One Hundred Fantasy Clichés T...

By Timegear33

164K 8.6K 3.4K

From the same writer that pointed out some of the worst tropes in popular culture in A Hundred Clichés That N... More

Fantasy; The Flawed Yet Fun Genre In Fiction
#1: Being Human is a Bad Thing
#2: Zombies Completely Wipe Out Humanity
#3: A Princess Must Always Be The Damsel In Distress
#4: The Evil Wizard
#5: Vampires Going Out During The Day
#6: De-Wolfied Werewolves
#7: The Clueless Parents
#8: The Brave, Always Successful Knight
#10: All The Characters Are Eye Candy (Hot)
#11: Mermaids Are Pure Creatures
#12: A Lack of Creature Diversity
#13: The Main Character Must Die
#14: Romance Everywhere
#15: The Brooder Always Dies
#16: Animals Are Reserved Only for Kid's Books
#17: The Wicked Witch
#18: Unoriginal Twins
#19: A Lack of Family Dynamics
#20: The Lonely Guardian
#21: Endless Ammo
#22: Immunity to the Virus
#23: Too Much Action
#24: Humor is a Bad Thing
#25: Never Do Fan Fiction
#26: Always Create a Prologue
#27: Give The Main Character a Love Interest
#28: Turn the Main Character Into a Villain
#29: Secondary Characters Are Not Important
#30: The Secret Sibling
#31: The Fake-Out Death
#32: The Over-Powered Character
#33: The Surprise Villain
#34: Tonal Shifting
#35: Milking Out the Story
#36: Killing Off a Character
#37: Too Much Information Too Fast
#38: The Power of Friendship
#39: Plot Formulas
#40: Copycat Work
#41: Depressing Endings
#42: The Last Man Standing
#43: The Bland Main Character
#44: Wizard Stories
#45: Fast Weaponery Mastery
#46: Children are Annoying Secondary Characters
#47: A Small Cast
#48: The Hero is Always in the Right
#49: Humanity are Monsters
#50: Your Idea Will Never Catch On
#51: Status Quo
#52: Edgy Characters
#53: The Heroic Sacrifice
#54: The Runaway Princess
#55: Mistranslated Words
#56: Forbidden Love
#57: The Creator's Pet
#58: The Chosen One
#59: The Ex Machina
#60: The Forced Apology
#61: Long As Heck Character Descriptions
#62: The Animal Sidekick
#63: The Always Pure Princess
#64: Time Travel
#65: Multiple Universes
#66: The Mutant Minority
#67: The Body Swap
#68: Shoving Morals Down the Audience's Throat
#69: The Emotionless Loner
#70: Innocent Fairies
#71: The Warriors Effect
#72: All Supernatural Creatures Are Immortal
#73: The Name of the Monster is Frankenstein
#74: The Typical Werewolf Pack
#75: Edgy Scarred Characters
#76: Mistaken Identity
#77: Plot Holes
#78: Violence is Necessary
#79: The Skyler Perspective
#80: The Gary Sue and Mary Sue
#81: Historial Inaccuracies
#82: Love Triangles
#83: The Genocide Route
#84: The Mindless Zombie
#85: Actions Do Not Have Consequences
#86: The Tragic Backstory
#87: Be Afraid of Risks
#88: The Betrayal
#89: The Villain is Entirely Wrong
#90: The Reformed Villain
#91: Blood is Everything
#92: Not Finishing What You Have Started
#93: The Goody Two-Shoes Character
#94: Unbreakable Weapons
#95: The Villainous Protagionist
#96: The Hero Versus Villain Dynamic
#97: A Limited Target Audience
#98: Every Story Idea Has Been Done
#99: The Dark Half
#100: The Imagination Quota
New Horror Cliché Crushing Editorial
The Horror Cliché Crushing Collection

#9 The Evil Queen

3.1K 153 61
By Timegear33

  This cliché has always rubbed me the wrong way for multiple reasons.  One, I find the idea that only making the female side of the royal family is very sexist, especially if the King is shown to be the one with morality.  I know this statement is pretty extreme, but with the rising importance of gender equality in modern society, doing this is not exactly the best idea ever.  Two, it is overused as heck, especially in the older Disney films that were still good, but just played this card a bit too often.  Third and finally, there is no chance for the character to grow in these situations.  90% of the time the evil queen stays static the entirety of the story, never having a change of heart or doing something that makes them stand out character wise.  The Queen stays completely the same, ready to butcher in the end so the damsel in distress can get the guy.  I believe this cliché needs to stop or at least have a bit more variety.
  If you are going to make a complex villain, the evil Queen route is playing it way too safe.  How about instead of the Queen being evil, the King is evil instead and the Queen is the one that the audience sees as morally right.  If that isn't enough maybe making both members of royalty evil would be an excellent idea, as it would give the protagonist not just one character to fight, but two instead.  Besides that, it solves that little sexism problem I mentioned earlier.  If in the end you still really want to make the Queen a villain though, make the character more complex or give them a chance to redeem themselves.  Times have changed and it is time to make a few adjustments to the formulas of our fantasy stories so all crowds can be satisfied.  If we can have genre changing tales such as the re-imagined Snow Queen movie Frozen, I don't see why other stories can't give some variety to this trope.

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