The Found One

By bmacke01

1.1M 43.8K 3.5K

He found her. He chose her. Now, she must decide if she chooses him. A Silverbloods Series ©The Found One... More

Introduction & A/N
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 33

22.1K 884 61
By bmacke01

Izzy POV

Izzy didn't know exactly how these whole bond things worked, and decided to add it to the growing list of answers she was going to beat out of Rowan when she next got him alone, but she hoped it allowed him to know exactly what he thought of their little 'sitting arrangement'.

While his arm around her had felt nice and had even been reassuring as they had faced a new unknown pack and one with such a history with Rowan's family, she was not amused when just assumed that she would sit on his lap like a child – or ... like some pet. It was infuriating!

Sure, he had done the same thing a few times, but that didn't give him the right to just force her to sit wherever the hell he wanted. And, on his lap to make it worse! She felt humiliation bloom, her cheeks heating as she perched stiffly on his knees, her arms folded over her chest as she stared daggers at Hayden and Austin, daring them to say anything as they pulled out two other chairs and took seats. Thankfully for their own hides, they kept their faces blank, no amusement at her current position in front of these strangers – they were acting almost as if it was expected that she would sit where she was. The thought hit her and her eyes narrowed instantly, she knew they sensed it when their gazes flicked to her, both jerking at the fury that met their curious looks.

Her irritation was sidetracked when Rowan spoke, interrupting and sidetracking her internal ranting and anger for the moment.

"Will she be safe here?"

The bluntness and directness seemed to throw the Semper wolves, who now glanced between her and Rowan. Jackson took it in stride, "Whatever resistance still exists, doesn't have enough support to risk acting openly. Mostly they like to meet in backrooms to alternately: daydream about the old days, and plot to kill me. They haven't become strident enough to actually try it yet though."

"We'll keep a guard around her." Rowan said glancing at Hayden and Derek meaningfully, the two nodding back in understanding.

Izzy felt herself bristling again, not that she disagreed that she needed a guard, not even that she really minded having Hayden and Derek around (they were actually growing on her) but she was cranky and tired and annoyed at always been talked over and about but never included.

"We have rooms set up for you Prince Rowan and the court, did you need another- "

Rowan cut Alpha Jackson off, "She'll stay with me."

Izzy made a strangled sound in her throat, annoyance and embarrassment roaring their heads once more to clash at his words. It was stupid she knew – she was actually grateful for the protection, and she actually liked sharing a room – or more correctly a bed – with Rowan, but ... well she didn't really know why she was annoyed. More that she knew she should be. That she should be putting up more of a fight, rebelling against his assumptions that he could make all these decisions without her. In the end she would probably agree to them – but it was the principal of the thing, and dammit she was still allowed a say in her life! Well, not really, she amended in her head thinking back to the promises she had made in Maleco's office, and the fact that she was a fragile human surround by werewolves, but still there's a principal to the thing! Finishing the thought with a pointed elbow to Rowan's midsection, cutting off his next sentence with a small puff of air.

"Like I was saying," Rowan picked up giving her side a small squeeze of meaning that she couldn't help smirking at, "your borders will need to be increased. Austin will be taking over while we are here."

"Our borders are strong; we've implemented all the suggestions the Crown's advisors have offered." Jackson said, a slight defensive edge creeping in to his voice at the inferred criticism.

"Of course." Austin said jumping into the conversation just as Izzy felt Rowan tense under her. Turning she found Jackson staring at Rowan, the brown of his iris's slowly giving way to the black of his pupil. Izzy felt a stronger tremor run through Rowan, knowing that the situation could escalate quickly with Rowan's notorious temper and the tension already humming in the room, she did the only thing she could think of. Letting go of her previous ire, she leaned back into Rowan's stiff frame, scooting until she was properly sitting on his lap, her feet dangling off the floor – she cursed her small stature as she felt like a child – turning she leaned into his chest, her head ducking under his chin, arms wrapping around his sides to land on the small of his back, pressing herself into the hard lines of his body, letting herself relax and indulge in the feel of him, the scent of him, the safety and security he so easily surrounded her in.

For a moment, she thought it wouldn't work, the tremors still shock under her, but then she felt his arms come up – ever so gently – to wrap around her, his head ducking to press his lips to the crown of her head. She felt him inhale - a shudder going through him before he was relaxing under her, his muscles uncurling as his arms wrapped more securely around her, holding her in place. In thanks she squeezed his middle, turning her head to press a kiss to his chest, knowing that even through the layers of clothes he'd feel it and know what it meant.

"His majesty meant no criticism, and is impressed how well Semper has integrated our suggestions. It is only that with his presence - security concerns have increased and we want your pack to be ready and secure to face them." Austin continued, his voice calm and soothing, feeling as the tension eased from between the two dominant wolves.

When Izzy turned back from Rowan's chest, letting her head rest against it, Austin gave her a wink and small smile letting her know he knew what she had done and approved. Glancing to the others she was met with further looks of approval and gratitude, it seemed they also didn't like to see Rowan's temper get the best of him - or having to watch him fight wolves left right and center.

"What security concerns?" Jackson's Beta asked, the potential confrontation forgotten.

Austin looked to Rowan, who gave a small nod arms still wrapped around her, chin resting on the top of her head. "Robert Doyle." He supplied stonily.

Jackson let out a growl that shook the windows, in the blink of an eye, Hayden and Derek were across the room closing rank in front of her, their own growls ripping out, Isaac and Noah only a step behind them, their eyes flashing black as they watched the now raging Alpha. The Semper Beta and other pack members weren't coping much better, their eyes rapidly shifting colors, as tremors raced under their skin. Olivia and Austin were on their feet, their faces calm as they watched those in the room, subtly shifting their bodies closer to the wolves nearest them. The concentration on their faces let Izzy know they were all talking over that mind-thing they shared. Izzy had jumped at the first sound, her body tensing in response to the threatening sounds, but then Rowan's hands began to rub soothing circles over her back, easing her back into him, tucking her head back under his chin, his body remaining relaxed and calming as her heart raced. "The only pack that may hate Doyle more than mine and my family, would be Semper." Rowan whispered to her, offering up an explaining for the sudden burst of emotions that had taken hold of the office.

Jackson was still growling, his fists curling and uncurling at his sides, his eyes flashing black as he paced the length of the office, his Beta and the others just as agitated as their Alpha. Her and Rowan's guards watched the Semper wolves pace, eyes alert as the tracked the raging and caged animals ready for the tether of their control to snap. It was a long few minutes before Alpha's Jackson's eyes stopped flashing too black, his pacing slowing until he was standing still, the hands still fisted at his side the only indication of the rage roiling just under the surface.

"What about that cowardly lying sack of shit?" Jackson bit out, his eyes flashing before he took a deep breath and they settled back to their normal brown, though the warmth and welcome that had shone from them before was notably absent.

"He's been making some moves in past few months, there was a small attack at Tenebris." Austin said carefully, watching the Alpha for a reaction to the news. He wasn't disappointed.

It was another few minutes before Jackson and the others had calmed enough for the meeting to continue, the discussion of the borders and the concern for security while they visited raging between them.

When they were finally done, and had retreated to the rooms Jackson had set up and provided for them, Izzy asked the question that had been nagging her. "Why do they all hate this Doyle guy so much? I mean I get that he's a bad guy but that felt like a lot more than just that."

Rowan had been in the bathroom washing up as she sat crossed legged on the wrought iron antique king-sized bed that dominated the time-period appointed room, her hair messily tied in a bun on the top of her head as she waited for her turn in the washroom. At her question he stuck his head out the door offering her a sliver of a glance at his chiseled chest – a view that had her biting her lip.

"I saw that."

Her eyes snapping up she met his laughing ones with a glare, her cheeks warming. "You didn't see anything!"

"Sure I didn't' cupcake." Rowan said indulgently, laughing at her snort of indignation. "As for Semper and Doyle, they have a lot of unfinished business. To say the least." Rowan answered popping his head back into the bathroom.

Izzy tried to recall what she had learned about Doyle, and his rogues, as she listened to the tap turn on, water splashing against the porcelain bowl.

Of course then she got side-tracked picturing the droplets of water running down his chest.

"I heard that." Rowan called out, his voice garbled around a toothbrush but not enough to hide the laughter from it.

Sticking her tongue out at the open door she called back, "You didn't hear anything you butthead! And stop listening to my thoughts - its creepy!"

"Stop shouting them at me if you don't want me to hear them sunshine." He called back, the tap shutting off before he sauntered into the room, shirt still off. As her eyes were drawn down, he let out a laugh she knew he'd done it on purpose just to get a reaction from her. Grabbing one of the lace-trimmed pillows from behind her she whipped it at his head, of course she missed as he easily ducked out of the way. Crossing her arms, she glared at the wall angrily. Stupid werewolves, and their stupid heads, and their stupid chests, and their stupid fricking mind-reading!

"Okay, okay I'm sorry!" Rowan said still quietly laughing and ratcheting up her anger another notch. "You're just cute when you get all flustered by my 'swoon worthy muscles'" Rowan said mimicking her voice horribly.

A strangled noise caught in her throat, her mouth falling open as she spun to stare at his grinning face. That's it I'm gonna kill him. She thought, eyes narrowing before she launched herself off the bed and at him.

Throwing herself she hit him in the chest her fists landing on his shoulders as she let out an oomph at the impact. Of course, being Rowan, her attack did little to him, he merely took a small step back to absorb the impact arms coming up to catch her before she inevitably fell to the ground.

"I'm gonna make you pay for that you imp!" She shouted angrily, huffing air as Rowan held her aloft and against his chest.

"Imp? Really sunshine, am I that irresistible that you can't even come up with insults anymore?" Rowan asked, his eyes twinkling as he stared down at her.

Struggling in his hold Izzy kicked at his shins in an albeit weak attempt to get free. "I hate you! You stupid jerk!" She yelled still struggling, her breathing becoming more labored as she struggled.

Suddenly she was free, Rowan's arms gone as he stood now a few feet from her, his eyes dark and haunted as he stared at her.

Planting her hands on her hips she nodded in satisfaction. "And stay out of my head! You don't just get to go traipsing around in my thoughts whenever you want, you twonk!" Exclaiming her point with a poke to his chest, her eyes narrowed.

When he didn't respond, her head cocked to the side as she took him in, her eyebrows pulling together. "Rowan what the hell is the matter with you?" She demanded as he stayed frozen.

When he didn't say anything Izzy took a step closer her hands falling to her sides as she stared up at him, raising a hand she waved it in front of his face trying to get a reaction from him. "Rowan?"

"You – you hate me?" Came his final strangled reply, the words chocked out of his throat as if they caused him pain.

"What?" She asked looking at him in complete confusion. "Rowan what is going on?"

"You said you hate me." He said more confidently, wincing on the words as he looked down at her, pain and fear in his silver eyes.

"Yeah I do hate you - you ... turd." Izzy said with a wave of her hand in dismissal, "But what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Izzy whatever I did, I'm so sorry, I'll fix it. Please just give me another chance- "

"Whoa! What are you talking about?" She asked cutting off Rowan's words. "Oh. Oh!" She exclaimed realization dawning, and then she was laughing. Laughing so hard she almost fell over, wrapping an arm around her middle she had to reach out grabbing Rowan's stiff arm to balance herself until she could herself under control. "I'm sorry." She said around a hiccup, brushing at the corner of her eyes for the tears caught in her lashes.

"This is not funny." Rowan said seriously as he watched her, "Tell me what I must do."

"Oh I disagree there buddy, this is hilarious!" Izzy said on more laughter, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She said taking deep breaths, "I'm okay now. It's just finally YOU'RE the one who doesn't get what's going on, and I'm the one whose being all stable! It's freaking awesome!" Izzy said happily, laughing at Rowan's look of complete confusion.

Feeling a little bad for indulging in his obvious misery and confusion, she worked to control her happiness, it was difficult though, it was the first time she had to explain what was going on to him. It felt kinda good to not be the one overreacting for once.

"I said I hate you Rowan," He flinched as if she had physically hit him, his lips pressed together in a tight line, "but not like I hate hate you silly." She said emphasizing the word. "Just that your stupid ability to read my thoughts when I don't know yours - is infuriating. Not to mention how you just announce that I'm sharing a room with you without asking, or how you make me sit on your lap like a dog, and that doesn't even get into the whole- "

"You don't want to share a room with me?" He asked interrupting her list of grievances.

"Of course I do, but that's not the point." She said.

He looked at her like she had two heads, and she blew out a breath, trying to think of a way to explain it. "Just because I want something, and you know I want something, doesn't mean you don't have to ask me."

That just seemed to confuse him more as he stared at her, his hands on his hips, silver eyebrows pulled together. "Do you want a different room? My wolf won't like it, and you won't be as safe, I could try having you stay with Aus and Olivia-"

This time it was her turn to cut him off. "I don't want another room Rowan." She said. "I just want you to ask me, before you go making decision for me. Just because you think it's what's best, or even what I want, you should ask me and it should be a discussion, unless – Am I still some prisoner here?" She asked a little less surely than she'd like, a part of her had been worrying over the question for the last few days – what exactly was she to these people now? She was constantly under guard, but was also supposedly someone to Rowan – where did that leave her?

"No! No of course not. You aren't a prisoner." Rowan said angrily, his eyes flashing pure silver.

"Okay, glad to know. And if that's the case then you can't just be ordering me around anymore and sitting me in whatever box you want, whenever you want – do you understand?" She asked more gently this time, trying to see the issue from his perspective, and understanding that it would be a hard concept for a freaking Prince of fucking werewolves to really understand.

"I was just doing what I thought would be best, I need you near me and safe, and you're mine – you belong with me." Rowan said trying his best to explain himself, which she appreciated.

"I know, and I'll try to keep that in mind as well. It's why if you had asked I would have agreed to this arrangement, but I'm human Rowan, and I don't feel all the same things you do, so I need you to talk to me, and not just announce to a room of people that I'm gonna be sleeping with you."

"Sleeping with me huh?" Rowan asked, his serious façade cracking slightly.

Izzy rolled her eyes at him, "You know what I meant, dumbass."

"I've been called worse, and one day cupcake." He said smirking.

"Yeah only if you stop being a jerk."

The laughter dropped from his face as he turned serious again, nodding at her words. "You really don't like sitting on my lap?"

"You're missing the point, I'm not a possession Rowan, I'm a person, treat me like one - or else decide I'm a prisoner again and then you can do whatever you want with me – throw me to the wolves, sit me on your knee, or wear me as a scarf."

Rowan let out a small growl at her words obviously not liking her suggestions, the sound cut off with a sharp look from her. "Understood cupcake." He said with a small smile.

Rolling her eyes, she said. "I freaking hate you."

At his narrowed eyes, she threw up her hands in surrender, "Fine, fine, fine. You stop treating me like a puppy and I'll stop joking about hating your annoying ass. Deal?"

He tilted his head to the side as he considered and Izzy had to resist the urge to comb the bit of hair that fell across his forehead back into place.

"Deal." He said at last, a grin forming and showing off his straight white teeth, "Shall we seal it with a kiss?" He asked, eyes sparkling with mischief.

"You're the devil!" She snorted in amusement.

"It's just a kiss Iz, not your soul."

"Somehow I think that's the same thing." She said even as she stepped closer, the small distance between them closing as her head tipped back.

"Would that be such a bad thing?" Rowan asked softly, as he tucked her hair behind her ears, his fingers trailing over her cheeks and down the curve of her neck leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.

"I think – "

Her words were cut off as his lips captured hers, his fingers tangling into her hair as he tipped her head to deepen the kiss.

She let out a sigh against his mouth as her eyes closed, her body melting into his as every thought and fear disappeared under his touch, her hands gripping his biceps clinging to him as she pressed herself into his frame.

His tongue swiped over her bottom lip in a soothing motion, and without hesitation she started to open for him, wanting to see where this next step would lead, but before they could discover - he was taking a small step back, a sound of displeasure leaving her as her eyes fluttered opened to find him staring down at her. She licked her lips as she blinked trying to right the world he had just tilted, his thumbs stroked her cheeks hands still tangled in her hair. Leaning forward he pressed his lips to her forehead gently, inhaling as he did, and then he was stepping back, hands falling from her, her own grasp on him breaking under his strength as he forced space between them.

"The bathroom's all yours." He said, his voice a little huskier than it had been only a few minutes before.

She looked at him blankly, his lip twitched up into a half-smirk his chin nodding to the open bathroom door behind her as he ran a hand through his hair.

Snapping herself out of whatever trance had been holding her frozen, she whipped around fleeing for safety, his laughter trailing behind her. 

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