The Legend of Zelda: Blood an...

By MiniJen

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The surface was supposed to be safe again with Demise defeated, however, its anything but. In the shadows of... More

Chapter 1: Beckoning Dreams
Chapter 2: Another World
Chapter 3: Song of Healing
Chapter 4: Terminus and the Deity
Chapter 6: Night Flying
Chapter 7: No Matter What
Chapter 8: Enemies of the Goddess
Chapter 9: The Leader of the Sheikahs
Chapter 10: Lost in the Shadows
Chapter 11: A Promise in the Night
Chapter 12: The Dark Interlopers
Chapter 13: Sheik and Veress
Chapter 14: The Light to Banish Darkness
Chapter 15: Seeing Through the Shadows
Chapter 16: Return to Termina
Chapter 17: The Goddess and the Hero
Chapter 18: Sunshine at Midnight
Chapter 19: Hidden Desires
Chapter 20: War in the Sky
Chapter 21: Never Again
Chapter 22: Strong Enough
Chapter 23: Selfless Resolves
Chapter 24: Mark of the Triforce
Chapter 25: Breaking the Unbreakable
Chapter 26: Standing Together
Chapter 27: Worth Fighting For
Chapter 28: Allies of the Goddess
Chapter 29: War on the Surface
Chapter 30: The Eyes of Truth
Chapter 31: The Fused Shadow
Chapter 32: Dawn of the Final Day
Chapter 33: Corrupted Hero
Chapter 34: Mortal Goddess
Chapter 35: The Flow of Time
Chapter 36: Lights in the Shadows
Chapter 37: Curse of the Interlopers
Chapter 38: Song of Time
Chapter 39: A New Era
Epilogue: Blood and Spirit

Chapter 5: Where to Start

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By MiniJen

Chapter 5: Where to Start

Surface mornings are amazing... Zelda thought as she stood alone atop the hands of the Statue of the Goddess, looking over the glorious landscape from her high vantage point. It was certainly true; for as far as she could see, the world was draped in both the shadows of a dying night and the light of a newborn dawn. Faron Woods stretched out in almost every direction in front of her, the lush leaves of its foliage dancing in the lofty breeze. Right below her was the ancient Sealed Temple, its stone roof caved opened in many places and its withered surface overgrown with vines. Zelda smiled slightly as she looked down at the temple, knowing that Link was in there, sleeping peacefully as he always did at this early hour. By the time the two of them had gotten back to the temple the previous day upon their return from Termina, it was almost sunset and both of them were weary from traveling. Taking this as an excuse to turn in early, they fell asleep almost as soon as they walked inside.

Zelda's smile faded however when she thought back to what Terminus had said before they left: "Enjoy what you have while you still have it. You never know when it might be gone." As much as she had tried, she just couldn't get those words out of her head and every time she thought about them, a tight knot formed in her stomach. The source of her nervousness didn't come from her fear of what Link might think about how she felt; rather, it came from the fact that she wasn't really sure how she felt herself. There was no question that she cared more about him than probably anyone else and that by this point, they weren't really just friends any more. After all, they were basically living together, alone, miles below any other human that could interrupt them. But, they had never done anything; they hadn't even so much as fully kissed yet. They closest they had ever gotten was a simple tight hug or a light, flirtatious kiss on the cheek. It wasn't like they were too young to avoid those sort of things any more. After all, they were both seventeen, quickly going on eighteen. In Skyloft, they were now easily considered to be young adults rather than older kids. So... what was holding either of them back?

The answer to that, or at least in Zelda's opinion, was because she didn't want them to loose the close companionship that they had always had since they were kids. What if being in a serious relationship would change what they always had? What if it changed both of them? She wanted to be with him, she really did. She wanted more than just simple hand holding and hugging. She wanted to be able to call him her boyfriend and for him to be able to call her his girlfriend. She wanted him to hold her in his strong arms and kiss her passionately. But were her expectations of a relationship actually true? Growing up in Skyloft, Zelda had seen many young couples get together, only for the two of them to split up not long after and never speak to each other again. She knew that she couldn't risk the chance of never talking to Link again. She didn't know what she would do without him. The thought of not having him around simply because of something as silly as a petty argument would be almost as bad as not having him around because of something happening to him. But, then again, the two of them had been best friends pretty much forever. They rarely ever fought, and when they did, they normally made up immediately. But, would being in a relationship increase their chances of fighting due to the fact that their emotions would be running much higher?

Zelda shook her head in worry, the light of the shimmering Triforce nearby casting a soft glow on her slender form. How could they possibly make this work? And, more importantly, did Link want this as much as she did? The last thing Zelda wanted to do was to throw her heart out to him only for him to throw it back. What she really wanted was for him to tell her first. After all, it was tradition for the guy to tell the girl that he wanted to go out with her. Maybe she just had to wait for him to ask her. But, knowing Link, that could take a long time. Perhaps, if he felt the same way, then he was just as nervous about it as she was. Maybe he just needed a little push. And, Zelda theorized, the best way to give him that push was to give him the idea that she was all for it too. She wasn't just going to outright tell him that she wanted to be with him. Rather, she intended to show him every chance she got from this moment on.

"Zelda!" Link calling out to her from below broke through her train of thoughts. She looked down to him, staring up at her from the ground and she smiled, waving to him. Without a word, she gracefully leaped off of the goddess's hands and floated down towards him with the sailcloth, her dark pink dress flittering in the breeze.

"Hey," she greeted once she landed. "You're up early."

"Well, I didn't really sleep that great last night..." the hero admitted, though he had no intention of telling her why.

Zelda inclined her head as she frowned. "Really?" she raised an eyebrow at him. "Before we went to bed last night, you told me you were exhausted! You were even out before me and I saw you, sleeping like a baby." She flashed him a teasing grin as she rocked back and forth on her feet, twirling some of her hair with her finger.

Link avoided her questioning gaze, remembering Terminus's words. The true reason why he had trouble sleeping the previous night was because he had been been up thinking about her grave warning. It still seemed so surreal to him and yet the threat of corruption was very real. Though nothing strange had happened since they were in Termina, the hero had a sense that something bad was going to happen and soon. It was as though he could feel it in the air. It had been something he had gradually gained during his journeys across the surface; a sort of sixth sense that helped him know if danger was near. It was a feeling a lingering tension and unease and this time, it wouldn't go away. But even so, he couldn't let Zelda catch on. Even if he hadn't promised Terminus that he wouldn't tell her, he knew he wouldn't be able to bear the distraught emotions she would definitely show if he did. And so, he simply shrugged and showed little signs of worry as he said, "I guess I wasn't as tired as I thought."

Zelda was still frowning, knowing that after the arduous battle that he had been in yesterday, he should have gotten more rest. In fact, she had even planned to let him sleep in uninterrupted, but he had woken up all on his own, a rare sight that she certainly wasn't used to. "Ok then..." she said with slight suspicion as the two of them headed inside the temple. "How is your cut? I know Terminus healed it yesterday, but... do you mind if I check it out, just to make sure its really OK?"

Link's eyes grew wide at this request, fearing that she would find something that would give him away. "Zel... you don't have to..." he said, backing away from her slightly.

"Why not?" she asked with a mischievous glint in her dark blue eyes. "Are you hiding something from me, Mr. Hero?"

"N-no! Its... Its just..."

"Just what?"

The hero sighed in defeat, knowing that she was determined. And when Zelda had he mind set on something, there was no arguing with her. "Fine..." he said, bracing himself for the worst.

"Ok then," the girl said with a flirtatious smirk. "Take it off."

"Take what off?"

"Your shirt, silly!" she laughed as she watched his cheeks suddenly grow red. "How else am I supposed to check it?!"

He said nothing as he hesitantly slipped his tunic off, followed by his undershirt to reveal his bare chest. Zelda smiled in satisfaction as she stepped forward to inspect the wound. Luckily for Link, Terminus had reduced it to nothing more than a long scar, but the hero knew that something much more ominous laid beyond it. But nonetheless, Zelda gently ran a finger down the length of the scar, noticing how well it had healed. Once she was done, she let her eyes wander to the rest of his form and smiled wistfully. Goddesses, he's so handsome... she thought in slight awe as she ran her hands down his chest, knowing that it was firm, lean and toned from the many fights he had been in. It was marked it a few other, smaller scars from different battles in the past, but in Zelda's opinion, they made him even more attractive. Link instantly relaxed upon her soft touch, her hands feeling warm and comforting on his skin as she slowly ran them up and down. All worries of being corrupted left his mind as he closed his eyes, enjoying the pleasant sensation.

"Hm..." Zelda said quietly a moment later.

"What's wrong?" the hero asked, opening one eye to glance at her.

"Oh nothing..." she smiled. "I just realized how strong you've gotten over the past few months... I don't remember you being this incredibly fit before we came down here..."

"Well, I guess battle changes people..." he said in the same low tone she was using.

"I don't want you to change," she said, pressing her chest against his as she took his hands. "I like you just the way you are."

Neither of them said anything else as they stood there, looking into each other's eyes. Zelda's soft smile widened as she noted that, like his perfect build, his face was also noticeably handsome. His sharp, but also gentle features accentuated his eyes, which were the color of the endless blue skies above Skyloft. Slowly reaching a hand up, she smoothly brushed aside some of his sandy blonde hair away from his eyes so she could get a better look at them. But as she did so, her heart fell as he let go of her hand, but when he slowly wrapped his strong arms around her it leaped in joy.

As Zelda look in the full scope of Link's good looks, he also took in hers. In his eyes, she had always been beautiful, but it seemed that more recently, her beauty had grown to incomparable levels. Her deep, shining sapphire eyes were soft and youthful, but at the same time, intelligent and watchful. Her full, soft pink lips stood out against her fine, flawless skin that wasn't too pale, but not dark either. Her soft, yet mature curves fit perfectly against him as she stood a little less than a half a foot shorter than him, but the fact that she was rather short made her all the more adorable to him. As she brushed his hair aside, he did the same for her, moving away a few strands of her sunshine golden bangs so he could fully enjoy her radiance.

For the longest time, the two of them just stood there, holding onto each other in a comfortable silence, listening to the sounds of birdsong and the wind echoing through the temple from outside. Gradually, they began to move their faces closer together, both of their minds completely blank. However, as their lips were only inches apart from touching, they both hesitated and came back to their senses. Simultaneously, they both let go of each other and took a step backwards, both of them silently scolding themselves for not following through.

Goddess! What is wrong with me!? Zelda screamed at herself in anger as she watched Link put his shirt back on, wondering why in the world she didn't kiss him. After all, wasn't this exactly what she wanted? To be caught up in the moment and fall into a romantic, tender kiss? The opportunity had presented itself to both of them, but they had both backed down for some unknown reason. But even so, the girl was determined to not falter the next time she found such a perfect opportunity... if they ever got that opportunity again.

Likewise, Link was also frustrated with himself, knowing that he should have been bolder. He should have been more confident. If anything, he should have pulled Zelda into his arms a long time ago and done this. He had wanted to kiss her ever since the two of them had decided to stay on the surface together. And he almost had, if not for that one moment of doubt. He was almost tempted to turn to her and draw her in right now, but it was already too late. The mood had been shattered and it just wouldn't be as sincere. No, if this was going to happen, it had to happen right. It had to be real for both of them.

They were both silent for quiet some time as they sat down beside each other on the steps of the low platform within the middle of the temple. Neither one of them wanted to admit how embarrassed and ashamed they were and so they remained in a stated silence, waiting for the other one to speak of something totally off-subject.

Zelda's mind continued to fume in frustration as she sat there, her arms crossed and her mouth set in a tight line. She didn't even bother to so much as glance over at Link, even though she was in no way angry with him. Already her plan was failing. How was she going to show him how she felt if they kept having ruined moments like that? If she didn't do this soon, then she knew she was going to loose him, just as Terminus had said. After all, he was very handsome, as she well knew. She already knew than many girls in Skyloft often gawked over him, much to her annoyance. But perhaps that was exactly what she needed to do... Maybe she needed to show other people that they were a couple first and then the rest would follow. A small smile crossed the girl's face as she finalized her idea and without a moment to loose, she set it in motion.

"Hey Link," she said, her tone bright and bubbly as it usually was.

"Yeah?" he said, trying hard not to sound disappointed.

"Why don't we go up to Skyloft for the day?" she suggested. "After all, we haven't been up there since last week. I'm sure Father wants to see me and we do need to get some more supplies."

"Sounds good to me," the hero agreed, glad that she had avoided the topic of their failed kiss.

Not spending another moment idle, the two of them headed for the nearest bird statue, located behind the Sealed Temple conveniently enough. They both rode up together in the swirling vortex of wind that carried them above the cloud barrier and when it let them go, they both immediately called for their Loftwings. The small city in the sky grew larger as the couple flew closer to it, their birds never straying more than a few feet apart. They landed in the plaza, the few citizens mulling about it mostly oblivious to their arrival.

"Come on!" Zelda said cheerfully, grabbing onto Link's hand as she began to pull him up the path to the Knight Academy. "We don't have all day!"

"Well actually Zel, we do," the hero joked with a sly grin.

"Oh hush!" The girl turned to give him a slightly annoyed look but leaded him along the path nonetheless. Along the way, she held onto his hand tightly, showing no signs of letting go, much to Link's curiosity. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy holding her hand; they did it all of the time down on the surface, But, they had never really done it up in Skyloft before. The hero wasn't really bothered by it, but he did wonder why she had suddenly started now. Perhaps it had something to due with their attempted kiss... He put his mind away from that sour topic as he met her eyes, staring dreamily into his. Now that was odd. Link had no idea why Zelda was acting so strange all of the sudden and chances were, knowing her, he wouldn't get much of a chance to find out.

Link stood outside of the academy as he watched a group of Loftwings fly overhead, his mind swimming in thoughts of Zelda. He was alone, since the girl was currently visiting with her father, telling him of all the recent happenings on the surface. The hero couldn't help but frown as he stared off into the early afternoon sky. He still couldn't believe how very close they had been to kissing earlier that day! He had wanted to so badly, but at the most crucial moment, he had hesitated. Some "hero" I am... he thought in annoyance with himself. I can't even kiss a girl! But, on the other hand, Zelda was no mere girl to him. She was his best friend and closest companion. They had always been there for each other, through thick and thin, and Link knew that he'd do pretty much anything for her. So if that was the case, why was it so hard to tell her how he felt? After all, he knew that he might not have forever to do it anymore. Despite his resolve to fight against it, there was still a very real chance that he could be corrupted. And, if the unthinkable really did happen, he had to make sure that she knew how he felt before it did. He couldn't leave her alone without letting her know and he wasn't going to.

"Hey Link!" an upbeat greeting broke the hero out of his thoughts as he turned to see Pipit, a student who was a year head of him at the academy, approaching him. "How's the surface?"

"Hi Pipit," Link said with a half-hearted smile. "Its good..."

"Hey now, what's the matter?" the yellow-clad knight said, noticing his slight melancholy.

"Nothing's wrong," the hero insisted, even though he knew he was lying.

"No, something is. I can tell from the look on your face. Let me guess... its about Zelda, isn't it?"

Link sighed in defeat, knowing that pretty much anyone could have guessed that. "Yeah..." he said with a frown.

"I knew it!" Pipit grinned proudly. "So, have you asked her out yet?"

"No..." the hero admitted somewhat sheepishly. "Not yet..."

"Seriously!? But the two of you have been living together on the surface for weeks! How have you guys not hooked up by now!?"

"Well... um.. I don't know... I guess the topic really hasn't come up yet..."

"Hasn't come up yet?" Pipit repeated, an edge of joking challenge in his tone. "You mean you're too afraid to ask her, aren't you?"

"No," Link said firmly. "I'm not afraid. Its just... We haven't found a good moment for it." He mentally scolded himself when he said that though, knowing that they had a perfectly good moment this morning but it ended up being a failure all the same.

The knight smirked, though there was understanding in his eyes. "Listen Link," he said. "If you want my advice, then just do what I did when I asked Karane out. Just go out there and tell her how you feel. And if you're worried about finding the right moment, then tonight might just be perfect for it."

"What's tonight?"

"There's a party being held for students of the academy at the Lumpy Pumpkin," Pipit explained. "There will be dinner, dancing, all of that good stuff. Why don't you and Zelda go together and then ask her to make your whole dating thing official there?"

"Well, what if she says no?" Link asked, knowing that there was a chance, however small, that this could backfire.

"Why in Skyloft would she say no?" the knight laughed assuredly. "After all, you did safe her life, didn't you?"

"Well, yeah..."

"Then you'll be fine," Pipit grinned. "Well, I gotta get going to get ready for my own date with Karane tonight. See you later Link! And good luck!"

"Bye," the hero said as the knight began to head off. Despite Pipit's helpful advice, Link was still somewhat apprehensive about the whole situation. He wasn't really good at this sort of thing; he never had been. The last thing he wanted was to slip up and say something stupid. He couldn't make a fool of himself in front of Zelda if he intended for them to be together. At the moment, he had no idea how he was going to even go about asking her in the first place. He knew that he didn't have much time and that every minute counted now. He wanted to do this before the corruption really set in so that he'd have one less thing to worry about when he'd have to fight it off sometime in the very near future. But even so, he was anxious. He wanted to get this over with tonight as Pipit had suggested, but there was still one obvious problem. I don't even know where to start... the hero thought as he looked up into the skies once more, trying to come up with a plan for something that was infinitely more difficult than anything he had ever done.

"I don't even know where to start!" Zelda frowned as she sat in her dormitory room with Karane. After Zelda finished up with her father, she had met up with Karane and the two long-time friends decided to chat for a bit, since they hadn't in quite some time. Of course, their conversation quickly arrived at the topic of Zelda's relationship with Link.

"I don't know either, Z..." Karane replied. "I still can't believe he hasn't asked you out yet! I mean, pretty much everyone thinks that you guys are a couple, but you're really not?! That's crazy!"

"Well its not like I don't want us to be, Karane!" Zelda said defensively. "And I'm pretty sure Link wants it too. After all... we almost kissed this morning..."

"Almost?!" the red-haired girl exclaimed. "How do you almost kiss? Its either all or nothing!"

"I know!" Zelda groaned in aggravation. "I don't even know what happened! Everything felt so right... and then... we just... Oh goddesses! Sometimes it feels like this is never going to happen!"

"Oh, it will..." Karane said consolingly. "Don't worry, Zelda. These things always work themselves out. Just look at me and Pipit. I had a crush on him for years and then one day, right out of the blue, he just asked me out!"

"Yeah..." the blonde girl sighed. "But I don't wanna wait any longer... Maybe I should just ask him?"

"No, no, no!" Karane said firmly. "The girl NEVER asks the guy. Its just not normal! You have to wait for him to ask you. That way, you're both sure of what the other one really wants."

"Well I guess that makes sense..." Zelda mused.

"Of course it does. And if you don't want to wait any more... then tonight might just be the perfect opportunity. There's gonna be a party at the Lumpy Pumpkin later on. You both should go together! Maybe he'll ask you then!"

"Yeah!" Zelda said with renewed enthusiasm. "That's it! All we really need is the right mood!"

Karane nodded with a smirk. "Yep. And then, you guys will be the cutest couple in Skyloft... aside from me and Pipit of course."

The two girls shared a giggle as excitement for the upcoming evening began to fill Zelda. If all went according to plan, then her and Link would finally be together, just as she had always dreamed. But she knew well that there was room for error. They had already had a ruined moment earlier that day; what was stopping them from having another one tonight. But Zelda refused to think in failure. She tossed aside all reservations and dedicated herself to making sure that this would be a success. And after everything was said and done, she was certain that the two of them would be happy forever. Everything would finally be perfect.

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