Salubrious (Jason McCann)

By AlexisIsAWeirdo

1.7M 50.3K 46K

*Book Two of the Neurotic Series.* Salubrious [suh-loo-bree-uh s] : favorable to or promoting health; healthf... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 70

9.6K 394 190
By AlexisIsAWeirdo

Malarie's POV

A couple of days later

Jason and I silently sit next to each other in the courtroom, patiently and anxiously waiting for the judge to return with some good news for us. After two very long months, we are finally going to see if we will be granted full custody over Joel or not. I just hope and pray that we do; that's my baby and I don't want to lose him. I'm not sure how our family would live without him there. I could just imagine Jason's behavior; he doesn't play when it comes to someone or something he loves.

You may be wondering why we would ever have doubts, or such thoughts of not getting custody over Joel. At first we didn't, although now we do. Not only does Benny– Christine's boyfriend– want full custody over Joel, but now the judge is pulling out Jason's criminal past as well. I guess Christine had signed some paperwork in regards to her potential death, leaving both her sons to Benny. He being only her oldest son, Dylan's father. He has no type of blood relation to Joel, yet he wants to have custody over him. No way in hell will I let that happen; he doesn't even know how to take care of his own kid. Sorry Dylan, but it's true.

"I'm nervous." Jase mumbles beside me, not once stopping his worried leg bounces. "It's going to be okay, it all will work out for our good. He's our son, Jason. He will always be our son no matter what." I try to assure him, yet it doesn't seem like he believes anything I'm saying.

"I'm an ex-felon, Malarie." He sneers underneath his breath angrily, but I do not hold his anger against him. "You're right, you are an ex-felon. Keyword: ex, meaning before, not anymore; old news." I softly rub my hand over his kneecap, looking him dead in his eyes as I reply to him honestly.

He goes to say something else, but the sound of the court doors being opened up stops him all at once. That jerk Benny, then strolls inside wearing a huge fake smile on his stupid looking face. As if he knew we were already looking his way, he turns towards Jase and I shooting us that same fake big smile he had walking in. He even has the nerve to shoot me a cocky wink, as well as wiggling his tongue at me. I literally had to hold Jason down from beating him to death, all because of his vulgar gestures towards me.

Instead of giving him the attention he practically craves from us, Jase and I simply ignore his childish behavior– well mostly me, but I demand for Jase to pay him no mind. I refuse to let him win custody over Joel, all because he and Jase gotten into an altercation inside of the courtroom. Nope, that's not going to happen. He's not taking my baby away from his family he loves so very much.

"He's pissing me the hell off." My husband mumbles in irritation, rubbing over his face fiercely. "Don't pay any attention to him; just ignore him. He just wants to get you all fired up and react physically; don't fall for it." I remind him of Benny's clear plan, not wanting anything to be the cause of us losing Joel to that unfit man.

I'm not just saying that either. It wasn't just Christine being nasty and not really mother like for her children. It was Benny as well, and he knows it. In fact, it was his apartment filled with disgusting roaches and unhealthy living circumstances. It's all on file; I made sure to tell our lawyer to investigate his living conditions, while he's worried about ours. Everything is fine on our end, it's just Jason's priors with the law.

Benny should be worried about his substance abuse– his alcohol and drug addiction. Hmm, or what about his terrible gambling problem? Or that he's been to prison as well. Let's not forget he's out of work. How will he provide for not one, but two children? Then on top of it all, his living conditions aren't safe for any children. There's filth everywhere in his place, as well as some electrical and water issues. How will the children use the bathroom if there isn't running water? How are they even going to see where the bathroom is, if there's no lights? He's inapt of being the right fit for a father, and it's clear as day.

"He's really working my nerves, Mal. Just look at his stupid ass. He's not even dressed appropriately for court. I know I hate wearing dressy clothing, but damn it I have to do what I have to do. I have to win over the judge so I can get our son." He whisper yells to me, motioning down himself. Mmm, black slacks and a black button down. "You're totally right, baby. Dress to impress, that's what we're doing. You look great, and you told me I look great... therefore we both look good." I look down at my black pantsuit paired with a navy clutch and navy heels.

I then look over towards Benny, who's talking loudly on his phone as he takes a personal call inside a cellphone restricted area. If a guard sees him doing that, he could be immediately escorted out. I shake my head at his unprofessionalism, and then finally take a look at his attire. He's clearly unshaven, and his hair displays an unkemptness look as it sits messily on his head. His clothes... I can tell he either didn't care and threw any ole thing on, or just wore what he had on already. He has lots of stains on his shirt, and a few holes as well. I'm not sure how his pants or shoes look, I just can clearly see he's not presenting himself well.

Just as I am about to say something to Jason, the double wooden doors creek open once again, this time revealing the judge walking in. I also see Benny quickly end his call, and shove his phone into his back pocket as he smiles up at the judge.

"All rise." The bailiff then instructs everyone in court to stand to their feet. Jason and I quickly stand to our feet, intertwining each other's hands as we stare forward at the judge walking to his seat. "Mal?" Jase whispers, as he shakes our twined hands.

"What? I whisper back, not hearing a word the bailiff or judge just said or everyone. "That's the judge that sentenced me." Even though he spoke the words lowly, I hear each and every one of them.

I quickly turn my attention towards the judge, now recognizing him seeing how Jase brought it to my attention. He's the judge who sentenced him those eight years in prison– which he only did three, seeing how he got out on good behavior. That's Judge Nixon; I believe that's his name.

[A/N: Just a friendly reminder I do not know anything about courtrooms, judges, laws, and or child custody battles, so please do not hold anything against me. I did a bit of research, but a lot of the information was quite complex to grasp.]

"You may be seated." He gives us the go ahead to sit down in our seats, instantly causing for Jason's legs and hands to shake frightfully. "It's okay, calm down." I speak lowly under my breath, before giving his hand–that is still shaking terribly in my own– an encouraging squeeze.

It didn't take no time for the Judge Nixon to get going on the custody case for Joel. In fact, he informed us it would be a quick decision seeing how his mind was already made up looking at the files back at his office. I admit that made me a tad bit nervous, though I tried not to show it. Jason's already uneasy, and for me to grow visibly anxious won't make this any better.

I just don't want to lose Joel. This situation is tricky; it's not like Jason and I are trying to obtain sole custody over Joel, we are trying to get full custody. We do not want to share him with anyone else... especially not Benny. Now I understand he's kind of like a step dad type of thing, but even that he's not. He and Christine weren't even married, they were just boyfriend and girlfriend. The only thing that's keeping him linked to Joel, is his son Dylan... who is Joel's half-brother. Other than that, Jason is his biological father, and have every right to keep him.

"I have reviewed both cases and pieces of evidence provided for Jason Andrew McCann, and Benny Edward Sharp. You both are trying to obtain full custody over the minor, Joel Anthony Baker. In which only one of you are his biological father, and the other being only the boyfriend of his deceased mother. Is that correct?" Judge Nixon looks up from reading of some paperwork on his desk, as he gazes back and forth from Jason to Benny. "Yes, your honor." Both men state at once, and then soon after they are being sworn under oath.

"I am going to be quite honest with you both," Nixon begins to speak again after a long pause of silence. "From looking at both I your records and past convictions, I don't think either of you are the right fit to be the legal guardian over Joel Baker." He says those very words, causing Jason's face to drop drastically.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no." He begins to mumble lowly under his breath, as the three of us are told to stand before the judge. "You both have been to prison countless of times, drug abuse has been in both of your pasts, vehicle theft, DUI's, robbery, domestic violence, and aggravated assault, and the list goes on and on. You both share almost the same past, which makes this decision harder." he then stops again, taking off his glasses to sigh and shake his head.

"I understand." Jason responds lowly, looking at the judge sadly. "I am granting full custody of Joel A. Baker to Jason McCann." I gasp in relief at Judge Nixon saying those words, letting my already tears flow down my face as I quickly hug a surprised looking Jason.

U-us? We g-got full custody over him?" Jase speaks all out of it, hugging me tighter as Joel legally becomes his son. He has always been his son, he just beat Benny over this custody battle. "The only reason why I'm giving you full custody of Joel, is because of your wife– Malarie McCann. I can tell she's helped you change into a better man from what I've seen three years ago. You are drug free, you're looking healthier, and I heard you hardly ever drink anymore. Thank your wife for pushing you, and thank yourself for going through with it. Don't let her go; she's a keeper. Make her happy, and you make him happy. Court is now adjourned." He then hits his gavel on his desk, dismissing us all from court.

Not caring about who's looking at us, we begin to break down and cry tears of happiness and relief. I think we cried so much to even notice Benny being handcuffed by a couple of police officers. We pull apart in confusion, watching the scene unfold in front of us. We were briefly informed of him owing lots of unpaid tickets, as well as him having drugs on him at the moment. Jason and I just shake our heads, not understanding how he could be so selfish to his child. He's clearly going to prison.

Then just like that, we were again briefly informed of Benny leaving his own son Dylan at his mother's house for two months now. He has his absolute nerve! He was caught up in trying to get "custody" over a child that's not even his, and failed to realize he hasn't even been taking care of his own child since the death of Christine two months ago. I think the judge saw right through Benny; he only saw Joel as a check, seeing how he wrote he would adopt him as soon as he got full custody.

He doesn't care– he never did. I am so happy Judge Nixon chose us over him. He's on drugs, drinks heavily, and gambles away his money anyway. Joel deserves to be with his real family; his father, his brothers, his sisters, his many of uncles, his Grandma Pattie, and me. I'll never replace his real mom, but I'll love him as if he's my own.


"And I get to stay with you forever?" Joel gasps, holding up a certificate that Judge Nixon gave to us. It just states that Jason is his legal guardian. "Yeah you do!" Jase answers enthusiastically, no type of sarcasm at all.

"I also get my last named changed to McCann?" The cuteness overload radiates off Joel as he widens his eyes, and begin to jump up and down! "Heck yeah you will! It's actually changed already, see?" Jase bends down to Joel's level, pointing to the certificate that says his new surname.

As soon as we were awarded the fantastic news, we quickly sped home– I know, very dangerous. It won't happen again– in hopes to tell all of our family members. We told almost everyone, except for Cal and Alex. Jase and I kind of barged in on them sexing it up. I can tell it was hardcore session, seeing how Cal was screaming in agony as he smiled so brightly. I don't even know how Jase and I couldn't hear those two; I guess the excitement got the best of us. Thinking about it, no wonder why all the children and the other adults were outside when we got back.

"So are you happy about adopting him?" Jase bumps my arms with his elbow, as he kisses Joel's forehead. "Of course I am, I love my Joel." I kiss him on his cheek, instantly getting a kiss on the cheek in return from my Joe Joe.

"Me too, I'm so excited for this life. Like I have everything I want all right here with me, you know?" My husband's smile never drops, which makes me smile to myself. "Yes I know. It's a good feeling to be adopted to great people. It reminds me of when I got adopted." I look out into the opened grass area in our backyard, as I watch our other children playing and running around.

My little slow poke Ariel has finally grasped the walking concept. She doesn't even want to be held anymore, all she wants to do is to walk and get into things like her older brother Jasper. I tear rolls out of my eye at how fast my kids are growing up; my last baby who is still a baby knows how to walk now. I remember when I was pregnant with them. It seems as if it was just yesterday I found out I was pregnant. They all are getting big... I guess that's just life.

"I'm going to go play now." Joel gets up from Jason's lap, not waiting for a response from neither one of us. "Look at all my grandkids. Gosh, I would have never thought I have any. I know I wasn't there to watch you and your brother grow up, but I am grateful to be here to watch those kiddos grow up into wonderful men and women." Pattie speaks from the side of Jason, placing a kiss on his cheek. "I love you mom." Jase responds lovingly, getting another kiss from his mom, before she runs to the grass area with the kids.

"I'm about to head on out to Iyanna's house, man. But I'll text you later though." Za announces, with him and Jason doing their male handshake thing. "Alright, man. Drive safe, tell Iyanna we said hi." Jason and I wave him off, both smiling up at each other wickedly.

We already know Za's going to go get him some, we heard him saying dirty things to her over the phone earlier. It's all okay though, sometimes the body just wants some sexual release. Clearly a lot of the guys need it; look at Cal and Alex for instance. They still have not came out that bedroom, and it's been a little over an hour now. They didn't even care that we barged in, they just kept going. Absolute savages and freaks I tell you.

As the day begins to end, I realize how time waits for no one. Just earlier Jase and I thought our lives were going to take a major turn for the worst, although in the end it was a major turn around. We are truly grateful and so very blessed. I thank the man above, and I thank my Jason. If it wasn't for his consistency and positivity– even when he wanted to be negative– we wouldn't have Joel with us right now. He would be in a terrible man's world. Everything happens for a reason, and everything works out for your good.


Jason's POV

A month later - April 15th

I tap my hands on the desk rhythmical, waiting for this man to tell me if I passed or not. These past three months– since during the recovery process of my leg injury, I have been attending a continuation school to receive my GED. No one suggested I get it, I just wanted to have it and earn for myself.

I also wanted my kids to know that failure is not an option, and that education is very important. Especially furthering your education... like how Mal is doing. She only has a few more units left, and then she'll be graduating with her Bachelors in Business. I am so very proud of her, and I promise she's making it to this graduation. I won't hold her back from walking that stage this time.

"Congratulations Mr. McCann, you passed! You have earned your GED." The principle over the continuation school hands me over my certificate, causing me to smile widely. "Man, all that hard work paid off. And how I did it all consecutively within three months. This is amazing, and I thank you for believing in me." I shake the principle's hand, before smiling proudly as I walk out of the door holding my certificate of completion!

[A/N: Just so y'all don't think I'm lying about the above information. You can actually graduate within that time span at some continuation schools. It took my sister just six months; all she had to do was do worksheets with courses required to graduate. She did! Failure is not an option, get that education babies!]

This is all for my children; all the studying, late nights, boring homework assignments, tests, quizzes, and class work is all for them. They motivated me, they inspired me to be better and to keep on going. I got really embarrassed one day when Natasha asked me why I didn't go to school like Mal. I couldn't give her a clear answer as to why; instead I just told her I liked watching her and her siblings go to school... which was complete bull. In reality I had to drop out of school before starting high school. Some would think I'm dumb, but in reality I'm quite intelligent. I think that's why I was able to obtain my GED faster than the others in my classes.

I know Tasha only asked me that question due to Mal doing her homework. One evening she was propped up on lots of pillows just typing away on her laptop, for some history paper that was due the following day. She was doing her homework through the pain of her gunshot wounds, being the strong trooper she has always been.

After that day, I vowed and decided I would get me some type of education for myself. I know my kids were watching their mama going to school every day, while I just chilled at the house doing nothing. I would literally do nothing; not clean, not cook one thing, just sit around and eat and watch TV. That's all changed now, I have plans for myself in the future. I realized that I have been a huge hypocrite by telling my kids failure is not an option, when I was taking the option to fail.

Quickly dialing Mal's number as I hop into my truck, I wait for her to answer. She picks up on the second ring, greeting me like royalty as always. Ugh, I love this damn woman.

"Hi my handsome King." Her voice chimes in on the other line of the phone, bringing another smile to my face. I swear I have been so smiley these past months. Nothing can take it away from my face; nothing at all. "Hi my Queen, how are you?" I answer her, pulling out the driveway of the school.

"I am doing great, even more now since you called." She burps on the other line, and then mumbles a sorry before giggling. "You are one gross woman. But anyway, guess what?" I turn onto the freeway, wanting to get home and show her my certificate of completion already.

"What? You sound happy so it has to be good news." She speaks excitedly, noticing my sound of voice is filled with glee. "I got my GED!" I shout out loudly, exciting the freeway as I near our home.

"OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! Are you freaking serious? Oh my gosh!" She screams in the speaker, quickly making me turn down the volume on the car stereo. This aux cord sure can project sound. "Yes I'm serious! I got the paper and everything! I'm turning on our block now." I turn on our block, speeding down the road to show Mal my achievement. She's already so happy for me; my number one cheerleader.

I pull into my outside driveway and click a button on remote to our gate, and pull my car inside. As I am driving more into my gated property I see Mal running out of our house with our children and family right behind her. I do not have time to park or to fully turn the the car off, before my door is opened and I practically snatched out of the car by my wife.

Within seconds I am being kissed so very tenderly, with our kids and family making sounds of groans and gags. Hey, no one told you guys to look. When Mal finds it in herself to let my lips go, she then congratulates me as well as the others. All their faces displayed looks of them really being proud of my accomplishments. It may seem like a small thing for me to graduate from "high school" but it means so much to me. I have never experienced it before, so it's all a new and amazing feeling.

"We have to celebrate for the grad!" Mal yells, whipping her hair back and forth like that Willow Smith girl. "Yeah, let's have a party!" My baby girl, Tasha suggests.

"YEAH!" Everyone responds in unison, sounding genuinely excited for it! "Then let's do it then! Let me make some calls." Za pulls out his phone, beginning to speak to someone.


I watch all my friends and family from the sidelines by a nearby tree, seeing how they smile so widely, and laugh amongst one another. They all are having an amazing time, and it's no thanks to Za and the others. This all wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for the amount of encouragement and love... and I'm not talking about the party, I'm talking about our friendship.

I laugh to myself as I see Rebecca still pregnant and wobbling around with her overdue baby bump, trying to walk that little sucker out. Wyatt's kid is definitely stubborn just like him, and just will not give his or her mama a break and come out. I then see Mal rub and kiss her belly before scoping out the crowd and catching my eyes. She bats her eyelashes cutely, before strutting over to me and hugging me tightly. I know she must feel my heart beating out my chest due to her close contact, yet she doesn't say anything. She simply wraps her arms around my waist, and begins to sway us to a nice slow song someone just so happened to put on.

"I am so proud of you, Jason. I love you so very, very, very much." I feel a kiss on my chest, hearing each word spoken out of love from my lover. "I'm proud of me too, and I love you so very much too, Malarie." I place a kiss on her head, swaying us back and forth.

We do not talk– there's no need to, we're just dancing under the bright moon and stars, enjoying each other's presence with our friends and family not too far by. Man, I am just one lucky bastard.

I have an exceptionally wonderful wife, great kids, a great mom, and amazing friends right by my side. It just cannot get better than this. I am truly blessed, that's all I can say.


- Chapter 70 is now updated! Next up is the the end and epilogue! It will be updated later today after I get home from classes.

- Alexis (:

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