Dark Angels / g.b.d & e.g.d.

By cutebutdolan

87.1K 2K 691

They were my angels, and i was their precious rose in the garden full of other beautiful flowers. But, the... More



3.7K 76 10
By cutebutdolan

*Later, at the airport*

'Here is your plane ticket. It's a good thing that this is a late night flight, there won't be many people on the plane. Makes it easier to control yourself, the scent of blood won't be as strong' Ethan said, giving me my ticket and turning to give Grayson his, leaving him with one for himself.

He put a mask on my mouth, it was sprayed with vervain so it could make me weak, but strong enough for me to stay awake for an hour or so. Everyone was looking at me, thinking I was sick, they literally ran away, while Ethan and Gray were like casually chilling, so people thought they're weird as well.

Not that we really care about it though.

We were soon on the flight, and they took seats next to each other. I guessed I should sit across them, even though my ticket seat is next to Ethan. I used this chance to take a photo of them and post it on snapchat as a joke.

*pic is on the beggining*

I sat down but after 5 minutes Ethan really wanted to sleep, leaving me and Grayson to talk alone. We switched the seats so we were sitting like we were supposed to.

'So Gray, is there anyone special in your life?' I asked right away because I just couldn't wait, oops.

'Well, besides you, Ethan, and that friend whose place we are going to, and now your family as well, no one really. What about you?'

'Eh, pretty much the same. I don't have any friends, except one I made recently.'

I stopped for a second, remembering Andrea. I made a mental note to inform Andrea of what happened, because she has no clue about what's going on.

'And, um, why do you care about me this much? We basically don't even know each other, why did you help Ethan with all of this?' Go ahead Rose, just ask him like that. This is what usually happen. I never have the intentions of making the other person uncomfortable, but if there's something I'm curious about or, likewise, bothers me, I just ask. I don't like hiding things and sometimes I think I'm too straightforward.

'Oh, well, Ethan means so much to me, he is the one person I wanted to meet from the beggining of my life. When I was adopted I didn't remember anything but him, and I dreamed of meeting him every day. I didn't have any siblings in my new family though, so I couldn't forget about him. And he talked about you really, really much. I know that you mean a lot to him. And I support him, because now I see myself that you really are beautiful and kind.' He said, looking me in the eyes every second.

'Thank you Gray. You both are sweet and beautiful too. I have so much trust in both of you. And trust me, Ethan talked about you a lot, how he wanted to meet you and everything. He felt the same way. And I loved you then without knowing you, because you made him happy. Just like you do now, I think.' I said with a smile, even though he couldn't see it because of my mask.

In a middle of my talking I literally could easily choke on air because one hair had fallen out on his forehead what made him 825265482657267 times hotter if that was even possible.

We talked a bit more, and I learned many things about him. How he wants to be an actor, just like Ethan. Ethan and Grayson have a lot in common, but they are still so different at the same time. I'm sure I won't ever be able to describe that. His eyelids were drooping and he started to yawn while talking to me.

'Go to sleep Gray, it's okay.' I said interrupting him while he talked about how he scared Ethan dressed like a clown, with their friend Chris, who's in Germany now.

'But I like talking to you.' He said with his soft and tired voice, looking at me sadly.

'I like it even more, but you are tired and we will have a lot of time to talk when you rest'

'Okay then. Promise?' he said like he was three year old.

'I promise Gray' I laughed because he was getting cuter every second.

He went on the seat across me so I could have more space. He fell asleep really fast. He looked like an angel.

Then I decided to look at Ethan, he looked adorable. I tried to take pic of him but it didn't work, he was too close. After a while I did it, but the picture was too dark. He looked so cute with a pillow under his head. You couldn't even see the purple in his hair because it was too dark. Gray was right under the lights tho, but he wasn't as close as Ethan, so I took a pic of him without much trouble. 

Two angels around me.

How they could be such angels, but not even human, completely opposite – dark and cruel.

My dark angels

That's it. I can sleep now, with this dose of cuteness next to me.


Update finally. 828 words. Sorry for any bad english or something! You can correct me lol i won't be mad♥

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