
De KatherinePaltrow

443 121 122

Hey! Thanks for giving this book a chance! This book is a collection of mostly happy ending stories spanning... Mais

Cute Boy-1
Cute Boy-2
Cute Boy- 3
No more "What if's?"
Glasses - 1
Glasses - 2
Glasses - 3
Author's Note
Glasses : Epilogue
Be Mine 1
Be Mine - 2
Be Mine - 3
Limited Time - 1

Glasses - 4

21 6 10
De KatherinePaltrow

"Good morning Glasses ;)"

This is the text I've been waking up to for the past 2 weeks. Nick never fails to send the goodnight and good morning texts every day. Needless to say, we hung out many times after our little picnic, and he always brought me little presents such as flowers, cute cards, bracelets, etc. Basically he pampers me to no end. We haven't gone officially public, since we ourselves are not sure about what sort of a relationship we hold right now. We're definitely more than friends, but not quite lovers as yet. We have told our close friends though and Aiden is happy that all his teasing has come to fruit.

And I no longer get annoyed when he calls me Glasses. In fact I find it cute. Though I'm yet to think of a nickname for Nick.

The history project I was talking about earlier is due day after tomorrow, and I am done with mine. And I'm pretty impressed with it. Its 30 pages long, and though I know its quality that matters, but it's still quite a lot. Aiden is doing his final touches, and Nick.....told me he is halfway through, but I could tell from his voice that he was lying. I don't know why he hasn't started yet. I offered to guide him, but he said he could manage by himself.

I'm walking towards class now, and on the way I bump into Nick. 

"Hey there beautiful." He says. I've heard this same line from him over a hundred times over the past two weeks, but my heart never fails to melt each time. Don't blame me, nobody has ever called me beautiful before. Well except my parents.

"Hey Nick. What class do you have now?"

"History. With Mr. Anderson."

"Oh good! You can get your doubts about the project clarified with him."

"Yeah I can do that." He replies looking away.

"Nick, please be honest. Have you even started your project?"

"Emma c'mon chill! I've got this. I got be off now. I'll meet you at lunch. Bye." And he runs off. I take huge breath and continue walking to my class. As it is rightly said, you can only bring the horse to the pond. You can't also drink the water for it.


"Nick I'm so sorry."

It's after school now, and Nick and I are sitting in my car and he just shared a devastating news. His aunt had passed away. He had just gotten a call from his father a few minutes ago saying they would be leaving this evening to Cheshire for two days for the funeral. Nick's been sitting in my car since he heard, with his head between his hands. I try my best to console him, but he doesn't say a word.

"It's all for good Nick. Your aunt is now in a better place."

He finally looks up at me and lets out a sigh.

"Yeah I guess she is. She was a wonderful lady." He says smiling. "Sorry to have held you up. I'll be off now. See you in two days. I'm gonna miss you Glasses." He says cupping my face in his palm.

"I'll miss you too Nick. Take care."

"Bye." He says and kisses me on my forehead, smiles, and gets out of the car.

Seriously, forehead kisses are the best.

As I'm driving home, I suddenly realise that Nick won't be able to complete his project now. By the time he gets back, the deadline would be over. I hope he has something planned out.

When I reach home, I find my parents are out, and so Yay! I have the whole house to myself! But there's actually no use of that, because I don't throw house parties nor do I invite anyone over. Except Aiden of course, and maybe Nick in a few weeks. I smile at the thought.

 I'm still not able to completely comprehend the fact that Nick, infamous for his player ways, found me interesting. Me, Emma Parker, the girl nobody notices unless they have doubts and need help with their homework. Our story would be a classic example of how it takes the right person to bring out the best in somebody. Nick told me how all his ex's pale in comparison to me. Just recalling it all makes me blush.


A few hours later I get a call from Nick.

"Hey Glasses. You busy?"

"No. How are you all doing?

"Not very good actually. We're at my aunt's place now. All our relatives are here, and they're all crying. I couldn't stand being there. So I stepped out for a few minutes. And you know, this completely slipped my mind, I still have so much left in my project. I don't know how I'm going to complete it all."

"Yeah, I was thinking the same. Maybe you could ask Mr. Anderson for an extension?"

"Easy for you to say. You're his pet."

I feel a little annoyed at the fact that just because I score well and am in the good books of all the teachers, everybody assumes that I'm the teachers' pet.

"I'm not his pet." I say.

"Maybe. But anyway, he hates me. He would never give me an extension. Gosh I wish I had at least brought my laptop over here. I could have completed some more stuff."

He sounded so dejected. The marks on this project are very crucial and more so for a person like Nick whose grades have never been good.

"Is there anything I can do to help, Nick?"

"Oh no Emma, there's no need. I'll manage. I'll just.....I haven't even started on my project. I don't know the first thing about my topic. 

I sighed. "I figured. What are you gonna do now?"

"I don't know. I guess I'll have to submit an incomplete project."

"Nick you can't do that! This project carries 30% of your final grade!"

"Emma I do know how important this is! But what else can I do now? I have no way of doing my dad, I am just talking to Emma......."

Wow his parents know me.

"Sorry it was my Dad."

"Yeah. Nick, is there anything I can do?"

" would be too much to ask."

"I know, but I don't want you to fail! Your grades have never been the best. This project could help you get a decent final score."

"Yeah." He chuckled slightly. "Do you even have that much time? The deadline is in 2 days."

"I'll try doing as much as possible."

"Emma I'll say this one more time. Please don't strain yourself for my sake."

"Nick, I know you'd do the same for me if the need arises."

"Yes of course Emma I will. My topic is the French Revolution, the important leaders and other related movements. The project has to be around 30 pages long."


"My Dad is calling me in, I gotta go. Thank you so much Glasses. You've literally saved me. Love you. Bye."

There was a tiny red flag floating somewhere above me saying this was not gonna go well, but......HE SAID HE LOVED ME!! Okay maybe it was rushed, but still.

I start working on Nick's project, putting aside all the study I had planned to do today.

An hour later Aiden drops by my house with 2 huge bags filled with his clothes.

"Woah. Are you gonna donate all that?" I ask.

"No, I need your help deciding what to wear."

"Ooh. What's the occasion?"

"A date." He says smugly, looking at his nails.

"Omigod Aiden!! I'm so happy for you! That's wonderful! Who is he?"

"You wouldn't know him. He's not from our school. His name is Adam. I met him at the Dellwood fair."

"Wow! I'm really happy for you. Where are you meeting him?"

"At a bar downtown. It's only our first date, but I'm really excited!"

It's been quite long since Aiden went out on a date with someone he was genuinely interested in. I feel so happy for him.

He empties the bags he brought and for the next 20 mins we decide which top goes best with which pant and what shoes he should wear, etc.

"So the blue looks good?" He asks again.

"Yes Aiden it looks fine." I drawl. I am quite tired answering his repetitive questions regarding his look.

"Okay fine I won't pester you anymore."

"No it's fine. I'm sorry for not being very enthusiastic. I just have a lot on my plate right now." I say sighing.

"Oh. I thought you were done with all your dues."

"I am. But....."

"But what?"

"Nick's aunt passed away and he's left for Cheshire for 2 days. And he hasn't even started his History project, so I'm....."

"No don't tell me. Please don't tell me you're doing it for him!"

"I am. He really could use some help right now Aiden!"

"I get that Emma but don't you think he's using you?"

"What? No! Nick would never do that. He felt quite bad about asking, me to help him."

Aiden just took a deep breath and looked sceptical.

"I don't know Emma. I see a huge red flag."

"I see a green one. Please Aiden don't be so pessimistic. I'm happy in my life after a really long time. And Nick has been treating me like a princess these past few weeks. I see no reason why I shouldn't help him."

"Okay okay. I'll leave you to it. I'll be off now. Thanks for your help. And you're sure the blue looks good?"

"Omigod yes Aiden it looks amazing!" I say laughing at him.

After I see Aiden off, I resume the work on Nick's project. There's so much to cover and there really is not enough time.


At around 8.30, I've completed 10 pages of Nick's project and I'm quite proud of it. I've put in so many extra notes, like how I do on mine, and the teachers have always appreciated it. So I'm trying to make Nick's project worth an A+.

I go through some more websites looking for more information to put in the project and by 9 I am completely exhausted. There are so many more pages to go. I'll have to pull an all-nighter if I want to submit this project on time. I head downstairs to fix myself some coffee. My parents are already asleep and I try to be as quiet as possible so as to not wake them up.

As I'm making my coffee, I receive a call from Aiden.

"Hey Aiden. How's the date going on?"

"The date is fine Emma. Listen, where did you say Nick was gonna be?"

"Cheshire.....He's going there with his family for 2 days. Why?"

"Well unless he meant Cheshire as a bar, and his family as his friends, he's lying."

"What are you saying? I don't understand."

"Nick is here at Mortons Bar, with his gang, drinking and having fun. Now don't tell me I might be mistaken or something. I'm pretty sure it is Nick."

What the hell?? Nick is supposed to be in Cheshire right now at his aunt's place. He can't be at a bar downtown.

"Emma? Are you there?"

"Yeah......Aiden are you sure it's Nick? He was on the phone with me just a few hours ago. He told me he was at his aunt's place."

"Well, I'm sorry to tell you this Emma, but he lied to you. He is here downtown. Come see for yourself if you want."

I hang up and I feel a little breathless. Why would Nick lie to me? The answer is actually quite clear. He used me. But I don't want to believe it. Nick would not do something like this. He was quite reluctant about having me do his project. I can't believe he lied to me to get me to do his project. I feel my eyes stinging, but I quickly blink back my tears and decide to go see for myself. I grab the project and go start my car. All the way to the bar, I keep trying to come up with pathetic excuses to defend Nick, but it's very clear. He used me. These 3 words keep ringing inside my head no matter how hard I try to push them away.

As I pull into the bar, I sit in my car for a solid 10 minutes wondering what I would do if I do see Nick inside. I decide I need to be strong and let him know that he won't be getting away so easily with what he did. I go into the bar and search for Aiden first. I find him sitting at a table and there's a guy sitting opposite to him. That must be Adam.

"Emma, hey!" Aiden calls out waving at me.

I walk up to his table and sit next to him.

"Hi, I'm Adam." Aiden's date introduces himself giving me his hand. I shake it and give him a small smile. "Aiden told me all about what Nick did, and we're ready to beat him up if you want us to."

I'm not sure if he said that just to make me feel better, but I do feel warm inside.

"Thank you so much for that exciting offer Adam, but I want to deal with this on my known."

"Yeah girl! Show him he can't mess with you!" says Aiden patting me.

"Where is he?" I ask

"On the dance floor. Behind you to the right."

I'm afraid to turn. As much as I'm angry, I don't want to see Nick there. I hesitantly turn around and sure enough I see Nick on the dance floor. As if him just being here was not enough, there's a girl dancing with him. All his friends are around them cheering and drinking, adding to my anger. I clutch the project tightly in my hands and get up. My legs feel wobbly, and my throat is dry. I gulp down some water, take a deep breath and walk up to them.

As I near them, one of his friends spots me and he whispers something in Nick's ear. Nick turns to look at me, and his eyes widen in surprise.

"Hey Nick. Didn't expect to see me here did you?"

"Emma.....what are you doing here?" He asks looking around confused.

"Well, what you should actually be bothered about is what I'm not doing right now, which is your stupid project." I say waving the half finished project in front of his face. He tries to grab it, but I yank it away.

"Weren't you supposed to be at Cheshire right now? At your Aunt's place?" I say air-quoting my words. "You dirty liar. You used me. I thought you were genuinely interested in me."

"Too bad you fell for that. I was scared for sometime thinking you would see through my act, but you fell right in! And I see you have my project. Have you completed it? Can I have it?" He asks me shamelessly.

All the people at the bar have crowded around, and are looking at us.

"Honestly, don't you feel any remorse? Is your heart capable of that? Or do you even have a heart?" I ask him in disgust.

"I guess we can leave that for a Biology class. Can I have my project now?"

I stare at him in shock. After all he's done he only wants his project.

"You will never get your project." I say and forcefully tear all the pages of his project. The pages I had put so much work into. But also the pages that carried his betrayal. I tear them into small pieces and throw them in his face. All his friends gasp and some of them proceed to call me some unflattering names. I turn to glare at them, and they all shut up.

"Please don't think this is all I am capable of doing. I'll make sure with Mr. Anderson that you don't get more than a D on whatever crap you submit as a project. I turn around and walk away. But I turn around once more dramatically, and say,

"Perks of being the teachers' pet."

(A/N : So, how many of you predicted this? Honestly Nick is such a b*****d.

 #Nickisadick. creative :P

 There'll be an epilogue to this story, showing how Emma went on to achieve her goals. Stay tuned!

Please do vote for the story if you liked it!! Would mean a lot! )

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