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Close to ten o'clock the next morning, Katherine hurried past the servants who were hard at work cleaning up after the previous night's masquerade. Keeping her head down, she left her home with her maid right on her heels. "Miss, where are we going that's so important?" Anne asked, casting uneasy glances back at the house.

"To the D'Arcy's," Katherine said, setting a brisk pace along the sidewalk. In her hand she clenched a note. "I have to get to Pip before he leaves for his lesson. Once we are there, you may return home. And if anyone should ask, I had business with my friends that could not wait."

"What are you planning this time, Miss?"

Smiling to herself, Katherine didn't answer. There was hardly anyone out as the pair walked. When they reached their destination, they met Pip and the D'Arcy's driver, Bindley, just about to start out for the opera house.

"Wait just a moment!" Katherine called out, quickening her pace. She smiled as she reached the nine year old boy. She reached down and slipped the note into his hand. "Pip, I need you to do me a favor, alright? Take this note to your tutor, and send the reply back with Bindley. Can you do that for me?"

Nodding, Pip closed his fingers tightly around the note. Breathing a sigh of relief, Katherine watched the boy and Bindley start off. As soon as they went around a corner, the young lady turned and walked up to the front door which she knocked on. She smiled at the butler who answered the door.

"Good morning," she said. "Is Miss D'Arcy and Miss Martin up?"

"I believe they are in the breakfast room, Miss Hemway," the butler responded, stepping back.

Waving for Anne to go back, Katherine walked into the D'Arcy home. She took off her hat and cloak and handed them to the butler. She made her way to the breakfast room, declining to be announced. "I honestly didn't expect to find either of you out of bed," she proclaimed, walking in. "I thought I would have to roust you both."

Jerking in surprise, Michaela brought her head up off the table. "It's a deal Michaela and I made with her father," Jane answered tiredly. She hid a yawn behind her hand. "The only way we could stay out late was if we agreed to rise at a decent hour." She waved a hand at the table. "Have a seat. Are you hungry?"

"Do you have plans today?" Katherine asked, sinking into a seat in between her friends.

Shaking her head, Michaela yawned. "No," she answered. "Why? Do you have something in mind?"

"Maybe," Katherine responded vaguely. "I am awaiting the response to a note now."


Soon after, when the three young ladies had gone to the drawing room, the butler approached, holding out a silver tray with a note on top. "Bindley sent this up for you, miss," the butler announced, holding the tray out to Katherine.

Her hand shaking, Katherine took the note. As her friends watched uneasily, she broke the red skull seal. She pulled out the black lined paper. Her eyes scanned the elegant writing and a smile crossed her face.

"That is the creepiest thing I have ever seen," Michaela decided. "I think I like it. In fact, I must have it."

"Who is it from?" Jane asked carefully. "Not your phantom, is it?"

Looking up at the cousins, Katherine nodded. "Actually, Jane, it is," she said. "He has agreed to meet the two of you at any time we arrive."

"Well, it's about time!" Michaela told her, standing up. "Let's go!"

Jane started to shake her head. "Katherine, you and Michaela may choose to put your lives in danger," she said, "but I am not crazy."

Silence hit the room and all color drained from Katherine's face. "Jane!" Michaela snapped, her brown eyes glaring. "How could you say something like that? Katherine is not crazy! And you're supposed to be the one who thinks before she just blurts words out."

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