Different Borders

By TuiWatermanxxx

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Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.

Chapter 43.

15 0 1
By TuiWatermanxxx

I smiled as I felt a warm presence against my back.
I rolled over and looked at him sleeping.
I'm so totally in love with him.
And he loved me, I thought, drawing a sigh from me.
He began to stir and I couldn't hold back any longer and I leaned over and pressed my lips to him. He stopped storing and visibly woke and got straight into the kiss without hesitation making me smile against his mouth.
I loved his kisses.
'Good morning' he murmured with a sexy deep sleepy voice.
'Morning to you too' and I pecked him on the lips one last time.
After our little confession last night, we didn't leave the room, didn't go back to the party. Just stayed in the bed kissing and talking about when we realised we loved eachother.
Also last night it was organised that Blake will come over to see me as he wanted to wish me a happy birthday in person.
Apparently my father wanted to come too but I argued against it.
I was heading to the door to go have breakfast when I realised I was without pants and only in Carlos shirt.
I turned back to find pants and noticed Carlo still in bed but with his eyes lazily looking me up and down.
I posed stupidly ' like what you see?'
He chuckled ' definitely'
I felt my cheeks heat.
Once my face temperature dropped I smiled when I noticed he hadn't left the bed yet ' come on lazy bum'
'Oh but you love my bum' and he did a little bum shake on the mattress.
I laughed at him.
'Yes I do but I don't have a very good view of it right now so get over here' I nodded my head to the door.
'Or you could come here?' He suggested.
I giggled at him.
I then turned on my Heel and began to the door, he fell back on the bed with a sigh.
Catching him off guard I ran back to the bed and jumped on it giving him a scare.
When he realised what happened the smiled at me lazily, making my stomach do crazy stunts.
I slowly leaned down with the intention of giving him a kiss which looked like it pleased him when I had an idea. I continued to do so but before I kissed him I moved my head and put my mouth by his ear and quickly whispered ' we can see if I love more then just your bum later if you get your arse up' and I ran off the bed leaving him shocked.
I didn't mean what I said... well not yet. I don't know if I'm ready for it.
And with that I picked up some pants, put them on and left the room.
'What are you doing here?' I heard a growl.
' wishing my sister a happy birthday, is that a crime?' Blakes here already? I looked down at my wrist watch and saw it was in fact already 11am, the time I said for him to come over
' I doubt she wants you here' another voice put in.
'that's a lie' I laughed at matias.
He glared at me ' how dare you bring this wolf here when half my pack is here?'
'This is half your pack? There is barely thirty people here' Blake said as I said ' well I didn't know the pack was going to be here'
Matias shot us both a look.
'Hey blake' Carlo said coming into the kitchen.
When he stood behind MY and pressed his shirtless body against my back I felt my entire self warm even through the shirt I was wearing.
'Hey carlo' he nodded.
And at this moment he decided to walk over to me for a hug which I gladly accepted but the pack didn't because they all growled.
'Oh hush pups' another familiar voice spoke.
Oh god no.
'What are you doing here?!' I huffed at my father before looking at Blake ' why is he here?'
'To wish my baby girl a happy birthday of course' and when he began to approach me so did the pack, all growling and teeth bared.
'We'd prefer it, if you didn't do that' spoke matias, probably just calming enough from his anger to speak.
' and who are you to tell me what I can and can't do?'
'Huh, me too' my father looked at him smugly ' except I'm actually a powerful alpha in charge of a powerful pack.... and if I play my cards right...' he looked at Blake and I ' the next alpha could be just as powerful'

Blake and I both looked at eachother and Carlos arms tightened around me... what's my father up to now?

Hey my little moons!

Hope you like this update, it's not that long I know but I needed something.
I'll probably only write 5 or 10 more chapters before I end the book. I'm certain there will be a sequel though so if you wanted that then you know....
Also please let me know if at any point i do plan to add it, if your okay with some sort of 'sexual' scene. Like Carlo and willow are going to at some point and I just want to know if you'd read it or if I should just not bother.
I might write it anyways but you guys can just skip over it if you're uncomfortable.

Talk to you about it next update!

And don't forget to
Vote, comment, enjoy!

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