An English Rose

By thequietwriter

47.2K 2.4K 414

Four years after the burning of the Opera Populaire, a young English woman pursues the mystery surrounding th... More

An English Rose
Four Years Later
Christine's Tale
Beneath the Opera House
The Phantom
Through the Corridors
A New Protege
The Truth
Katherine's Father
A New Song


2.5K 144 18
By thequietwriter

"Katherine, you are very quiet tonight," Jane Martin commented, hanging over her friend's shoulder. "Is there something you want to talk about?"

Smiling at her friend in the mirror's reflection, Katherine shook her head. Doing the young lady's hair, Anne let out a hiss of reproach. Holding perfectly still, Katherine answered, "I have a lot on my mind, Jane, but I assure you, I am fine."

"Well, you know we are here to listen whenever you need us," Michaela called out from the bed where she was sprawled out. Katherine remained silent. "Well, if you're not going to tell us, cheer up! We are going to a masked ball! Anything could happen!"

At her friend's exuberant claim, Katherine couldn't stop a secretive smile from crossing her face. "That is true, Michaela," she agreed. "You never know who might show up."

"I have a feeling there's something behind that statement," Jane said with a frown. "Honestly, Katherine, what are you thinking about?"

"There, Miss," Anne said, keeping the conversation from going any farther. She stepped away from her mistress. "You're ready."

Reaching across her dressing table, Katherine picked up her mask and tied it on. Scrambling off the bed, Michaela joined her cousin and friend at the mirror. "Don't we look great?" she asked enthusiastically. "I believe we three will have lords falling at our feet."

Katherine was dressed in a deep red gown that had lavish, tiered look to it. She also wore dark green gloves and a leaf shaped mask to finish out the effect of being a rose. Anne had somehow coaxed her straight brown hair into elegant curls, and had woven red roses into the young lady's hair. The young lady had to admit she had never looked more beautiful.

Blue eyes sparkling, Jane smiled at her reflection. She was dressed in white, offset with gold. A black, straight wig and gold mask completely changed her appearance. A gold crown and various pieces of jewelry finished the illusion of Queen Cleopatra. She held herself with the dignity of a queen.

The most extravagant, Michaela was going as a black swan. Her dress was jet-black and feathers of the same color waved in her hair. She finished her costume with black gloves and sparkling black mask.

"We do look wonderful," Jane commented. "No one will recognize any of us."

"That is the purpose of a masked ball," Katherine laughed, nodding her thanks at Anne. Pleased with her handiwork, the maid hurried out of the room. "Now, are we ready to go down? Or wait until there are several guests already to further mystify everyone?"

She paused as she saw the serious looks her friends were giving her in the mirror. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Katherine, there is something we should tell you," Michaela admitted, her tone unusually serious. "Jane and I have been hearing some very disturbing rumors lately. And it has to do with how people are avoiding you this season. You have noticed, right?"

Frowning, Katherine turned to face them. "I have, but it is my third season here in Paris," she answered, thoughtfully. "I know I am considered to be on the shelf and assumed it was because of being half English. Why do you ask? What have you heard?"

"People are whispering that your father's family is insane," Jane said bluntly. She took her friend's hand as Katherine's eyes widened. "They know you are our friend, so we really had to be sneaky to learn this fact."

"So, we need to plot how to counter the gossip," Michaela announced, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Her smile faded at the look on Katherine's face. "Katherine?"

Taking a deep breath, Katherine shook her head. "How can we deny it if it just might be true?" she asked. "I appreciate what you two are trying to do for me, but I think it would be a waste of time."

"So, your father has shown no sign of improvement?" Jane asked sympathetically.

Shaking her head again, Katherine sighed. "I keep hoping," she said. "I'm going with Dr. Brown next week to see what his diagnosis will be. He was very upset when he found out about Papa. I am also going to my papa's solicitor to see about the estate."

"That's right," Michaela exclaimed. "Your brother has been using your father's funds, hasn't he?"

Katherine's eyes glittered with fury. "Yes, he has," she responded, her tone cold. "And he has no right to any of it." She frowned suddenly. "How could society have found out about Papa? Pierre was adamant that he and Arden had kept it quiet."

Jane shrugged. "Well, just like everything else that goes on in this town, society finds a way to know all about it," she said. She glanced at the clock. "The masquerade should be getting started. We ought to make our appearance."

Grinning, Michaela bounced to the door. "Let's go!"

Smiling in response, Katherine followed her friends out.


The Hemway ballroom was filled with costumes of all sorts. Without bothering to wear a mask, Carlota was dressed as -of all things- a Prima Donna with her husband dressed as a Spanish matador. The laughter and excitement of the evening grew with every passing moment as more and more guests filled the house.

Mingling with the crowd, Katherine kept an eye out for her invited guest, sure she would know him if she saw him. She found Vicomte de Chagny and his wife quickly, for they too had chosen not to be masked. Dressed as Elise from Hannibal, Christine seemed on edge and pale. Raoul stayed by her side, dressed as a soldier.

Paper faces on parade . . .
Hide your face,
so the world will
never find you!

Every face a different shade . . .
Look around -
there's another
mask behind you!

Flash of mauve . . .
Splash of puce . . .
Fool and king . . .
Ghoul and goose . . .
Green and black . . .
Queen and priest . . .
Trace of rouge . . .
Face of beast . . .

Faces . . .
Take your turn, take a ride
on the merry-go-round . . .
in an inhuman race . . .

Eye of gold . . .
Thigh of blue . . .
True is false . . .
Who is who . . .?
Curl of lip . . .
Swirl of gown . . .
Ace of hearts . . .
Face of clown . . .

Faces . . .
Drink it in, drink it up,
till you've drowned
in the light . . .
in the sound . . .

But who can name the face . . .?

Laughing at all the sights, Katherine heard an astonished wave of excitement spread through the guests. Turning, she sucked in her breath. A man in standard evening wear with a black mask on his face stood in the doorway. Slowly, looking around, he started his way through the crowd, speaking to no one.

Whispers could be heard from all around the room as everyone tried to determine who the latecomer could be. A smile crossed Katherine's face as she waited for him. As the musicians struck up a waltz, the man reached the young lady. He bowed and held out his hand in invitation.

Slipping her gloved hand into his, Katherine allowed him to escort her onto the dance floor. Their steps matched flawlessly as they waltzed around the room. Slowly, other couples joined them, though the puzzled looks continued to come their way.

"Why me, Erik?" Katherine finally asked.

"It would be rude to ask anyone else before I had danced with my hostess," Erik responded. He looked her over carefully. "Might I ask what, or who, you are supposed to be?"

"Oh, it was a silly suggestion of my friend, and I couldn't think of anything better," Katherine admitted, blushing deeply. She smiled up at him, mischief making her eyes sparkle. "I am an English Rose. And you are here as...?"

"A gentleman. That seemed costume enough," Erik responded shortly. Then, he smiled at her. "An English Rose is fitting for you."

Hesitating, Katherine lowered her voice. "Do you see her?"

"Yes," was all he said, his tone saddened.

Frowning, Katherine looked around. On the sidelines, an extremely pale Christine de Chagny was staring at the dancing couple with wide, horrified eyes. "She recognizes you," she commented softly. "It won't be long before she tells someone."

"No, she won't."

Puzzled, Katherine continued to search the crowd as they danced. "Odd," she said thoughtfully. "Her husband never strays far from her side I wonder where he could be. I would think Christine would have at least told him."

As they spun around, Katherine finally caught sight of the vicomte. To her surprise, he seemed to be in deep conference with Pierre and Arden. All three were strapping on swords. "No," she breathed, pulling away from Erik, stopping their dance. "You must go!"

Turning his head, the Phantom saw the three men. "Mademoiselle, I thank you for your kind invitation and the dance," he said, facing his partner. He raised her hand up and kissed her gloved fingers. Then, he was running through the crowd towards the doors leading to the garden.

"Stop him!" Vicomte de Chagny shouted, leaping into action. He and the other two men tried to push through the crowd, but it was not easy. Panicked by the shout, the guests were milling about in confusion. The Phantom vanished out the doors.

Smirking, Katherine watched as her brother finally reached the outdoors with de Chagny and Arden right behind him. Jane and Michaela came up behind their friend. "What was that all about?" Michaela demanded in a low voice. "Who on earth was that?"

Katherine turned and smiled. "Who do you think?" she responded, her tone teasing. She laughed out right at the bewildered looks on her friends. She whispered, "It was him."

Jaws dropping, Michaela and Jane stared at her. "Are you serious?" Jane squeaked. "What was he doing here?"

Her smile fading, Katherine looked beyond her friends. Turning, the cousins saw Christine de Chagny staring at them. "He really must love her," Jane whispered in awe, "if he would risk himself just to see her one more time."

"I know," Katherine responded softly, her heart aching for a brief moment. She shook her head and rejoined the party that had begun once again.


It was nearing three o'clock when the masquerade came to an end. Even as the door was closing on the last of the guests, Pierre turned to his sister. "I want to talk to you," he said, grabbing her arm. "Library. Now."

Carlotta and Madame Hemway hurried upstairs. "Pierre," Katherine groaned, too tired to resist as she was pulled towards the library. "Must we have a conversation tonight? I am exhausted and I want nothing more than to go to my bed.."

Without answering, Pierre pushed her into the library and closed the door. "Gentlemen," he said, crossing to the fireplace. "I believe you both know my sister. Katherine, we want an explanation from you, about that man you were dancing with earlier."

Raising her chin, Katherine stared at Raoul de Chagny and Arden, who were sitting in front of the fireplace. "I'm afraid you will have to be more specific," she said, her tone sweet. "I danced with many men this evening."

"You know very well who we are referring to!" de Chagny snapped, his eyes furious. "The man in evening dress and black mask. It was the Phantom of the Opera!"

Eyes narrowing, Katherine leveled her gaze at the vicomte and crossed her arms. "Well, that seems to be a ridiculous claim," she responded coolly. "Your own wife told me that he was dead."

Raoul glared at her. "Katherine, just tell us," Pierre commanded. "Stop beating around the bush."

"Really, Pierre, you are being quite ridiculous," Katherine said, tiredly. She allowed her arms to drop. "It was a masquerade. Everyone was in disguise, and all the men I danced with were wearing masks. What more do you want me to say? That I slipped out with some of them and found an excuse for them to remove their masks?"

The three men exchanged looks, and Arden shook his head. "Go," Pierre ordered gruffly. "You are of no help."

Turning, Katherine left the room. Feeling her brother's gaze on her, she went up the stairs. Once she heard the library door close, she whirled and raced back down. She knelt at the keyhole and pressed her ear to it.

"She knows!" Raoul insisted.

"We are aware of that," Arden said coolly. "But there is no way to get her to share what she knows as long as she is in that infuriatingly stubborn mood. We can be sure it has something to do with her constant appearance at the Opera Populaire."

"I had the place searched many times! He wasn't to be found there," Raoul said vehemently. "Now he has Mademoiselle Hemway under his spell as he had my wife."

The doorknob turned and Pierre pushed the door open. "We will learn nothing more tonight," he said as he entered the now empty hallway. "No one will believe any of this, so I suggest we resolve it on our own. We will meet again soon gentlemen."

He escorted the two men out and then went upstairs. Sighing in relief, Katherine came out from beneath the stairs. A thoughtful look on her face, she crept up to her room.  

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