" I remarked as I bent down bring my fingers to touch the ice, he snorted from his position as we both stood up.

"For you maybe, how do you think I feel?" I smiled and shrugged.

"I don't know, happy that a girl loves you?" I asked smiling coyly as he shook his head and looked down at me.

"Yeah but I don't want her, I already have the girl I want." I looked up at him and smiled genuinely. I felt my cheeks warm up as he leaned down to kiss my cheek.

"You're making me blush." I muttered and he laughed.

"Well wasn't that a pretty sight?" We both turned to see the other team standing in front of us McGill and Larson in the front smirking. It was then that I realized that the rest of the team was made up of old Hawks.

"Of it isn't Adam Banks and Su Granger, long time no see." McGill said sneering as I glared at him. I heard skates behind me and turned slightly to see all of the Ducks standing behind us glaring at the team. All of the out of state Ducks seemed confused but knew something was up while the original Ducks glared hard at the Hawks.

"McGill, Larson, Hawks." I said in greeting and realization dawned on the out of state Ducks as Portman's face turned even harder, they all remembered how the Hawks had hurt Adam in our peewee game.

"What do you want?' Adam asked and McGill laughed.

"We want what's rightfully ours, you losers didn't deserve to win that game and you sure as heck didn't deserve to go to the Junior Goodwill Games." I rolled my eyes.

"You're still made over that, that was like five years ago!" He glared at me and spat out.

"Doesn't make it any easier, you two better be careful, you know how we handle traitors." A whistle blew and a ref skated over.

"All right get to your own benches, now!" We all nodded and skated over to our bench where Coach sat staring at us confused.

"Granger, Banks what was that all about?" he asked as we huddled around him, Adam and I shared a look and Adam said

"Nothing Coach." Coach stared down at us hard and muttered.

"We just know them from somewhere." I said quietly and he nodded.

"Should I be concern?"

"Yes." Charlie said quickly before we could answer. We glared at him and shook our heads.

"No, it'll be fine." I said sternly as Charlie glared back and Coach nodded.

"All right, Banks take the face off, Granger you're on his right, Conway his left, Bash Brothers and Goldberg on defense, everyone in." We all placed our hands in.

"On the count of three. One…two…three…quack!"

"Quack, quack, quack, quack…" We chanted getting louder and louder as the audience joined in till we were at our breaking point.

"Go Ducks!" We headed out to the ice where Adam would be taking the face off against McGill and I was against Larson. I glared at Larson and looked over at Adam who seemed to be talking nastily with McGill. They began banging their sticks on the ice and Adam had the puck and sent it to Charlie before getting shoved down hard but McGill. I looked at Larson who grinned

"Sorry Su." Te next thing I knew I was shoved to the ice and I groaned and quickly got up and chased after Charlie who had the puck and was taking it down to their goalie. He shot it before being tackled by a player. I skated by and got it and passed it to Portman before being slammed into the boards by McGill. I sank to the ice and sighed, this is going to be a long game.

How right I was, I thought glumly as we made our way into the locker room, it was after the second period and things were not looking up. The Hyenas were tough and the score was 1-1. Since the team was former Hawks they took their anger out on us, mainly though on Adam and I. We had been shoved around more times then I could count. I had been slammed into boards, flipped, thrown into other players, and got tripped and slammed into their goalie. And poor Adam was getting it ever worse then I was, McGill even pulled the same trick had had at the peewee game sending Adam into the net except this time Adam's shoulder didn't make contact with the side of the net. I looked down at myself pitifully, I was bruised all over, my should was killing me and I even felt swelling on my face.

All of the Ducks were angry with the way we had been treated and since it seemed the refs didn't care. Portman and Fulton were constantly on the ice trailing after Adam and I to make sure we couldn't get hurt, but they is only so much they could do.

"You ok?" Connie asked concerned and I nodded while examining my ribs which at the moment where purple. The door and Coach walked in darkly.

"I can't believe this." He said darkly and I flinched, I guess he is going to tell us how bad we are.

"What is wrong with those refs? Banks and Granger are getting killed and they don't even care!" he yelled and I widened my eyes, he was only mad because Adam and I were getting pushed around. Coach turned towards Adam and me and stared at us hard.

"Why do those players hate you so much that they have decided to permanently hurt you?" I sighed and looked down as Adam told the story of the Hawks and how they had hurt him at our peewee game.

"Are you telling me that they are trying to kill you because you beat them in a peewee game five years ago?" We both nodded and he sighed and ran a hand through his dark hair. I looked over at Adam who was taping his bad wrist up with hockey tape.

"I think it would be best if you two stayed out for the rest of the game." A silence hung over the room as Adam and I stared at him bewildered.

"You can't do that!' We cried at the same time standing up both regretting it for pain shot throughout our bodies and we had to lean up against the lockers as everyone stared at us.

"Look at you two, you look as if you're about to collapse, I won't have you two get seriously injured."

"But Coach, we only have one more period and the Hyenas have done all they can do, just let us finish this!" I pleaded with him and he stared at us for a long moment before nodding.

"All right, but if you two start getting hit on hard I am getting you out of there, deal?"

"Deal." We said at the same time and he nodded and we walked back to the ice. I sat down on the bench as Adam took the face off before quickly skating off and getting slammed into the walls.

"Granger get out there!" I nodded but was held back from him.

"Be careful!" I nodded and jumped over the railing onto the ice, I hadn't taken a step forward before someone skated up behind me and slammed me down. I groaned as I got up and skated around the rink watching the action. I just had gotten the puck from Connie and was skating forward when Larson dived down in front of me, flipping me over as I felt weightless before I felt my shoulders slamming down into the ice and I landed on my back…hard. I groaned as pain ripped through my shoulder when I tried getting up. I sank back to the ice as pain continued to rip through them and I realized what had happen, I had just dislocated on of my shoulder.

"Su Granger is down and she is not getting up." I heard Josh announce and soon Adam was at my side looking down at me.

"Su what's wrong?" He asked as Connie skated over and took off my helmet and sat on her knees putting my head in her lap as I screamed out from the movement. Everything was blurry as the only thing I could concentrate on was the searing pain that wouldn't leave me alone. Coach hurried over and a paramedic behind him. He shoved Adam aside and leaned down next to me.

"Granger what hurts?"

"Shoulders." I cried out moving my head trying to block out the pain. The entire ice rink was quiet as the audience watched in solemn interest. I felt someone lightly touching my right one and I screamed and the hand quickly went away.

"She has dislocated it; I need to get her off the ice so I can fix it." I shook my head vigorously adding more pain.

"No…no don't make me move!" I cried out as tears stung my eyes clouding my vision. Connie moved the stray hair out of my eyes as I felt tears running down my cheeks. Coach looked down at my and sighed.

"You have to, this needs to get fixed." I closed my eyes and nodded opening them as Coach put his hands by my back and pushed me up into a sitting position and him and Connie stood up and pulled me up gently as to not strain my shoulders. The paramedic placed one of my arms around his shoulders and slowly got me off the ice as I cried trying to block out the massive pain going through my body. I soon found myself in the hospital room as the Ducks called it, it was right next to the locker room and when you were hurt you would come here to get fixed up. He placed me on a bed type thing and quickly removed my jersey and pads so I was sitting in my t-shirt and lower pads.

He started lightly poking my shoulder and I slapped his hand away firmly growling and then man sighed.

"I need you to sit still so I can examine your wound before I put it back in place." I sighed and nodded and allowed him to poke my shoulder as I bit down on my tongue tasting blood. He finally stopped and I sighed in relief. He placed his hands on my right arm and my shoulder.

"I am going to try and do this as quick and painless as possible, don't try and move." Before I could object he moved my shoulder and I screamed loudly as I felt him moving it back into place. I stayed still clenching my jaw until finally he let go and I sighed as pain still went through my body, just less now. He stepped away and looked my shoulder over and nodded pleased. He went over to the cabinets and started looking through them and returned with bandages.

"I need to wrap your should to keep it in place, so move your shirt." I did as I was told moving my shirt around so he could wrap my shoulder. He did it gently even though pain still went throughout my body. Once finished he re looked over my shoulder and nodded. Just then the door flew open and in walked Coach.

"Is the game over?" I called out moving my shoulder and regretting doing so as he nodded.

"Did we win?" He shook his head and I sighed.

"We tied, how are you?" he asked with concern walking over and looking at my shoulder.

"She is fine, her shoulder should be sore for a couple of days and I suggest no vigorous activity such as hockey."

"Believe me she won't." Coach said sternly glaring down at me as I sighed.

"She's lucky on anyone else I would suggest they would have to go to therapy for a few weeks but since of all her hockey training she should be as good as new in a few days." I smiled; Hockey had come in handy for once.

"Well that's good news."

"You should probably take these for a few days." He said handing me a bottle of pain killers.

"One every four hours for 2-3 days and then you should be good, but I suggest you should to a doctor in a few days and have it checked out." I nodded as did Coach.

"Can I go now?" I asked and the man nodded but Coach shook his head.

"I don't think you should go into the locker room, it's a mob with the rest of the Ducks, stay here and I'll get you your things and you can change here." I nodded and him and the man left and I sighed and leaned back onto the bed thing. I was tired and still in pain, I looked down at my pills and opened the cap and popped one into my mouth. A moment later Coach was back with my belongings and he left and I changed into my shorts and t-shirt and slung my bag over my other shoulder and almost fell over from the pain. I kept it there though as I walked out of the room and was surprised to see all the Ducks still in their hockey gear waiting for me.

"There you are!" Charlie cried as everyone gathered around me, I knew they wanted to hug me but were scared they would hurt me.

"Hey guys." I said smiling weakly as Adam noticed my bag and quickly took it away from me and placed it on the ground.

"You shouldn't have that on your shoulders, you just dislocated one." I shrugged and answered all their questions about my well being.

"What about you guys how did the game go?" I asked and they told me of how the trashed the other team as soon as I was gone. Charlie smiled and patted Adam on the back.

"You should have seen Banksie, people thought he was the next Bash Brother for all the hits he was doing." I looked up at Adam in surprise as he blushed and smiled sheepishly.

"Thanks." I said quietly leaning up and kissing him softly on the lips as he returned it. I broke away and he smiled.


"SU!" I turned to see my parents racing towards me and I sighed. My Mom reached my first and embraced me as I screamed out in pain and she quickly released my as I brought a hand up to my shoulder.

"Thanks Mom." I said darkly as her eyes widened.

"Oh…I'm…I didn't mean too!" I rolled my eyes and nodded and turned back towards the Ducks.

"Well looks like I gotta go, I'll see you guys later." They all nodded and Adam kissed my cheek before they all went into the locker room.

"Su are you ok?" My Dad asked and I nodded.

"Yeah I'm just tired, can we head home?" They nodded and we started walking to the car, as I thought over, this was an interesting start to the school year.

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