Our happy ending (Sequel to m...

By ShadowGirl1996

34.5K 1K 39

Rileys back and now she has more to deal with. More than she can handel. A killer brother. A half werewolf, h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Last A/N

Chapter 7

2K 70 0
By ShadowGirl1996

"No way." Jacob and Emmet said. I held Ethan close.

"We was going to just send Aro but after Rosalie coming to us in such a state we decided that the children and mothers will be coming with me." Jane said a sly grin on her face the whole time. She looked over to me and Ethan. "I see your the one there most intrested in." Emmett stud in front of me.

"There not going." Carlisle said. "Aro comes here or we all go together."

"That isn't an option." Jane said before Carliesle fell down in pain. I watched Bella close her eyes adn he got back up. "Such an interference." Jane spat at her. Ethan gripped my top tightly adn I looked down at him.Tears forming in his eyes. I watched as Jane looked over to Renesme, but Jacob stud infront of her. "Down mutt." I heard Jacob growl before she sighed. "It would be best for you all if you lisen an dobey. It will be no good for any of us if I go back with out you."

"Then we all go." Esme smiled. I looked to Emmett who hadn't moved at all.

"You are being fools." Jan spat before she was gone. I look around adn Emmett looked to me looking me over.

"Emmett Im fine." I say.We both looked to Ethan who had tears in his eyes.

"Keep a look out. She couldn't have gone far." Alice said. Bella went over to Renesme and Jacob. Ethan went to Jasper.

"I knew this would happen." I sigh. Emmett hugged me tightly. "I wish he could just be safe."

"He will be." Emmett smiled. I sigh and nod. I look over to Ethen but he wasnt there.

"Where's Ethan?" I ask. Everyone looked around. "Ethan!" I call out. No one made a noise but nothing was heard. I walk outside. I close my eyes and took a deep breath. Soon I caught his scent and I fase. I chase after the smell. How could he have gone this far. Hes not that fast. Soon I saw Seth and Leah holding him. I fase back and run over.

"Mummy!" He smiled. I go over adn Leah handed him to me. I hug him tightly. "Did you see. I ran really fast. Like daddy." I sigh shakily.

"Never go off on you own again." I say. I felt him nod adn soon Edward and Jasper. Jasper sighed adn I look ovr to Edward.

"Did you see Uncle Jasper? I'm really fast." Jasper chuckled adn came over. Ethan hugged Jaspers leg.

"Yeah but dont go running off. Make sure you take someone with you next time." Jasper said. I sigh adn look over to Seth and Leah. They smiled adn hugged me softly.

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