Concupiscence | HS | currentl...

By LaetitiaGregory

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Concupiscence: [kon-kyoo-pi-suh ns, kong-] Noun 1. sexual desire; lust. 2. ardent, usually sens... More

I. Sex
II. Michelle
III. Need you tonight
IV. Everywhere
V. Into you
VI. Starboy
VII. Do ya think I'm sexy?
VIII. Venus
X. Moondance
XI. Wicked game
XII. Waves
XIII. Heart's a mess
XIV. Killer queen
XV. Sexual healing
XVI. Blue denim
XVII. Snap out of it
XVIII. You know what they're writing about
XIX. Two hearts
XX. Part-time lover
XXI. The ones you keep close
Shameless self-promoting (I know)
XXII. Sound of silence
XXIII. Cry me a river
XXIV. Identical Twin
XXV. Teardrops
XXVI. In the air tonight
XXVIII. Yards of blonde girls
XXIX. Fragile

IX. Don't be so shy

996 77 28
By LaetitiaGregory

'In the dark, I see your smile. Can you feel my heat on my skin? '
Don't be so shy - Imany

Slurping greedily from her minty cocktail while listening to the heavy beat of the music, she was tasting heaven in a cup. Nina had forgotten how much she liked this lethal drink, always choosing the safer choice instead...Beer. However, tonight wasn't about staying safe, tonight was about escaping reality for real, as Harry had asked. Whatever was going to happen, she was letting it roll the way fate wanted it to roll. She was having way too much fun with the crazy people surrounding her to actually give a shit. Nina sat next to Michelle, almost fully perched on Harry's lap, the booth being far too squishy for all ten of them to have a proper seat.

"He's got so much better jokes than you have." Nina bluntly leaned into Harry and whispered into his ear, the three mojitos she had sipped rushing to her head. Harry turned his head to her and chuckled.

"Nonsense. I've got great jokes." She shook her head vehemently. Harry pouted, making Nina playfully slap it off his face.

"What was that?" Harry asked with a laugh.

"Don't pout. I can't handle the cuteness." She said before going in for another sip of her drink. Sadly Nina was left disappointed when she noticed the drink was finished way too soon to her liking.

"I want another one." She pouted in turn.

"Easy on the drinks, love." He whispered in her ear, not giving a single fuck when he saw Astrid, another one of his victims, staring at them with a poorly hidden envy.

Michelle let her head fall onto Niall's shoulder and he squeezed her hand tenderly while turning his attention to Carter's story about another set of his infamous house parties. He looked over at Nina once after hearing her cute giggle and saw Harry whisper something into her ear while placing his hand on her thigh. Niall winked at his friend from across the table when they caught each other's eye and smiled when Nina returned the gesture.

Nevertheless, Niall couldn't help feeling a little worried. Whatever amount of fun Nina was having, she was once again letting herself get close to a fuckboy. Even though Niall thought Harry was a nice enough guy, at the end of the day, he remained a guy who thought relationships and love were the most atrocious things in the world. Both him and Nina knew very well what the consequences could be, what boys like Harry or Nina's ex could achieve. He didn't want her to be taken for granted and completely fucking heartbroken twice in a relatively short period of time.

"I was supposed to let loose, remember?" Nina whispered back, feeling Harry's hand warm her thigh. The alcohol making her love every flutter she felt in her stomach.

"I do." He simply answered back. He gazed in her eyes, the brown wonderfully illuminated by the blue spotlights. "But are you having a good time, though?"

"Yes. Very much so. Who knew you would actually have cool friends to hang out with." She exclaimed rather loudly, pausing the conversation around the table and making all of them laugh, Nina included before hiding her flushed face in Harry's neck. The action was unexpected, sudden, but Harry loved every second of it. He squeezed her thigh and leaned his head on hers before catching Astrid's envious gaze once again.

"Anyway, we should have a little meeting about our trip to Bristol." Carter continued his monologue after straightening from his slum position with Annie on his lap.

"You're right." Liam spoke along with Timothy.

"Niall, you're in, right?" Liam asked the lad directly.

"Of course, he's in." Michelle answered for him with an expression which stated the obvious.

"And you, Nina? Are you tagging along?" Louis asked with his brow quirked up and a smirk adorning his lips. Harry looked up at Louis, surprise colouring his handsome features. He stared at his friend, wondering why on earth Lou was taking an interest in Nina. Usually he couldn't care less about the girls he brought along.

"Yeah, are you?" Carter asked with genuine excitement.

Nina's eyes flew up to Harry's, searching for some guidance. Would he mind her hanging out with his friends? Would he like it? Would she like it? Well of course she would, otherwise she wouldn't be considering this option. She really liked these people and rejoiced in the thought of having some extra time to hang with Niall.

"Uhm." She uttered to gain some precious extra time to think, some extra time to try and read Harry's eyes which were still focused on Louis. He then looked down and smiled broadly, nodding his head and giving her the answer she had hoped for. Why she had hoped for it, was a fucking mystery. She blamed it on the alcohol. "Yeah. I'll tag along if you'll have me."

"We wouldn't ask you if we didn't want to now, would we?" Louis replied in his, what Nina assumed, typical sassy manner. She smiled but turned her head when she felt Michelle squeeze her hand.

"Drink?" She asked, her lips slowly articulating the word, emphasising her drunken state. The thought was very tempting, but the knowledge of consuming another drink after already having three other cocktails took the upper hand. Michelle pouted her lip, looking so adorable with her droopy brown eyes, similar to her own, and long brown hair. Nina couldn't resist after all and nodded.

"I'm going for another drink." Nina said after turning to look at Harry. She stood up but felt the familiar warmth around her wrist, a gentle tug caught her attention.

"You sure? I told you to maybe go easy." He said, his eyes filled with a sweet worry which warmed her heart. 

She liked the fact he didn't tell her what to do, didn't command her to sit down and drink water. It felt as if Harry knew she was independent, knew she could perfectly look out for herself, knew she was strong, yet just wanted to help. It was so refreshing, so unlike what she had known before. She smiled at him in reassurance.

"The bubble, remember?" Harry closed his eyes and chuckled. It was useless to fight her on this one, he knew when and how to choose his battles when it came down to what women wanted. He was however very surprised when he felt Nina lean down and whisper in his ear.

"It will be fine." She said while placing her hand on his chest and caressing it, "I'll let you take care of me if necessary, yeah?"

He opened his eyes and met her brown ones. They were shining, sparkling, looking as alluring as ever. He nodded and watched her walk to the bar with Michelle, holding on to her friend and laughing without a care in the world. Louis shuffled over to Harry's side after excusing himself to Niall, momentarily ending their conversation about Bristol. He moved closer to his best mate and spoke lowly, teasingly as always.

"Stop banging that chick with your eyes. You'll scare her away." Louis laughed when he saw Harry lightly jump in surprise. A cute pink colour brightened Harry's features and he dragged his eyes from the beautifully complex blonde creature to his ever annoying mate.

"I'm not." He tried to defend himself.

"Yes, you are, H." Louis quirked up his brow and continued, "I know the eye-banging thing is your so called move, but this one's different, mate." Louis pointed at Nina and added.

"She's different, as cliché as that might sound, it's the truth." He turned his head back to Harry who, in turn, was gazing at Nina with a soft smile on his face, unconsciously confirming Louis' suspicions. "And here I thought you had a thing for Michelle, but it was little Nina all along"

Harry stared at Louis, incredulously, wondering how such an ignorant, lazy, weird and sex-obsessed dude could be so good at reading him, at reading what he had been struggling with for over at least two weeks. He sighed and played with his fingers to buy some extra time since Lou was clearly waiting for his response on the matter. Or rather, waiting for a verbal confirmation.

"How do you do that?" Harry decided to simply say what was on his mind, not knowing what else to say about Nina. How could he explain the situation to his friend if he had no clue what he felt on his own? "How do you just read me like that?"

"I'm your best mate. I just know." Louis frowned then, thinking back to the words he just said. His eyes widened. "Did that just sound incredibly girlie?" Harry laughed and nodded.

"A little. Told you, everyone has a feminine side." Louis nodded to that statement.

"Yeah, some just have it a little more than others, right Haz?" Both of them laughed, but the silence which followed the joking brought them back to their previous subject.

"Is that why you invited her to Bristol? Because you think she's different to me?"

"Well," Louis started, "Firstly, I invited her because I know she's different to you. Secondly I invited her since she's still Niall's best friend. Don't forget that." He pointed out.

"I know." Another silence fell between the friends but quickly got interrupted by Louis once again.

"So what's she like?"

"What do you mean?" Harry looked up, confused as fuck.

"In bed. What's Nina like? I can't figure it out -" Louis stopped his sentence in surprise when he saw Harry vehemently shake his head.

"No no no, it's not like that. I've never been with her in that way. God, Lou, if only I knew what the fuck is going on with me." He mumbled desperately. "If only I knew."

Louis wanted to reply, to reassure him whatever he was feeling at the moment, he knew what it was like. He knew what it was like to transition from fuckboy to actually having feelings for a girl. He figured whatever Harry was going through would soon turn into liking, caring, maybe even love. He wanted to tell him to feel whatever he was feeling to the fullest, to tell him it was alright to care and love. Of course he would've sounded extremely girlie once again, but it was nevertheless the truth. Louis wanted to tell all of it, but stopped when he saw Nina herself walk back to Harry, looking like a drunken hot mess, extremely hot even.

"We'll talk about it later. But one thing," He said and made Harry look up, "Whatever it is you're feeling, it's alright. Trust me, I know." He stood up and moved out of the way when Michelle and Nina walked back up to the sitting boot.

"What's with the two drinks?" Harry asked while eying the two suspicious looking drinks in Nina's hands

"Just thought I brought one for you too." Nina said, her bubbly smile lifting his mood immediately.

"Wow, first time a girl actually buys him a drink for a change." Louis commented, making Michelle and Nina laugh, while Harry felt his cheeks heat up for the second time this evening.

"There's got to be a first time for everything, I guess." Nina replied while looking down at the Whiskey Sour and handing it over to Harry.

"I'm sure that's not the only thing you'll be the first at."

Harry looked up in a blind panic, while Nina was giving Lou a strange look. Louis simply smirked and went back to his previous seat next to Liam and Niall. Harry didn't take his angry eyes off him. If only he could burn a massive hole through his friend's thick skull from time to time, he thought. His emerald eyes softened seconds later when he felt Nina's hand brush his thigh.

"What's up with him?" Nina giggled softly.

"Nothing, don't mind him. He's drunk." Harry mumbled.

"So am I." Nina stated in a haze of joy, "But I like it."

"Do you now?" Harry smirked, loving the fact she could so easily distract him, "What happened to Miss Responsible?"

"She's on a holiday in St. Barths. She needed it." Nina joked while sucking on her little black straw. Harry's eyes focused on her lips, elegantly sucking the cocktail. He gulped and cleared his mind from the images running through it. He took a sip of his new drink to calm down the uneasy feeling and sighed in relief when he felt the effects down in his jeans. He smiled to himself once he tasted the strong, yet appealing taste of whiskey.

"Who or what replaced her?" Harry asked after having taken a few more sips of his drink and placing it back on the table.

"Miss Bubble." She said mischievously.

Nina looked up at the blue flashing lights and turned her head to the dance floor. She felt the loud music finally creeping up to her and taking over her senses. She finished her drink and turned to Harry, who was staring at her with a look which could only be described as drunken lust and adoration in one.

"Come on, drink up."

"Why?" He asked.

"I want to dance with you."

"Are we doing this again?" Nina stared into the green of his eyes, thinking back to her previous thoughts. Tonight everything was allowed, because everything was happening within the bubble, not reality.

Just let it happen.

"Yes. We are." She smiled while taking his hand in hers and standing up, pushing him to follow her just as she had done last time.

The pair excused themselves from the rest of the table, earning several whistles and comments. It made Nina laugh and turn to face Harry. She let her hand be enveloped in his and felt the sweet caressing of his thump on her knuckles. Nina gazed at the lights again, seeing them slowly darken as the first chords of the next song invaded her ears. Excitement flooded her senses and she abruptly turned once they reached the dance floor.

"I love this song." She stated.

"Yeah?" Harry asked with amusement clear on his features when he saw Nina's excitement. She simply nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. She pulled him closer to her, just as she had done last time. Somehow the movement had turned into an automatism.

Harry placed his hands on her waist, keeping her close to him and followed the beat of the sensual, even sexual song. His hands moved down her body after only seconds of dancing, feeling the familiarity kicking in. Nina didn't stop him, on the contrary, she too let her hands wonder down his shoulders, his chest, down to his stomach. Harry took hold of her hands, breaking the closeness and turned her around, pushing her back against his front. His hands moved her hips in circular motions along to the beat, his hips following as well. Their movements were in sync. She let her hands wonder through his hair, having to stand on her tiptoes as a consequence of her short height.

Harry loved being felt up by Nina, the action making a different kind of electric charge run through his body. He let his nose run down her hair, to her neck, slowly and unconsciously leaving small pecks on her skin. He could hear her moan softly, urging him to continue. Nina arched her neck, loving the torturous slow pace he was kissing her in. Her brain was warning her, warning her for the after-affects, warning her she could end up on that endlessly long list of girls he conquered. Yet it all felt too good. So she told her own brain to go fuck itself. If that was even possible.

Her excitement grew even more when she literally felt his own excitement against her lower back. Her eyes flew open and her smile widened. She turned her head and looked up at him, at his eyes which were filled with a lustful, passionate, alcohol-filled desire. She stared at his jawline, his lips. She focused on the pink colour, wondering what it would taste like. Whiskey and Harry. The distance between his lips and her own was so little, the only thing she had to do was pull him closer.

So she did.

She turned around, stood on her tiptoes again and gently pulled his face closer by the back of his neck. She saw Harry close his eyes, fully aware of what she intended to do, and took it as a sign to finally close the distance between them. As she had hoped, his lips felt soft, tasted sweet, yet took full control of her own. 

His hands landed on her bum and Harry pulled her as close as possible. He didn't want to think of how long he had been waiting for this moment, whether it had been five days, five weeks or even five years. He simply focused on his tongue trying to enter her mouth. She let him and once he felt her own, the peculiar feeling in his stomach exploded. Her touch and kisses were intoxicating to say the least.

And he knew he would never get enough of them.


Hello everyone,

First of all, I'm so sorry it took me this long, yet as I have said before I had so much going on. On top of the busy schedule I experienced a little bit of a writer's block. I just couldn't get the story to move forward, couldn't get the right words on paper. So I really hope you liked it. I try to keep the quality up, but I'm finding it so hard. Let me know if you think the story is lacking. Thankfully I have time to write now, so it shouldn't be that long before the next chapter will be up. Brace yourselves for the ride I would suggest.

So again I really hope you liked it. Let me know if you did or didn't and until the next one

Lots of love


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