12 Days Of Christmas || Evans...

By killingkilgrave

25.5K 561 165

-- Twelve days of Christmas Evanstan fluff. -- It's Christmas season in the Evans household, and Chris, Sebas... More

Intro Thingy
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
News About Continuation Book

Chapter Four

1.4K 37 3
By killingkilgrave

Day Four - December 17th

"Okay, who wants to make Christmas cookies?" Sebastian asks, walking into the living room where both the girls are sitting on the floor and coloring in in their coloring books.

Taissa and Emma both got to their feet excitedly and ran over to their mother, which brings a smile to Sebastian's face. He absolutely loves baking, and it's always that much more fun and interesting when his girls help him out with it.

"Okay then, you two." He laughs, looking down at them both. "Let's go into the kitchen and get everything ready." He says.

The three of them walk into the kitchen, and Sebastian got out all the ingredients that they'll need to make the cookies, while the girls sit at the table to wait for him to get everything ready. Once everything's out and on the bench, Sebastian turns to look at the girls.

"Okay, who's ready to make cookies?" Sebastian asks, clapping his hands together.

"You're making cookies?" Chris asks, walking into the kitchen and over to the fridge to grab a beer.

Sebastian nods. "I thought it'd be fun for the girls and I to make some right now." He shrugs. "You can help if you want." He suggests.

"Yeah, daddy!" Emma says. "Make cookies with us!"

Chris smiles down at her apologetically. "Sorry, sweetheart." He says. "But daddy's game is on." He then looks over at Sebastian. "Mommy is way better at making cookies than I am anyway."

Well, he's not exactly wrong there. The last time Chris made a batch of cookies, he burnt about half of them. But really that's because he wasn't paying attention to what he was doing at all. It didn't help that Sebastian had suddenly went into heat then also, and Chris's instincts were to take care of his husband, and abandon the cookies he was making for said husband.

It's just a good thing that the girls were at their grandparents for the day when Sebastian had gone into heat. Well, really Chris had to call his mother then and ask if she could take the girls for the day so he could take care of Sebastian. Though, the girls ended up having to stay with their grandparents for the whole week that Sebastian's heat had lasted, as his heat was for some reason too heavy for the girls to be in the same house as their mother.

"Sebastian, don't you remember what happened the last time I made cookies?" Chris asks, looking over at his husband, who's face turns red with embarrassment.

Sebastian looks down at the floor, shuffling round on his feet a little. "Oh, I-I u-uh." He stutters, not wanting to look up at Chris right now.

There's no way that Sebastian thinks that he's going to forget what happened then any time soon. Especially not considering his heat was awfully heavy then, and the girls had to go to their grandparents for a week because of it. Now, Sebastian has had many heavy heats, but he doesn't remember having one as heavy as then.

Though, that's not the only thing Sebastian won't forget about what happened then. Sometime during that week, was when their third daughter was conceived. Neither Chris nor Sebastian were planning on having another kid for another couple years, but there's no way that they wish they weren't having their third daughter now. Though they'll admit that they were hoping for a boy this time round, but just as long as their baby is happy and healthy, then that's all that matters to them.

"Let's not talk ab-about that while the girls are in the room." Sebastian says, resting a hand on his stomach, glancing over at the girls as they sat at the table still, waiting to make the cookies.

"Sounds good." Chris chuckles, opening his bottle of beer and taking a sip. "Alright, I'll be in the living room if you need me." He says, before walking off out of the room.

It takes a moment for Sebastian to compose himself, and when he finally does, he looks over at the girls. Smiling at them both, he walks over to them. "You two ready to make some cookies?" He asks.

"I want daddy to help." Emma pouts, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yeah, mommy!" Taissa agrees. "Go get daddy to help!" She says.

Sighing, Sebastian looks over towards the living room. The girls really seem to want their father to help make the cookies, but when the game is on, there isn't really much use trying to get Chris to do something else. Unfortunately though, the girls don't completely understand that their father needs daddy time when the game is on.

"I can ask him again if he's sure he doesn't want to help." Sebastian sighs. "But girls, you know daddy needs some time to himself while the game is on." He says.

The girls just nod at that, before Sebastian is walking over to the doorway to the living room. Chris was already sprawled out on the couch, his beer in one hand, and the other behind his head as he watches the football game playing on the television.

"Chris, are you sure you don't want to help us make cookies?" Sebastian asks, leaning up against the doorway to the living room, hoping that Chris will change his mind and help make cookies with him and the girls. "The girls really want you to help us make cookies."

But unfortunately it seems that Chris just wants to be a lazy lump and just lounge around on the couch watching the football game instead of making cookies with his husband and their daughters. It doesn't really come as a surprise to Sebastian that Chris would rather watch the game than make cookies.

Then again, if the game wasn't on right now, Sebastian is sure Chris would want to help make cookies. Chris just needs some time to himself to relax and watch the game. Though, he doesn't really do much relaxing when watching the game.

Chris looks over at Sebastian, before pointing to the television. "But the game." He says. "I would help, but the game is on." He apologizes. "I'll still help eat all the cookies though." He adds.

Sebastian can't help but giggle at that. He pretty much already knew that Chris will help in the eating of all the cookies, he always does and it's quite often in large amounts that he eats them in. Which means that they need to make quite a bit of cookies. But Sebastian doesn't mind making double, or even triple the amount of cookies most other people would make. He does happen to enjoy baking after all, and it's just that much more fun when the girls help him out with the baking.

"Of course you will." Sebastian smiles, resting a hand on his stomach. "You always eat too much of them." He adds.

"Well it's not my fault that the cookies that you make are so god damn good." Chris says, before turning his attention to the game.

Sebastian shakes his head at him a little, before deciding to leave Chris alone to watch the game now, while he and the girls go make cookies. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." He says, but he's not even sure if Chris even heard him, so he just walks back into the kitchen without waiting for an answer.

Walking into the kitchen, he finds the girls still sitting round the table where he left them. Though, as soon as they see their mother finally walk back into the kitchen, they're off their seats and over at his side straight away.

"Mommy! I wanna make cookies now!" Taissa exclaims, jumping up and down a little in excitement, while Emma attaches herself to Sebastian's leg.

Sebastian can't help but smile down at both his girls. He loves them both so much, and he just wishes that they can stay small forever. Unfortunately though, they won't stay small forever, but they'll always remain his little girls.

"Is daddy going to help us make the cookies?" Emma asks, looking up at her mother.

Sebastian sighs, shaking his head. "No sweetie." He says. "Daddy's busy watching the game on the TV."

The girls both whine at that, causing Sebastian to frown at them. But they do have a right to be upset about Chris not helping with making the cookies.

"Girls." Sebastian sighs. "Daddy needs some time to himself right now." He tells them. "He'll make cookies with us some other day." He promises them. "Just for now, the three of us are going to be making cookies together."

The girls sighs, still seemingly disappointed about it, but they both seem excited at the same time to start making cookies. They follow Sebastian over to the bench where the ingredients are out on the bench and ready to use.

Sebastian grabs them both a stool each to stand on, before he puts on an apron. He doesn't really want to get flour all over his clothes even though they're only an old hoodie that a little too big for him, and a pair of maternity pants. Looking over at the girls, he decides that they don't really need to put an apron on also, as there's really no point, cause they'll still manage to get their clothes dirty either way whether they're wearing an apron or not.

"Girls, wash your hands before touching the stuff." He says, before the girls get off their stools and run off to the downstairs bathroom to wash their hands.

While he waits for them to return, Sebastian washes his hands in the kitchen sink, not really wanting to walk all the way into the bathroom all that much. Besides, the kitchen sink is right there, so he might as well just use that instead.

The girls come back into the kitchen soon afterwards, and the three of them get to work on baking all the cookies, and have some mother and daughter bonding time.

About an hour afterwards, Sebastian and the girls have finished baking the cookies and decorated them in Christmassy themed stuff on top of them with icing. Now, the little Christmas themed icing on them didn't exactly look like the best work of art, but Sebastian never thought himself to be any good at art, and well the girls are still young. Either way though, the cookies still look great, and it's a good thing that they've made so many of them. Heck knows that most of them will be gone once Chris gets his hands on them.

"I smelt cookies." Chris says, walking into the kitchen. He looks down at the table, where three platefuls of Christmas themed cookies are sitting. "Damn, you three made a lot." He says, grabbing one of the biggest cookies off one of the plates.

"Well, we kind of had to make a lot of them." Sebastian smiles, shaking his head. "You usually almost eat all of them every time I make them, you big idiot."

"Mommy, daddy's like Cookie Monster!" Taissa giggles, as she sits on one of the chairs, with a cookie in one hand, and flour over quite a bit of her clothes.

"Argh! I am Cookie Monster!" Chris says, trying to imitate the voice of Cookie Monster from Sesame Street. "I eat all the cookies! Om nom nom!"

The girls and Sebastian laugh at Chris, as he goofs around, pretending to be Cookie Monster, a they just have fun interacting by of ether as a family. Just the way Sebastian likes it.

Chris is so good with the kids. He's such an amazing father, and Sebastian loves watching Chris interact with the girls like this. The girls love it too, and they're both so lucky to have such a loving father like Chris. Sebastian definitely can't wait till their third daughter is born so she can meet her father.

There's nothing that Sebastian would ever change about this. Everything about it is perfect, and he loves his little family exactly how they are, and nothing will ever change that.

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