Disney Desendants: Off With T...

By wonderfulwendy

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It's been a few years since Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos have turned into good people and are now living in Aura... More

Just a note by the author


74 2 0
By wonderfulwendy

"Chemistry was boring," Harvey said,"The most boring thing I've ever done!!"
"Biology was boring too," Harriet said.
"I kind of enjoyed it," Quentin said.
"Is there anything you don't like??" Queenie asked.
Quentin swallowed hard.
"Well we were talking about the breathing system and all that lot!! Like I'm never going to need to know how I breath in the future am I?? What a waste of everyone's time!!" Queenie said.
"It is useful," Quentin said.
"We learnt about atoms," Harriet said,"It's a waste of time!!"
"Shouldn't we be in lesson??" Quentin asked worriedly.
"It's OK. We don't have to," Queenie said.
"But it's been ten minutes since it started," Quentin said, looking at his watch.
"If you want to go, you can do. They can't tell us off for being late," Harvey said.
Quentin nodded.

Mal was walking with Audrey at that moment, looking at paper work. Audrey held a big box of pom poms.
"I'm so glad that we managed to get these pom poms!! I have to give these to the sports department!! They say I might be able to teach a lesson before Friday!!"
"So if the cheerleaders practice on the Friday before the tourney game, then they should....." Mal stopped.
"Should what?!" Audrey asked surprisingly,"Should what?! Hello?!"
She looked at what Mal was looking at. She was looking at the four childeren.
"Shouldn't you be in lesson??" Mal asked.
"Yes, but we...." Harvey stopped.
"We.... Had to get equipment from a classroom," Queenie said.
"What lesson have you got??" Audrey asked them.
"..... Art," Everyone said.
"Art?? Altogether??" Audrey asked.
Quentin, Queenie, Harvey and Harriet looked at each other and nodded.
Mal looked at them slyly. She suspected something.
"Ok," Mal said,"You go get what you need. "
They walked into an office.
"Where's all the art equipment??" Quentin asked.
Audrey opened a cupboard and they all saw some art equipment.
Ink lens
And many more art things.

Harvey wasn't sure what to get, so he grabbed two pots of pencils. Quentin got two pots of ink pens. Harriet got some paintbrushes and Queenie got some paints, after staring at them for a minute.
"Right. I'll take them to their lesson," Mal said,"You'll need to take these pom poms  back to the department. They'll be more in stock before tomorrow. After I take them to lesson, I'll go deliver the paperwork to Jay. He is the new coach for tourney."
Audrey nodded and picked up her box,"Should I tell him that the cheerleaders will practice on the Friday, so he knows not to go into the field??"
"Yeah, good idea," Mal said.
Audrey went off, carrying the box.
"Quentin, Harriet, Harvey and Queenie. You'll need to come with me. What classroom are you in??" Mal asked.
Quentin looked st their timetable.
"It says ArC4," He replied.
"Oh that use to be my art classroom!!" Mal said,"Who do you have??"
"Rapunzel," Harvey said, though it sounded as if he was asking a question.
"Oh she ran art club!!" Mal said, as they walked outside the building they were in and walked on the grass quite quickly,"She wasn't my teacher, but she was friendly when I joined the club!!"
"I can't do art," Quentin said.
"I'm sure you're good at it!! If you keep trying, then you'll become really skilled," Mal said.
"Is makeup art??" Harriet asked.
"Well its different from art on paper," Mal said, as they walked into a building,"Art on paper, you can imagine what it looks like. You can try and it looks perfect. It's like.... It's like you just draw and your hand and your mind and takes over. With makeup, you try hard to name it perfection. You don't want people to laugh at you. It's different. But some people do amazing things with makeup. It's art. Here's your classroom. Its a good job we found you!! Your twenty minutes late!! It could have been worse!!"
Mal knocked on the door and opened it.
"Sorry to interrupt your lesson Rapunzel, but I have some of your students. Quentin, Harriet, Harvey and Queenie heart. Sorry they're late. They had to get some equipment."
"Oh right!! Thanks Mal!!" Rapunzel said.
Mal nodded and closed the door after the students walked inside.
"Oh you brought some art equipment!! I was going to get someone to get some now!! And they're what we needed!!" Rapunzel said,"Thank you!!"
"It's OK," Quentin said.
"Oh and you four can sit on that empty table over there," Rapunzel said, pointing to the only empty table at the back of the classroom.
Quentin, Harriet, Harvey and Queenie sat on the chairs and got handed a piece of paper.
"Now class," Rapunzel said,"I want you to draw a picture. Any picture. But it has to be your own picture. You can't copy a picture. You can use it for inspiration. I want to see your imagination. I want to see the colours, the detail the character in your design. You should know this from previous years but I'll explain again, draw in pencil, if you want, go over it in pen and paint it in, unless of course you want to use coloured pencils. They're in the draw. I'll go get them."
Everyone started drawing. Everyone apart from Quentin, Harriet, Harvey and Queenie.
"What are you drawing??" Harriet asked.
"I don't know. I don't know how to draw," Queenie replied.
"I haven't drawn since we left Auradon. That was at least twenty years ago," Quentin explained.
"I think I'm going to draw a tree," Harvey said, as he started drawing,"A tree in the sunset. In a field. It's going to be nice and urban. No animals, no humans. Just a tree. But not just a tree. An important tree. A tree of life."
"Wow!! You draw so good!!" Harriet said, as she gazed into the drawing in awe.
"How do you draw so well??" Queenie asked.
"I've been drawing ever since we left Auradon. It was the only thing I loved. I mean, apart from you three and Mum," Harvey replied, just finishing the faint outline of the tree.
"Should I draw it with leaves or not??" Harvey asked.
"With leaves," Queenie said,"It would look better."
"Yes. Maybe do a few on a branch. Maybe a few without as well," Harriet said.
"I think it would look good if you only put a few leaves on. That way we can see the sunset in the background more," Quentin said.
"Yeah!!" Queenie and Harriet agreed.
"All right," Harvey said, starting to draw a few leaves on the branches.
"So what should we do??" Queenie asked.
"For once, I don't know," Quentin replied.
"Should I draw some makeup??" Harriet asked,"It's something I love."
"I think miss wants an original thing," Quentin replied.
"Mmmm..... I might draw a field full of sheep," Harriet said.
"I'll draw a river. A river and a mountain," Queenie said.
They both started drawing.
"What do I do??" Quentin asked.
There was no answer.
"What should I do??" He asked.
"No talking on the back table!!" Rapunzel said, looking at Quentin and his siblings.
But she was smiling.
"What should I do??" He whispered to Harriet.
"I don't know!! It took me like half the lesson to think of my idea!!" She said,"Why don't you draw some flowers??"
"Roses??" He asked.
"Yes. Mother liked red ones," Queenie replied.
"But I like pink ones better," Quentin said,"And those peachy coloured ones."
He thought.
"I know!!" He said,"I'll do lots of different flowers in a vase!!"
"Good idea!!" Harvey said, as he got out the black ink pen.
"You've finished drawing it already??" Queenie asked.
"Yeah," Harvey said.
"Its awesome!!" Harriet exclaimed.
"Thanks," Harvey said,"Yours is good too."
"Not really. The sheep look really bad. This was a bad choice!!" Harriet replied.
"Maybe of I help," Harvey said, ad he brought Harriet's paper towards him. He rubbed out all the crosses and scribbles she made and drew in fine detail, before giving it back to her. This took ten minutes.
"Wow!!" Harriet exclaimed,"This looks awesome!!"
"It takes practise," Harvey smiled,"I'm glad I could help."
"Now that you've helped her," Quentin began,"Could you possibly do mine??"
They all laughed.
"Be quiet!!" Rapunzel said, looking at the back table.
But still smiling.
School had finished. They had been late to every one of their lessons and people brought them back.
The lesson before lunch was Geography and Jay (again!!) and Carlos took them to Geography after they made an excuse of getting their geography books. They came back and brought back more books then they actually needed, but the teacher put them back and left them to study about climate in Antarctica. That didn't end well. Quentin, Harriet, Harvey and Queenie all got into a fight with a girl who made fun if them because of who they were. All of the children and the girl had a lunchtime detention. After lunch, it was languages. Lonnie and Doug found them four standing together on the grass five minutes after the lesson started. They said they were lost (it was true, but they were mostly messing about) and Lonnie and Doug showed them to their lesson. The last lesson was Remedial goodness 101 again and Chad came along. He showed them to their classroom, but mostly to get the girls attention.
"Purleeezz!! That will never happen!!" Harriet and Queenie both said, before entering the classroom.
They laughed and shut the door. That time, the Fairy godmother came to teach them for half the lesson with Jane and Ben. Jane took over, after the Fairy godmother had left and started teaching. The girls could manage to answer a few questions, Quentin could manage all, and Harvey wasn't behind. Luckily, Harriet and Queenie didn't get a detention.

"And these are your rooms," Doug said, showing Quentin and Harvey the room,"Oh Harriet and Queenie!! Your rooms are just down there and turn right. The room will be the last one in the corridor. If its OK, you might be sharing the room with someone else."
"OK tar," Harriet said, patting him on the head. It was quite easy because she was tall.

"Man, this room is sick!!" Harvey said, "It even has its own PlayStation!!"
"Oh right boyzzz!!" Quentin said, throwing his bag into one of the beds and throwing himself on it.
"All right I'm playing it!!" Harvey said, turning it on,"You wanna play??"
Quentin shook his head,"I'll pass. I'll watch you instead whilst doing dome homework."
"I forgot about that," Harvey said,"But relax!! The homework isn't due till next Wednesday!!"
"But it's better to do it now then mater," Quentin replied.
"Look. You don't have to do it now!!" Harvey said.
Quentin thought and then nodded,"Your right. But I'll still pass the game!!"
"Fine," Harvey said.
He played for about ten minutes, winning one out of two games.
"This is awesome!!" Harvey laughed,"Are you SURE you don't want go play??"
"I'm fine, honestly," Quentin said.
"I'll stop. I feel bad for leaving you to watch," Harvey said, turning it off,"I'll play it tonight."
Quentin tried to argue, but he lost.
"So..... What shall we do??" Harvey asked a minute later after being in silence.
"Should we see if Harriet and Queenie like their room??" Quentin asked.
"Yeah sure!!" Harvey said,"Do you think their room is better than ours??"
"Geesh!! No!! This is Auradon!!" Quentin said,"It'll be all pretty pink princess all around the room!!"
Harvey laughed,"That's true. Race you there!!"
Quentin raised his eyebrows,"On it!!"
Meanwhile, the girls had just entered their room. The walls were a shade of baby pink, but the beds were a bright pink that hurt their eyes. There was a dressing table that was white and wardrobes that were lilac. They had bedside cabinets that were white. There were three beds, the same colour. One was in a dark corner, away from the window where the sun was, the other two were on the other side of the room, right next to the windows that had the most light. Without hesitating, Harriet and Queenie both ran to the bed that was sitting alone further away from the light. Harriet had longer legs than Queenie, so she got to the bed way before her. Queenie then leaped and ended up crawling through the fluffy duvet. Harriet scrambled through the covers and pushed Queenie off the bed.
"I got here first, so I'll be having this bed!!" Harriet said, smiling.
"That's not fair!! I'm the eldest girl!!" Queenie said.
"Yeah, but I'm taller than you so I had a better chance to run to the bed with long legs!!" Harriet laughed, as she spun around in circles.
"I don't know how you ran with those boots on," Queenie mumbled.
Harriet heard her,"What was that??" She asked,"Your jealous that I can run even if I have shoes with the highest skinniest heal?? Well I'm glad your jealous!!"
"Yeah well, I'm older," Queenie said, standing up,"I got to boss you around."
"Yeah!! You biased me around so much!!" Harriet said, sitting on the bed.
"And I blamed you if anything went wrong," Queenie said.
"You blamed all of us," Harriet sighed.
"And I got everything I wanted!!" Queenie said, trying to push Harriet off the bed.
"That was heartbreaking," Harriet mumbled.
"So..... I need that bed!!" Queenie shouted and they both fell onto the floor.
They looked up to find a young girl standing there. She was about fifteen or sixteen (What's her age??) , but she was Short. She had long blonde hair that went past her hips and she wore a light blue dress that went up to her knees and had a small black belt to support it. She wire stripy tights and black shoes. She stared at the girls.
"Hello!!" Harriet said, feeling embarrassed, but found it incredibly funny.
"....... Hi," The girl said,"I'm guessing you two are my room mates!!" She said, sitting on the bed Harriet and Queenie were sat in before.
"Yeah!!" Harriet said, standing up and dragging a moaning Queenie up with her.
"That's...... Great!!" The girl said.
"It may have looked like a really bad impression, but I promise you we are better!! We didn't know if we were fully having a roommate or not!!" Harriet explained.
The girl nodded,"Well those beds over there can be yours, this ones mine."
Harriet blinked,"Yours??" She asked.
The girl nodded,"Yeah, I came in a few fays ago. I had to move rooms because they needed more space for some villains to come. They didn't think that me spending time with five other villains in one room would be too good."
"Five??" Harriet asked,"Wow!!"
"So they decided to put you with two villains??" Queenie asked.
The girl nodded,"Pretty much."
"Weren't the villains good?? I mean if they came to Auradon??" Harriet asked.
"Kind of. But they were slightly naughty and got into mischief on the same day," The girl replied.
"So, if these beds are ours, then we should make it darker," Harriet said, closing the curtains.
The room became darker.
"That's much better!!" Queenie said.
"Perfect!!" Harriet smiled,"Not as perfect as me..... But, it was my idea!!"
Queenie rolled her eyes.
"I don't even know your names," The girl said.
"I remember you from this morning!! Weren't you there when we introduced ourselves??" Harriet asked.
"I was. But I had to leave to go to the art block. My teacher needed me to hand my work in I forgot to hand in yesterday,"The girl replied.
"Oh I'm Queenie," Queenie replied,"Queenie Heart. And this is my younger sister Harriet."
"Queenie?? Harriet?? You don't mean you're daughters of The Queen Of Hearts??"
Harriet nodded,"Yes. We are."
The girl gasped and got out her art book.
She nodded as if they asked a question.
"What??" Harriet asked, coming to her bed.
"No nothing," The girl replied, starting to draw on the next page of the art work.
"You can tell me," Harriet said, putting her hand on the girls shoulder.
The girl hunched up a bit, but sort of relaxed.
"Just spit it out," Queenie said, folding her arms.
"Don't be rude!!" Harriet yelled at her sister.
She turned around and smiled at the girl,"What's wrong??" She asked in a sweet gentle voice.
"I'm Ali. I'm the daughter of Alice. Your mothers enemy......" The girl replied.

Hello!! Sorry I haven't posted in a while!! Hehe, but I'm back!! :)

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