The Call Of The Moon (A Justi...

By azela32

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What happens when a broken young werewolf falls in love with a fellow young wolf Justin Bieber and their cons... More

Chapter 1: Another Wolf?
Chapter 2: Unwanted Guest
Chapter 3: Connections
Chapter 4: I Don't Like You..Or Do I?
Chapter 5: I Don't Hate You
Chapter 6: Confessions..Sort of
Chapter 7: Time To Kill A Witch
Chapter 8: It's Official!
Chapter 9: Your All That Matters
Chapter 10: Try Not To Kill The Witch
Chapter 11: What Am I?
Chapter 12: Love, Fights, And Mysterious Girls
Chapter 13: Mom's Back
Chapter 14: New Witch In Town
Chapter 15: My New Family To The Rescue
Chapter 17: Operation Rescue
Chapter 18: Welcome To The Family
Chapter 19: Family Problems
Chapter 20: A Bunch of Surprises
Chapter 21: The End..

Chapter 16: The Plan

883 38 1
By azela32

*Important A/N at the end*

Carol's P.O.V

This plan was honestly too good to be true.

He was going to be mine. 

I couldn't wait to see the look on Cassidy's face when she realized what I'd done.

"Your greatness, their on their way with the prisoner." one of my many henchmen said upon entering the room.

"That's wonderful. Thank you." I replied.

"Anything for you, your greatness." he said as he bowed.

I twirled the potion bottle between my fingers and tapped my foot impatiently. It amazed me how this tiny little bottle held so much power. I smiled at the thought.

The doors to the room bursted open and two of my henchmen walked in with an injured looking Justin on their arms. Each man had one of his arms in their grip and walked towards me as his feet dragged on the floor.

"Oh great you again." he spat with disgust.

"Well well well someone still has an attitude." I replied in a cool even tone. I opened the cap to the potion. "Here drink the whole thing." 

He studied it and gave me a suspicious look. "No."

"Drink it or so help me-''

"Or what? You'll torture me?" he snorted. "Like that's anything new." 

I was growing impatient and anger fumed inside of me like a boiler.

"Drink it now or I will have Cassidy killed!" I shrieked. Justin stared in disbelief at my words. Finally he took the potion lazily in his weak hand and tipped the bottle back. "That's it every last drop."

When he was finished he threw the bottle hard on the floor and it shattered into a million little pieces. 

"There you happy you sick bitch? I took your little potion now-" Justin stared but was cut off as he lost consciousness. That was one of the side effects of the potion. I smiled triumphantly. So far so good.

"Excellent now when he wakes up he will be head over heals in love with me." I snickered. "Go get him cleaned up and bring him to a nice room. I want him to wake up clean, healed and in nice surroundings. The witch said it would have out for at least twenty-four hours so go get her and make her do a healing spell on him."

I leaned back in my chair and crossed my legs. Finally I was going to get my happily ever after.

Finally someone will love me more than Cassidy.

I always sensed her father loved her more than me which is why I felt no guilt when I convinced him she was a monster and we tried to kill her. Even when she was gone I noticed he still loved her.

He would constantly talk about how he lost his 'little girl' and how he was devastated that she was a monster which is why I eventually killed him. I couldn't take it anymore. He loved her like that was his own daughter which it wasn't. Yes I was her birth mother but her father was a witch. Yes I cheated on my husband. That's the past. When she was in my belly I loved her like no other. If her 'father' hadn't loved her so much maybe I would've accepted the fact that she was turned into a wolf.


I shook away my thoughts. You shouldn't dwell on the past.

The past is the past after all.

Cassidy's P.O.V

We stared at each other for a long moment. Whyatt sat on the couch silently waiting for his mother to speak. She cleared her throat and sighed.

"So I guess my first question is. . .are you really my mom? " I asked my voice low.

Another sigh escaped her mouth and she ran a hand through her long black hair.

"Yes it's true. I am your mother. You see-" but she was interrupted by a frantic Hazel.

"Cassidy! Cassidy!" she exclaimed as her ghostly figure became visible inside of the room. 

She looked extremely frightened. Her eyes were wide with shock and her whole appearance screamed desperate.

"Hazel! How did you know I was here?" I asked in confusion.

"Well I've sorta been following you around. I just didn't make myself visible so the guards or your mom didn't didn't see me. Anyway that's not the point!" she explained urgently.

"Sweet heavens child speak already!" my apparent mother exclaimed in impatience. Hazel gave her an annoyed look and I could tell she wanted to do something bad. Her eyes met mine and I gave her a look that said 'Control yourself'.

"Your mom well she still has Justin captive and I don't what she's planning on doing but she has Emily too! Emily didn't betray you she was forced! Your mom threatened to kill her mom if she didn't help her and-" 

"Hazel Hazel calm down!" I said stopping her rant.


"Well first of all Carol isn't my birth mom. She is." I pointed to Emily's mom. "And second of all I know Justin and Emily are there. Were trying to figure out how to save them."

"There's something else. I heard her talking to Emily and she asked her to create a love potion for her." Hazel explained.

"What does she need a love potion for?" I asked.

Hazel shrugged. "I was hoping you would know why." 

"Well this is honestly just great." I replied as I rubbed my head. This was all just too much to take in.

"So what's the rescue plan?" Hazel questioned clearly ready to kick some ass now that we have some back up. 

"Well first I'd like to show Cassidy how to use her powers since she's half witch too." Mom said. It still felt weird to call her mom. Although she was my birth mom she was still Emily's mom to me.

"So what am I?" I asked.

"Well your still a hybrid of course. Your just a rare one. Your half witch, half werewolf." Mom explained.

"Well how come Emily and Whyatt aren't hybrids?" This was all too confusing.

"Well they weren't bitten as a child. They grew up as normal witches. You were a witch but just ddin't know it and then on top of that yoou were bitten by a werewolf." she explained again.

So I was the one blessed with the fucked up childhood. Lovely isn't it?


"Come along dear. The faster I teach you the basics the faster we can go save your sister and . . .  .boyfriend." Mom said. When she said boyfriend I could sense a feeling of dislike. It was safe to say she didn't like Justin which I found stupid since she didn't even know him. Whatever.


"Ugh! Magic is so stupid!" I shouted in annoyance. So far my magic training wasn't going very well. I was able to learn a few things but some things were harder than others. Magic is fucking retarded that's all I have to say.

"Cassidy calm down you'll get it soon. Now try again. Remember just close your eyes and breathe." My mother soothed. I did as told and closed my eyes, breathing in and out. "Good now try again and this time try not to hit me."

I stared nervously at the scorch marks on the floor from my previous attempts to shoot fire out of my hands. Lets's just say fire+vampires=not good for them. Sadly when I attempted to do so the times before I had almost burned my mother and she had froze the flame in mid air and stepped out of the way before unfreezing it and letting it scorch the ground. I still remember how I had stared in amazement. How the orange flame stood still, just an orange blur stuck in time unable to move without my mother's permission.

I extended my arm towards the floor and closed my eyes. I opened them and saw no scorch mark. I groaned in frustration.

"Face it Mom I can't do it!" I yelled and waved my arms about. As I waved my arms orange flames shot out of them and flew in different directions of the room. "AHHHHHH!" I screamed.

I dropped to the ground and curled up in a ball. Werewolves didn't like fire as much as the next person. My hands were covering my face and when I heard no more fire I peeked through my fingers. Flames were licking away at the floor and my mom quickly did a water spell and extinguished it. She stared at me in amazement.

"That was amazing honey!" she exclaimed. Her eyes were wide and round and her mouth was turned up in a grin. "I should've known that was the key!"

"What was the key? What are you talking about?" I asked confusion visible in my tone.

"A witch's power is connected to their emotions and how their feeling. Apparently anger is your trigger and therefore is the key to your powers working." she explained.


"Don't worry you won't have to rely on your emotions every time you do a spell or use your powers like shooting fire. With some thorough training you can cast spells and use your powers on will. For now since this is an urgent matter you'll just have to think of something that angers you."

I sighed. All this witch shit was really stressful and confusing. I just felt like there was so much pressure on me to learn all this crap as fast as I can so we can hurry up and save Emily, and Justin of course. It didn't seem like my mom liked Justin so much though and it bothered me. She barely knew him after all. I was just exhausted I could really use a break.

"Yippee." I replied sarcastically to my mother's rant.

"Well on that happy note lets practice invisibility. Your definitely going to need it. Then we can start reading spells and teaching you how to cast them." She chirped clapping her hands in excitement.

I groaned for what seemed like the thousandth time since I've been up in this attic.


I woke up with a start. I looked around the room I was in. I was sleeping on the couch of my mother's house. I didn't feel safe going back home since Justin and I were imprisoned so I asked to stay here. Something just didn't feel right. Not at all. I sat up from the couch and I winced as my feet touched the cold hardwood floor. I shuffled over to the open window. The wind was blowing like crazy, ruffling the linen curtains. 

That was weird. I didn't remember opening the window at all. Maybe Mom opened it when I was asleep or something. I reached over and shut it, the sound of the wind instantly cut off.

I stared outside through the shut window. The trees were blowing hysterically and the sky was black except for the yellow glows of the stars and moon. Something about the scenery outside made me drawn to it and I couldn't help myself. I unwillingly moved my feet towards the front door. I opened it and the cold air immediately attacked my skin. Goosebumps began to form but I ignored them. I just had  to keep going.

Keep going.

The cold grass tickled my bare feet and I walked off into the woods leaving the front door ajar. My feet were leading me into a path. A path that was familiar and yet one I had no memory of ever using. Fear of the unknown crawled up my skin like a spider. I shivered. I had a bad feeling about this.

I should stop.

I should stop and turn back around.

Go back to bed Cassidy.

Suddenly a voice in my head spoke. A voice that I hated to the core of my being.

"Cassidy. . ." the voice whispered in my head. 


"Cassidy. . ." she whispered again.

She continued to just whisper my name as I moved. It gave me chills. This didn't seem like a good idea at all. I reached out and grabbed a tree branch getting a good grip on it. Then  I pulled on it with all my might. I was hoping it would help me stop moving in this direction. It didn't. The branch snapped and my feet continued to move against my wishes.

I tried to force them to stop. My feet were beginning to ache. They felt wet with the blood from my blisters and were dirty from the muddy earth. I'd been walking for what felt like hours. My body was numb and my teeth were chattering from the cold. Carol's whispers got louder as I neared wherever she was taking me. My lips were probably blue as well. Finally for what seemed like ages I stopped. 

I was staring at an underground tunnel. It had a certain eeriness to it. I stared at it long and hard. It seemed vaguely familiar but at the same time foreign. That's when it hit me. That's when I realized what I was staring at. I gasped in horror and a wave of a million emotions washed over me. I had the urge to run inside the tunnel and look for him. My feet betrayed me once more and glued me to the grass below. I was left to stare there in horror. So close and yet so far.

I woke up panting and breathing hard. I used the back of my hand to wipe the sweat off my forehead. It was just a dream. I shot up and looked at the window. It was closed. I looked at the door. It was also closed. I pulled back the shaggy material of the blanket and examined my feet. They were covered in mud and blood. I ran my hand over a fresh gash that was beginning to scab up. I winced and noticed the blood and mud on the couch. 

My hands were trembling with fear and I felt warm tears streaming down my face. 

If it was just a dream then why am I bleeding?

A/N: Hey guys sorry for such a long wait...I had writers block lol :p Also I know its short :( I promise it will be longer next time :)

Ok so I'm happy to say that The Call Of the Moon is going to be continued. I'm gonna stick with it till the end :D  *whoop whoop lol*

Also thank you for over 1,000 reads on this story. It really means a lot considering I thought this story was boring and you guys hated it so I really appreciate that ♥♥♥

Ok so here are a couple of things you should know (:

1) The Call of The Moon will be continued. I'm going to write it until the end for real this time.

2) Just like it says in my bio I update every saturday. If I don't update saturday than either something has come up or the story may need tweaking. but yeah it will most likely be up every saturday day.

3) If you vote and comment it helps me update lets me know that you guys actually LIKE this story and wanna read it!

If you have any other questions just message me! :) Hope you enjoyed this chapter :D and these a/n's won't usually be this long I was just trying to inform you guys of the changes going on..

P.S my other story Hate That I love You is on hold so I can focus on finishing this up. Still you haven't already you should check it out because its Jb fan fiction and well yeah lol ;p plz it would mean a lot..thank you guys for reading and your support!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥  

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