A Murder

By Mewrlise

1.6K 125 12

"I don't want to save the world, I don't particularly care about it if I'm allowed to be honest." Sora chose... More

A Spring
A Destruction
A Building
A School
A Team
A Pride

A Family

237 17 0
By Mewrlise

What do you call a group of Beavers?

A Family

Sora learned how to walk really fast. True, her stamina wasn't the greatest and her legs often gave up and caused her to fall flat on her arse but the girl was determined to master her basic motor skills.

The same determination was applied to learning the language, refusing to pretend she was stupider than she actually was if for the simple fact that learning a new language took time anyway. She wasn't about to make it take any longer for the sake of looking like she progresses at a typical pace.

Let others reach their own conclusions.

At the age of two she already helped her mother around the house, as much as her physical body and stamina allowed her too. But the very basics she could help with.

Every now and then she would catch her parents whispering with one another or with another relative about her: "She grasps new concepts very quickly," "Is she one of those children?" "She'll grow to make the Uchiha clan proud," and on they continued.

Unfortunately for everyone, Sora didn't give a shit about any of that.

She did what she did in an effort to keep herself somewhat entertained till the inevitable night they all got killed by her cousins.

What? Did she have no evidence for that being the case? True enough. She didn't have any conclusive information about whether or not the likelihood of her clan's demise was an inevitable...but she already knew Itachi existed and with a bit of prodding and snooping, which only worked because this was a more recent event, learnt that non-other than Uchiha Obito was killed in action not even a full month ago.

The war was at that stage were things were still in full swing but the signs of finality were presenting themselves. Two months ago Kiri ordered their main force to retreat closer to the coast, Takeo was just telling them at dinner how Yugakure officially retreated from the war completely and, well she didn't really know what the other countries were doing but Sora noticed more and more Konoha shinobi returning home so she assumed the war was drawing to an end. For now.

If anything, as far as her family was concerned, Riku's nearing graduation from the academy was far more important. At only nine years old, the boy was practically vibrating with excitement at the prospect of finally becoming an official ninja.

Umi was also slotted to graduate next year, also at nine years old and their father joked that at this pace Sora was more than likely to do the same.

And then said child decided to ruin the good mood by saying:

"I'm not becoming a ninja," and in the silence which followed said statement Sora was willing to bet one could have heard a pin drop.

"What?" Riku managed to say, shocked eyes staring at his youngest sister in disbelief. Their parents were quiet, both pinning the girl with contemplative stares although Kotori's might show a touch more of confusion than her father's. Umi was the only one who continued to eat in peace,looking as though she expected said answer.

And she did.

Truly, the girl has watched her little sister and suspected that to be the case for a while, though she kept quiet least her assessment be wrong. Unlike Riku and herself, Sora lacked motivation. She didn't pester any sibling for tips or stories from the academy, didn't attempt to beg to be taught a new jutsu...

Sora just didn't care.

She would look on in astonishment whenever she saw a ninja in action, but beyond the momentary amazement at their ability she displayed no other emotion on said topic.

Even now, the youngest simply shrugged, looking as though even the insignificant action was a pain for her to perform.

The girl has always been like this as far as Umi could recall and if the elder girl didn't know any better she would say her sister was depressed. In all honesty, had it been anyone else that would be her definite conclusion.

But this was her baby sister. She couldn't fathom any reason why the child could be depressed.

Because by all means, they were lucky. Both their parents were alive and cared for all their children equally. They were financially well off. And none were plagued with any debilitating injury or illness.

True, they had several casualties from the clan due to the war, but in all honesty, they weren't all that close to the members which died so she very much doubted that was the reason for the girl's...apathy.

Maybe Umi just didn't think the way her sister did. She heard her parent and other relatives tentatively use the word genius when describing Sora. Could that possibly explain why the older girl was unable of figuring out how to help her sister?

Both Riku and her were able to tell their sister was smart, even smarter than she let on if by sheer virtue of the fact that the three spend a lot of time together. Even if her vocabulary is not all that advanced (well it most certainly is for a two year old but by this point they stopped thinking of her as a normal one anyway), Sora could listen and understand what was being said. Even when they couldn't. It was a bit embarrassing to have a five years younger sister and know she was smarter than you. Especially when you were as prideful as Riku. But the siblings loved their younger sister all the same.

So it hurt not knowing what ailed Sora or how to help her.

"Why don't you want to be a ninja Sora?" their father asked carefully; voice and expression neutral.

Looking up at the older man, Sora held his stare for an unnerving amount of time, keeping on that same bored look as she said:

"I don't see the point of becoming one."

Umi felt herself blink involuntarily. 'What do you mean you don't see the point?' she wondered, brows furrowing in confusion. It was like her sister had no pride in their family's name. In their village. People didn't need a reason to be a ninja. At least not people from clans like their's

And if Riku's odd, strangling-like sounds were entering to go by, he was holding in the urge to screech.

"What do you mean?" the older man pushed, not openly frowning at his youngest. His reply was merely another shrug but for a moment Umi could swear she saw a pain flash through her sister's eyes. 'What do you see that I don't?' the girl questions, the urge to reach across the table and smother her sister in a hug strong. But she held it in. She was trained enough to be able to reign in such an impulse when it was inappropriate to act upon it.

"It's not like the clan will be affected by my decision. The only real reason I should even become one is because the village needs to quickly fill in the gaps left behind by those who have died in the war," Sora volunteered further on her own. And Umi didn't know what surprised her more, that Sora was being uncompromisingly forthright in her answer or that she even bothered to share her thoughts with the rest of them. Though, either way it didn't seem like their father appreciated such an answer and even their mother was rather tense next to her.

"Sora, that's no way of speaking about our clan and comrades that died," the woman chided before Takeo could continue.

"But the truth is still the truth. It won't change regardless of how you phrase it. —by this point Umi was sure Riku was only a moment away from adding his own thoughts to the jar— Plus...it's not like anyone will end up having time to reap any benefits my becoming ninja could potentially bring," the youngest of the house said in a blasé tone.

Umi didn't understand. She was fairly certain nobody at the table understood what Sora said either.

"What does that mean?" Takeo asked and Umi noticed that his voice sounded strangely strained, as the man's dark eyes roamed over Sora's body. Seeming to be looking for something but not finding anything.

Whatever sharing mood Sora found herself previously must have passed because the girl gave no further answer and eventually they all resumed eating in tense silence. The joyful mood of earlier gone.


For all that Sora was an odd child she was still her child and Kotori would rip anyone that so much as dared touch a hair on her head with the intent to cause harm.

But that didn't mean she couldn't see that Sora was...not quite like the others. And it wasn't just her overprotectiveness talking. She raised two children before the girl and neither of the two worried her in the same way Sora did.

She was more reclusive, quiet, not shy but not willing to put herself out there unless needed either. Nevertheless, the girl was a good child overall. Always ready to help, never too tired to do an extra chore if needed, with a mind like a sponge willing to learn and an intelligence that surpassed her peers by far.

Maybe that was the problem. There have been children like her before. Their very own heir was said to be another such example, Uchiha Shisui another. Then there were the likes of Hatake Kakashi and Orochimaru. It wasn't unheard of a child to be this smart. Certainly unusual.

However what all those other examples had in common is that they went on to pursue the shinobi path and excel in it. Well not Itachi [yet] because he was only four years old still, but Kotori had no doubt in her mind that the boy will become a shinobi and that he will excel in the field, already he could perform their clan's signature technique, and on his first try to boot! (Fugaku was terribly proud)

In spite of that, her child showed no such desire to follow in their path. If anything it almost seemed like the girl was committed to not really doing much of anything. And damn it if Kotori will allow any of her children to become slobs. Though her youngest was still only two years old, and Takeo was certain that she will change her tune soon enough. "She's a child still. They always change their minds about things." But their child wasn't like others.

Kotori could tell as much by just looking at her. "Her eyes are too old," she recalled her mother mention when the girl was only one. And the painful thing was that she agreed with the woman.

Even her other children were worried about their sister, she was worried about their sister and for all that Takeo didn't outwardly say it, he was worried about Sora too. Because there were times, that if you paid attention to how Sora looked and what she said...it almost looked like she already gave up on life.

And that thought terrified Kotori far more than she was willing to admit.

"Okā-san, shall I set up the table?" nodding absent mindlessly while continuing to stir the pot, the woman watched her child as she carefully took out the plates and cutlery, taking them and arranging them just as carefully on their low raised table.


If there was one thing Sora loved about her new life more than anything it was the night sky. She didn't know if technically this planet was, in what was the equivalent of her old world's Milky Way, or not, but what was certain is that nearly night after night, if Sora so chose to do, she could lay flat on her back in their garden and stare at the expanse of the heavens which was filled with stars the likes of which she only saw in pictures before.

The belt of stars and planets was breathtaking and she was never more grateful for the reduced used of technology found in this world. It allowed one to discover other ways to fill in their time other than by using the internet.

So every now and then, Sora found herself staring at the stars as they twinkled away with no care in the world. Part of her knew she was depressed while the other simply didn't care enough to do something about it. She filled her time however she could, doing chores, taking up origami and calligraphy, a hobby she picked up from her mother and sister.

This evening, however, it seemed like fate had other plans for her and her father joined her in star gazing. At first, he said nothing. Simply laying beside Sora as he directed his gaze at the night sky. They stayed this way for quite some time, simply enjoying the beauty of the night. The stars, the sounds of a few nocturnal birds out hunting for their prey, the sounds of the village they lived in.

It was...peaceful.

"I don't think I ever took the time to do this before," Takeo commented, his eyes still upon the celestial body above them.

"I don't think nearly enough people do," Sora said, watching the man from the corner of her eyes. Something he noticed and returned.

"There are times where I think you are an old lady in a child's body," he said and Sora might have tensed had it not been the edge of humour his words were tinted with. As it was, the girl could merely chuckle at the irony only she was privy of knowing.

"I guess I'm not exactly the kind of child you wanted," she said off-handed and a bit self-deprecatory. She was not prepared for the sudden change of mood and tone her father showed:

"You aren't," he said bluntly, surprising Sora more than she cared to admit and his words more hurtful than she imagined. "You're odd, to say the least, and I'm rather disappointed that you don't want to follow in our footsteps. Frankly? I think it's a waste," he carried on and Sora discarded any pretence at watching the night sky.

"Nevertheless you are your mother and I's child and no matter what, that, will never change. Ever. So don't let me catch you saying stuff like that again, understood?" he said, voice harsh despite the kindness of his words. And Sora could not prevent the tears while she nodded her understanding, scooting closer to the man who was her father in this world and taking far more relief in being held by him that one would expect.

The father-daughter duo stayed outside a while longer, a peaceful atmosphere settling over them once again.


Sora stood tall and straight, attempting to control her breathing as she once again raises her yumi* with her right hand. She brings an arrow with her left, drawing it from the hip quiver resting on the same side. Pulling the bowstring past her cheek her eyes narrow at the target some meters ahead.

Her hands began shaking from keeping the arrow still for so long and she utters a curse, releasing the arrow and watching it as it impaled itself in the ninth inner ring of the target. Two rings off centre.

"You are appalling," her instructor grounded and Sora had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from protesting.

He was somewhat right.

While she wasn't nearly as bad as the brats she saw attempting this, she was nowhere near good. Certainly not good enough to use it in combat. 'Not that I was planning on it.'

Of course that fact that her instructor was a strict old man who particularly enjoyed hitting her over the head and give harsh words might exactly be the most helpful thing either.

Ignoring the reproach, Sora once again took aim, this time attempting to angle her bow better before pulling at the string so she might release her arrow faster.

She still missed the centre though at least it was a closer shot than previously.

This continued on for a few more hours, Fumio-sensei making her swap her shooting hands at specific intervals to get used to using her right as well.

For something she hopped to pick up as an extra hobby, Sora was loathe to admit that she was foolish in believing she could treat this as something of an amusing past time. Fumio nearly foaming at the mouth when she first said so and even refusing to teach her. "I refuse to teach an ingrate brat like yourself the art of the bow," before slamming the door in her face.

That was nearly six months ago, the now three year old having managed to turn the bitter man around with promises of taking this seriously. Of course she could have just given up or tried to find another instructor that wouldn't mind a more casual student; however, Sora was, for all that she didn't admit it, a prideful person. Stubborn too and so she set herself on changing the old man's mind.

She hasn't changed her stance on becoming a ninja, truly not seeing the point when she was going to die at the hands of one of her cousins either way.

But that didn't mean she didn't want to do something with her time. And this? This took up a lot of her time.

Fumio was the only ninja of their clan —and likely village— who had still used the bow as a main weapon while fighting. His accuracy and speed deadly if the rumours and his self-praises were to be believed.

There were others in their clan that learnt how to wield the yumi but more as a recreational past time —the way she wanted to— than as a way of fighting.

So, unlike them, the old man took kyūjutsu* far more seriously than others and did not appreciate it being insulted.

"Your strength is akin to that of a worm," the old man grumbled once their training for the day was over. His eyes squinting as they analysed her from head to toe. It wasn't the first time he said it either and she doubted it would be the last. She was a bloody three year old. And a civilian one to boot. His distaste for her refusal to join the academy in the future was not news and was one of the reason convincing him to teach her was made more difficult.

"I will not be able to train you tomorrow but I expect you to not slack off," he warned whilst getting up and dusting his clothes.

Giving his a curious look Sora nodded her understanding.


Her family weren't big fans of spicy food though Sora was. Never having lost the craving for it.

This resulted in some amusing instances where the three year old attempted to recreate dishes she remembered from the past. Her family no longer even so much as blinked when they caught Sora standing on the stool, busily preparing food. Whether it was to help Kotori or not, did not matter.

The kid liked cooking and wouldn't listen if told she shouldn't do it.

If anything, for all that Kotori didn't quite know where her daughter learnt certain dishes she couldn't deny that it was nice to have a helping hand in the kitchen. Especially when said helping hand would often bake things she hasn't even heard off, much less try before.

But for all that Sora could prepare some tasty things sometimes...she could also create equally unappealing foods. Well, at lest to the rest of her family.

She was making bao bun burgers with spicy pork, pickled vegetables and hot sauce, while both parents and siblings away for various reasons.

If anyone was surprised that a three year old was left at home unsupervised and with full access to the kitchen and were worried...they were probably a normal person. Only Sora wasn't like most three year olds so there was no reason to be worried.

Either way, as parents and siblings returned home one by one, it was to a platter full of bao burgers that they each eagerly tried, only to force stop their gag reflex as the spiciness of the dish hit them.

Sora couldn't help but laugh as Riku ran around the house attempting to locate a glass of water; conveniently forgetting that the best place to look would be the kitchen itself.

Really, they needed to toughen up. 'And they call themselves ninja,' she thought with an eye roll, fondly looking upon the scene.

'It would be nice if things could stay like this forever.'

A/N: So next chapter...I hope this came out somewhat good and that you enjoyed reading this so far! I apologise for any odd sentence structures or misspellings which I missed I do try! Promise!

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