My Love Life (Creepypasta Boy...

By LifelessRose

460K 7.2K 7.5K

A book with your favorite Creepypasta(s), lovely encounters, and not so lovely encounters; what's not to love... More

Who you are!
When You Meet Him
He asks you out!!
He does something stupid/silly/funny/cute
You find him singing (for you)!
First Date = First Kiss
When you stick up for his sorry butt
He Is Slightly Cheesy
You Wear Something Of His
He finds you singing
The Fight Begins...
His Point Of View In This
Ben Drowned
You Finally Forgive Him
Who's Getting Jealous? My Boyfriend!
He Kills Your Rapist...
Loss of a loved one A/N
I'm back... A/N
Out Of The Hospital!
Being Lazy... Why? Don't Ask Me...
Well... Let's Break Up <|3
Nope! Go Find Anotha!
Meeting The Pastas!!
You Accidentally Get Him Excited. Hehehe. Oops?
Singing/Playing an Instrument in the woods
Meet Jason The Toymaker
Any Questions?
Party Time!!
Party Time #2
Party #3
'The' Season?...... RUN!!!
Sorry... A/N
End Of 'The' Month!!
Monthly Probs:
He Finds Out
A/N. I Love You All!
He Saves Ya!
Regrets (Jeff The Killer)
Regrets (Eyeless Jack)
Regrets (Laugho Jacko)
Regrets (Ben Drowned)
Regrets (Dr. Smiley)
Regrets (Lost Silver)
Regrets (Jason The Toymaker)
A really important note:
RE-UPLOAD! (Group chat)
✈First Time On A Plane✈
You're Meeting Me!
You Meet Markimoo and Jackaboy!
☺Regular Note☺
Anything Familiar?
Please please please read!
Photo Day!
I Messed With A Game
The Day It All Fell Crumbling Down To The Darkest Pits Of Hell...
Must read
Ending #1
Ending #2
Ending #1 (Eyeless Jack)
The ring
I absolutely hate laptops
New Chapter
Ending #2 (EJ)
Life Update

Ending #3

3.6K 70 97
By LifelessRose

The Joy Of Uniting...

Jeff The Killer

Today was the day... It was time. Her casket was lowered as the the white flower petals blew in the cold cruel wind. The tears never left my eyes as they glared the coffin now resting at the bottom. Everyone around it was crying. They were all dressed in black and white. I was too. Black dress shirt and pants is what I wore. It hurt a lot to see the person who lit up your days is now gone with that light. I slowly walked up to the hole, my steps faltering in patterns and feeling heavy. I crouched on one knee and scooped a pile of dirt in my hands. My tears were turning to sobs of fury and pain as I lifted the clutched hand over the hole. I didn't realize it was shaking like crazy. Hell, I didn't realize I was shaking completely. However, desperate times call for desperate measures. One by one, I let my fingers open up. The dirt fell and made a soft thump when it all fell on the lid of the casket. I stood up, with my heart in pieces and my mind in a mess. The fact I will forever miss her is hurting badly. I... can't. I can't stay. So with all my might, I ran away. I ran away with everything I loved left behind. I left my Y/n behind...

~Three hours later~

My mind was blank, the tears dried out, my emotions drained. I laid on my bed as I stared at the wall, with my back facing the door. Everyone else was silently sitting in the living room, no one uttering a sound. They were just as depressed as I was. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. Do I want them to move on or do I want them to mourn for eternity? A pair of heels began clacking upstairs and down the hallway. They got closer and closer to my room and stopped by the door. It was silent for a few seconds before the clacking of heels entered and my bed dipped a bit. A hand rested on my arm. I didn't look at who it was though. I didn't care anymore. "I'm sorry, Jeff. You are taking it the worst right now, for sure." Jane said as she took her hand away. Yeah, I am. "I know it will be hard for the next few weeks and you have every right to mourn all you like but I don't want to see this part of you for long. Yes, she was everything we all needed and it was awful to see what we saw today. It wasn't easy. What I am trying to say is that if she was able to see you right now, she would probably smack on your head and say it will all be okay. She would try to calm you down from your sadness and rage and give you a goodbye kiss before she goes to the afterlife. She would probably hate to see you grieving for forever. She loves you Jeff. You have no idea how much. All she ever talked about was you. Now, is she saw you like this for long, she would be hurting too. She doesn't want to see you in deep pain and neither do we. And I tell this now for your own good." A lot of that made sense and I know she didn't mean it to sound so cruel but the way she said it was terrible.

"Jane." I croaked.


"Get out."

A sigh of regret left her lips before she got up and walked away. Sooner than later, it was quiet again and that's what I needed right now. The sounds of cruel and harsh silence... Who knows though, maybe I might get better sooner or later, but I'll never move on. From Y/n? Hell no...

Four months later

Y/n's POV

'You need to wake up...' A gasp left my mouth. My eyes were shut tightly and my hands were sweating. 'You need to get up.' Who is saying that? I slowly opened my eyes to see nothing. Pitch black darkness was everywhere. I lifted my hand and it hit something that felt like smooth wood. I lifted my other hand and began feeling it around. Oh god, I was in a small space somewhere. I tried to push what was on top of me but it wouldn't budge so I did what was the next best thing. I began pounding on it, screaming out for help. 'You will be okay...' There it was again!! "Help me, please!" I yelled out in frustration and desperation. I heard some type of grumble and lots of noise. Eventually the voice came back. 'Push..' I did as it was told and found myself opening a lid. A dim light entered my box of sorts as I fully opened the lid. My eyes adjusted to a starry night sky. There was a full moon out showing in all it's glory. I slowly at up, everything aching and cracking. I looked around to see dirt. That's it, dirt. Let me guess, I was buried. My box was a coffin. I died. The fact didn't surprise me. What surprised me is that I can't remember anything at all. I don't know who I am, what I am doing, all of that. 'Climb up...' I sighed before slowly standing up and gripping rocks that were stuck in the soil. I climbed up the six feet of dirt and rocks. 

When I reached the actual surface of Earth, I looked around to see I was in a clearing with woods surrounding me in a circle. I was basically right there in the middle. I tried to remember anything, anything at all but I couldn't. 'Your memories are with me...' W-What? That isn't possible. "Well can I please have them back?" I asked as I stood up and dusted my clothes off. I looked down to see I was wearing a white hoodie with I think dried blood?? I had some black cargo pants on and black sneakers. Guessing converse. I checked under my hoodie to see I have a white crop top that went right to the bottom of my rib cage. A few of inches of my stomach was showing. The voice still didn't answer me. "Uhh hello?" I asked again. As I asked I felt something touch the back of my head. I didn't move at all. There was a presence behind me. "Everything will be okay." He said. And all of a sudden, I began feeling like something was entering my mind. It wasn't extremely painful but it hurt. However, I gasped as my memories came back to me. Everything came back to me. My life, my friends, my moments. My death moment came back too, from waking up to Jeff to dying in the shop. And Jeff became familiar again. It all came back. The moments, the fun, our lives, our pain... 

The pain in my head went away as all my memories came back. Once his hand left the back of my head, I turned around with a big smile. Slender crouched down on one knee and pulled me into a hug, crushing my little lungs. "I missed you so much, my sweet sweet daughter." A blush brightened on my cheeks as I awkwardly hugged back. "I missed you too, Slender. Can I have my oxygen back?" I croaked. He laughed as he loosened his grip on me before letting me go. "Wanna go see Jeff?" My eyes brightened up. I didn't give him an answer, I was already running to the mansion which wasn't that far away. I was surprised at how fast I was running. I never ran this fast before. I saw the mansion doors and busted them open with a loud bang. I startled everyone who were sitting in the living room. Some already brought out weapons. Hmph rude. Their eyes widen in shock as they stared me. I gave a smile and a wave. "Hi." I said cockily before running upstairs to Jeff's room. They stared up at me as I ran with their mouths open. Jesus, how long was I dead?

Jeff's room came into view and I barged in. He was facing the wall, wearing his normal attire. I jumped on the bed and wrapped all my limbs around him, startling him to no end. "WHAT THE-? Ben, I'm going to freaking kill you in your sleep if you don't get off me, right now!" A laugh left my mouth. Jeff's body tensed. I leaned to his ear and whispered, "Do I usually look like Ben to you?" In less than a second, I was flipped over with him on top of me, holding me down with a shocked look in his eyes. He scanned my face for any trickery or any pranks and I gave him a smile. "I missed you, you big goof." He eyes started to tear. "You're real..." He didn't let me reply, instead he kissed me so hard and so passionately that I had to kiss back just as hard. He couldn't help but smile so many times through the kisses. When we parted, he dived in for a hug. "I missed you so much, Y/n." He sobbed, his voice breaking. "Oh god it was hell without you. Don't ever leave me again, you stupid stupid b**ch. I love you so d**n much." Another laugh piped up and I nodded. After a while, he let go and led me downstairs. I reunited with everyone and got a glimpse of what I now look like. I have very pale skin with bright f/c eyes with slit irises and a stitched smile that's identical to Jeff's. My hair is a few inches longer/shorter and I grew a couple inches. I'm still shorter than Jeff though. He's like a d**n skyscraper!

"Y/n, I have something to tell you." Jeff said as he took my hands in his. Sally, Jane, and Clockwork began squealing. Hmm why? "Yes..?" I asked stretching out the 'e'. He took a deep breath in and began, "Ever since you died, I emotionally shut down. My world was dark without you, everything was all grey to me. All I could think about was us together and all our memories we spent. You had my heart with you when you left and it crushed me. Now you're back and no way in hell am I losing you again. I can't describe how happy I am right now to know you are alive and well and by my bloody side. I don't know if I can ever give you the perfect relationship but I will give you my all. So I, Jeffery Alexander Woods, am going to ask you one question and one question only." He got down on one knee as everyone began quieting down. He pulled out a black box and opened it up to reveal the most beautiful ring on this whole planet. "Will you, Y/n M/n L/n, do the honors of being my life, my energy source, my lover forever? Will you marry me?" You know how they describe that good feeling in books before the woman says yes? It feels ten times better also multiplied by infinity. I gave out a big smile I have been holding down and listened to my racing heart. And then, I breathed it out, "Yes. A thousand times yes!" Everyone went up in cheers as Jeff pulled me in for a hug. He let go before smashing hid lips onto mine. He put the ring on my finger before hoisting me up and wrapped my legs around him.

"Wanna go have some fun in my bedroom, my lovely fiance?"

"Just shut up and kiss me, idiot."

"I'm taking that as a yes."

"F you..."



Surprise!! That is the final ending for Jeff The killer! Now I have EJ, LJ, Ben, Silver, Smiley, and Jason to do. It's going to be so much fun! You all know the drill. Death, Memory Loss, then a Happy Ending. Hope it was worth the wait. This chapter made me smile and laugh and I am enjoying every single bit no matter how long it took. It took a good three to five hours but that's beside the point. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!.... I still recommend that box of tissues for upcoming chapters. Bye!!

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