Beautiful War {Peaky Blinders}

By xoxo-anonymous

485K 9.6K 825

"She is kind, heart made of honey. He is reserved, the opposite of sunny. No one would ever think they would... More

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00. #2


10.6K 227 7
By xoxo-anonymous

TRIGGER WARNING; I am placing a Trigger warning over this chapter, There are scenes involving R--- in this chapter. If you feel you can't read on for the rest of this story then I completely understand. If topics mentioned not only this chapter but story affects you, please know that there is support and help available. My Messages are always open if anyone needs to talk. Please put your mental well-being first. ♡




It had been several days since Victoria left the hospital with Tommy by her side, several long days since she was brave enough to be outside. Her days recovering had been spent laid up in the bed that she shared with Tommy, her attention focused solely on the book she was reading. Everybody had tried their hardest to encourage her to leave the house even for just a moment, but the fear that had been looming over her was just too much for her to overcome. Since the attack on her had been so brutal, the doctor from the local medical centre had visited several times for regular check-ups to make sure that she was healing at a good pace. The bruises and cuts that were still planted across her petite frame, they acted as a constant reminder of the brutality that she had faced. They also reminded her of the strength that she had within her to overcome that nightmare.

Victoria rested against the headboard of the bed and glanced over at the open window, a light breeze coming in. Since she had been laid up in bed reading, Tommy would stop off on his way home and buy her a new book every evening, leaving it on her bedside table when he got up the next day for her to wake up to. She leaned over to the bedside table to pick up the new book that had been left for her when there was a light knock at the door. Victoria picked up her book and the door slowly opened, Arthur stepped into the bedroom and closed the doo behind himself. "Could I possibly ask you for a favour?" Arthur questioned standing at the side of her bed.

Victoria sat up straight in the bed with a polite smile and nodded her head, "of course you can. What is it Arthur?" He seemed to hesitate for a moment before clearing his throat. "Well you're very skilled when it comes to numbers, better than anyone else in the family. So, I was wondering if you could come take a look at the books, there down in the booking office because I thought that would be closer for us to go to. But I could bring them here for you." Arthur explained as he took his cap off, holding it in his hands.

She couldn't allow that man to continue ruining her life, he had taken too much from her already. Deep within her Victoria had the strength to over-come the nightmare, she was going to use that inner strength to continue through the ongoing struggles in her head.

"Of course, I will Arthur, there is no need to bring the books here. It's about time that I was able to leave the house, will there be anyone else there too?" Victoria questioned as she climbed out of the bed, straightened herself up and made the bed neatly. Arthur nodded as he watched her. "Finn and Isaiah will be there at all times, but John will be in and out of the office. At no point will you be alone, there will always be someone there." He reassured, putting his cap back on his head.

"Give me some time to get dressed and then I'll be down with you. If Tommy is home, could you please ask him to bring me the bottle of pain solution, thank you." Victoria spoke, looking up at him with a light smile before walking over to the wardrobe that kept her clothes in. Arthur briefly nodded and stepped back out of the room, leaving her to it.

Slowly she flicked through the dresses that were hung in front of her, her eyes scanning over each of them for merely a second. After a while of searching she picked out a pale pink dress with a patterned lace over the top. It felt nice being able to pick something out that she wanted to wear, instead of having her outfits chosen for her. When she stepped into the dress, she was thankful that it covered most of the bruises that covered her body. Once she was comfortable with how her dress looked, Victoria sat down on the stool in front of the dressing table that Tommy had brought into the room for her to use. For the first time since the attack, Victoria look a long hard look at herself in the mirror. Not only did were there cuts and bruises scattered across her face, but dark circles had appeared under her eyes due to the lack of sleep that she had over the last few days. She picked up her tin of crème powder and pressed the powder puff against her skin, covering up the flaws. It took a while to cover up the bruises and the dark circles but when she was happy she brushed over the apples of her cheeks with a light rouge. Then with a light eyeshadow she tapped on a small amount over her eye lids and coated her lips with her usual red lipstick. After she had completed her makeup, Victoria pulled the strands of hair from around her face and into one of her pearl slide, allowing her curls to hang over her shoulders. For the finishing touches she then spritzed herself with her signature scent that she had loved so much. For the first time in what seemed like forever, she felt normal again, she was Victoria Owen again.

Victoria looked back in the mirror, her smile widening when she noticed Tommy watching from the door with a matching smile. "What's that smile for?" She questioned as she stood up, slipping on her pale pink kitten heels. "I couldn't help but admire how beautiful you look. I'm proud of you, darling. I'm proud of how you've gone through absolute hell and came out even stronger in the end, it's admirable." Tommy explained, nodding his head with a smile. She slowly walked over to him and let out a soft giggle. "Oh, Mr Shelby, you do have a way with words. I don't know if Arthur had told you, but I'm going down to the betting office to look over the books..."

Tommy cleared his throat and placed his hand lightly on her jaw, running his thumb softly across her cheek. "He did and I'm so proud of you for that, remember that small steps lead to large strides. Only do what you feel ready for." He nodded as he lowered his hand, pulling out a bottle of solution from his pocket, "I have this for you."

Victoria took the small bottle and screwed off the lid, drinking a small amount before putting the lid back on. "I don't need it anymore, I now want to push through the pain and to accept it for what it is... a reminder of how strong Victoria Owen really is." She explained putting the bottle back in his hand. Tommy then placed it down on the bedside cabinet before looking back at her with a smile, "well I will leave the bottle there. If you decide that you need it, you know where it is."

He then watched as she ran one of her light curls around her index finger. "I actually have something for you before you leave with Arthur." He nodded as he pulled a small black velvet box from his pocket, to which she knew straight away what he had pulled out. Tommy picked the necklace up from the box and placed it around her neck, doing the clasp up.

Victoria ran her fingers over the blue pendant then sat against her chest, letting out a content sight. "I love it just as much as I did when you first gave it to me, I felt like there was something missing without it on." She smiled before pressing her lips against his for a moment before stepping back. "I best go now, Arthur is expecting me, can't keep him waiting." She nodded as she pushed her pearl ear rings in, picking up her white clutch bag and her pale pink coat from the bed before stepping out of the bedroom into the hallway. Victoria looked back to where Tommy stood and flashed him a smile that he loved so much, then walked down the stair case.

"Have you got everything then?" Arthur asked standing at the bottom of the stairs. "I have my clutch and my coat, that's all I need." She smiled, pulling her coat on over her shoulders as she stepped down from the bottom step. Arthur walked ahead to the front door and held it open for her, they both stepped out into the street and climbed into the car, it roaring to life only seconds later. She began humming a soft tune to herself as they drove down the road and out of view of the Shelby home. The drive to the betting office was only short, it was within walking distance, but Arthur knew she would be safer in the car and he had needed it for business he would be attending after dropping her off. Once they had arrived, Arthur assisted her out of the car and held her arm as they walked from the car to the office door. As she walked, her head was lowered, if she couldn't see the people that stared at her then it would be easier to ignore.

"Good morning Finn, good morning Isaiah." She smiled as they walked into the office, Victoria walked passed both of their desks and sat down at one of the desks to the side where everything had been set up for her. Arthur remained at the front and cleared his throat, "everything that you should need is on the desk, Tommy and I have some business to take care of, but John will be coming in and out of the office and these two will be here if you need anything." He explained to her before looking over to the two younger Peaky Blinders, "and you two are to stay here with her and keep an eye on everything." Arthur nodded before leaving the betting office, closing the door firmly behind himself.

Victoria then pulled off her coat and hung it over the back of her seat, before sitting comfortably and opening the books, her eyes instantly looking over the first set of numbers.

An hour and a half had gone by, John had been in twice already to check how everything was going, Isaiah and Finn had finished up the type-writing that Tommy had left for them and she had almost finished the first book of number she had to look over. Breaking them all from their concentration was a loud thumping on the door from outside. "It's way too early for punters, family lot know the proper entrance." Finn mumbled as he stood to his feet, Isaiah stood by his side. Victoria glanced over at the two young men and slowly walked over to the door where the banging was coming from. Hesitantly, she pulled the door open with a slight gap and once she saw who it was, she quickly shut it again and pressed all her body weight against the door to keep him out. The fear began to erupt throughout her as the flashbacks of what he had done to her played through her mind. Although the thought of being left alone with him scared her more than anything, Finn and Isaiah had been there to look out for her, but she couldn't put them in danger like that. "Get out of here, get John and get to safety!" Victoria ordered to them both as she kept pressing herself against the door to keep him out despite the pain it was causing her. Reluctantly they followed the orders they had been given and ran out of the back door to get help, leaving her alone with the devil himself. The man that had beat her and hurt her both mentally and physically pushed through the door and sent her tumbling to the floor.

James slammed the office door shut once he was inside and glanced around the room. Victoria quickly hurried to her feet and stepped away from him, the fear pulsating through her. "What do you want? I went to the ball with you and impressed all of them, I did what you asked..." She nodded, her voice breaking with the last few words. James stepped in front of her and roughly pushed her back, "you see, your old boss wasn't happy that you left him in the lurch, so he ordered me to come get some final repayment." He mumbled, pushing her back against the desk behind her before she had a chance to get away from him. Taking all power from her he leaned over her, putting his hands at either side of her head so that she couldn't move an inch.

"Please just leave me and my family alone." Victoria whimpered, the tears already filling in her eyes. He let out an evil laugh that echoed throughout the room, "Family?" He questioned with a smirk, "as much as you keep wishing for it, you will never be part of the Shelby family. The only reason they're letting you stay with them is because they feel bad that they're the reason your brother is dead! But once they've used you for all they can gain from they'll throw you back onto the gutter. You'll come back to our door begging for us to help you like you did after your precious mother died." He goaded as he leaned over her further, his hot breath brushing against her cheek.

James quickly lowered his pants down and roughly pulled her dress up to her waist, holding her arms up above her head with one of his hands so that she couldn't stop him as much as she tried. Victoria softly whimpered as her body stiffened up, she felt like she had been paralyzed and was stuck in a nightmare she couldn't wake up from. He then used his free hand and grabbed the necklace that hung over her chest and held it down against her neck, it dug into her skin leaving an imprint. He smirked as he had that extra force over her as the necklace made it slightly harder for her to breathe. Victoria turned her head away to her side and closed her eyes so that she didn't have to look at him while he was tearing away her innocence and purity. The sobs that escaped from her seemed to be never-ending, however it seemed to only encourage him further.

Minutes had passed by of him grunting with pleasure as he finally got his way with her, but to Victoria it seemed like it had gone on forever, like he was never going to stop. Just as she felt like she could no longer cope with the excruciating pain, he let out a louder grunt and released himself from her body. James then sorted out his pants and his belt before grabbing her by the neck, "I'll be back in touch, this isn't the end." He whispered softly into her ear. Moments later, he left the betting office, the door slamming on his way out as she laid quietly sobbing against the desk. Victoria slid herself off the desk and slowly crawled on her hands and knees through into Tommy's office, the pain was too unbearable for her to stand.

Even though she was well aware that Tommy wasn't going to be there, his lingering scent throughout his office helped ease her pain ever so slightly. She pulled down the suit jacket that he had left behind on the back of his chair and wrapped it around herself before curling up into a ball in the corner of the room, hidden away from sight.

"Victoria!" Yelled a voice from the other room, the sound of boots against the floor boards echoing around her.

Her light sobs were the only sound that she was able to let out, unable to form any other sounds or words. The thuds that came from the shoes became louder as the individual got closer, continuing to call out her name as they searched around the office for her. When she looked up from where she was curled up, they had walked into the doorway of Tommy's office to help her. John

John slowly walked over to where she was, his face breaking with emotion as he took her appearance in, it was clear what had happened to her. "I'm just going to pick you up now, is that okay?" He questioned, waiting for her permission as he leaned down closer to her. Victoria was able to lean herself up, giving him a brief nod as she looked up at him. Slowly so that he didn't cause her anymore pain, John wrapped his arms underneath her and picked up her small, rigid body odd the cold, wooden floor. He carried her so that Tommy's black coat remained around her, he could see that it was brought her some kind of comfort. Her hands clung onto him, afraid to let go of him now that he had come to her rescue. John knew that he had to get her out of the office, not only in case James came back again, but because he didn't want her to be staying in the place she had been hurt any second longer.

"It's okay, you're safe now." He whispered softly into her ear ass he carried her out of the betting office into the streets of Small Heath. "I'll take you to Ada's old place, it's just a few houses down." He whispered again as he hurried down the street with her in his arms, her sobs being drowned out by burying her face into chest. The pain was like something she had never felt before, something she wished no one else would ever have to go through. Once they reached Ada's old home, John kicked the door open with his foot and carried her inside, kicking the door back closed once they were inside.

"It's going to be okay." He reassured, laying her down on the couch slowly. "Please don't tell Tommy," she pleaded as she looked back up at him, clutching Tommy's coat closer to her body. John then leaned down and softly stroking her tear stained cheek with his thumb, "you can't keep this from him V."

She remained silent as John walked to the fireplace, throwing some logs in and throwing a lit match to it, a fire roaring to life. One by one he lit the candles that were placed along the mantel piece. After all the candles were lit he looked back to where she sat emotionless and sighed. "I'm going to call Pol' to come over. She'll know what to do." He explained before walking out into the passage way where the phone was kept.

When John left the room, Victoria slowly sat herself up on the couch, pulling her legs up to her chest and stared at the wall, lost in thought. All the colour and emotion had been drawn from her face.

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