i like you a lot ; lams

By samwincheser

170 13 12

O N H O L D "laurens, i like you a lot" hamilton began, because where else would one start? More


prologue and info

46 3 2
By samwincheser

hamilton was a college kid who didn't really know anything about being in college, and laurens was a sad kid who didn't really know anything about being happy


hamilton was a mute kid who came from the caribbean after severe tragedy
and john laurens was a depressed kid who didn't understand alexander at all.


alexander hamilton - an anxiety ridden selective mute 18 year old who could really use some help. his mother died and he doesn't know who his father is. he's crashing with his cousin who isn't exactly too good to him, but he has no other choice.
hamilton writes constantly, his anxiety making him do everything asap. if he had to write one word everyday for 1000 days, he'd probably do it at 12:01 am every morning.
he likes guys and girls but he tries to stay away from guys as his cousin does not approve of alex dating guys. not that alex ever has, but his cousin seems to think so.
also referred to as alex.

john laurens - really needs someone in his life to make him happy. disowned for being gay, he lives in an apartment with hercules mulligan. he's never told anyone else he's gay since, which means that no one except his family knows.
he has depression, and no one really knows what to do. he can't afford treatment, but hercules and marquis de lafayette can't treat him. they hope something will come along.
super involved in black lives matter and other peaceful protesting!!

hercules mulligan - he's pretty good in life. he doesn't really have a major or anything yet, but he wants to go into fashion. but he's not your stereotypical fashion guy, and he's not sure how people will react.
he's really close with john and lafayette. he pays for the apartment that him and john live in because john needs a place to crash and hercules is happy to help.
also referred to as herc.

marquis de lafayette - a rich kid who literally could care less about money. he helps pay for hercules and john's apartment because he really wants his money to go away. major amounts of rich family members died, leaving him one of the richest people in france when he resided their at age 14. (this is actually historically accurate!! he was literally making 130,000 livres a year at like 14 i mean imagine being rich?? most people were making about 30,000-40,000 a year if that helps put it into perspective)
he really wants john to be happy and tries really hard to make him happy. it doesn't work.
he's really really gay for hercules but is too scared to tell him.
also referred to as laf, monsieur, and french kid.

alex's cousin - aka peter. he's a garbage man that abuses and overworks alexander. he makes alex do everything and constantly blames him.
he's kind of down on life and hates everything and everyone
super duper straight and extremely homophobic.

mr. washington - really concerned about alexander. honestly he's a really good guy. he teaches writing and he's really interested in hamiltons work

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