Aarmau Book 1

By tink5050

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This is my first book hope you enjoy More

Thinking Of .....
The Day
The wedding
Telling Him
Time Stamp
What happened to him
He woke up
Telling Savannah
Aphmaus nightmare
Aarons nightmare
Aaron Need Of Help
Aphmau nightmare 2
Aaron Dose Something Bad
Aphmau rememmers
Preppering For The Wedding
No chapter one reason
No chapter
The Wedding
The Every Bad Nightmare
Maybe This Is Not For The Best
Takeing it step by step
The Party
The Other Guest
Max How Could You
Love Stays Forever
The Shoulder I Needed
Bad Dreams Make me Cry
Being Born and Not Born
Death of the one
Color Blast
Leaveing the hostpial
Fools Day
Taking The New Job
Hard Start To The New Job
Happy B-Day To Me
Hey and Sorry
Worried Max
Cheack out new book
Back to One
Is He Alive
He Gets to go Home
Book 2?

Break Up?

91 1 1
By tink5050

Aphmau POV

< I'm sitting at the kitchen table planning mine and Aaron's wedding>
Wedding dress
"Hey Aph can I talk to you" says Arron
"Umm I have to go to my parents house cause my mom might die soon and I need to see her before she does and it is a one man flight so you can not come but we will stay connected I promise" says Aaron
Ok ok as look as we can talk everyday till you come out
" yes yes and I have to go tomorrow" says Aaron

Aaron's POV

(5:30 am , kiss Aphmau on the head and goes out to ride)
*at mom and dads house*
Hi sis *hugs*
"What happen to you" she says
I got in a car accident
"And you did not die" she says
Yep, where is mom and dad
"Dad is at work and mom in on the couch" she says
*goes in side*
Hi mom
"Hi sweetie" mom says
"W-" mom says
Car accident
"Oh ok you not dead" mom says
"Dad is going to be home at 5:30 for dinner can you help me make it" mom says
Yes I will go get ready and I will come and help you
(Dinner time)
"This is good" dad and sis says
"I'm so happy you came back to us Arron" dad says
I came till mom dies
"I know so how was your life from where you came from" dad and mom says
Good I got engaged with my gf and we are haveing a baby soon too
"What and your doing this with out asking us or telling us" dad and mom and sis says
Yes, why, did I do something wrong for not telling you
"No no of course not" dad says
(The next day)
*puts phone on table in room*
(Goes down stairs to eat breakfast)

Aaron's mom POV

A text says Aaron I need to talk to you and there is something wrong call me when you can

Hmm what is this *looks at text*
<who ever this is not get to talk to my son>
*puts phone in pocket*

Arron's POV

*looking for phone*
"Hey bro what you doing" sis says
I'm looking for my phone it was in my room but it is not there now
"I will help you look" sis says
Ok thanks your the best
*both looking for phone*
(Few days later)
*phone falls out of moms pocket in to Aaron's lap*
(Aphmau number blocked pics gone)
"Here I found your phone for you" mom says
*looks at phone*
What happen I got a text from my gf and it is important and what happen to all of my pics of me and her
* calls aphmau*

Aphmau POV

Hey sniff why sniff did you block my number I went through a lot while you did not call me sniff why should I even care to tell you what happen if it took you a week to call me back
"Aph i can explain but it is long" Aaron says (explains all)
Still why should I care about it *crys*
"Ash what ever happen I will come back right now" Aaron says
Ok sniff the b b baby died *crys*
" omg I'm coming home no matter what" Aaron says
No no you need to be there with your mom and your family so stay there and I will be fine
"No im coming, my mom is not sick she just want me to come back but she has not changed since the last time I saw her, so I'm coming home" Aaron says
No no if she is really sick then stay but do not come back now there has been to much that has happen while you have been gone better yet do not come back at all cause if your mom is not sick just stay till she is dead and so is your dad
"What why can you say that" Aaron says
We are not getting married *rips paper for plans for wedding*
"Aph I now that you can be mad about this but I do not want to lose the one that I love most in my life so please let me come home" Aaron says
No no never come back ever again
"Aph I" *phone goes dead*
*crys hard*

Aaron's POV

What why does she not want me to come back *crys*
-texts Aphmau- shu I love you and I know that you love me and all I want you to know I love you shu))
-gets text from Aphmau- I love you fc but what I said I really do mean it what happen is true and what i want is for us neaver to be together again))
-texts Aphmau- ok I get it but if I die no matter what I will still love you NO mater what happens))
-gets text from Aphmau- I I want you to know that Celestia died last week and she would not eat nor come to me so she died on our bed))
-texts Aphmau- why why I love you I got to go shu bye
-gets text from Aphmau- ok bye fc))

(Sis walks in)
"Bro what wrong" she says
Sniff my gf does not what to see me ever again and our dog died and we lost our baby sniff *crys*
"I'm I'm so sorry to hear that" she says
I got to go see her no matter what she said
-get text from Aphmaus mom- WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY MIHA))
-texts back- nothing she want what she wants so I'm doing it for her sake))
-gets text from her- just come and see her one more time before you guys break up for good please that is all she needs is to see you one more time))
-texts back- can you come get me and take me there please that is all I ask for from you
-get text from her- yes but that is it
(At Aaron's and Aphmaus house)
*rings door bell*
(Aphmau comes to door and opens it)
"I I (runs away)" Aphmau says
Shu I need to talk to you *pick up engagement ring off the floor*
* runs after her*
*grabs her by the arm*
Shu I I'm sorry for what happen
"Fc I can not do this again no" Aphmau says
Shu I love you I need some one in my heart that cares about me and that person is you and our friends if I can not be with you then I can not be with our friends
"Fc I I can not do this I need time" Aphmau says
Shu I love you and I want you to know this I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HAERT
"I I do not know what to say Fc I can" Aphmau says
"Miha I want you happy not sad" Aphmaus mom says
*kisses Aphmau on the lips*
(Gets on one knee)
Aphmau will you marry me
"Aaron I can not, not know" Aphmau says
Please do it for me please
"Ok fine yes I will marry you, but if you go away more than a week no more of us together" Aphmau says
Ok, owowow my foot ow ow
"Sorry" Aphmau says *kisses*

Hey guys sorry for cliffhanger hope you enjoyed
I cried a lot while makeing this
Ahh so excited for the next chapter
Please stay tuned for more I'm posting this late at night it might be off in some ways but who cares I got a chapter out

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