↠ wild spirit {calum hood au}...

By tchaikensky

433K 11.9K 4.1K

"oh really so what are you then? miss piano slash cello girl?" "the angel from your nightmares." "is that so... More

↠ wild spirit {c.h} ↠
09 /scarlett/
10 /calum/


19.5K 574 124
By tchaikensky

scarlett's pov

"This is my house!" Calum said, opening the door and pushing me through it.

"Wow, it's so beautiful! Oh wait, you're not giving me time to look!" I retorted, moving away and looking around his living area. There's pictures of what I assume is his family, a family portrait with an older woman, an older man, Calum, and a younger looking girl. "Calum why didn't you say you had a sister?" I asked, holding the picture in my hand.

"I don't know." He rolled his eyes, shifting his weight from his left foot to his right foot. He sighed, "would you like to meet her?"

I smiled, "yes actually, that'd be great." Walking down the hallway of his home we stopped outside of a door that had decorations all over it, and music blasting through the door.

"You've already met her though." He smirked, I gawked my head, looking at him as he opened the door. The girl turned around, her long straight black hair spun.

"Calum! How many times do i ha- Scarlett?" The girls faced changed from anger to shock. My own face probably looked like someone dropped a fifty poun weight on it.

"Amaya.." My voice trailed off, she's one of the girls in the viola section, that probably explains why I didn't remember her very well. "How are you?" I asked, trying to keep the tension to a mild level. Everyone was moving around uncomfortably, I regret asking Calum to see his sister now.

"I'm well, yourself?" She asked, moving around her room, placing her viola back in its case, "well, you two have some practicing to do, bye." She pushed us out of her room and shut the door behind us. Calum shook his head and walked off to another room.

I followed him into a room i presume is his. "She's not the brightest." He laughed to himself, my mind thinking of a few snarky comebacks about his attitude, but I decided not to insult him hours before the biggest concert of my life so far. "Well, I guess we should start practicing." He pulled me into his room and pushed me into a chair while he sat on a bench in-front of his piano; which looks a lot like mine.

"Calum, I don't want to practice right now." I whined throwing myself on his bed, "your sheets smell nice, like coconuts and flowers." I smiled, stuffing my face into his bed sheets.

"You know, most people don't come into someone's house and smell their sheets, Scar." He laughed, "but you're not normal." He smiled at me.

"Well technically we're on the friendly side, if you're catching my drift." I mentally face palmed at my sudden outburst of stupidity.

"Indeed we are, and we have two hours until you have to be at your concert. Plus you need time to get ready so we have an hour to practice." He pulled me off of his bed and dropped me on the floor, literally. Rubbing my head as I got up to unzip myconcert cello, I shot a few glares to Calum, for causing me pain. I took a few seconds to admire his features, the way his back moved while he was getting ready to play, or how his lips curved into a smile when he was happy. I snapped out of my little day dream when I heard a rather large thud. "I dropped the piano on accident." He smiled sheepishly, setting it back up on its stand. "Let's get rocking." We sat down and began to practice.


After our hour long practice session, I went into the bathroom and changed into my concert wear. It was a plain black skirt, rather tight on the bum, and a black blazer with a black tank-top underneath. It wasn't an appealing outfit, but it's what we have to wear. I was putting on my makeup when the door swung open and hit my bum, causing me to go forward and hit my mascara on the mirror, which made it hit the top of my head. "Bloody hell." I cursed under my breath, my slight accent showing, my father was born in Wales, so Vi and I have slight accents, since we grew up listening to it.

"I'm sorry, Scarlett." Calum's voice came through the door, he slipped in and I could tell he was laughing, his face was a bright red. "You look lovely though." He smiled, looking me up and down.

"Get out." I smacked his hand away from my bum, and shoved him out.

"We only have thirty minutes until we need to leave; Amaya is going with us too." He yelled from the other end of the door. I hit my head on the mirror in frustration, like that'll do me any good. I fixed my face from the earlier events and finished my makeup, some-what satisfied with how it looked I ran out of the bathroom, grabbing my shoes, I strapped them on and ran out with my cello. "You look nicer with your whole outfit complete." Calum flirted, I hit him and then got in the car with Amaya.

"You look lovely, Amaya." I smiled at his sister, she's always quiet in orchestra. I've heard her play a few times before when we have our playing assesments, and she's really good. When the first viola leaves next year she'll take over.

"Thank you, you do too, Scarlett." She replied quietly, she's shy, unlike her brother who's very, outspoken.


We arrived at the concert hall the school has rented out for the final concert of the season, to say the least it was very large. The nerves settled in as I saw all of the college conductors arrive. I was walking towards Calum when a massive flock of soccer players flooded around him, asking him what he was doing there. His face twisted and turned pale; were his friends in for a treat tonight. "Hello, I'm George Mason, conductor of the New York University symphony, I'm excited to hear you play tonight, Ms. Dawson." She stuck his hand out for me to shake, I shook it back and he left me standing there, to meet a line of other conductors. I was in awe to say the least.

"Calum!" I whisper-shouted to the boy who was vigorously tapping on his legs, his leg bouncing up and down. His eyes were big, and he had his lower lip in his teeth.


"There's so many conductors out there! They're excited to hear us play, Cal!" I used a nickname I've heard people call him by, his lips curved into a smile, his shoulders relaxing and his hand and leg quit moving.

"Really?" He looked shocked, after-all; we are just two kids who happen to be musically gifted as people say. "I guess you better do good." He smiled, Ms. Pierre ran in, ushering us out of the rehersal room and out onto the stage.

calum's pov

Scarlett left with the rest of the orchestra to go out onto the stage. Amaya walked out with Scarlett, I remember the first time I heard about Scarlett was when Amaya was a freshman and we were sophmores and she came home, amazed at her talent, which drove her to perfect her instrument known as the viola. Then when she had her first concert she pointed her out, at the time Scarlett had braces and shoulder length hair which was blonde, I presume it is her natural color since Violet's hair is blonde and she's never dyed it. Sophmore year is also the year I started to talk to Violet, then junior year we started havving hook-ups, that's when I realized that Scarlett and Violet are twins.

I walked towards the stage entrance, waiting for my que to go on after their first song, "Welcome everyone to the Spring Concert!" Ms. Pierre's voice echoed through a microphone, applause followed after her welcoming, "I'm so honored to have taught these students throughout the year, and it is hard to say goodbye to some of our seniors, who will be performing solos tonight, you're all in for a treat might I add." She added humor to her speech, the audience laughed, I found myself laughing aswell. "without further ado, I present the New York Community school symphony orchestra!" The audience clapped as the light shone on the students, the section leaders bowed to the audience and sat down. "For our first piece we will be playing Valse Sentimentale, our concert mistress, Tiffany will be playing the violin solos." The audience silenced, as the orchestra shuffled around and got ready to play.

The opening note was flawless to say the least, then when the rest of the orchestra joined it was perfect like. It gave me goosebumps over my body, they played with such passion and love. I shifted my weight around so I could see Scarlett, She was in her chair in the front, her eyes closed as she moved her hands around, putting her bow on and off of her strings; picking her strings then playing with her bow. Her hand moved very fast, whether it was moving from different spots to moving it as I learned it was called, vibrato.

When the piece ended, everyone stood up, giving them a standing ovation. I myself started clapping. "Now, for the exciting part, we have our soloists. Going first is Tiffany." Everyone clapped, the college conductor area stiffened and brought out clipboards. Tiffany shook out her arms before she announced what she was going to play.

"I'm going to be playing 'Winter' from Antonio Vivaldi's 'Four Seasons', accompanied by my dear friend Scarlett Dawson playing the cello part." She smiled, and began playing. Scarlett joined in after Tiffany had finished her part, Scarlett played about a third of the song, after-all, this isn't her solo.

When Tiffany finished she bowed, along with Scarlett. She walked off stage towards where I was, "Good luck out there. You'll do great." She smiled at me, walking into the room they came out of before the show started.

"Thank you!" I shouted back at her. Scarlett looked over towards me and smiled, I smiled back, which caused her to blush and look away.

"And I present to you, Scarlett Dawson!" Ms. Pierra clapped her hand together, Scarlett walked towards me and grabbed my hand, puling me out onto the stage.

The boys' faces nearly fell to the ground when they saw me on stage with her, "Hello everyone, I'm Scarlett Dawson, and I'll be playing 'Sebastian' by Adrian Johnson, this is my friend Calum, who will accompany me on the piano." She smiled, as she took her spot in the front of the stage, and I took mine in-front of the grand piano.

I looked at her and counted to four, and began to play the introduction. I relaxed after I played the first few notes, changing the petals ever so ofen. Scarlett joined me as I played in the first bits of the song. She sounded so beautiful when she played. I had the song memorized since she basically forced me to memorize it. I looked around the crowd, the college conductors were looking intently at Scarlett, and sometimes at me, when they did I looked at Scarlett, to make it look like I wasn't staring holes into them. Towards the final measures, I looked around and then focused my eyes on her. We finished the song, she looked over at me and smiled, her cheeks were slightly red, there were small beads of sweat on her head. She walked over to me and took my hand; we bowed together, the audience stood up, whistling and clapping, we walked off stage together, still holding hands.

"Calum that was amazing!" She screamed when we walked into the rehersal room, "we were amazing!" She skipped around the room, and ran back to me.

"You sounded amazing, Scarlett." I smiled at her, she looked up at me, I was quite a bit taller than her. She wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me.

"Thank you for doing this for me, Calum." She mumbled into my shirt. I ran my hand through her hair, getting it stuck a time or two in the knots of her hair.

"I only did it because you mentioned scholarships." I smiled at her, she hit me on the arm, and walked back to the hall to see if the concert had finished. "So what happens next?" I asked, sitting next to her against the wall.

"Well, we still have the baby project." She moved her head towards mine, and moved it back. "Then that's it I guess." That's because we graduate, and we'll probably never talk again. My stomach hurt thinking about never seeing her again, never being able to hear her stupid jokes, or her insults, or her playing her cello. None of it.

"I hope it's not the end then." I smiled at her, as we walked out of the building, her cello in my trunk.

"What about Amaya?" She asked, getting in the passenger seat.

"My parent's are taking her home. I want to take you home."


I drove up to her house, and parked on the sidewalk, "well, this is me. Thank you Ca-" I cut her off, I grabbed her face and smashed my lips against hers. I have been waiting to do this since I saw her after school this afternoon. She kissed back, We were in my car, practically making out, with the radio playing love songs under the stars. How cliche, but it was perfect. "Wow." She breathed out, "and you're still an excellent kisser, Hood." She smiled, kissing me one last time before exiting the car and running into her house, her skirt in one hand and her cello in the other.

"Let's hope we both get a scholarship then." I said to myself as I drove off, going back home. "Let's hope we do."


hi it's 3:30 am where i live and im not tired, lmao. so tHAT'S THE CONCERT ((((((: sorry if it's a dissapointment, i tried my best to make it okay. :(:

but someone on twitter told me they read this and i almost peed my pants omfg. you're all the bestest. no one commented last chapter :(( oh well. Thanks for 148 votes holy crap, y'all are the best! Love you all so much! :)

Tweet me your favorite part of the book so far, my user is @sexclubcalum, it's the same as my wattpad name, which i changed today. so tweet me and i'll try and reply ((:

dont forget to comment, vote, share and fan.<3

have a good year beautiful people.

xoxo- ken

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