reckless - h.s / mature conte...

Από HarrysHabit

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"I remember the first time you held my hand. I don't know if it was because of the cold or the fact that I lo... Περισσότερα

01 - restart
02 - get to know each other
03 - confessions
04 - you need to try
05 - carefree
06 - attacks
07 - let down your guard
08 - step after step
09 - provocate
10 - putting on a show
11 - reckless
12 - honest
13 - getting it on
14 - upgrade
15 - breakaway
16 - green forest
17 - pinky promises
18 - over again
19 - taking turns
20 - another round
21 - bad decisions
22 - told you so
23 - unwelcomed meeting
24 - exposed
25 - surprise
26 - at the end of the day
27 - love, oh love
28 - lake day
29 - revealing secrets
30 - discomfort
31 - breakdown
32 - thunderstorms & love*
33 - haunting past
34 - seperate ways
35 - life lessons
36 - sneak peak
37 - plans
38 - decisions
39 - welcome home
40 - goodbyes
41 - nightmares
42 - Robert
43 - lies & honesty
45 - you're it for me

44 - 365 days

347 7 17
Από HarrysHabit


One year.

It's been one year now.

365 days.

How in the world did this happen?

I walked out of my bathroom, towel wrapped around my body, my wet hair dangling from my shoulders.

A lot has changed in two months. Harry and me finally moved together completely, giving up my apartment. It was no use, the memories were too strong to spend another minute in there, so we decided it was the best to just move in together.

After our last fight, I started being completely honest with Harry. I started telling him when I felt upset, when I felt angry or even happy. Our relationship was going good, we were happy.

I walked into our room, expecting Harry to still lay in bed, since it was only 8 in the morning. But I was greeted with an empty one, the sheets neatly made and a letter and a rose next to it.

My heart started beating faster, a smile instantly found on my face, while I made fast steps to the bed. I hastily opened the letter, reading Harry's words.

'hey love,

one year. wow! I just wanted to take my time, to say that I love you to the moon and back. I love every piece of you, every mood, every laugh, every day, every week and of course every memory with you.

You're absolutely amazing and i'm bloody lucky to have you. I still love you like I did the first day I met you.

You're everything I've ever wished for and I'm so happy to call you mine. Everything about you is so endearing and absolutely beautiful, I just wish you could see yourself through my point of view.

Well, what I want to say is, that I love you, no matter what happens.

And to celebrate our one year anniversary, I thought you deserve a bit more than pizza and cheap wine. I know I never spoil you and you know that I'm just not the most romantic guy, but for you, I'll make an exception.

Here's a little game for you, to keep you occupied.

1. Get your ass up and make your way to the place, we first had breakfast.

I hope you have fun and enjoy doing this, as much as I enjoyed planning this. You're everything to me and I hope you'll always remember this day.

I just had remember something, some of my most precious memories with you.

I remember the first time you held my hand. I don't know if it was because of the cold or the fact that I loved you, but fuck, I felt the world rush through my veins. Just know that I love you, I love you with all of my fucked up, piece of shit heart.

all the love, H. x'

I reread the letter four times to be exact, before I started giggling and tears rushed down my face. I shook my head, trying to keep it together, for the sake of this day. But I uncontrollably cried of happiness, trying to wipe the tears away, but new ones were already waiting to slide down my cheeks.

"I love you, dork." I smiled, hugging the letter to my chest.

I got ready quickly, dressing myself in some skinny jeans, a red jumper and boots. It was early January, the festive days were over, but it was still freezing outside.

Harry and me spend Christmas together, nothing overly exciting. Just the both of us, a few presents, wine, food and some bad christmas movies. That's all we ever did, simple things.

New years was spend with our friends, getting shitfaced and starting the new year together. Nothing more, nothing less.

After I got ready, I took a jacket and walked over to the bakery, were me and Harry first had breakfast together. I couldn't seem to wipe that smile off my face, which made people look at me curiously, but I didn't care.

As soon as I entered the bakery, I was engulfed in a warm atmosphere, and a lovely scent of freshly baked cookies. I loved them here, they made the best and they were the best when warm and soft.

"Millie!" Susan exclaimed, making me smile at her. She walked around the counter, opening her arms and hugging me tightly to herself. "How are you, love?" She asked, a smile on her face. "I'm good, what about you?" I politely asked her, in which she shrugged. "Same old, same old." She walked behind the counter again, bending down and shoving some things to the side.

"Harry's got something for you, he told me to give it to you, whenever you appear." She informed me, seeming kinda clueless about his little game. "Yea, that's why i'm here actually." I said, impatiently waiting for her to give me the second letter.

Finally, she looked up again, a little basket in her hands with fresh cookies and a letter tied on the basket. "He ordered me to make you some cookies. Told me something about an adventure, that crazy kid." She laughed softly, handing me the basket. "Thanks for making them Susan, it was probably a lot of work." I apologetically looked at her, but she shrugged it off. "Everything for my two lovebirds. 'Knew you'd end up together." She winked, making me chuckle at her.

I took the letter, putting the basket on the counter, opening it.

'If you're Susan, please don't be nosey, love.

If you're Millie, continue.

Congratulations, it will get harder, I promise.

This was our first breakfast. I did it because of the discount, never thought we'd end up together in an actual relationship, haha.

Nevertheless, let's move on.

2. Walk, where you first sat, when I walked into the room and you were undeniably stunned by my beauty.

I love you, H. x'

The short letter made me laugh this time, remembering our first breakfast here and how Susan already saw it coming, that we'd get into a relationship.

"You two are good for each other." Susan unexpectedly said, making me look up at her. She wore a soft smile on her face, head tilted and hands rested on the counter. "Very good." She added and nodded to herself.

"Thank you for everything, Susan." I replied, making her close her eyes for a second and nodding her head once more. "Now off you go, before I start crying. Leave the basket here, but take a cookie with you, they're still warm." She ushered me, making me laugh. I grabbed a cookie, hugged her a last time and bid my goodbye.

Walking to the college, where me and Harry had our second 'interaction', I ate my cookie. I almost ran, opening the big doors and rushing to our classroom.

Hoping, no one would have classes in there today, I knocked until I heard someone mumble an 'come in.'

I opened the door and looked around, to see Mr. Cromwell sitting on his chair, looking like he already awaited me.

"Hey, Mr. Cromwell." I politely smiled at him. "I just need to grab something, then I'm leaving again." I informed him, but he got up, and walked towards me.

"I know, Harry informed me. I don't even have any classes, I just wanted to say hello. I missed yours and Harry's presence in class quote a lot. Always had this lovingly aura here." He said, making me blush. "I'm happy for you two, absolute pleasure to have you in my class. Both of you. I hope you'll stay together for a long time, if not forever." He patted my shoulder, the man wearing nothing but honesty on his face.

"Thank you, I'll hope for that as well." I replied shyly, giving him a small smile.

Then I walked to my chair, only to be greeted with an ballon and another letter on it, tied to my chair.

I felt a bit uncomfortable, Mr. Cromwell watching me, while I read the letter. But I still opened it, quickly reading the words he wrote.

'Hey again.

This is were I saw you the second time, but you looked so annoyed already, that I seated myself a bit further, to give you time to adjust to my perfection.

Just joking, I know you wanted to kill me back there.

We've come so far my dear, and I'm proud of every single step I get to take with you.

I love you. x

PS: Walk, where I asked you if you'd like to share a cab.'

I thought about it for a second, tilting my head and letting his words run through my mind.

"What's this about?" Mr. Cromwell interrupted me, completely forgotten the fact that he's been in here as well. "Just a little game." I smiled at him, showing him the letter from the distance. "To celebrate our one year anniversary." I explained. Mr. Cromwell nodded, a slight smile plastered on his face. "What a romantic lad, isn't he?" He laughed, making me shake my head. "He actually isn't at all, he's more of a simple guy." I explained, somehow telling him that what Harry did, was indeed very special. "Then you're probably quite someone to him, Millie." He said, making me look at the floor. "Probably." I replied.


After a few more rounds, where I had to take a cab to the club, where Harry told me to go, when I 'saved' his life. Clark, the security gave me a letter, seeming quite annoyed that he had to do this. This letter said I had to go, where he first discovered my fear of thunder.

The bar. The barkeeper gave me another letter, attached to a bouquet of tulips. I remember when I told him about my love for them. I was never the 'get me flowers' type of woman, but I appreciated that he remembered so much, that I didn't stop smelling them. This letter said, I had to go, where we sat, when I first met his parents.

His car. When I was there, I saw another red heart ballon, attached to his mirror. I didn't noticed it the first time I walked out of the apartment, which meant that Harry was still on his trip of my little surprises.

I quickly opened the letter, squinting my eyes together, because it has gotten dark already.

'This is the second last letter. You're almost there!

Walk, where we first shared our 'i love you's'.

This will be the last one, before you'll finally see what I've got in store for my girl.

I love you, baby. H'

This one was quite easy. I ran into the building, taking the steps quickly and opened the door to our apartment with my key.

What I saw then, made me smile so wide, I thought my jaw would break.

A trail of red roses was building a path, which I followed. I was so engulfed in complete happiness, I thought that this was the happiest moment I've ever witnessed. Someone caring about me, so much, that they took the time to surprise me a whole day, taking a journey through our relationship once again.

And I did not regret a single thing. All of the times we fought, we disagreed or just hated each other's guts, was so complete worth it. Every single memory I shared with Harry, was the most beautiful memory I had.

My one and only love.

When I finally reached the end of the rose path, which was where it all began, the bed, I saw a red bottle of wine, a dress neatly laid down next to it, and to my surprise, sneakers.

I shook my head, grinning widely, taking the black dress into my hands. It was knee long, tight, but simple. A simple black dress, with long lace sleeves and no cleavage. The sneakers were white, but when I took them in my hand, I saw that a bit over the sole, there was a little 'H' sewed in, and on the other one was a little 'M'.

I placed a hand over my mouth, laughing to myself, while I eyed the beautiful sneakers. I couldn't believe, that he actually did this just for me. Harry actually made personalised sneakers for me.

I still chuckled to myself, while finally noticing the last letter, that was placed next to the bottle of wine.

'Last but not least. You made it!

I hope you had a lot of fun through this little journey. Hope you like the dress and the sneakers. I know you don't like high heels that much, so I thought like us, it could be simple.

Simple.. it's such a small word, but it means everything to me. Because, I finally have the feeling that this is how things are going to be.


We had been through a lot, love. But every step was worth it and I don't regret every fighting for you. My life has been top notch, ever since I've known you.

But everything I want to tell you, can be said, when you find the place, where I would be most afraid of going.

So change, take the bottle, and find me.

I love you so god damn freaking much. H x'

I furrowed my eyebrows, thinking about what place he meant. The first thing I thought about, was his parents house. But, he wouldn't go there to surprise me. More than to break up with me.

So I redid my thinking, going through the fears he's confessed to me, and suddenly it snapped.


Harry's always been afraid of heights.

The fucking roof.

I quickly changed into the beautiful dress he got me, took the sneakers on and put on some more make up. I ruffled through my hair, the smile never leaving my lips. Then I grabbed the bottle, and walked all the stairs up to the roof, where I was one hundred percent sure, Harry would wait for me.


romantic baby, sigh.

i'm almost finished with it omg i can't believe it. a few chapters a left, i'm emotional.

i became quite attached to my characters in here, because this was my first english ff and i just loved writing every single part of it.

all the love. x

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