2 Years In Italy

By summerstorm

15.8K 247 49

Following in the death of her brother, Silver Declario is only sure about one thing in her life. Dez. Her bes... More

2 Years in Italy - Parts 1-3
2 years in Italy - Part 4-6
2 years in Italy - Part 7-9
2 years in Italy - Part 10-12
2 years in Italy - Part 16-18
2 years in Italy - Part 19-21
2 years in Italy - Part 22
2 years In Italy- Part 23
2 years in Italy - Part 24
Chapter 25
Two Years In Italy - part 26
2 Years In Italy - Part 27

2 years in Italy - Part 13-15

980 14 1
By summerstorm

Chapter 13

Silvers POV

I leaned back into the leather seat, gazing out of the windshield in front of me. Next to me carter had one hand on the steering wheel and was holding his mobile in the other, the words flowing from his mouth in a rush.

"Seriously man, stopping stressing out"

"What do you mean?"

"Nah, well you got the lap top, to police will just return the sound system for us"

"Yeah Silvers fine, I've got her with me"

I looked up at him when he mentioned my name in time to see him steal a quick glance in my direction before averting his eyes back to the road.

"Nah, I'm way too far over the limit..."

"Yeah, that my the plan"

He was silent for a couple beats.

"Yeah whatever, we'll catch you tomorrow"

He rolled his eyes and flipped his phone shut.

"Who was that?"


We lapsed back into silence, my brain was still to muddled by the alcohol to pay much attention to where we were going, it wasn't until i saw the lights ahead of us that i realised we had been heading away from the school for the last 15 minutes.



"Where the hell are you taking me?"

Lukes POV

With a sigh of relief i turned the key and felt the car rumbled into silence beneath us.

Opening my door i stumbled out into the schools underground garage, reaching back into the car to grab my phone, not bothering with the lap top. Beside me i heard Joel curse as he kicked his foot on something in the dark and the girls giggled.

It had taken almost an hour to make the 20 minute drive from the warehouse back to school, but i had refused to take the main roads, sticking to the more deserted country tracks that weaved across the country. There were too many cops on the roads and i hadn't particularly felt like getting caught and losing my license. I felt a small hand slide into mine and i glanced down as Amy.

"Well that was fun" she giggled.

I rolled my eyes, knowing she wouldn't be able to notice in the dark, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders steering her out of the garage towards the elevator.

I swiped my student ID and the elevators doors slid slowly open, the bright light making me squint slightly.

Joel stumbled into the lift and grinned at me. I tried to stop myself but i couldn't, i grinned back.

If you left out the part where it got shut down by cops, it had been one hell of a night.

"Man i thought we were gone when the cops turned up" laughed Joel and i grimaced.

"tell me about it, i can't believe you went back for the laptop".

He shrugged. "One, its expensive, and two, that things got a lot of personal info on it".

Hmm point.

"Hey" he said suddenly.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Where Silver?!" he demanded and i struggled to refrain from rolling my eyes. I loved him, but man he could be dense sometimes.

"She's with Carter; they're going to have to stay in town tonight. Carters had to much to risk driving with this many cops".

Now it was Joel's turn to raise an eyebrow, "and you're cool with that?" he asked sceptically.

I shrugged in an non-committing way.

"You know carters car. It looks like a mafia car. He gets pulled over every time he goes out in it. They don't really have a choice".

I made an effort to keep my voice level but inside i was mentally cracking my knuckles. If Carter hadn't been so stubborn and had of parked in the other lot with us like I suggested they would have been able to sneak away with us and there would be no need for Silver to be stuck with him in hotel room somewhere is a little Italian village. The image that appeared in my mind almost made me groan out loud.

We finally reached out door and carter swiped himself into his room, ushering the tall blonde in before him. He turned and waved goodnight, but not before glancing at Amy, whos arm was wound possessively around my waist and giving me a knowing wink before disappearing into his own room.

I shook my head, holding back a small laugh and swiped us into my room, Amy walking in ahead of me as i closed and locked the door behind us.

I directed her to the bathroom, telling her to make herself at home before opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water for myself.

"Its a nice place" she commented as i walked back into the lunge room. She turned around at the sounds of my approaching footsteps and smiled at me, sending a flash of desire through my body.

As is sensing my mood she took another step towards me, slowly reaching behind her and pulling on the zip that was holding up her little white dress. It fell off her figure, landing in a crumpled heap on the floor, which she stepped over, walking towards me in her white lacy lingerie and heels.

All other thoughts were forgotten the moment her skin touched mine, as I groaned and picked her up, carrying her into my room, kicking the door shut behind me.

Carters POV


"Mm?" i asked, glancing in the rear-view mirror at the headlights behind me. Please don't be the police; please don't be the police i chanted in my head, breathing a sigh of relief as they turned off onto a small road.

"Where the hell are you taking me?"


I looked over to where she was sitting, her logs stretched out in front of her as far as they could go, her arms crossed over her chest.

I sighed.

"There are too many cops on the road, i can't drive back tonight. We're going to have to stay in town".

"Ugh" she said, "fine, but we're getting a room with two beds".

I ginned at her. "I bet if i had of asked you half an hour ago, you would have been fine with one bed".

Her eyes narrowed, but she let it slide.

Still laughing ot myself i pulled in at the first hotel i saw.

Opening my door i slid outside, my shoulders drooping as the heat pressed down on me.

I saw the door on Silvers side open and she struggled out, stumbling slightly and having to lean on the hood fo the car for support.

I shook my head.

"Lightweight" i muttered, but apparently she heard me because she slammed to door shut and marched into the reception area without so much as looking at me.

I grinned and jogged to catch up with her, entering the air-conditioned office with a sigh of relief.

I glanced down at Silver who was slumped on the lunge and shook my head, earning another one of those death stares she seems to reserve solely for me.

Chapter 14

I groaned as i rolled over and a wave of nausea swept through my stomach, scrunching my eyes together as a dull throb pounded through my head i cast my mind back over last night. I vaguely remembered shotting with Joel.

Hmm Vodka, i truly never learn.

Rolling back over i buried my head in Carters chest, determined to go back to sleep until my hangover had passed.

Slowly mind my continued to tick over the events from last night and i groaned as i remember flaunting myself in front of Carter, trying to get a reaction.

I felt him move beside me and ignored it. Suddenly my eyes flew open. I froze, staring at the sculpted chest in front of me.

I blew out a sigh.

Ok, point to him.

Throwing the blankets off myself, i struggled out of the bed, picking up my pillow and bringing it down on his head as hard as i could.


"Huh? Didn't quite catch that?" i asked, before bringing the pillow down again.

He pulled himself up into a sitting position, enabling himself to speak clearly.

"Crazy bitch" he muttered, glaring at me.

I just smirked at him, wrapping a sheet around myself and shuffling towards the bathroom.

Ten minutes later i heard him pounding on the door but i refused to budge. I had slept with Carter. Not it the sexual sense, but it was true none the less, and it made me shudder. That was the last, i repeat last time i get drunk around him, because as much as i hated to admit it, i was attracted to him.

I was attracted to him that night in the woods, i was attracted to him that day in the gym, i was attracted to him last night on the dance floor, and i was attracted to him last night when he had me pressed up against a wall in nothing but my underwear.

And i hated him for it.


An hour later i stumbled out of his mob boss car, shutting the door behind me and pulling my sunnies down over my eyes, trying to hide the visible aspects of my hangover, such as incredibly blood shot eyes and huge bags.

"C'mon babe" he said slinging an arm around my shoulders and pushing me towards the elevators.

I glared at him, but i didn't have the energy to push him off.

The elevator hurtled upwards and i had to grab the wall to steady myself as my stomach gave an uneasy jolt.

We both stepped out of the lift and walked down the corridor, stopping when we reached Luke's door.

"Can you scan me in? My bags in his room and i need my key to get into the girls dorms" i said, leaning against the wall with my eyes closed.

He leaned across me, his arm brushing across my chest, his body pressing mine, as scanned his card, Luke's door clicking open obediently.

I glared at him and then realised he couldn't see me because of my glasses. Huffing i pushed the door open and stomped in side.

"What? No good-bye kiss?" he called after me but i just slammed the door shut, cutting off the rest of his sentence.

I tip-toed through the lounge room, not wanting to wake up anyone else who crashed here last night.

Reaching Lukes room i pushed the door open quietly.

"Luke?" i called out softly, stepping over a pile of his clothing near the door.

"Hey, Luke? i need my bag" i called again, moving towards the bed, my voice hushed.

He gave a groan and rolled over, rubbing the back of his hand across his eyes, blinking.

"Silver?" he croaked, squinting at me.

I grinned; it was good to know i wasn't the only one feeling like crap.

I moved forward, intending to get in next to him, but stopped suddenly when someone else groaned from beside him.

His eyes immediately went wide and he stared at me.

My eyes travelled the room, landing on a pair of black lacy undies and a black bra that i was pretty sure didn't belong to Luke.

Something in my brain clicked and i immediately blushed.

"Oh, um, my bad!" i muttered, hurriedly backing away from the bed. "I'll er, just grab my bag" i said, hastily grabbing my bag and stepping out of the room.

Once outside i had to struggle to cut off my groan, that wasn't awkward at all.

Shaking my head i made my way back across the lunge room and let my self out the door just as i heard Lukes hurried footsteps making his way towards me.

I turned around just as he made it to the hall way, a blanket wrapped around his waist.

I felt a small pang in my stomach but i didn't pay it any attention.

"Sorry" i apologized. "I just needed my bag" i said, a small smile playing on my lips at the look on his face.

"Look, Silver, about that..." he started but i held up my hand.

"Don't worry Luke, you don't need to explain, just next time hang something on the door ok, or lock it either way".

He blushed again and i laughed.

"Don't look so guilty, yeesh, I'm going back to bed to sleep off my hangover, I'll catch up with you later, if you aren't busy" i said, wiggling my eyebrows at him before turning away and hurrying down the hallway, leaving him standing there in his sheet, his face still showing a range of emotions I couldn't decipher.

For some reason i was keen to put as much distance between me and that dorm as possible.

5 hours later i woke up, feeling like i needed another shower, and a really big glass of cold water, but apart form that, i was feeling oh so much better.

Swinging my legs out of the bed i got up and made my way to the bathroom, splashing cold water on my face and moving to the kitchen where i would hear Elisa moving around.

"Mmm that smells sooo good" i told her as she flipped what looked like a blueberry pancake onto a stake waiting next to the stove.

"Help yourself" she said, sliding the plate in my direction.

"Grinning i grabbed a plate and some cutlery before digging in, savouring the taste before hurriedly swallowing and filling my mouth again.

Out of everyone i knew, Elisa was the best cook. There was truly no competition. I struck gold when i got her as a room mate.

"Soo... where did you end up last night?"

"Oh, erm..." i stalled by shoving another mouthful of pancake in my mouth, almost chocking myself in the process.

Elisa handed me the glass of water which i rank greedily before resurfacing for air.

"So you either had a really great night, or a really crappy one" she summarized, taking a delicate bite of pancake and chewing it slowly.

I sighed.

"Towncartermotelroom" I said hurriedly.

She was silent for a moment.

"Town. Cater. Motel Room"

What was she, freaking superman, how the hell did she understand that. She seemed to read the look i was giving her because she shrugged.

"I have brothers".

"Hmm, so you and Carter. Interesting. Anything happen?"

I shook my head, figuring there was no need to tell her the minor details.

"mhmm" she said sceptically, but let it go, still eyeing me suspiciously.

"So anyway, we got some new people this morning"

I looked up at her with interest.

"Oh yeah. What are they like?".

She shrugged. I didn't get to meet them, just glance them in passing. They look pretty good thought. One guy has the hottest Maori tattoo down his shoulder" she said, fanning herself with her hand.

I grinned. I loved body art. Especially tribal tattoos.

"Hope his face is as hot as his body" she laughed and i grinned, shovelling more pancake into my mouth.

"Oh. Haha, guess what happened to me this morning?"

She looked at me expectantly, Elisa was a lady, she didn't bite her nails, she went outside to blow her nose, and she didn't talk with her mouth full.

"i went to Luke's room to get my key and walked in on him and someone in bed. Wasn't awkward at all" I laughed.

She stared at me for a second, swallowing but still not saying anything.

"err, Liza? You right?" i asked, confused by her silence, i hadn't thought it was such a big deal.

"And how did he take that?" she asked slowly.

"er, fine? i guess he was kinda embarrassed?" i said, but it came out as more of a question.

"So you sleep with carter and walk in on Luke and some other chick all in one night?" she questioned a small smile on her face.

"I didn't "sleep" with Carter I said, pulling a face. "I slept next to him. And even that wasn't my fault. He moved me" i protested.

"Which, by the way, you are not going to mention to Luke. I don't think he would take it very well. He's kinda protective when it comes to Carter".

"You think" she muttered into her cup.



I frowned and then shrugged, letting it go.

"Let's go swimming, its seriously that hot and i feel like i need to do something to work off that alcohol from last night".

She laughed, put the dishes in the sink and together we made our way down to the pull in the gym.

We were still laughing when we Elisa pushed the door open to the pool and came to a dead stop, causing me to run into her.

"Hey, watch it" i muttered, rubbing my head. "Um, Elisa? What's up, why did you stop?" i asked, peering around her and into the pool room.

There standing at the other end of the pool were three guys.

My eyes skipped over the first two whom i recognised as being on the soccer team, coming to rest on the third guy. He was standing side on to us, smiling as he talked to the two people in front of him, running a hand through his messy sandy blonde hair.

I trailed my eyes up his body, over his toned chest, resting on the tribal tattoo that now stretched over his shoulder and down his arm. My eyes moved up his neck and over his face, before finally resting on his eyes.

Eyes which hadn't notice me yet.

Eyes which at any moment would turn and see me standing here.

Eyes I knew better than my own.

I felt the breath desert my body.


Chapter 15.

Eyes which hadn't notice me yet.

Eyes which at any moment would turn and see me standing here.

Eyes I knew better than my own.

I felt the breath desert my body.



It felt like my world had stopped spinning, as if everything was going backwards. My mind was overrun by memories, weaving in and out behind my eyes.

I shook my head, trying to re-gain control over my mind and my body.

I knew Elisa recognised him. How could she not?

We both stood there as if we were paralysed, unable to move.

I could hear their voices drifting across the water towards us, they were talking about soccer. I heard one of the guys ask if he wanted to see the fields and i felt my blood run cold. That would mean they would have to turn around, to leave through the door we were currently blocking.

That would mean he would see me.

And i wasn't ready for that yet.

Apparently Elisa had had the same thought because at the very moment she grabbed my arm and we began backing towards the door, treading softly on the cold tiles, trying not to attract the attention of the guys standing at the other end of the room.

Softly we eased the door open behind us, slipping out through it into the empty gym.

Quickly we made our way across the court; not speaking until we had reached our room and i had safely shut and locked the door behind us.

We both stood in silence for a minute, not really knowing what to say...

"So, er, tribal tat guy is Dez huh? How come you never told me he had a tattoo?" she said with a small laugh, trying to lighten the awkward silence.

I flopped down on the couch, shoving a pillow over my face.

"It's a bad dream. A really really bad dream" i mumbled.

I felt the pillow being yanked of my face and i scowled up at her.

"Suffocating yourself won't actually help".

I grabbed the pillow back off her and shoved it under my head.

We were silent for a couple of beats. "Because i didn't know".


"I didn't tell you he had a tat because i didn't know".

"Well this is crappy" she muttered.

I gave a hollow laugh.

"I don't get it. Why is he here?"

"Do you want him to be?"

"No, yes, maybe"

She gave me one of those, "you're an idiot" looks before standing up.

"Well on that note, let's go swimming".

I just stared at her like she was crazy.

"You're kidding right".

She shrugged, "They'll be gone by now and there's no reason for them to be going back anytime soon".

Ok so she had a point.

Ten minutes later I slipped into the cool waters and breathed a sigh of relief. The air-conned room and the soft water felt amazing, as if the two showers had done nothing and i was finally able to wash away last night.

"So you never really did tell me what happened with you and Carter last night?" Elisa called breastroking across the water, her curly brown hair piled on top of her head to avoid getting it wet.

I felt myself blush and immersed myself under the water to avoid answering, not that it helped, she was waiting for me when i came back up.

I sighed. "I told you, nothing happened".

"And that's where you story falls apart. See if nothing had happened you wouldn't be so reluctant to talk about it".

I felt like bashing my head against the side of the pool. As soon i got back to the room i was going to call the office and request that any crime shows of any nature be blocked from our line.

However, i was spared answering because at that very moment the doors to the pool room flung open and a bunch of guys walked in, all wearing their boardies, towels flung over their shoulders.

I love my life sometimes.

I grinned at Elisa and she gave me a "This isn't over look".

I saw Joel and Luke walk through the doors and waved them over.

"Hello, how are you gorgeous ladies this morning? Pull up ok?" asked Joel, sitting down and dangling his legs in the water.

We nodded, swimming over to the edge they were sitting on.

"So, how did your night end up? I know mine and Lukes were above average, and im guessing yours probably was to?" he said, grinning at me. I just rolled my eyes, grabbed his ankles and yanked him into the pool.

He surfaced with a gasp, throwing his now soaking towel back onto the tiles.

"You are so dead DeClario" he muttered and dived at me, sending us both under the water and we ought to be the first to resurface.

We came up spluttering and he grabbed me, pulling me close to him before shoving me back under the water.

I resurface, flicking the hair out of my eyes and glared at him.

Elisa and Luke just laughed and shook their heads, so i jumped on Liza's shoulders, forcing her under the water, ruining her plans of keeping her hair dry.

"Bitch" she muttered, coming back up. I just grinned at her, grabbing Lukes hand and pulling him in to.

He came willingly, sliding into the water next to me.

"So what are you two doing today?" i asked, treading water, wishing my legs were just a little bit longer so i could touch like the guys. Whoever had made this pool hadn't taken into account that not everyone is 6 ft, and as a result i had to tread water to stay afloat, even in the shallow end.

"We got a pool training session in half an hour so we figured we'd come early".

"Oi! Luke! Keen for a game of volleyball?" someone yelled from the other side of the room and Luke nodded, swimming to the edge and jumping out of the water to go help set up.

Ten minutes later a net had been put up over the water and we had spilt into teams, with me Elisa, Luke and Joel opting for the shallow end so that me and Elisa wouldn't drown after three minutes.

I was treading water, waiting for the game to start when i felt someone swim below me. I gave a small scream and Luke stood up underneath me, propelling me out of the water so that i was sitting on his shoulders.

I looked down at him and grinned as I saw Elisa being shot out the water and landing on Joel's shoulders beside us.

On the other end of the pool the guy's where pairing up as well.

"This is so unfair, how come your team gets both of the chicks and i have to carry Jared?" one guy called.

"Luke. I'll give you unlimited TV rights for the rest of the weekend if i can have Silver".

Luke just shook his head. "Alex you're an idiot. You broke our TV last week when you threw a football at it".

The other boy looked around sheepishly, "oh yeah".

I laughed, but it was instantly cut off as the ball came flying towards us and Luke pushed us forward in the water to try and reach it before it hit the water. I gave a small yelp as i threw my arm out, just catching the ball and releasing it again before i went flying off Lukes shoulders and landing against the water with a smack.

"Ow" i mumbled, swimming back over to Luke was and clamouring back up onto his shoulders.

"If that was for waking you up this morning then I'm sorry, yeesh" i muttered, grinning. I felt him stiffen beneath me but he didn't have time to reply as another ball came flying towards us.

This time i managed to hit it back over the net, high fiving Elisa as i watched Jared leap for it and collide with the other pair, sending them all crashing beneath the water.

Soon i lost track of time and was surprised when suddenly i realised we had an audience.

I glanced around me confused, before remembering that the guys had practice.

"C'mon Luke" one guys shouted.

"No way, i put five bucks on Jared and Alex".

I laughed as the spectators divided themselves in to two, sitting on the side of their respective teams.

I tightened my legs around Luke and he smiled up at me. Throwing the ball above my head i hit it over the net, watching as it came flying back. There was no way we were going to make it so Joel launched Eliza through the air in a last ditch attempt at saving the point.

I was laughing so hard at the look on Elisa face that i almost fell off and Luke had to put his hands up to steady me.

The crowd around us were cheering and laughing as a bedraggled Elisa surfaced, swimming over to Joel and climbing back up onto his shoulders.

The bets continued to fly around the room, and very rarely were people actually betting money. I could hear people bargain for Tv rights, fridge rights, washing up duty, homework, anything they could think of.

I laughed s Luke spun around in the water to shout something at someone behind us.

"Alright alright, that'll do" cut a voice through the shouting.

A groan went up around the room, but the guys began getting up none the less as their coach made his way through the crowd.

Luke looked up at me and shrugged, before throwing my legs off his shoulder, sending my tumbling back into the water.

Around us boys were stripping off their shirts, getting ready to jump in the water. Hurriedly me and Elisa vacated the pool, walking over to where we had dropped our towels.

The door slammed open behind us and i jumped in fright, turning to watch as Carter ambled in, his shirt slung over his shoulder and I felt heat rush through me at the sight of his body. He caught my eye and grinned as i looked away, a blush staining my cheeks.

"So i know this isn't our usual training, but its damn hot out there today, and i don't want to kill our new centre during his first session".

A mummer ran through the team as everyone glanced around them, trying to spot the new comer, to work out if he was a threat.

I closed me eyes, a feeling of dread washing through me.

"Boys, this is Dez, he transferred from England, he'll be taking Rory's spot since he will be out for a while waiting for a knee reconstruction".

I heard the coach say his name as if he was a million miles away.

I turned around slowly, catching Luke's eye first, seeing his expression change to one of recognition then to anger as he began to swim towards the edge of the pool, rage flickering in his eyes. I felt him come up beside me and looked up to see him staring at someone, his fists clenched.

Taking a breath i let my eyes trail to where Luke was staring.

I felt like the breath had been knocked out of me. He was just standing there, so calm and confident, his eyes fixed on mine.

Beside me Luke went to take a step forward, his eyes blazing but I put my hand on his arm, restraining him "Luke, don't" i muttered, before turning and walking out of the now quiet pool room.

Aaron's words from so many weeks ago were ringing in my ears.

"He doesn't want you to call him anymore. He thinks it would be better if you just stopped trying to contact him. C'mon Silver, you didn't really think you would be best friends forever right?"

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