A Cold Day In Hell-ON HOLD

By carltumee

5.9K 531 59

-What happens when you find out, you can't be with the person your heart desires?- follow me on this amazing... More

ch> 1
ch> 3
ch>4 - Dinner with the ubaid's
ch>5- awful news
ch>7 - 😗😗😞
ch>8- ****
ch>9 - the talk.
ch>10 - Zeemus in the house
ch>11- Diner
ch>12- change of mind.
ch>13 - hurt
ch>14- fighting for friendship
ch>15- the rejected proposal.
ch>17- Accident
ch>18- Apologies.
ch>19 -Grad
ch>20- secrets out.
Ch>21 - End of lovers
ch>22 - khulaid's confession
ch>23 -A cold day in July.
ch >24- No way in hell.
ch>25 - the bitter truth.
ch>26- Greetings

ch>16 -Winning back love.

189 21 1
By carltumee

I know you know that I made those mistakes maybe once or twice
So tell me , oh , let me redeem, oh redeem, myself tonight.
'Cause I just need one more shot,
second chances.
Is it too late now too say sorry?
'Cause I'm missing more than just your body, oh
☆Justin bieber


I can't believe that she would ever choose any one over me,
It's me her Saif,
I can't believe she would sacrifice her happiness, our love for friendship sake.
The thought of her not valuing our relationship hurts me,
I refuse to understand her this time.
I kept walking to and fro in the little space my room had.
I will marry you,
Her words causes me unbearable pain,
How dare she says so,
How dare she talks without thinking.
For years I have been patience towards her,
Who will date a girl, and dream of marrying her while still left unknown to her family.
I did stayed patience all this while because I had so much trust in her,
But she broke that trust to day, when she said she will marry him for oum.
The thought of them together. .ewwk.
"No, No.."I groan.
I grab my tennis bat, smacking everything in my front,
From my TV to my centre table..

"My son what's wrong ", asked mum.
Holding the bat,
"What's Wrong " asked dad standing by the door, how would you know.
"You are never around ,
You wouldn't" I lashed at my dad.
I saw his laptop bag hanging by his left shoulder ,
I knew it, you are leaving, like you always do,.
"My child am sorry, please..." said dad when I cut him off,
"Aren't you leaving, just go..."I yelled.
"Please my son, be calm
Atleast hear your dad out.., mum stay out of this" I yelled now pointing at the door.
"Go, dad "
"Isn't it what you do better, leave " I pointed at the door,
"Please go, you will talk when his calmer" said mum trying to reason with dad.
I bang the door after my parent's left.

"Saif" I heard , jawahir's voice,
"You , get out" I yelled, and turn but she did the opposite of that.
She hugged me tightly from behind.
"Am sorry, please hear me out " says jawahir.


I had being calling saif all day,
But he refused picking,
He must have been really mad at me, .I don't blame him,
How could I.
Since everything is settled back at Oum's house I can concentrate on trying to fix things with Saif now.

"Evening miss ashraff, "I greeted Saif's mother.
"Evening " she replied.
"Where's saif " I asked.
"Yana ciki (he's
inside), am scared something is wrong with him, please talk to him ,
He refused to say anything to us,
Maybe he might tell you" says aunt Ashraff sounding worrisome .

Thank God, he hasn't told her about us yet, that means I still have a shot..
I thought.
"Insha Allah I will " I assured her as I made my way towards his room.

His door looked like a mess, as if he had turned it into his punching bag,
I swallowed the saliva in my mouth,
I was now scared.
"How will he react, No think of all the positive things and if your love is strong , then you will be able to win his trust back " said my subconscious,

After a little pep talk with my inner Goddess, I gathered all the courage I had and walked in with one motive, .that's to win him back

"Saif " I muttered,
"Get out ," he yelled and turn.
I know he did that , so that I won't see how his eyes says the opposite.
I refused to go,
Instead I hug him from behind.
"Saif I am sorry, I love you."
"I did all I could to safe my friendship with oum.
Are you done " asked saif bluntly as if my words had no effect on him.
"Saif , please listen. .."

"No you listen "yelled saif,
"You want that idiot, Ok fine ,
Go be with him."
"You don't have to start a drama just to be with him." He accuses.
"I understand that you don't love me", yelled saif,
"No, saif I love you." I argued
I Lean forward to kiss him, and shut him up just like I see in TV, but this was not TV, this is real life.
Saif told me not to dare come closer ,
I felt embarrassed and scared saif is indeed hurt.
How many times does he even tries to kiss me but one or two things always gets in the way..

"Saif" i mutter, "get out of my room.
I do not want to see you,
I hate you yelled saif" .

Everything went numb I was dwelling on the word hate how could he probably hate me...
Tears kept rushing down my cheeks from my eyes ...
I stood still.

Saif drag me by my arms and threw me out of his room, shutting the door.
"Saif am sorry" I said banging at the door, but no replied.
I kept wiping, until I had no strength but to fall by the door.
All my weight were on the door, I was leaning by the door with my ears placed on the door as I cried out to saif,
I could hear tears dripping from the other side, saif too is by the door, probably as hurt as I am, stubborn saif,
Why can't he make this easier for both of us I thought.
We stood there as the clock speeds.

"Sub hanallah,
Don't tell me you slept here", says miss.Ashraf waking me up.
GOD , I slept here, oh no
What will she think of me, and my mum, she must have freaked out by now.
I checked my phone and saw a couple of miss calls from mum and oum.
How on earth did I let time sleep off,

I lowered my gaze unable to look Saif's mum in the eye;
What would I say to her.
How will I explain things to her.
I was in the middle of my thought when Saif's door open, making me fall as I had all my weight on it.

It was saif fully dressed up, he looked relaxed, very reform and happy , I smiled knowing that he had forgiven me.
"Morning mum", says a cheerful saif to his mum, and kisses her on the cheeks before going out.

I felt my stomach, turned
What game is saif playing I thought as tear run down my left eye.

"What's wrong with you both, did you two fight" asked miss.Ashraff.

"No, whoa ,No.
He just didn't see me", I replied running after saif. ..

"Oh yaran yanzu (children of now a days ), do different from how we are then" mutter saif's mum.

The heart i Cherished.


I kept staring at the vibrant smile Rumaysa had on, her big eye balls sparks my soul, its whiteness, spread over , complementing her brighten teeth which stuck out with her vibrant smile,
Oh Allah there is just one to many reasons that draws me to this beautiful living creature of Allah.
I was seating with the love of my life in one of the most reserved restaurant of doha.
Months of reservation has pay off finally to have her here beside me in this exotic building.
We were sitted at the middle of the restaurant but to the side near the window to give of a view of the beautiful ocean outside. If only I could then this is the best scene to propose my undying love but I knew better.
"NOOR! ! NOOR !!." Rumaysa called out.
That's when I realised that I had been staring at her for quite a while ,perhaps creeping her out.
She seems uncomfortable by the way I stare.
Rumaysa is a gem a rare one to come around.
She has the most adoring smile ever.
A define cheekbone , oval face and the perfect Arabian skin. Staring at her is my favorite thing to do . Yes i sound like a weirdo but am just a boy whose deep in her charm, lost in love,

"Bad manners!!" She scowls.
I adjusted myself by removing my elbow from the diner table which I kept there supporting my chin unconsciously and complimented her so dreamingly .
"You look good rumaysa" .
"Are you just noticing me now, After staring or was I invincible "scolds Rumaysa trying hard to keep herself from flushing.
I thought twice before finally answering her; knowing how quite historical Rumaysa can be.

"I was just noticing how creeping those big eyes of yours are "I said teasingly.
She glares at me but saves her comment .


"Here's the order sir ", says a waiter dropping off the order we made earlier on the restaurant table.

"eat up now, before that brows of
Yours falls off " i said teasingly to Rumaysa because she still has a frowning face from my earlier joke.
Women!, i mentally rolled my eyes .
I smirk getting amazed of how cute Rumaysa looks angry, I enjoy it.
"You're such a jokester" she said smiling for the very first time today since we came out here.

Rumaysa started digging into the bowl of celeries which the waiter had dropped earlier.
"Uhmm, you must taste this, it taste delightful "said Rumaysa with a mouthful of macaroni salad.
"Ok, Now it's a bad manner to talk with your mouth full " I scolded her .

-Comeback -

Just try it , and stop being so controlling" she said giving me a wink.

Grouchy much.

What !, my eyes widen to those words which Rumaysa had just uttered , but knowing Rumaysa as much as I do, and knowing how childish she can be, I let her be.
No I have say something, anything.
"You blue looks awful on you " I uttered not realising where that came from.
She looked at her baby blue veil she paired black Abaya and frowned.
Why !,
Noor why?.
I should know better than to tease a lady about her dressing sense.
" awfully cute on you" I said nervously hoping she forgives me and thinks it was just a slip of word.
She rolls her eyes and continued eating.
The rest of the diner went smoothly.
Afterwards I dropped Rumaysa home

Rumaysa is the only daughter to Mr. And Mrs. Amar, and being trusted with Rumaysa by her parents is just a dream come through. i am just lucky and happy that they trusted me this much to let us go out together.
Normally Muslim girls are allowed to see their boyfriend in the presence of a third party, but Rumaysa having no siblings, her parents are always there to guard her.
Each day I reminisce about the day Mr. Amar accepted me as his to be son-in-law law, I felt like a man to whom jannah has been granted to.

With her I always dream of reaching out for the stars.

With smiles all over my face I drove back home.

Entering the parlour, i dropped the car keys on the island table right when I spot Jalila watching jeem tv as usual.
Jalila is younger sister who is actually in college now she's the only family I have apart my mom.
Even though am five years older than her , she doesn't allow me to boss her around and our relationship is more like that of friends. She treats me more like an agemate than an elder.
I felt jalila on my chest and her arms aroud me.
Drawing her back , I gave her a deadpan.
It's so unlike jalila to be so touchy, she's anything but a hugger.

"Welcome back Akhi(brother )" , beamed Jalila.

"Why are you super happy, any good news?" I inquired as I saunter in.
She said nothing but kept staring at me as if holding some thoughts back.
I smiled, and found my way up, right when she stopped me.

"Mum said to tell you, that she needs to speak to you once you're back".

"Ok" answered her.
After taking a shower and having some rest with a calm mind to face mum,
I headed straight to mum's room , where I waited for her to finish observing her nafil prayer (involuntary prayer).

I stare at mum as she prostrate to her beloved creator.
Gone are those days when mum will insist Dad leads us in prayers every once in a while.
It was lovely having the family pray together or drive to the mosque as a family.
I miss those days. Even though mum pretends to be happy and not miss that I know she does alot.
She's only pretending and is strong for us.
I do listen to her silent whispers at night seeking for dad's forgiveness and praying to me and I also join her to prayer for my hero.
Mum always avoids talking about Dad because it reminds her that he's no more.
"You are here?" Mum's voice knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Mum, Jalila said you wanted to see me" I said as soon as she was done.

"Yes son , it's about your future. .." she stops to see my growing anxiety " with Rumaysa".

My heart raced miles the minute I heard mum say future, my mind began to ponder.

"Tomorrow insha Allah we will be taking Rumaysa's bride price and the wedding date will be finalize" she said in her reserved voice.

I was so happy of the news but that doesn't stop me from noticing the silent sorrow in her voice.
I know talking about my marriage reminds her of him- Dad. So I choose to ignore it.

"Thank you, thank you mum", I yelled given mum a big hug, things couldn't get any better for me.
You couldn't begin to imagine the state of happiness I am.
In sha Allah, the Rumaysa I know and love will be mine sooner than later.


"Mum , mum" I yelled weakly.

"My chest pains alot", I cried out right when I saw my mother.

I held my chest , screaming in anguish.

"What's wrong " my child, be strong.

Mum kept saying soothing words as she called out for Dad.

"Abid get faree's medicine from the medicine cupboard" she cries.

In no time mum administered my drugs.

My pain began to reduce, little by little.


"Sweetheart tell me, who made you angry yesterday" I hear mum's voice.

I looked at mum sadly.

"Sweetheart, tell me" her voice calm but her eyes begging.

"Mum, it's it's .... "I began to stutter.

"Faree, its ok ..."Tell your mum.
She said running her hands through my hair as she tries to make it curls with her hands.

"Mum, it's sister najwa whom was yelling over the phone" I lied.

Why did i lie, well it's better to tell her this and her hear the truth.
It will make her worry the more.
I love najwa my sister alot but only her could go along with her lies.

"Oh dear, worry not I will call her right away" she said.

"But what did you do to hit a nerve ? "Asked mum knowing quite well najwa is a very understanding woman.

"Mum, let it be" I begged.

"No, I can't ,I don't want to talk about it" I huff.

"She knows quite well about your condition, then why sadden you" Mum tries to reason.

"Mum, please. If you love me then let it be" I countered.

"I do, my dear " said mum giving me a peck.

I held her hands and cuddled the more on to her.

"Mum , will faree be ok "amra asked quite concern.
"Yes dear she will " I heard my mammy answer her.
Amra is my younger sister.
She's twins with Amar. They both are 15 and currently in middle school .
Lairab my brother is just the adorable little thing ever.
He's 7.
My Dad Abid farouqi is a well known business man in kwajur (does not exist ) while my mum is a famous lawyer here.
Even though with their busy life's, they always find a way to be there for us and keep us safe.
Yeah I know what you are thinking.
I might not be the last child but am definitely the most pampered.
I am their second child.
My elder sister najwa is currently married and lives far away in Dc.
Since my parents found out I have heart problem, they had being extra careful when it comes to me.
I did miss out alot as a child. I miss out all the fun and I stayed mostly in doors.
When my mum had a still birth, I could swear she cared more about me than herself that causes her to lose her child from constantly forgetting to take care about herself.
She was always in my case, though I catch her sometimes crying about her lost and my condition but when ever I reminder her of Allah's beautiful bounties on her, Amar , Amra and lairab she cheers up knowing how lucky she is to have us all. Alhamdulillah.

Mum monitors my friends. I guess I envied the life the twins are living. They get to have ice cream anytime while i take in summer , little in spring and autumn and non in winter due to qatar's weather and my health condition.
They could even visit their friends anytime.

"Badia , it's hard to always go to the capital each time for badia's treatment. I will just get my work shifted there and by then the big day will be here " I heard Dad say knocking me out of the thought.

"Faree !, faree" I heard Dad's voice again this time more cheerful.
"Na'am (Yes )? " I answered.
"What do you think about moving to Doha ?" He asked sitting at the edge of the couch and keeping my legs on his labs as my head is on mum's labs as well from the other end of the couch.
"Sure Dad, let's just move. let's just live for faree, isn't it all we do ? Huffed amra and left banging the door behind.

She took us all by surprise. I wondered where that attitude was coming from,
"Don't you dare talk to your Abi, like that " Mum scolded aloud pretty sure Amra heard her.
"She's right they can't just live their lives my terms " I said
A part of me is glad that I will soon be 18 and less a burden to everyone.
I stood up and trailed behind amra.

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