The Place To Be: A Hamiton Fi...

By freethoughtsonham

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A slightly less heartbreaking sequel to a very heartbreaking story line. **reading the first book , Legacy... More

Chapter One- The Boy Without A Memory
Chapter Two- My Sanity is Questioned-Again
Chapter Three- I Almost Kill Some People But Its Worth It
Chapter Four: Couldn't Seem to Die
Chapter Six: Friendsgiving (Part Two)
Chapter Seven: Anniversary
Chapter Eight: My Dearest, John Laurens
Chapter Nine: Please Stop Second Guessing Me
Chapter 10: New Beginnings
Chapter Eleven: Over and Over
Chapter Twelve: Suspecting
Chapter Thirteen: Easy
Chapter Fourteen: You'll Only Be a Moment Away
Chapter 15: When You're Home
Chapter 16: Cut
Chapter 17: Two Breakups and a Drunken Stupor
Chapter 18: I Can Hear The Bells
Chapter 19: I'll Cover You
Im Cancelling Earth
Some HCs I Think About A Lot

Chapter Five: Friendsgiving (Part 1)

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By freethoughtsonham

Love you all! Last chapter sucked so here's an especially good one!

Awesomewow9 is gone. They deleted their account. They were one of my first friends and supporters here and I miss them. I miss their comments and their jokes and their absolutely brilliant stories. It's hard to move on TBH.
Hope you're all okay and having a great life! ❤️
John's POV

"I never thought I'd see you assholes again." I sobbed, slamming straight into the arms of my best friends Hercules Mulligan and Marquis de Lafayette.

"Me neither, mon ami." Laf sniffled. Herc only grunted. "You shouldn't have left us like that, you dickwad." He chided me.

"I'm sorry!" I pulled away laughing, wiping a tear away from my eye. Here, I'll get your bags and take you into my room. I've set up some air mattresses."

"How many people are coming?" Laf asked as I led them away from my front door and down the hall.

"Three, other than you two. Angelica, Eliza, and Washington." I kicked my door open and lugged in their extremely heavy suitcases. "The girls are flying in later tonight, but Washington should be here soon. Like, ten minutes or so."

We all took a seat on the floor of my room, awkwardly looking at each other. It'd been almost two years since I'd seen my best friends, and I could barely say a word to them. Were we even considered friends anymore?

"So." I said awkwardly. "How's France?"

"Oh, lovely!" Laf gushed. "Me and Herc got this lovely little apartment on the outskirts of Paris, and every weekend we drive out to visit my family. I love it there." He smiled and slipped his hand into Herc's, squeezing it lovingly. . oh. Ohhhhhhhh.

Well that was unexpected.

"Are you nervous? About Alex?" Herc asked me, a concerned look causing his brow to furrow.

"A little." I admitted. "I'm more nervous about Eliza, to be honest. What if he falls in love with her again? I mean, I haven't even told him about us yet...."

"You still haven't told him?" Laf asked, his mouth falling open in a shocked o. "Mom ami, you have to get on that!"

Herc snickered. "Laf, he already has!" Laf instantly pulled his hand out of the other boy's grasp. "Get your mind out of the gutter!" He gasped, while me and Herc just laughed.

"You are all so immature." Laf said, trying not to laugh, his distinct accent popping out more than usual. "I'm surprised John didn't leave New York earlier out of pure disgust."

I chuckled. "I would've, Laf. If it weren't for Alex."

"Something tells me a lot of things would have happened, if it weren't for Alex." Herc mused. And he was right.
*two days later

It was the day before thanksgiving, and my mother was seconds away from punching all my friends in the face. It was also the day Alex was coming over to let us try and retrieve some of his memories.

"John." My mother came into the kitchen, Juliet on her hip. They were both dressed warmly. "I'm going to run some errands and make some visits, and should be out of your hair today. Do you have your little Friendsgiving covered?"

"Of course, mom." I kissed her cheek. "I'll try not to burn the house down."

A crash came from the other room and I heard George Washington start shouting about.....a pair of socks up someone's ass?

"It's not you I'm worried about."my mom grumbled, grabbing her keys and walking out the door as fast as humanly possible. Poor mom. At least everyone was leaving tonight.

I pulled two pots out of the cupboard and started banging them together rhythmically. "Everyone get their asses in the kitchen now!" I ordered.

Herc, Laf, Washington, and the Schuyler sisters walked into the kitchen , all five of them dragging their feet.

"Please don't ask me to make the food because I'm a girl." Angelica mumbled. "I'll punch you."

"Uh, no offense, but no one is going to be making food tonight. I don't trust any of you; we're ordering Chinese. No, I called you all here to talk about Alex." I rubbed my hands together. "You guys, what are we going to say to him?"

Herc rolled his eyes. "It's pretty simple, kiddo. 'Hi! Your name is Alexander Hamilton, your hormones are almost as out of control as your mouth, and you used to be dead but now you aren't.' Pretty simple."

"We can't tell him about Maria!" Eliza begged, her eyes wide. "If he doesn't remember cheating on me, then maybe we can convince him that the two of us were still dating and-"

"There is no way in hell you are taking that monster back." Angelica interrupted, her fists clenched and eyes blazing.

Washington banged on the table to get everyone to shut up. "You can't lie to him, Eliza." He said angrily. "Alex needs our help. We have to tell him the truth, okay? All of it."

"It's been so long." Laf muttered, lowering himself into a chair slowly. "I can't believe we're going to see him again...."

I sighed. "Personally, I don't really want to think about it."

"When's he coming?" Herc asked.

"Well, it's eleven-thirty." I said, reading the clock above the stove. "And Alex told me he'd be here at like noon. So he should be here any minute now-"

I was interrupted by a knock at the door. Washington's eyes widened.

"I'll get that." I backed away quickly and scrambled to the door. I fumbled with the lock for a moment but finally managed to fling the door open. And there he was. Alexander Hamilton.

"Hi." Alex smiled and shyly pushed a strand of hair out of his eyes. "I'm sorry I'm a little early. Are you and your friends ready for me?"

"Yes, come in." I grabbed his hand and practically dragged Alex into my house. "We're in the kitchen." I said, dropping Alex's hand reluctantly and leading him down the hall.

"Ladies and gentleman." I said with a little smile, ushering Alex into the kitchen. "It's my pleasure to introduce you all to Alex."

I was met with silence and shocked faces. Eliza slowly made her way over to Alex, her hand outstretched in longing to touch him.

"My name is Eliza Schuyler." She said softly, dropping her hand to shake his.

"Alexander Hamilton." He said slowly, his brow furrowed in thought. "We knew each other, didn't we? I....I remember you."

Eliza nodded and looked at the ground shyly. "Yes. We....well, we dated for a bit, our junior and senior year."

"Oh." Alex bit his lip, looking a bit uncomfortable. Obviously he hadn't remembered that.

"I'm Angelica." Angelica swooped in to introduce herself and save Eliza from making things too awkward. "Eliza's older sister. You and I used to be very close before the accident, Alex. I hope I can help you regain some memories."

Alex smiled. "Thank you, Angelica."

Laf and Herc stepped forward next, their hands clasped together for support. "Hercules Mulligan. You and I were partners in crime, both literally and figuratively." He chuckled and shook his head, obviously thinking back to their adventures together.

"And I'm Lafayette." Laf was trying not to cry. "We were very close as well, mon ami. You were are the only other student at school who spoke French fluently." Laf smiled.

Alex's brow furrowed. "I speak French?" Lafs smile dropped instantly.

George Washington was the last person to introduce himself. "Hello, Alex." George spoke softly. "My name is George Washington. You may not remember this, but you and I worked together to take our school's football team to the championship. John Laurens over there, he won the game for us. For you. Afterwords, I recruited you to be my treasury secretary under my student council presidency. You were, and continue to be, my....well, my right hand man."

Alex took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, this is just a lot to take in. Could we start from the beginning please?"

We all looked around at each other, obviously thinking about the one person who could tell the entirety of Alex's story. The one person who refused to come.

"Well, Alex." I said, reaching for my laptop that was seated on the counter. "To do that, we'd have to make a very important call."

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