Lee, That's Me!

By taramalik18

457 17 5

Everyone titles Lee as a very mean person or a big joker, when in actual, she's plain honest and very serious... More

Discovering Plump's Talent
I Don't Know?
You're not Bethany!
Desperate Times Equal Desperate Measures!
Back to School
Grandmas, Who'd Have Em'?
Robotic Lee
What's the secret?
What's Wrong with Mum?
What the Fudge!

What Did I Do Wrong?

47 1 0
By taramalik18

"Excluded!" yelled Mum, "Lee! You stupid girl! Why couldn't you just keep your mouth shut for once?"

"Ow! Stop shaking my shoulders, you're hurting me." I whined.

Mum instantly let go of me, looking really worried and angry at the same time. I rubbed my poor shoulders, making them go around in circle motions.

"Lee? What were you thinking?" Mum said nearly bursting into tears.

"Mum, I swear I have no idea what I did wrong!" I said utterly confused with everything.

"Explain what happened," Dad said calmly "Tell us everything you know,"

"OK. Well, I was talking to Mia about Surf-Run. We were going on a debate about why our chosen surfer is better than the other. I picked Reece Anderson because I think h-"

"Forget that part!" yelled Mum "Just get to the point!"

"OK! No need to yell," I said, surprised with Mum. "Anyone would think you're related to Plump! But, of course, you don't have her true talent. Personally, I don't think you have any,"

"Lee," Dad said bitterly "Get on with it."

"OK. Anyway, she told me to move next to Steve. I thought that was pretty harsh of her since I did nothing wrong. Usually she tells people to move if they were misbehaving, but I was behaving!"

"Idiot! You were yapping away to your friend and not paying attention! What do you expect?" shrieked Mum, shaking me, once again, by the shoulders.

"Ow! I was paying attention and talking at the same time! The school system doesn't mention anything about that," I said exasperated.

"Oh? I guess the school system doesn't mention anything about scrunching test's results either?" Mum said glaring at me.

"I didn't know it was the test's result! I thought it was scrap," I protested.

"Why would you think that?" Dad asked looking at me awkwardly, "Besides, why would you go around scrunching papers? Didn't you think they could have been important?"

"She doesn't ever think!"

I looked at Mum, really hurt. I think all the time!

Mum sighed, finally letting go off me. "Lee, go to your room. don't come down until I or your father say. This cannot happen again, you understand?"

I nodded my head slowly, still very confused with what I did wrong. No one seems to understand me, so why should I try to understand them?


I tiptoed upstairs slowly passing by my older sister, Bethany. She is a weird teen, definitely a sight to look at.

She has the strangest red-ish, orangey wild hair I have ever seen. Her eyes are natural hazel-brown with a touch of orange. Her skin's the color mocha and she has an interesting heart-shaped face and delicate pink lips.

I can understand why guys look at her in awe! Sometimes they confuse me because I catch them looking at her chest. Nothing very interesting about her chest, they're like everyone else's except bigger.

"What are you looking at, weirdo?" Bethany snapped.

I quickly shook my thoughts away.

"Just your chest," I said honestly, "it got me wondering why guys would possibly look at that."

"Oh? You think your breasts are any better?" She said, laughing a bit cruelly. "Dream on."

"In case you haven't noticed," I said, looking down at my flat chest, "I haven't got any."

"I can see that," Bethany says looking at me up and down, "and from the looks of it, I can see that you've got no brain either."

I felt so sorry for her. Because, how can we live without a brain?

"Aw, it must be hard being so stupid." I said, giving her a sympathetic look.

"It really must be, for you." Bethany slammed the door on me so I couldn't say anything back. She always wants the last word. Who could blame her?

Hip-Hop blared out of her room. I pressed my ear against her door, listening intently to the fast lyrics. I tried to catch every word I could but it was hard with Bethany's constant giggles.

"Oh, you sure know how to flatter girls!"

Giggle, giggle,

"Aw! You shouldn"t have!"

Giggle, giggle.

Was Bethany talking to herself? It seems like it - but wait! what's that other voice?

"I'd do anything for you, babe."

More giggle, giggle.

Huh? That definitely sounded like a guy's voice. Oh well, I shrugged it off. I decided to slump back into my room. That is when I heard the music stop and a loud piercing scream.

I stopped dead in my tracks. It was Bethany screaming.

"Bethany?" I yelled, banging furiously on her door. What was going on? It's not normal of her screaming.

No answer

"Bethany?" I raised my voice even louder.

Still no answer.

Mum heard me, all the way from downstairs. Instantly she came rushing up, eyes wide with panic, gasping for breath.

"What's going on?!"

"Mum! Bethany's not opening her door!" I said, frantically moving the door knob about.

"Here, let me see." Mum pushed me out of the way and banged on her door "Bethany? Is everything OK?"

"Yes, Mum!" said a very high squeaky voice.

That doesn't sound like Bethany. I think Mum noticed too because she asked Bethany to come out.

The knob twisted and the door creaked open a little. Out came Bethany, except something didn't feel right...

"Bethany!" Mum cried, "Why are you so pale?" She touched Bethany's face, her hands moving rapidly all over. "You're freezing!"

"No, I'm not!" Bethany said, shaking Mum's hands off her. She makes it look so easy. "If you don't mind, I've got a lot of homework to do."

Homework? Pinch me, I'm dreaming. I've been dying to say that! I like that quotation, but honestly, I wouldn't want anyone pinching me if I were dreaming. Especially if it's one of the dreams you'd wish that would carry on forever!

"Oh... OK, good girl." Mum says sounding a little put off. Bethany gave my Mum a little glare before shutting the door on us.

I can understand how Bethany must be feeling, what with Mum never praising you properly. It can be very irritating and yet she uses her famous tone when telling us off. She's always telling us off properly.

But then again, I understand how Mum must be feeling. Bethany's glares aren't very pleasant. I tend to get them a lot, through no fault of my own. I watched Mum, looking confused as ever, going down the stairs. Once again, Bethany's music plays again. Except this time, it's slow rock.

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