Chapter 11

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  I just sat there, eyes closed, waiting for the worst.
"What was you thinking?" He said through his teeth.
"That maybe someone here would help." I say. "I'm not going to sit back and wait for them to attack and take my son." I growl.
"You think I am?" He asked. I just sat there. "You left. You left our son, me, your family. Without an explanation. Do you know what it was like for Ethan to tall me 'Mummy left'?" He asked, his voice raising.
"You think I wanted to?" I asked. He stud there. "I risked everything to come here to find out if there was anyone who could help. I was willing to give my life to help Ethan. You think I wanted to leave!?" I yell. He stud there looking at me. "It killed me to leave him! I knew he'd be safe with you! So don't you dare think I wanted to leave him! He's my son too!" I yell, tears running down my face quickly. He came over and hugged me tightly and held me there as I cried.
"You could have at least told me." He whispered.
"What? And have you stop me." I say, gripping his shirt tightly. "I wanted to do this and have Ethan safe in-" I stopped and pulled away. "You told Ethan to go off alone." I say and he looked at me.
"Yeah, so?" He asked. I quickly rush out and saw Alice standing there alone.
"Where's Ethan?" I asked.
"What?" She asked. I looked around quickly.
"Emmett sent him out to you." I say. She shook her hand and clicked on to what I was thinking. "Ethan!" I call out. I look around and caught on to his scent. "Got his scent and it's moving way to fast." I say. I hop into the car and Emmett follows. "Alice drive." She nodded and she sped sown the round. I open my window. "Left." I say and she did. She followed every direction I gave her. I look up at the building I had been in once already today.
"Shit." Emmett said and I got out. Like hell was they taking Ethan from me.  

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