does your stomach hurt? // ph...

By slyable

6.7K 273 74

philip, the new kid in town who by chance turns out to be openly gay, runs straight into lukas, the kid with... More

chapter two
chapter three
author note
chapter four
chapter five
author note / philkas one shot
chapter six
chapter seven

chapter one

1.4K 49 5
By slyable

disclaimer: this whole story is based off of the tv show 'eyewitness' ,,, like all rights to you nd shit. but my homo loving ass loves these two characters with everything in me i just had to write some fan fiction about it.  lmao anyway enjoy x

o shit, and it isn't gonna be like the show like no murders or anything like that, and it isn't gonna exactly go the same road as the show, but it will have some parts in it that will be quite similar to the show. 


All Philip feels is worry and regret. He's never felt anything more or anything less, well unless you count the times (which are many) he's had a few one night stands with his right hand of course, then he would feel a little bit of bliss, only for a few minutes a night. Nothing major. He's never really had a safe background, his mom was a drug addict. Philip never knew if he would go back home to a loving Mom who had open arms and nothing but love for him, or if he would go back to a place he couldn't even call home, for it had been taken over by men with loads of tattoos that barely could cover up the track marks on their arms. 

His head pounds with every thought running through it, only getting worse by the second. The pain lingers in his chest as he replays the night beforehand. He regrets it. He regrets it so fucking much he can barely breathe. He tries to tell himself that he had to do it. That if he didn't his mom could be dead, or he could be, which in that moment he would of preferred. 



"Philip! Wake up! It's time to get the day a rollin' or else you're gonna be late for your first day." I groaned. As if I would've gotten any sleep. I haven't really slept much since that night.  "Philip!"

I groaned louder, stretching my arms above my head, yawning, before yelling back some kind of incoherent answer about being awake. I grabbed my phone, scrolling through all of the texts I probably shouldn't be receiving, smirking at some. 

Next thing I know it's 30 minutes later and I'm still in bed scrolling through instagram, my heart starts pounding hard. What if I just don't go in? Or pretend to be sick? Or literally do anything or say anything just to get out of actually going to school. I think, coming to the concluding thought that mom wouldn't want me to do this, she'd want me in school, learning, being happy, making friends... that's the thing though. I can't make friends, I've never been capable. I sigh.

I hoist myself up out of bed and make my way over to the duffle bag I have, full of all the things I have ever owned. I hurriedly pull out some jeans and my jacket, deciding just to wear the shirt I had worn to bed. No need for first impressions. No one's gonna like the new gay foster kid. No one ever does.

"Morning, how'd you sleep?" Gabe pries at me, trying to get me to talk. I haven't really said anything to anyone about anything since two nights ago. It made me weak. Being taken away from my mom made me weak. 

"It was fine, thanks." I said, walking through the door to begin my walk to school. I had too much to think about to be locked up in some random persons tiny car, where everything was just... trapped. 

I haven't made it very far, before realizing I had no idea where I was even headed. Right, a new school a new me. I headed back to Gabe and Helen's. I turned the corner and I could see them on the porch, laughing at a joke of some kind. I wish I had enough energy to laugh. I walked, slowly up to them, not really knowing if I should interrupt or what. I coughed, making them look back towards me.

"Ah, just the man we were talking about, wandered where ya went off to." Helen laughed, I tried to crack a smile, but failed, probably looking like a lunatic that had just lost his favorite murdering knife or saw or whatever they use. 

"Yeah, I just realized I had no idea where the hell I was going." I sighed, looking away from the couple to notice a barn, that had seemed to magically appear, seeing as I hadn't noticed it my first day here. 

"Well, let's get ya going. Seems like we're gonna be a little late anyway."


Everything seemed to be going so much faster than usual. The trees were flying by it seemed like they couldn't even be real. The thoughts in my head also seemed to be going full throttle. 

Before I even knew it we were pulling up into the front of the school. I gulped, hard. What if they don't like me? What if they found out what happened? What happens when they figure out I'm gay? What happens if Helen and Gabe actually decide to send me back? Could they even do that? I was broken out of my trance of panic as Helen began to say something. "I can't really go inside with you, because I'm already late for work, being the only sheriff in town, I kinda have to be ready for anything, but have a good day and I'll be here to pick you up at 3pm sharp!" Fuck. 


Keep your head down, don't make eye contact, get to the office. It's as simple as that. Just make sure to follow that simple list. I could feel all the stares from the other kids, I've felt it all before. Walking into a school, with nobody. Being the new kid, the new meat for all the wild dogs to chew on, which honestly as long as their was a cute guy involved I didn't really mind getting chewed on. I smirked at the thought, bringing my head up just slightly to see where I was going, but it was too late. I was tripping right there, over some dudes book bag. Preparing myself for the impact that shortly followed, hurting a lot less than I thought. 

It was only then that I noticed the kid next to me, that obviously had a collision with something, for the whole side of his hand was a little scratched up and bleeding. "Oh fuck, dude, I'm so sorry. I wasn't reall-" he snapped.

"Save it for someone who actually cares. Just watch where you are going next time yeah?" Philip looked at him, he was actually really quite pretty, breathtaking actually. His blonde hair, the curvature of his face, his eyes.  

"Yeah, sure." I mumbled quickly, gathering my bag that had somehow found it's way off of my back and onto the ground, right beside the giant. I bent down to grab it, not even thinking about the proximity of how exactly close I was to the pretty boy with the unknown name. I had the bag in my hand, but when I looked up, I came face to face with his crotch area. Probably, spending too much time bent over, I hurried to stand back up, just to come face to face with his face. 

Awkwardly coughing I backed up, and went on with the task at hand. Finding the office. Which turned out to be tougher than I thought. You'd think since it was such a small town, with such a small school it would be quite easy to find it, but it turned out to be the complete opposite, because here I am roaming the unknown halls. 

Eventually, after feeling too anxious to actually ask somebody, I found it. With a sigh of both relief and anxiety I walked in. 


Lunch time was always the worst. Maybe I could find somebody to sit with. Maybe, just maybe luck would be on my side for once. 

I looked around, not really knowing where to go.  I shifted to one side of the cafeteria, moving out of the way of people coming and going. "Excuse me, are you new?" I looked over, seeing a short girl next to me, she looked familiar. How though? I just nodded. Her eyes glowed. "Well, welcome to Tivoli. Come sit with us." She grabbed my hand, pulling me. I was bewildered. I looked to try to guess exactly where she was bringing me but I got distracted by the pretty boy from earlier looking right this way.



"Yo, look at this sick trick I did the other day on the bike man." I said looking down at my phone, still in astonishment that I even did it. If only Rose didn't do such a shitty job at filming me. She didn't respond, I looked up. Everyone was looking at something. Someone. 

That someone was also right next to Rose, who just so happened to have her hand intertwined with his. As they got closer my heart began to beat faster. Why would it start beating faster? 

"Hey guys this is.....what's your name?" She asked, letting go of his hand and coming to sit next to me, I wrapped my arm around her. 

"Philip." He responded, weakly, quietly. He looked fragile. I almost regretted snapping at him earlier. He looked around the table, making eye contact with a few people, before sitting down right across from me. 

"Nice to meet you. I'm Lukas." I extended my hand. He took it in his own, looking me in the eye for the first time. My heart started fluttering. Why was it fluttering? I quickly withdrew my hand and looked away, kissing Rose. 


Maybe I should have cared about changing my shirt.

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