Star Wars: Padawan

By PinkAura

7.5K 138 42

Junipa Haster chose the right path. The jedi's. Her father was a sith, and she was destined to be a sith. But... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

1.1K 25 0
By PinkAura

Alarms around me are blaring. I'm cautious, then I have this wierd feeling. The dark side of the force is on this ship.

"Do you feel that?" asked Ahsoka

"Dooku's on board, looking for you Junipa." said Obi-Wan "I knew he would come retrieve his prize possesion," he finsihed

"Ahsoka, get Junipa somewhere safe, and stay with her." ordered Anakin

"Yes master," we ran down two hallways, three flights of stairs, then three more halls until Ahsoka gestured for me to go into a safe room. She came in, then sealed the doors.

"Oh god," sighs Ahsoka

"He's going to find me, I know it." I say

"No he won't, Master Anakin and Obi-Wan will hold him off. Hopefully scrae him away too," Ahsoka tried to reassure me.

"You're right, I shouldn't underestimate our masters," I said

"I just hope they-" Ahsoka was cut of by a light saber being stabbed into the door. "Might wanna activate your light saber there, Junipa."

I activated my light saber, and braced for someone to barge into the door. The door fell backwards, and Dooku stepped in,

"Ah, Junipa. I knew I would be able to find you here. Do you remeber me? I'm-"

"Count Dooku. Yeah I remember you," I cut him off angrily

He smirked, then with a wave of his hand, Ahsoka went flying into the wall. "This battle isnt for you, little girl." He told Ahsoka. His gaze turned to me, "Junipa, I'm the one who taught you all your techiniques, you think I wouldn't know- " I ran at him, mid-sentence.

He jumped back, blocking my attack with his lighsaber, he tried force pushing me, but I used the force to push myself in the opposite direction. When he stopped, I was propelled by myself at him. I landed on the other side of him. He turned around and doged my light saber again, then he used his lightning power. I absorbed that power into my lightsaber, and he caught me off guard when he finished. He force pushed me into a wall, and that was enough for him to lightning zap me. Unable to move, I laid there helpless. He force lifted me into the air and brought me with him out of this safe room. I heard footsteps running down the halls, neering us.

I used all my power to get out of his force hold. I drew my light saber once more, and this time he ran like a coward. I chased after him, but lost him after two long hallways. I retraced my stepps back to the safe room where I had left Ahsoka. Obi-Wan and Anakin were allready there.

"I'm sorry master, he got away." I shook my head.

"It's fine," Obi-Wan looked up from Ahsoka, who was sitting up, now consious, "Are you alright?'' He asked in a worried tone.

Anakin looked up himself from his own padawan. He had a look of shock on his face.

"Fine, why?" I looked at myself. In various places on my body, there were burn marks, probably from when he zapped me. My arms got the worst of it.

"He zapped you, are you sure you're okay?" asked Anakin.

"I feel perfectly fine. Is Ahsoka okay?" I asked

Anakin oped his mouth to answer, but Obi-Wan's communicater went off. It was commander Cody.

"General, the separtists are taking a full retreat." He announced

"Thank you Cody." Obi-Wan ended the communication. That's when his hologram went off, this time it was Mace Windu and Master Yoda.

"Master Obi-Wan, are you and your padawan alright? We just recieved news about the attack." asked  Mace Windu

"Yes, we're fine. Anakin's padawan is recovering from being thrown into a wall," answered Obi-Wan

"On the ship, Dooku was." said Master Yoda

"Yes he was, looking for Junipa. He almost got away with her."

"So she's there with you?" asked Mace Windu

"Yes she is." Obi-Wan turned to us. "I'll be back in a moment," He left the room. I could still hear him though.

"She was zapped by Dooku, although she shows no pain. She says she's fine." He told the Masters

"Affect her, it did not. Strange, this is." Said Master Yoda.

"Yes. All four of you come back immediately, the council would like to speak with all four of you." said Mace Windu

"Yes master," he ended transmission

"All four of us are to report to the council immediately," Obi-Wan walked back into the room

"And forget about the task at hand?" asked Ahsoka

"I'm afraid so," he replied


Anakin walked out of the council room. He looked at me anger still blaring in his eyes, he definately hated me. "Your turn, Snips." he looked to Ahsoka

She walked in and the door shut behind her. The halls were quiet. Until the sound of footsteps came into earshot. I looked to my right and saw Senator Amidala walking towards us,

"Master Obi-Wan, Anakin. The senate would like to hear in on this meeting," she said coming to a stop infront of me.

"Can it wait?" Asked Obi-Wan

"I'm afraid not, you may bring your padawans if you'd like though." She said

Obi-Wan stroked his beard, "When you are finished your meeting Junipa, you and Ahsoka come immediately. Is this understood?" He asked

"Yes master," I bow my head to the two of them, and they walk off with the Senator

Less than a minute later, Ahsoka walks out.

"Where's our masters?" she asked, looking down the halls.

"I'll explain when I'm done." I walked into the room

"Junipa, the council would like you to explain your encounter with Count Dooku," said Mace Windu

I nodded my head, "Ahsoka and I were in a safe room on one of the lower floors, when a lightsaber  was stabbed into the door. We both got to our feet and activated our lightsabers. Moments later, the door burst backwards. He pushed Ahsoka into the wall. I was inconsiderate by not going to check on her. I was afraid the he might hurt me if I went to check on her. While he was saying something, I caught him off guard and lunged with my lightsaber. We battled for a little bit when he caught me off guard and forced me into a wall." I looked up from my feet, he gestured for me to continue

"That's when he zapped me. When he was done with that, I tried to get up, but couldn't. He was able to carry me in the force. He carried me for some time before I was able to break free of his hold. He just ran after that."

"Can you please get Obi-Wan? asked Mace-Windu.

"He left with Anakin and Senator Amidala." I replied

"Okay then, we will speak him later," He looked to master yoda, "You may leave now."

I bowed my head and left.

Outside Ahsoka was impatient.

"Well, lets go!" she said

"How do you know where we're going?" I asked

"A clone delivered the message," she was walking a few paces ahead of me

We turned to go into the seats where our masters were, when two clones stepped in the way.

"Sorry, no admittance." one of them said

"But we're with our masters!" Ahsoka pointed past them to our masters

The clones looked at each other, then one called out.

"General, are these girls with you?"

Obi-Wan turned around,

"Yes, why were you not admitting them?"

"I'm sorry general" The clones let us in

"What has happened so far?" asked Ahsoka

"Not much, nothing that concerns us anyway." Answered Anakin

I heard two grunts come from behind us. So did everyone else. We all turned around to see a man with blue skin. The two clones guarding our way earlier were either knocked out or dead on the ground.

"Cad Bane," Anakin hissed

He laughed in a deep mono-tone, "I'm only here to do my duty. Get the girl, leave."

I had heard about Cad Bane before. He was a ruthless bounty hunter.

Lightsabers all around me activated. I took this as a sign to activate my own lightsaber. By now, screams were coming from the senate. The counciler stood in the middle telling everyone to calm down and let the jedi do their buisness.

Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka all stood infront of me as a guard.

He laughed again. "And this time, I have a team." It took us a moment to realise what he meant by this. I was in the middle of turning around, when somebody pricked me from behind. I was able to turn around completely and see a man standing there, looking at me. I was feeling wierd, and when the man noticed I was still standing, he pricked me again. I was out after that.


I woke up in the infirmary.

Only Ahsoka was there.

I sat up, holding my head. "Ow, what did that guy use to knock me out?" I asked

She looked up. "Dunno, but do you know how many stories you fell?" she asked me

"I fell?" I asked

"You owe master Yoda your life." she replied

"How fall did I far?" I asked groggily

"Lay back," she said "You mean how far did you fall? I think something like 38 stories. Master Yoda just so happened to be there, and he saved your life.

"83 stories?" I asked

"38," she turned to the medic droid "Can you maybe put her down for a few more days until the mixing up goes away?" she asked

"Of course," and then I fell back asleep


I  jolted upward from the bed in the infirmary. I looked around. It was mid day, and lots of younglings were in here, some crying. I stood, and peeked around the corner. More younglings. I turned my head to the other side. More younglings.

A medic droid comes in and sees me awake.   "Oh, you're awake,'' he said   "Yeah. Do you know where my master is?" I asked   "He left almost two minutes ago, his ship is taking off in... In 10 minutes." he replied   "I am I cleared to leave?" I asked   "Yes you were cleared to leave last week, but it seems that you stayed alseep a little longer that expected," I was out of there at last week, but I heard him finsih his sentence.   I ran to my dorm and grabbed a new pair of clothes and my lightsaber. I then ran as fast as my legs could carry me to the hangar. I heard Anakin's voice. I slow down. Although I may be a long ways away from him, I could still hear him.

"Where's your padawan?" he asked

"Still sleeping, I think the droid gave her too much of that drug." Obi-Wan replied "I can sence that you don't like her," he added

"I don't like her. I still think she's some sith apprentice." he replied.

Well, now it's confirmed. Anakin doesn't like me.

"Why would Dooku zap his own apprentice? Why would Dooku hire a bounty hunter to retrieve the Junipa? It's not very logical," Obi-Wan defended me

"Master, the ship is just about ready to take off." I heard Ahsoka's voice say.

I come around the corner, to see Obi-Wan and Anakin boarding the ship. Ahsoka notices me. She laughs.

"What?" I ask her

"Oh Junipa, you should have seen yourself two weeks ago." she replies

"What did I do?" I ask

"It's not what you did, it's what you said." she laughed

"What'd I say?" I ask

"The funniest thing you said was, 'How fell did I far.' It was halarious." She laughed again.

Master Obi-Wan comes back around, "Ahsoka, it's time to- Oh, Junipa. You're awake."

"Master," I bow my head.

"Come in Junipa. Let me fill you in on a few things." He motioned for me to come on board. I stepped on the ship, Ahsoka closed the doors, and we took off.


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