No One Is Perfect

By Tenshineko01

1.5K 53 59

Set after season 1 of Transformers Robot's in Disguise. I'm still working on this and it's my first story. Pl... More

Chapter 1 Stray
Chapter 2 Unravel
Chapter 3 Lullaby
Chapter 4 Monster Inside
Chapter 5 More Than Meets The Eye
Chapter 6 Wake Me Up
Chapter 8 Soft Side
Chapter 9 After The Storm

Chapter 7 Under The Snow and Stars

124 4 9
By Tenshineko01

The two kept walking through the afternoon. By they time they finally stopped snow started to fall from the sky. They both stared in awe was the snow slowly drifted towards the Earth, melting when it came to contact with the ground. The ground wasn't quite cold enough for the snow to stick, but watching the snow dancing in the wind and moonlight made it look like Steeljaw was in another world.

It was cold made him shiver a little but he could take it, this was nothing to the cold loneliness he had felt for so long. Looking to Metalsound shivering from the cold as well, Steeljaw hesitantly walked behind her. Wrapping her arms around herself in an attempt to keep herself warm, she found herself longing for warmth, it didn't matter where it came from. She didn't want to admit it but she felt alone, even though she had D and her pups it wasn't enough. Her optics slowly drifted to the ground as she thought about the past, not noticing that Steeljaw had wrapped his arms around her pulling her close to him.

Metalsound let out a soft gasp when she felt her back pressing against his chest, "S-Steeljaw what are you doing?"

"You were shivering," he whispered as the snow continued to fall.

Hearing him speaking so softly made her shiver again, it wasn't from the cold it was something else, something that she couldn't explain.

Steeljaw wrapped his tail around her waist to provide more warmth for her, he was sure that she could feel his spark pulsing into her back. Resting his chin on her shoulder he closed his optics enjoying the snowy night. Standing with Metalsound made him think of the countless nights he wanted to be with Darksoul again. To see her basking in the sunlight, to feel her warmth, to see her smile again. Opening his optics half way he didn't notice that a tear had escaped from them.

Metalsound had unknowingly wrapped her tail around Steeljaw's waist as she wrapped her arms over his. He was so warm, it felt like they were the only ones on the planet. She felt safe it had been a quite some time since she had felt this safe, closing her optics she listened to the leaves rustling in the gentle breeze.

The sound of a piano made her jump a little as she looked to Steeljaw in surprise, "I couldn't take the silence," he replied softly as his ears folded back with embarrassment. It had to be this song, he growled to himself.

His ears perked up when Metalsound started singing to the song, it still held that haunting feel but something about it was different. Hearing her sing like this made it feel like his spark was breaking from the emotions she was putting into it. Knowing that this was a duet he took a deep breath and closed his optics, hoping he wouldn't mess up. It had been so long since he had done this.

"Just a little change

Small to say the least

Both a little scared

Neither one prepared"

Once again Metalsound opened her optics in shock, his voice was amazing. It was so smooth and powerful, she didn't realized that she was crying as they sang the song together in perfect harmony. They both became lost as they swayed to the music, the snow had stopped once the song was over. Blinking away her tears she turned to face Steeljaw, the Wolf-con was leaning towards her when she had moved making their noses touch. Both stood complacently still, save for Steeljaw's ears which had folded back in surprise, after what seemed like an eternity they pulled away.

"Sorry," the spoke in unison.

"Never thought I would sing like that after all of these vorns," he chuckled smiling at her.

Something in his smirk wasn't right, it wasn't in a teasing manner, there was a hint of affection. Taking a few steps back the looked to the now clear night sky,"Never hurt to try. I'm glad we gave it a try. Now I know I'm not the only one that can sing well" she teased, "And I'm sure they agree as well," she spoke softly.


Slowly she put her digit under his chin making him look up at the dark sky, the stars seemed to shine even brighter as if they wanted more. Staring in awe Steeljaw felt like he wasn't alone anymore, "The one's that are no longer with us," she smiled as she looked at the sky as well.

Steeljaw smiled as a shooting star flew by, "I think you're right."

"Shall we give them an encore," Metalsound asked as she transformed into her beast form.

Steeljaw knelt to her level as they both stared at the stars. Taking a deep breath Metalsound howled to the fallen warriors hoping that they could hear her song. Closing his optics Steeljaw sang to his pack, not the Decepticon pack he had created but his old Wolf-con pack and to his family.

Darksoul, Moonstrike. I miss you both so much, I promise I'll find the monster that killed you. I'll track him down and make him suffer.

Little did the two know that someone else was with them as the wind howled softly for her.

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