What's the Color of Love?[EDI...

By D_illecebra

164 16 0

What's the Color of Love? Is there even a certain color for Love? In this book I'll show you three different... More



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By D_illecebra

I was mentally killing my best friend as I sat on the farthest corner of the club room/studio. After class she dashed out of the room and shouted goodbye sorry and I love you to me. I followed her to the vocal club room that's just next door but she wasn't there.

Jihoon and that bitch together with other president and Vice President of the clubs went to a meeting together with the faculties for the upcoming school fest. I've never got a chance to attend School Fest and other school related activities since I was either out of the country or in training for local or international competitions.

I wonder if I'll be here this time and finally enjoy all the things I've only heard from stories.

I heaved a deep sigh as I tightened my grip of my legs against my chest. Mom doesn't even know I've joined the Performance club and I actually don't have any plan on telling her. Because I know she won't be happy to know this.

I heard the door opened but ignored it as I buried my face between my knees and chest.

"Gather here guys I have some announcement!" Hoshi called out but I again ignored it. "What's wrong with her?" He muttered some words that I barely heard. The next thing I know was something hit my head making me looked up.

"What was that for?" I whined as I caressed my head.

"Didn't you hear me? I said gather over there so what are you still doing sitting there eh?" He asked as he gave me an unamused face.

"Sorry." I muttered then stretched my legs out. He sighed then offered his hand to me, "Come on." He said. I hesitantly grabbed his hand with unknown reason and when our hands collided I suddenly felt my face heated up and my heartbeat speeded up.

He pulled me up and after that I immediately withdrawn my hand off him. "What's wrong?" He asked with a cocked eyebrow. I eagerly shook my head and ran towards the others.

"Are you ok noona? You're face is red." Chan pointed out and when I cuffed my face it felt hot. "Are you feeling sick? We can bring you to the infirmary right now." Jun said in worried tone as Minghao placed the back of his palm against my forehead.

"You're not hot but if you're not feeling well noona just tell us, ok?" He stated with a sweet smile. I smiled back as I ruffled his hair, "I'm fine, just little bit tired. Thanks for your concerns." I said referring to all of them.

"Well you're our muse so we should be taking care of you." Jun said and winked at me. I just shook my head as response.

"Ok, so shall we start?" Hoshi cleared his throat and we all nodded our heads in response. "Good, so about the school fest. We will still perform of course like the usual but this time they said that they will giving out some prizes for the best prod for the night." He started off and I listened intently though I'm not sure if I'll joining them.

"It will be battle of all clubs. But we should just focus our battle against the vocal and the newly established club, the hiphop club." He narrated and I furrowed my eyebrows upon hearing about the new club. We exchanged looks then Chan raised his hand. Hoshi gestured him to speak up.

"What does hiphop club do? Dance also?" He questioned.

"Aniyo, hiphop club does rapping." Jun answered. Rapping eh?

"Who are the members of Hiphop club though?" Minghao followed up.

"There are four members of their club lead by their president Seuncheol-hyung and Hansol the Vice President." Hoshi stated. Wait did I heard him right? Did he just say Seungcheol and Hansol? "And also Kim-seungsangnim and Min-seungsangnim are their club advisers." He added.

"Wait a minute, the president of their club...did you just say it's Seungcheol, Choi Seungcheol?" I questioned with my eyebrows knitted together. "Yeah, why?" Hoshi answered. "Does that mean you're with him in the meeting earlier? The meeting where Jihoon and Jeongmin attended also?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"Is there something wrong Chiyo-yah?" Jun asked confused of my sudden questions. "Ah n-nothing please continue and don't mind me." I let out a forced laugh and good thing they listened to me and continued the discussion.

I really need to see Jeongmin after this.

"I want to get the prize so I'm expecting everyone to cooperate and put all their best on our prod at fest, ok?" Hoshi said with a determined smile. I really admire his determination and perseverance. Also his 10:10 eyes especially when he smiles.

Aist! Here I go again?! What the fuck is really wrong with me?! Aigoo! Why am I acting and thinking weirdly? Wae?!

"Noona you're joining the fest this year, aren't you?" Chan asked concerned. "You don't have any appointment that day, right?" He added with pleading expression asking me to say yes.

"Chan...I actually don't know." I answered honestly. "I really really wanted to join this year but you know my schedule and mom. So I can't promise anything. I'm so sorry." I sighed deeply then looked down. It's just frustrating that I'm actually not enjoying my highschool due to dreams that wasn't mine.

Hoshi //

You can really see disappointment and frustration on Chiyo's face. She really wanted to come and joined the school fest but she don't hold her own time.

While we're trying to create a perfect routine for the fest she was just watching us with a big pout on her lips. She really looks like Chan when sulking and sad. Well, they're siblings anyways.

"Ok, let's have ten minute break!" I announced and they gladly took that opportunity to rest and do their other things. While I walked towards the pouting kid on the corner. "Can I sit here?" I asked, she looked up then lazily nodded her head.

Damn it! She's so cute!


Yeah, that's right. She looks like Chan that's why I'm being fond of her and find her so cute just like Chan. Why am I being defensive anyways?

"Sorry." She muttered quietly. "What?" I asked confused. "I said I'm sorry." She repeated but this time louder and clearer. "What for?"

"You know, for joining your club but being useless." She stated then heaved a deep sigh. "I really wanted to join you and perform with you but..." She trailed off and released another sigh as she buried her face in between her knees and chest.

"First of all, you're not useless." I started off getting her attention, "I mean ever since you joined the club it became more fun here and those guys really loves your company" I explained.

"Just them?" She asked.

"Of course I love you too." I replied as i turned to her. She looked surprised then I've realized what did I just said. "Oh shit! I mean I also love your company just like them. Yeah, that's it." I clarified as I awkwardly caressed the back of my neck.

Ugh! You're such an Idiot Kwon Soonyoung!

While in the middle of cursing myself I heard a cute laughs. I turned to Chiyo and she was trying to hold her laughters back but miserably failed.

"Oh my good Soonyoung, you're so cute!" She blurted out making me flustered. Did she just called me cute? So what if she did?! Why am I acting like this?! "But thank you Kwon Soonyoung." She said snapping me back to reality.

She was sweetly smiling looking at me while she was resting her cheek above her arms. I again felt my face heated up so I immediately looked away just right in time my phone rang meaning break was over.

"Ten minutes up!" I announced and seems like try gained their energies back already and hyper again. I smiled at their eagerness. I was about to walk back in the middle of the room when I remembered something.

"Lee Chiyo" I called out getting her attention. "Do you have other schedule after this?" I asked and she cocked her head to the side in confusion and at the same time for her to think about her schedule.

"Mom wouldn't be home tonight so it's a rest day." She replied.

"That's good! Do you mind having extra time for the club?" I asked again.

"I don't mind. But what for?" She questioned.

"You'll find out later." I winked then jogged towards others. This will surely be fun.



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