Salubrious (Jason McCann)

By AlexisIsAWeirdo

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*Book Two of the Neurotic Series.* Salubrious [suh-loo-bree-uh s] : favorable to or promoting health; healthf... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 66

12.8K 477 761
By AlexisIsAWeirdo

Hi everyone! I am just going to be completely honest with you. Please be forewarned that this chapter is so badly written, and probably will leave you all so very confused. I am sorry in advance; writers block sucks butt. :3

Jason's POV

I shut my eyes tightly, and bite down on my bottom lip painfully; really trying to concentrate on anything but the pain that keeps coming in contact with my body. This masked son of a bitch keeps punching, kicking, and beating my body with random objects over and over again. The punches and kicks to my gut is nothing really, but being told my family is going to die is something else. I grow furious when I hear that, which results in me trying to break free to snap this person's neck off. They only laugh, liking my anger and continue to punch me like some human punching bag.

I have been enduring this for about two or three days now. I'm not quite sure if the small specks of light I can see through the cracks of this tiny room is indeed sun light, or an actual light coming from somewhere else. All I know is I have to get out and save my family and friends; I haven't seen them in that amount of time as well. The way I can tell if they are somewhat alright, is unfortunately hearing their screams. So far I have heard Mal's screams the most... along with Cal's and Pattie's. No one else's after that; not even my children's voices.

I cannot even bathe and go to the bathroom the way I want to. I am lucky I am a man, all I have to do is whip it out if I have to pee. Yet for the other, I have to hold in my shit until these son of a bitches feel they want to come into the room... or go on myself. Lucky for me I haven't went on myself, but gosh have I been close. I'm not even sure why I have to take a dump if I haven't ate in a couple of days. Maybe I'm nervous... I don't know.

"I am going to beat your ass until you stop breathing!" The fucker punches me even harder in my stomach, making every one of his blows count. "FUCK YOU, YOU PUSSY!" I sit my head up tiredly while I yell at him, before I see him pick up a bat and hit me over my head. Then once again, I go out like a light.


"Jason, wake up." I hear a deep voice in the distance, calling my name in a taunting sing song way. "Wakey, wakey, asshole." I then feel a rough punch against my cheek, causing me to wince a little in pain.

"You better wake up, before I kill your precious little Malarie." Once I hear the name of my lover, I immediately pop my tired eyes open and try to stand up to protect her. Yet that doesn't work at all. "AHHH!" I yell out in pain, as my entire body is shocked with what seems like electric bolts.

My body jerks in shock, striking my memory at being shocked before in prison. I shake my head and try to open my eyes, but the flashback takes over my brain anyway.

Flashback: Three years ago.

"You're a fucking criminal who needs to be taught a lesson. You don't just kill and torture people without being tortured yourself, McCann." One police guard yells in my face with disgust, while his buddy slams me down in the chair and straps me up like some wild animal. He shoves some type of ball into my mouth. "We will help you." The other one speaks darkly, before he cranks up the machine and electrocutes me in the electric chair.

"AHHHH!" I yell at the top of my very lungs, moving my head from side to side in attempts to get the hat off my head. The guards' just laughs in my face, thinking it's okay to turn the machine up a notch. "That's what you get." One of them encroaches my personal space, and disrespectfully spits right into my face. "Just die already." He whispers in my ear, the machine jerking my body crazily.

"Just die already." I hear the laughter in the unknown man's voice, as I am brought back to reality. "UHHH!" I keep my eyes shut, fighting through the electric surges piercing through my entire body.

The machine suddenly stops, and then I hear movement before feeling two punches to the side of my head. I try to reach up to touch my head, but I forgot my hands are restrained by many of tight chains restraining me. I am hanging up from a bolt in the ceiling that is adjustable to go all the way up, or to come all the way down. I'm only ever high in the air when this asshole– or the other assholes are done beating my ass for a couple of hours. Those hours usually range from one to three hours tops. Then I am taken down to get beat on again.

"You are a piece of shit, Jason." I feel my head tugged back, readying myself for the blow, yet it never comes. Instead of getting hit in my face or stomach, I feel a kick to my dick. "Ah shit! My baby maker." I grit in agonizing pain, not even able to grasp it out of instinct.

"There won't be any more babies for you." I hear this pussy ass bitch chuckle. "Hündin!" I grit under my breath, just trying to focus on the pain going away.

Too weak, and terribly in pain to open my eyes to see what's going on, I instead try to think of something calming. The first thing that pops inside my head is Malarie. She's the only person to keep me calm in situations like this, apart from our children. Then I begin to think about my kids, oh gosh I hope they are okay.

Finally calming myself down enough for my liking, I slowly open up my eyes. I take in my surroundings I have grown used to from the time I have gotten here. A cold, darkened dungeon-like room that keeps me company whenever I'm not being beat on. I am also aware of the asshole not on the room with me any longer.

"I have such a huge surprise for you, Jason." I spoke too soon. The creep comes back into my view, with his eyes dancing in excitement. I know he's smiling underneath that stupid mask on his face. "What is it?" I grit my teeth, trying not to make any sudden moves. I still have these electronic wires on me.

"I rather show you, than tell you." He chuckles darkly, before I am then blindfolded against my will. "Let me go!" I struggle in his arms, no soon after feeling multiple hands on me.

Whoever these punks are, they give me no room to thrash and try to fight back. In fact, they hold me still as they begin to unfasten me from the chains I'm hanging from. Once my feet reach the cold ground, I am all off balance and completely stripped from the rest of my clothing. I am only in my jeans and underwear; somehow my shirt disappeared being in the clutches of these devils.

"NO!" I shout in extreme fright, not wanting these unknown men to see me naked. "Let me the hell go, you sick bastards!" I again attempt to fight back, but I am held against someone while other hands seem to place different clothing on me? I don't even freaking know! I just feel violated.

"Stop your moving, McCann!" Two hard punches are placed upon my stomach, making me groan gutturally. "Let me go." I grit out in pain, feeling underwear being placed on me.

I am ignored the remainder of me being clothed, with them even oddly fixing my hair into place. I am extremely confused as to what the hell is going on, and that scares me the most out of the entire situation. I do not want to be harmed by a man again.

It's quiet for a couple of seconds, with only my heavy breathing and the unknown men around me snickering every time they touch me. I don't know if they know about my uneasiness with men touching me, or they just like the way I look weak and wimpy.

Once I am fully clothed, I am harshly pushed out of this room to somewhere else. I don't know where I am being taken, I just know I am still chained up around my chest and hands– no shoes or socks– with me being dressed in some new type of clothing. It feels as if I am wearing slacks and a dress shirt maybe. Since my hands are pinned downward to my sides, I can feel the smooth material of my pants, and the bottom half of my shirt.

"Open up the door." I hear a man's voice from the left side of me, while a creaking door is pushed open. I still cannot see anything; this darkened blindfolded really cuts out any light to my eyes. "You better not say a fucking word!" I hear another male's voice, but it's not directed at me.

I could have sworn I heard a sniffle, but maybe it's me. I am hungry, and my mind is all jumbled up due to it. I close my eyes underneath the blindfold to try to listen closely at what's going on around me, though I do not hear anything. It's dead silence and I'm not sure if it's good or bad thing. Who the hell am I kidding? Of course it's a bad thing!

I am quickly placed into a chair, where I sit silently and patiently for what's to come my way. Sense my eyesight is take away from at the time, I go ahead and try to use my other senses. Of course I can't use my sense of taste, but my nostrils and ears never failed me before. So attempt to use those two; subtly sniffling of any familiar aroma. No familiar smell doesn't strike up anything for me. And then my hearing deceives me; the room is so quiet, even a pen drop can't even be heard.

"It's so good to see you again, Jason." All of a sudden I hear an oddly familiar voice, hoping my mind or ears playing with me. "Oh you must be scared shitless by the sound of my voice huh, Jason?" I'm really not. He taunts me, laughing at the end. 

"Nothing to say? Oh I'm surprised, you always have something to say," he chuckles again, his shoes clicking and clacking against the ground as he gets closer to me. "Welcome to the party, Jason." I am smacked painfully hard on my face, as he then snatches off my blindfold revealing a terribly beaten Alex, Za, Cal, my mom, and the other gang members. I see Wyatt, Brandon, Mike, and Kevin. But... where in the hell is my wife and children?

I begin to panic in my seat, my breathing all wild and uneven. I try my hardest to break free from my chains, but it's no use. They are chained so very tightly on me, making it immensely hard to break free.

"Now I know what you are thinking," I quickly turn my attention over to Peter. I knew it, I fucking knew he was no good! "Oh, don't give me that face, Jason. It's not my fault you let your guard down, buddy. As a gang leader, you should have already known to get your family out of incoming trouble. That's your fault for letting your friends and dumb ass brother take care of your problems." He speaks down to me as if I'm a little kid.

"Where is my wife and kids?" I speak dangerously slow, not in the mood to play any games with him. "Somewhere." He laughs, making me growl and try to stand up from my seat.

"Sit your ass down!" I am punched in my face again, this time causing my lip to bleed. "Peter please! Don't hurt him, please hurt my son!" I hear my mom cry out, while Peter snaps his head in her direction. Oh no.

"SHUT UP, Patricia!" He yells at her in anger, making her nod her head sadly and cry some more. "You suck, man!" Alex shouts, which makes Peter snap his hands. Two men pull his chained body to the side and begin to beat on him.

"NO! Peter, please! You promised me you wouldn't hurt my, boys!" My mother yells at him once more, but then she instantly grows quiet once he backhands her in her face. "HEY!" I shout, so badly wanting to help her out and kill that piece of scum for touching her.

Yet again, I am pinned down to my seat by two ugly assholes! Ugh, I cannot wait until I get my hands on this bastard! My breathing begins to pick up in anger at seeing my brother get beat on, and my mother being slapped. I feel helpless; I cannot do a thing to help them out.

"Will you all please calm the hell down? It's not that serious, plus I have a surprise for you, Jason." He directs his attention over to me, snapping his stupid fingers twice. "What's up you guys?" I hear the voice I was hoping not hear, making me look at him in the ultimate amount of betrayal.

"Ryan." I say his name, just looking at his smirking face in utter disgust. So does the others, even Alex does and he's half way out of it. "Hey, bro." His voice is taunting; so not how he is. Or so how I thought he was.

"Why?" That's all I ask, looking up at him with utter disgust. "Why what?" He plays dumb, laughing at me.

"How could you, Ryan? I thought we all were friends. You deceived us." Cal gets chocked up, trying to wipe his eyes on his shoulder. "It was long time coming, faggot ass." He disrespects Cal, making everyone in the room– except for Peter and his gang– turn to look at him angrily.

"I don't think these faggot lovers liked you disrespecting their friend," Peter walks up to Ryan, the both of them laughing as if what they said was actually funny. "Oh fucking well. Daniel, Jamie, George, Ron, go get those little bastards." Peter gives the guys standing behind me orders, with them quickly going to retrieve what I am hoping is my family.

I watch Peters's every move, not knowing what he has up his sleeve. One things for sure, he definitely doesn't like me. He's full on dangerous too; all of his guys have guns pointed at my family, friends, and I. That's not cool at all. I know I said it before, but I'm going to get him and his little crew.

"So you're apart of the Chicos Malos gang?" I frown, my nostrils flaring as he smirks and nod his head. "Correction, I am the leader of that gang. You fought me once, and I nearly stabbed your dick off. If it wasn't for your stupid brother, I would have succeeded." That was him! He laughs in hysterics, while I growl in anger.

"What do you want?" I question his motives, wanting him to just tell me already. "Revenge." That's all he says, before the group of men he sent off, comes back inside the room with my kids walking in a single file line! Only Ariel and Jasper are free, and very mouthy in their car seats.

"DADDY!" My children yell out my name all at once, trying to run over to me. Although, they are handcuffed to a long chain. "What the hell! Let my kids go, Peter!" I struggle in my own chains, just wanting to free my children.

"Nope." He laughs as if chaining my kids up is that funny. Is not, if anything it's disgusting what he's putting my children through. "Peter, please. Not my Grandchildren, not them." My mother feels the need to plead and beg; it's too late for all of that. I told her this guy was bad news!

"Silence, Patricia!" He snaps in annoyance, making sure to point his finger at her in stern irritation. "As you can see, Jason... we have your precious little children. They aren't hurt, and haven't seen too much. We even have your gorgeous wife. I admit, she's not in the same state as the kids. She put up quite the fight, which she did get penalized for. She's such a good mother; she wouldn't let anyone touch her kids. Some of my guys want to keep her for themselves, but you know what? I'll make you a deal, buddy." I begin to breathe very erratic now, not liking the way he spoke about Mal.

Is she badly hurt? Is she bleeding? Did the sexually harm her? Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Baby I'm so sorry! My little turtle dove I'm going to save us.

"David! Seth! Bring in who we all have been waiting for, will you?" He calls over his shoulder, grinning widely. "NO!" I then her Mal's piercing screams from behind the door, as she is roughly dragged into the room in nothing but skimpy lingerie on! Not to mention she has bruises all over her.

"MOMMY! MOM! MOMMA!" Natasha, Joel, and Jacob all shout at once, as they watch their mother endure pain. "LET HER GO YOU, FUCKTARDS!" My voice is uproariously loud, while these idiots laugh at me and my family all helpless and defenseless in this situation.

"Aww, how cute. Your husband seems very angry, baby." David comments, before licking Mal on her cheek. "Let her go now!" I try again, getting punched in the side of my face.

"David, stop." She tries to move her head away from him, but he only grasps her face and places a sloppy kiss onto her lips. I nearly grow sick watching him kiss and grope her all over her body. "She's so mouthwatering." Seth weird ass looks at her in awe, bending down to rub over her bruised legs and thighs.

"No, no, no, no." She cries hysterics, shaking her head and attempting to get away from the two psychos who have done so much harm to her in the past. She fails though; she is just as chained up like the rest of us. "Now that the queen is here, I'm going to make you a deal, McCann." I hear Peter speaking, yet I do not pay him any mind.

I furiously stare at the two jackasses rubbing over my wife; they are gone. They are so gone once I'm free.

"Ah, ah, ah, Jason. Pay attention, or I will let them take her right here in front of everyone!" Almost instantly, I turn my head towards the manipulating piece of shit! "Well spit out whatever you have to say then! She's clearly scared and uncomfortable!" I scream out in fury, clenching my fist so very tightly at my side.

"Let her go guys; don't scare the precious queen. We want her to be as comfortable as possible." Peter almost laughs at his words, while the two shit faces let up from practically molesting her in front of me. "Sure thing, dad." Seth responds, chuckling as everyone widen their eyes surprise at the two of them being related.

As my eyes stay widened in shock, I watch as Peter comes up to me with a mischievous smile etched on his stupid face. I break our gaze for a millisecond, looking back at Mal trying to cover her body up as best as she can with her hands. He turns to her, then back at me with a huge smile.

"I want revenge, Jason," he finally speaks, now looking me furious than ever. "Yolanda Daniels. You killed her almost four years ago. She was my daughter– my little girl, and now you have to pay for it!" I punched in my face twice, causing my head to snap to the side with each blow.

"You killed my sister, you bitch." Seth walks up to me, but not before dragging Mal by her hair over to me. She cries as she is dragged in front of me. "Whoa, be careful with her, dude." I hear David respond, as he rushes over to wipe away some blood on Mal's knees.

"What do you want to do with him, Boss?" Ryan sellout ass walks closer to Peter with a huge smirk on his face. "Back the hell up, Ryan!" He's shoved by Peter, quickly making his smile drop.

"Let's divide them." Seth says plainly, with his father nodding his head in agreement. "Yeah, I like that. Make him choose, huh?" Peter snaps his hands, quickly making his gang members divide the room by male and female. Even the children are divided. They are also not handcuffed anymore... hmm. Mal is moved away from me, of course with her being groped disgustingly

I am then placed in the middle of the room, where my family and friends stare back at me with nervous expressions on their faces. My children even hold a scared look on their faces... well all except Jacob. He keeps pointing at David's very noticeable crooked nose. I mean I did break it back in New Zealand.

"Why your nose ugly?" Jacob bluntly asks, making me laugh, and Mal widen her eyes in nervousness as she looks at our son. "Shhh, Jakey. I told you not to ask him that again." So he's been asking? She tries to hush him, but he continues to ask not listening his mom.

"I want to know why it looks like that. Huh, Tasha? It's ugly and BIG!" He asks his sister, while pointing at an angry looking David. "Um, kind of." She responds, leaning forward to see her brother on the other side of the room by the men.

"Shut UP, you damn brat!" David's cry baby ass gets into my son's face, with Mal pleading him not to hurt our son. "Ooh, mama his breath stinks! Your breath stinks, Mister." Jake shows a face of disgust, as he fans his hand in front of his nose.

I burst out laughing at Jacob being a natural born savage, as he literally tells a grown as man off. That's my boy, that's my son!

"You better shut him up now, Malarie!" He points Mal's way, with her attempting to stand up. "No, sit down. Forget the kid, David. Gosh, you're sensitive! Let's move along!" Seth looks to David, before snapping to Ryan.

His traitor ass comes rushing over to me like some little puppy dog, and leans down by my ear. He tried to chuckle darkly, but doesn't sound too confident. He has never been good at being a leader; he will always and forever will be a follower.

"Why are you doing this to me, Ryan? We have been friends forever." I half turn my head to him, then back to my family. "When you married that nagging, bitch! You chose her over our friendship, Jason." He admits, with Mal lowly holding her head down. I go to say something in response to him, but he cuts me off.

"Now you have to choose, Jason. You have two options. You can choose to pick one male, and one female from those lovely group of people in front of you. Or, be forced to kill them all... with you being killed too. Either way, a lot of people are going to die today." He whispers in my ear teasingly, making sure to laugh and shove me in the back of my head. "Man, y-you can't do this. You can't make me choose between all the people I love." I shake my head in a daze, not understanding why they would torture me like this.

"It's not that hard, McCann," Peter stands next to me, looking at the silence filled crowd in front of us. "In fact, it's easy. You already hate your mother, so get rid of her. Your wife is a liar, so that's a no go. Natasha's not even yours, so boom! You save baby, Ariel Rose." He claps, pointing over to Ariel cooing loudly.

"I can't, please don't make me choose. I love all of my girls, no matter what we are, or how we feel about each other. I love them all." I hold in my emotions, shaking my head in refusal to his suggestion. "You better choose soon, because same goes for the men. Cal, Za, Wyatt, Kevin, Brandon, and Mike all are not even related to you, so they are given to die. Joel probably will hate you, seeing how his real mother is dead. Leaving the poor child motherless now, so he's an easy person to kill. He'd probably kill himself in a couple of years anyway. Jacob is a smart mouth, people like that really have to go. Your gay brother– oops, did you not know? Yes, Jason, your brother is gay. I caught him having quite the fun time with Cal, before we took all of them. Him being gay, he just needs to go, so that leaves us with Jasper. Just choose the twins and be on with it." I grow uneasy at his terrible words for my family and friends.

I look at Mal, who is looking at me with an unreadable expression. Then we both look at Cal's face, which is extremely red at being embarrassed. I then look at my brother, who looks at Peter with nothing but distaste. My brother is gay. Alexander McCann is gay, who would have thought? And he has a thing with Cal? Wow, just wow. I guess opposites really do attract.

"Let me help you choose." Seth smiles widely, going over to the men. "HEY! Don't touch them, don't you dare touch the–" I am punched in my mouth by David, which sends me crashing on my back to the ground.

I can hear loud screams, and several shooting sounds go off around me! Most of the screams belonged to my kids, Mal, mom, and Cal! I try my hardest to get up, but it's so very hard while I'm being pinned down by four big ass dudes.

"See? They are gone." I am harshly set back into my sitting position, where I see Wyatt, Brandon, Kevin, and Mike all laying in a pool of their own blood. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. They are all dead." Mal cries in hysterics, as our three older children hold on to her, and hide their faces into her half naked body.

"Four down, and five more to go. I am proud of you son, keep it up. Let it all out, show them how if feels to lose someone you love." Peter encourages his son, while he snaps his fingers for the four men holding me down. "I want to fucking kill, Jason. Let me kill him, Peter." Ryan smacks me in the back of my head, really starting to make me pissed about how idiotic he's being.

"Shut up, Ryan!" Peter snaps at Ryan for the second time, making him stomp his foot in the ground. "That's not fair! You are letting your son do all the work! You promised me I would kill someone!" He yells at Peter, getting into his face.

I can tell Peter is growing frustrated with Ryan, by the way he rolls his eyes deeply. I've been watching how he doesn't look too interested with anything Ryan says or does. That gives me an idea; a brilliant one in fact.

"That must suck." I begin to speak, making sure the two hear me. "What?" Ryan turns around, looking at me in pure hatred.

"You left one gang who gave you everything you wanted, just to go to another where they treat you like shit." Shrugging my shoulders, I point out the obvious. "That's not true! It's not true right, Peter?" Ryan looks from me to Peter rolling his eyes obviously.

"No." He responds sarcastically, looking at Ryan with a nonchalant stare. "You promised me things, and I still have not received them. I gave up locations, numbers, dates, and even money! It's like you don't care." My once best friend points out the obvious, displaying a solemn expression.

"He doesn't care. He doesn't care about anything you've done for him, Ry. He just wanted to use you, to get what he needed from you. You don't matter to him." I poke at the situation, watching how Ryan grows angrier and angrier with each word I speak. "That's not true! It's not true!" He yells, tears glazing over in his eyes.

"It is, dude." Shrugging my shoulders, I see Natasha trying to pull Mal's handcuffs off of her hands. I quickly turn away, not wanting to bring attention to my girls. "No it's not! Is it true, Peter? Is it? Do you just want me for my information?" Somehow Ryan manages to pull out a pocket knife, placing it against Peter's throat.

His four gang members who were once hovering by me quickly pulls out their guns, making sure to aim it at Ryan. Even his son Seth, and David raises their gun at Ryan. I am aware of my mother and Mal crying, probably not wanting to see anyone get killed in front of their eyes again. Tasha, Joel, and Jacob are too scared to even look up, so they again hide into Mal's body parts again.

"Hold your guns." Peter tells his guys, all while looking at an angry Ryan. "You suck Peter!" Ry yells, jabbing his knife more into Peter's neck.

"What is it you want, Ryan? Tell me, and it's all yours." I can tell Peter is struggling to breath, due to the knife still being placed firmly against his airway. "I want to kill all of them, and I want what I am owed!" Peter mumbles something into his ear, making him let up on him.

Yet as soon as he lets up, Peter catches him off guard and grabs his pocket knife, stabbing him to his neck. Mal and my mother begin to cry, but I don't think it's out of sympathy. I know it's more so of seeing yet another person's life being taken away in front of their very eyes.

"You'll learn to respect me, and never question my word!" Peter yells at Ryan, who is struggling to breathe as his blood begins to gargle out of his mouth, and seep out the wound in his neck. "On to the women! David, Seth, take over!" My eyes widen at hearing him say that, but I do not say anything in response to him. I wouldn't want my smart mouth to be the cause of the women in my life being taken away from me.

"I don't think I want to kill you, baby. You're just too beautiful." I watch as David softly strokes Mal's cheek, with her closing her eyes as she cries. "Then don't, kill the others. We'll make her our sex slave. Our pet to have; she's already submissive. Thanks for that, Jason. You did well with teaching her." Seth looks at me, giving me a thumbs.

I so happen to look over to Ryan, seeing he finally stopped breathing. He suffered a little, but not as much as I wanted him to suffer when I got my hands on him. Although, I guess it wasn't meant for me hurt him. I think his karma was being murdered by a gang leader, who took him under his wing just to deceive our gang.

"Alright, say goodbye to your daughters, and your mother-in-law, Malarie." As David raises his gun to Ariel's head, Mal begins to scream in beg. "Please! No, I beg you not to hurt her. Just take me, I'll do anything. But please don't kill my babies, you're scaring them." She cries, with our children crying too.

Somehow her words make him lower his gun, with everyone in the room looking to him with wandering eyes. He steps away from her, to whisper something in Seth's ear. They both talk in hushed voices, before they look at her and smile.

"You said anything?" David asks with a huge stupid smirk on his face. "Y-yes. Just please don't touch any of my babies." The tears roll down her face aimlessly, with her holding her gaze with his.

"Fine, none of your babies die today. You belong to us now, Malarie. You will submit to any and everything we say. I don't think you know what you got yourself into." David could only laugh, as Mal and I hold a secret gaze. She blinks twice, with me blinking twice in agreement. "Look you little bastards, your mommy saved all of you!" Seth shouts at our children, with Mal visibly sighing in relief.

"David, c-can I be freed please? These cuffs are really hurting my wrists." Mal asks David, making sure to give those puppy eyes she usually gives to anyone she wants something from. "No!" Peter and Seth say at once, making David stop his unchaining of Mal.

"Why not? She's in pain, I want her to be as comfortable as possible. She has to be freed sometime, if she's going to be handcuffed when we are doing her for hours." That disgusting piece of nothing comments cockily, as if he would really get some of my woman's sweat loving. I think the fuck not. "Please, my wrists hurt, Seth." She begs, turning her attention towards Seth stern face.

"Yeah, I guess." He gives in, making her smile lovingly at him. "Thank you." She responds sweetly, rubbing both of her wrists as she is freed.

"You're welcome, give me a kiss." He leans his lips towards hers, where she looks at me then back at him. "I think I'm getting sick, I wouldn't want to–" he hushes her up with a kiss, causing me to let out a loud growl. That makes Seth, David, Peter, and those four ugly guys laugh at my reaction.

"Aww baby, I'm sorry. I guess I just get too aggressive sometimes. You're just so damn kissable." He pulls her into another kiss, of course without her consent, but he doesn't care. "Stop it, David." She lightly pushes him away, and then pick up Jacob and sit him on her lap.

"Don't kiss my mama, you not my dad!" Jake yells from Mal's lap, while she lightly shushes him to be quiet. "Yeah! You are a stranger, don't kiss mama." Joel chimes in, with Tasha shyly nodding her head.

Those are my kids! Tell him little McCann's, tell him! That's right, you always stand up for your mother and siblings.

"Shut those brats up, or I'll gag them!" Mr. Butt hurt points in Mal's face, as she looks up at him in disgust, before exchanging a glance with me. I blink twice, with her quickly blinking and looking back at him. "FORGET YOU!" She then spits in his face, and then punches him in his private area.

With her doing that, I throw myself back against the assholes behind me as hard as I can do. I guess I did a good job, because all four them and myself go down. Within seconds everyone is screaming and trying to get away all chained and shit. Of course I get beat on by the four large men who were once behind me, yet I do not care about the pain I am enduring all throughout my body. I have to save all of us, before it's too late.

Somehow... some damn way, I subtly and painfully manage to grab the keys out of one of the dude's pockets as they beat me up. Gosh it was hard grabbing them being all chained up, but I got them! I hurry and slip them into my back pocket, being harshly set back down in my chair. Trying to keep my eyes open from being almost knocked unconscious again. I soon enough hear Mal's screams and telling Tasha, Joel, and Jacob to run over to me. They do, they hurry up and run towards me.

"Ahhh!" Mal screams as she repeatedly gets slapped and smacked around by sloth and dipshit, with Peter kicking my brother repeatedly in his side as mom and Cal scream for Peter to stop. "Natasha! Bring Ariel and Jasper over here!" I snap to Tasha, with her and Joel pulling Jasper and Ariel's car seats out of harm's way.

I look around at the situation in front of me, knowing I started some mess here! Damn it, I'm getting my woman beat on. I try to think of something– anything to help out this situation. I know Mal and I fucked up big time, but we had to divert a scene so I could get the keys. Mal pointed them out with her eyes earlier, giving me the idea to take them.

I look around the room again... not seeing Za anywhere. Oh man, please don't tell me he left us. He couldn't have... he wouldn't have done that to us. We are his family. Nah, I know my boy. But being the untrusting person I am, I grow angry and think he left us here and got away. If he did, he couldn't have gotten far. He is still very much chained up himself.

"Wait! Stop it, stop it now!" Peter shouts in roaring anger now, looking livid as hell. "Where is the other one? Where is the black dude? He was just here!" He points at me in an accusing manner, as he stalks over to me.

"What?" I scoff, not breaking my gaze with his. To break eye contact is a sign of weakness, and a dead giveaway you are lying. "You know what the hell I said! Where is he?" He stomps his foot, now running his fingers through his hair nervously.

"I don't know. I thought you were supposed to be the leader of your gang. You let him get away, not me." I point out the obvious, getting a painful gut punch. "SHIT! Hey, Chicos Malos let's go! Come on, come on, we have to find this asshole! You all just stay put, not that you have anywhere to go." He waves all the members of his gang towards the door where they rush out.

I thought we almost had them with Mal being free, but David chained her back up. Very tightly and roughly might I add. My poor Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich will be all bruised up no thanks to me getting us in here. Ugh, they even left one of the large gang members to keep watch.

"Don't try anything, McCann." The heavy set guy circles around me like a hawk, watching my every move. "How can I try anything if I am chained up?" I sass him, receiving painful laughs from the adults.

"Le ciel est bleu. (The sky is blue.)" I randomly say, seeing if this dude can understand French or not. "Huh? What did you say, McCann?" He frowns, looking at me in pure confusion. I shake my head at him, clearing my throat

"It's nothing, I'm just singing a lullaby to my kids. Chill out bro, we aren't going anywhere." Yet. I wave him off, chuckling a bit. "Maman... essaie de le distraire, j'ai un plan. (Mom... try to distract him, I have a plan." I speak to my mom, making sure to make it seem as if I'm singing.

She quickly locks her eyes with mine, with me pleading with my own eyes for her to listen to me for once. She nods her head in understanding, but plays it off as if she is dancing to my "singing".

"D'accord, je vais essayer. (Okay, I will try." She responds to me in a sing song way, calling over the guard who's not so good at being one. Who just leaves the person they were told to guard. "Excuse me sir, will you please help with this itch." She mumbles the ending still in her sing song way.

As she soon gets him to help her with her itch, Mal soon realizes what we are doing and joins in to distract this guy in conversation. Cal and Alex even help out to distract him. I know Alex heard everything; he speaks French too.

"Natasha! Viens ici bébé, veins ici. (Natasha! Get over here baby, come here.)" I call over Tasha, who instantly rushes over to me with wide eyes. I've been teaching my little Princess how to speak and respond in French. She knows enough to help me.

"Yes, daddy?" She looks up at me, waiting for my next words. Her brothers' even look up at me with widen eyes. "Retirez les clés de ma poche. (Get the keys out of my pants.)" I gesture my head towards my pants pocket.

"Okay." She whispers, slowly inching towards my pockets. "Hurry, baby girl." I whisper back towards her, growing anxious now.

"I don't see them, I'm scared." Her eyes begin to water over with tears, but I shake my head and shush her softly. "They are in my back pocket. But you have to hurry and get them, baby. Daddy is trying to get us out of here, okay? Don't be scared, you are my strong girl. We have to save everyone, Tasha Star." I look at her, then back at my family talking with the guard. They even have him laughing; just terrible.

I halfway stand up for Tasha, so she can get the keys. Once she does they make a jingling sound with her eyes widening, as the guard looks over and around the room towards me. I quickly pull Tasha towards me with my legs, making it seem as if she's giving me a hug. Though the guy doesn't have it, and pushes past my family and walks over to us with anger.

"Mettez les clés dans votre sac, Tasha. (Put the keys in your pocket, Tasha.)" I urge her quickly, as the idiot now stands in front of us, looking at me in confusion. "Les clés sont en. (The keys are in.)" she mumbles lowly, slowly turning a round to look at the man.

He stares at the both of us for a couple more seconds, before he then goes back to his spot by the others. As soon as he does that, I get Tasha to sneakily try to unchain me without bringing attention to us. Man, my baby girl really is showing her bravery today. I know this must be really hard for her– she's gone through something like this before. My family even does a great job at keeping the biggest idiot here occupied, making it easier for me to focus on trying to free myself and the others. Once the many of chains are all unhooked, I take a deep breath before I decide to get up. I have to kill this man, but I don't want to do it in front of my children.

"Shit." I mumble to myself, with Mal looking at me with her raising her eyebrow at my delay. "I can't kill him with our children in here." I mouthed to her, with her shrugging.

"Just do it... he has a gun in his right pocket." She looks pained to mouth those words it, but we both know it needs to be done. "Okay. Y'all have my back." I mouth the words to her, and then look at my brother, Cal, and my mom. They all nod in agreement.

Within no time, I jump up to my feet; the chains that were once around me crashing to the ground with loud clanking noises. The guy immediately stands up to his feet, fumbling to grab his gun from his pocket. But he gets head bunted in his dick with my mom's head, making him drop his gun. Cal manages to kick the gun over to the side. All of that help gives me the go ahead, to run over to him and drag his body towards the opened door. Not to mention Jacob, Joel, and the twins are shouting out in excitement.

"Tasha unchain, Uncle Alex!" I shout out an order for, with her quickly rushing over towards her Uncle. "Let me go, McCann!" This jerk breathlessly struggles in my arms, as I now begin to pull him along the hallway with my arms tightly wrapped around his neck.

As I put more and more pressure on this fatty, I notice his breath begins to slow down. And when it finally does, I go ahead and twist his neck to one side. Making a sharp snapping sound echo around me, causing his body limply fall to the ground as I let go of him. I quickly check his pockets, not finding much at all. Just a few skittles with lent all over them, and a lighter in his pockets. I'll take the lighter, he can keep his snacks.

Running back into the room, I now see my family all unchained, with Mal being the last one to be free. As I go to say something, I then hear multiple gunshots and yells in the distance. Alex, Cal, and I quickly shield the kids and women from any type of potential gun fire coming our way.

As the yells and gunshot sounds seizes, I slowly stand up to my feet. With everyone else doing the same; our poor children crying in frightened hysterics at everything going on. I rub my face in frustration, not knowing what to do now. Not only is my life at stake here, but my family's life is at stake– my wife and kids! Before I can even think of another plan, I see a bloody unchained Za rush inside of the room with a big knife in his hand.

"What's up?" He smiles painfully, holding on his bloody arm. "Za! We thought you ditched us, bro!" Alex shouts, engulfing him in a hug, but gets pushed away quickly.

"Nah! None of that lovey dovey shit right now! We have to get these women and kids out of here! I found our car out back. Cal escort Mal, Pattie and the kids there for safety." He gives Cal the keys, with Alex shaking his head in disagreement.

"No, he's not going anywhere. He's dumb– a little off; he'll for sure get caught up. I'll go with them. I'm not losing him like how he lost Jacob. I um– I love you, dude." He smacks Cal on his back, as he awkwardly clears his throat and looks at his feet. "Aww, Xander. I love you too, bubba." Cal holds his heart in awe, where Mal screeches in excitement.

I roll my eyes, but smile at my brother finally being happy. So all that being mean to Cal was him and his boyish crush on him? Wow, Alex is so gay for Cal. I should have known something was up, he has always had an awkward way of showing he cared for Cal.

"Okay, you take them then. Za and I will handle the rest." I agree to this plan, as we all walk as a group following Za towards the back door of this huge vacant mansion. "Alright, y'all please be safe. If you see or hear anything funny, you drive off. Even if you see flames, or hear bombs go off... you drive away!" I demand orders to Cal and Alex, watching them settling my mom and children in the car.

I notice Mal doesn't move one inch to get inside the car as she is handed over my hoodie from Cal, with her quickly throwing it over her head. Once it's over her head and finally covering up her exposed body, she still doesn't get inside the car. In fact, she tells our kids to be on their best behaviors and promises them cake and ice cream once she gets back.

"What do you think you're doing?" I question her, as she closes the door of the truck. "I am going with you. We are a team, Jason. Plus, I want my revenge too. They tried to rape me again– in front of the kids, Jason. But luckily our children were right by my side to yell, scream, and cry at their mommy being harassed by two animals. A total of five times they tried; they need to go away forever, Jason." I cannot say anything to her confession, I just nod my head.

Then just like that, Za, Mal, and I are the ones to go back inside the eerie quiet mansion. Let's not forget it's extremely dark in here now; they for sure know we have escaped by now. But little do they know, we are coming inside to end all of them for once and for all.

As the three of us walk unarmed– I hear the clicking sound of a gun, making me turn towards Mal. Well fuck me, I guess we are armed– well my girl is. I quickly take the gun from her, getting a little groan in return. I wouldn't want my wife who is unexperienced to shoot her pretty fingers off. I'll just hold on to it, until we actually need it. I know we will, and I am very glad she grabbed it.

"Where could they be?" Mal asks while we turn another dark corner, looking around our surroundings like paranoid crazy people. Hell we have to, three loonies are on the loose. Za informed us he took out the three big guys, leaving Peter, Seth, and David to be free. I wish he would have at least taken out one of them, but that's okay, more blood for me.

"Ooh, a hundred dollar bill!" Mal whisper yells, pointing over to a bloody hundred bill on the ground. "I'll get it!" Za rushes to get it, with us continuing to walk our destination to wherever the hell those three could be.

It seems as if we have been walking for hours, but in reality it's only been a couple of minutes now. It's still deadly quiet, and extremely dark as ever. We turn another corner, but hit a complete dead end. That hit being any type of good for us, we quickly turn around. Although we still in place in nothing but fright. The three people we were once looking for, are standing right in front of us with huge ass guns pointed our way.

I go to step forward, and all hell breaks loose. They soon begin to shoot all crazily at us, with us three dropping down to the floor as their guns light up the corner we are in. I feel a sting hit my arm, with me yelling out profanities in response to my pain. I know I'm not the only one feeling the wooden floor under us begin to weaken, in fact Mal screams as a floor by her caves in.

"Goodbye." Peter laughs darkly, shooting the weakened flooring underneath us, sending all three of us through the ground. "AHHH!" We scream as we fall down, not knowing if this will be the end or not.

But there's more life for us to live on this here earth, as we hit the cool wet feeling of water. All the bodies of water roughly sucking us deeply underneath it. I push myself towards the surface, gasping for air as I push my hair away from my eyes.

I then hear Za gasps for breath, with me instantly looking around for Mal. I see her body struggling at the bottom of the huge pool we are in, and immediately go back under to grab. Once I grab her body, I swim us towards the surface where she can finally get the breath she was trying to get.

"My gosh." She gasps for air, coughing all over the place. "It's okay, you're okay." I pull her into my arms, all while I rub her back.

"Come on y'all, they could be on their way." Za snaps us out of our little moment, bringing us back to our harsh reality. "True. Come on, Mal Mal." I hold her body up to the edge, making sure she gets out.

When she does, she tiredly lays on her back. I wish she could stay like that, but we have to keep moving forward. So without that being said, I help her up to her feet so we can move along. When we move to walk towards the indoor pools door, the clicking of guns startle the three of us. We all sigh over the top, just wanting this to be over with already.

"Leaving us so soon?" Peter voice echoes around the pool room, as Za, Mal, and I to turn around to see those three smirking wickedly. "Just let all of this go, man! Your daughter was a bad person, she will always be a bad person!" Za spits out, making Peter look at him loads of pain and anger.

"I'll never get over it!" He then aims his gun at me, before pulling the trigger. "Fuck." I fall down to the ground, clutching on my other arm that now has a gun wound to it. My tattoos are going to be so ruined!

"Jason! Are you okay?" Mal drops to her knees, trying to apply pressure to my wound. "I'm fine." My voice displays volumes of pain, though I try to hide it from her.

"Just so you can see how badly I feel, I'm going to kill your girl, McCann. Maybe then you will see how I feel. Or better yet, see how I will never get over it!" Peter snaps his hands, with Seth walking up to us to pull Mal away from my side. "No!" She screams, beginning to struggle in his hold and mine.

Then a huge thud, and more gun shots begin to sound around us. I look around me to see Za taking on David, while Peter begins to shoot his way in a crazy manner. Not wanting my woman to get hurt anymore from these bastards, I stand up to my feet and beat Seth's ass once and for all.

"You're dead, Seth!" I punch him in his face repeatedly, with him trying to pull his gun out of his pocket! "I fucked your girl, Jason. She liked every bit of it." He taunts me, punching me in my already sore jaw.

"No! Peter let me go, please let me go!" I can hear Mal's screams of protest, before hearing Peter scream out in pain. "You fucking bitch! Did you just bite me?" I turn my gaze from Seth, to see Mal get backhanded into the pool.

That's when I really try to fight Seth, trying to grab the gun in my own pocket. He fights just as well as me, but I'm better. Tossing his body on the ground with a thud, I begin to slap the shit out of him like Mal would do. I do this for her, but quickly think of her drowning. I grab the gun from my pants pocket, and place the barrel against his head ready to shoot.

"Put the gun down!" Peter yells, but is cut off by a gunshot echoing around us... followed by loud agonizing screaming. The three of us turn around to see Za has shot David in his dick. "That's for sticking it in my sister when she said no!" He kicks the man before jumping in the water to retrieve Mal.

I cannot get a word out, before I am being beaten on by this son and father duo. I thought I was going to fight this battle by myself, but my wife and best friend tiredly runs over to me with all the fight they have left in them. I watch as Mal jumps on Seth's back, trying to beat him in his back.

"Let him go!" She beats his back like Tarzan beating in his chest, as I try to push him off of me. "Let it go, Peter!" Za yells, now fighting Peter one on one.

Somehow Mal manages to get stuck in between Seth and I, who unfortunately points the gun her way... pulling the trigger. She goes down with a thud, clutching her stomach where blood quickly begins to seep through my grey hoodie.

Jason! She's going to die, she's going to die! Save her Jason, forget about Seth!

Okay, fucking listen to me! Kill this bastard quick, and then save your woman! Get that kill in.

Hurry up, though. I'm supposed to be home chilling by the fire eating fondue.

I ignore all of them, and begin to make my own decisions. I beat the living shit out if Seth, making sure to roughly stab both of my nails into his eye sockets. He screams out in pain, seeing how badly I probably just damaged his sight. That's when I shakily feel Mal come over to my side, as I choke the living shit out of Seth. She slowly and shakily grabs my gun, and points it to Seth's head. His eyes are widen in fright, and soon enough he begins to beg.

"Please Malarie, please baby! I love you so much–" I quickly let go of his throat, and pull the trigger on the gun in Mal's hands. He stops talking almost instantly. "AHHHHH! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" She screams in agony, pulling the trigger over and over again. Making a huge hole appear in his face.

She slowly and painfully gets up from the spot on the ground by me– my mouth and eyes widened at her ability to handle a dangerous gun. I watch as she goes over to an already dead David, and begin to beat his lifeless body with the gun as she again screams out how much she hates him. I think she hates him the most; he was once a boyfriend and her friend.

"Hand me your lighter, Jason!" She turns around to look at me with fury in her eyes, truly making me feel a bit scared here. "W-what?" I question, turning around to see Za and Peter still rolling around on the ground.

"Give me the fucking lighter!" She shouts, but groans at her stomach still bleeding. I quickly rush over to her and hand to her the lighter, where she lights a scrap of paper and shoves it into his mouth, where she then drops to the floor with a thud. "MAL!" I shout her name, and quickly try to rush over to her. But I am again shot, this time in my leg.

I too drop to the floor, looking at Peter ways away pointing his gun at me. Somehow he knocked Za out, leaving him lying on the ground ass sleep. I struggle to get up, though I am shot in my thigh this time. Screaming out in umpteenth amounts of pain, I see Peter stumble to his feet and walk over to me. I take that to crawl over to Mal, whose arm begins to catch on fire being so close to a burning Seth.

"NO!" I crawl faster to her, patting her arm out with my hand. I don't care if I burn myself, but she will not. "Aww how cute, you both are going to die together." The voice of Peter echoes around us, with me hearing the sound of his gun being reloaded.

"Jason." Mal whispers my name, struggling to breath. "Say goodbye, Malarie. You are first for killing my son you, slut!" He shoots Mal in her stomach once again, where she screams out in excruciating pain.

"FUCK OFF YOU JERK!" I find myself too being shot again in my arm. "I-I... l-love y-you, J-Jason." Mal begins to talk as if this is the end, blood now coming out of her mouth.

"No! Don't talk like that, don't you dare talk like that!" I grow angry, pointing sternly into her now paling face. "I'm sorry, I-I caused y-you so m-much pain." Each word is a gasp for breath, as she looks at me.

"Say goodbye, power couple." I then hear the sound of his gun click, though loud voices stop him from taking us out once and for all. "FREEZE! PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" I quickly turn to the side, where I see a swarm of SWAT team members with huge guns pointed at Peter.

"Hell no!" He yells at them, and then turns around to shoot me and Mal. It never happens; he is carefully and quickly taken out by loads of gunshots. Doing my husband duties, I cover Mal with all of my body, just wanting to protect her. "Are you two okay over there?" I hear one officer say from afar, with me sitting my head up to look around my surroundings.

Peter is definitely dead. No one could live through all those bullets being shot into their flesh the way he endured. I then turn my head away from him, to see David's flaming body being extinguished by a firefighter. The look on his face is nonchalant as if he does his job. I then finally look to see Seth; he's just as dead as David and his father. They all deserved it; they weren't meant to be on this earth any longer plastering their negative ways everywhere.

"Sir, did you hear me? I said are you two okay?" The sound of the officers voice behind me, snaps me out of my dazed state. I then look down under me, seeing Mal sleeping peacefully. But... it's too peaceful; she's unconscious. "Um, my w-wife– she's not breathing, s-she's not breathing. Help her please!" I grow nervous, beginning to cry tears of pain.

She's not responsive at all– she's not breathing whatsoever. No, please don't leave me baby, please don't leave me. This cannot be the end of us, this just cannot. Please fight through this my beautiful, beautiful queen. You cannot leave me like this; this is not our fate.

Or is it? Is Malarie going to die and leave me to raise five children alone? Was this always going to happen? Her leaving me? I hope not, because there's nothing like us. There will never ever be any woman right enough for me. It will always be Malarie; always.


- The long awaited chapter 64 has now come to an end. Thank you all for being patient and reading my chapter of shambles. Lol.

- Alexis

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