We're Back ➪ Mighty Med Fanfi...

By celestialcalista

11.3K 303 69

The Elite Force is back in the search for Roman and Riker. Bree and Chase decide to check the city perimeter... More



304 13 1
By celestialcalista

Experion's POV

"We have to help her. Quick." I said, picking her up bridal style.

"It looks like her powers were contaminated." Chase said. "Again."

"How? Mighty Med is destroyed." Kaz said.

"I think I know who to go to." I threw Oliver, Kaz, Bree, and Chase air packets for Caldera. They Put them on, and I opened a space portal.

When we got there, Bree and I supersped to the cave of Hapax the Elder.

"Hapax!" I called.

"Experion. You are not— Skylar?" His facial expression changed hen he saw Skylar in my arms.

"Please help us, Hapax. Skylar's powers were tainted again." I pleaded.

He motioned for me to set Skylar on the table.

"The only thing I can do now is to completely remove her powers and she'll never get them back again." He sighed.

"There has to be another way." Bree cried.

"I'm sorry. I can tell by the blast that Carastrophe sent out, it's our only option." He sighed.

"Wait— how do you know that it was Catastrophe?" Oliver asked.

"Oh—uh— good guess?" He chuckled. I threw a laser at him, and he turned into a cloud.

"Roman and Riker." Chase growled.

"Surprised?" Riker smirked.

"How?" I asked.

"Well, I'm a shapeshifter. I mean, I was able to turn into a person that apparently manipulated your girlfriend to fall for me." He crossed his arms.

"Agh." I unleashed my anger. Some sort of force came from my bday, blowing Roman and Riker back and knocking them unconscious.

"Hello?" Inheard a voice call. I walked over to Hapax's storage closet, and saw him tied to a chair.

I untied him and he got out.

"Hapax, please help us." Oliver pleaded. We led him to where Skylar was.

"Her powers were contaminated by Castrophe, and now she's slowly dying." I explained.

"You do know the con—" I cut him off.

"Yes. You take her powers, and she'll live." I sighed. I stood beside her and used his powers.

A swirl of pink came from her chest and to Hapax's hands. He had taken her powers. I quickly put a packet on her.

"It is done. She now has to live as a Mormon for the rest of her life." Hapax's sighed. I carried her, and opened a space portal.

"Thanks, Hapax." Oliver nodded.

"Oh, Experion?" I turned to him.


"Take care of her." He said. I nodded and stepped into the space portal.

We got back to the Daven Tower. I placed Skylar on the couch.

"Hello?" We heard Gus call from upstairs.

"Shoot." Oliver freaked out. I supersped out of the room.

Bree's POV

When Experion left, Gus came downstairs.

"What happened to Connie?" He asked.

"Brain freeze"

"Star struck"


"Attacked by evil villain." We all looked at Kaz.

"Look, Gus, it's time for you, Jordan, and Alan to go." I said.

"Wait— where are Jordan and Alan?" Oliver asked.

"They're on a timeout." Gus said.

"Well bye." I supersped upstairs, packed their bags, and brought them downstairs. I also grabbed Jordan and Alan.

"Bon Voyage." I waved as they walked out the door. When the door closed I quickly rushed to Skylar.

"We should let her rest." Chase suggested, and I nodded.

Oliver's POV

It's been five hours and she hasn't waken up yet.

"I think there's something wrong with Skylar." I told Kaz.

"I know. If she doesn't wake up soon, I don't know what we'll do." He replied. Then Bree walked down the stairs.

"I have an idea!" I ran over to Bree. "Bree, you must have a power to wake Skylar up." I said.

"I don't know, it could be risky." She replied.

"What could make this situation worse." I pointed out. She sighed and walked over to Skylar. She knelt down next to her and put her right hand over Skylar's face.

Little pink flakes fell from her hand and outer Skylar. Befor they reached her face, they faded away. All of a sudden Skylar's eyes fluttered open.

"W—what happened? Where am I?" She rubbed her head.

"Skylar, you're okay!" I ran to give her a hug.

"Wait, Oliver." Chase stopped me.

"Really?" I threw my hands up.

"Skylar, what year is it?" Chase asked.

"Chase what are you—" I got cut off.

"2012." Skylar replied. It was 2016.

Dun dun dun

What will happen next?


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