Nothing Like Us || Jeon Jungk...

By joanaa_xo

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Jang Song Young who is always quiet in class, would never really talk to anyone besides her best friend, Kang... More

Author's Note
Part 1: Problem
Part 2: Interest
Part 3: Broken
Part 4: Feelings
Part 5: Paper Hearts
Part 6: Promise
Part 7: I do
Part 8: Jealousy
Part 9: Surprise
Part 10: Late
Part 12: Lost
Part 13: Truth or Dare
Part 14: Copy Cat
Part 15: Missing You
Part 16: He Knows
Part 17: Cold Night
Part 18: Illusion
Part 19: Exposed
Part 20: Last
Part 21: First Snow
Part 22: Breaking
Part 23: Shopping
Part 24: Dangerous Woman
Part 25: It's All My Fault
Part 26: Won't Be Back
Part 27: I Need U
Part 28: Jagiya
Part 29: Prom Night
Part 30: Nothing Like Us [Finale]

Part 11: Depression

3.2K 135 55
By joanaa_xo

~Song Young's POV~

On my way home, I had a big smile spread across my face. I felt like the happiest girl in the world. When we arrived at my house I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay by his side for a bit longer.

"Thanks for the ride" I thanked him and opened the door.

"Aye, I'm supposed to open the door for you" Jungkook grinned looking at me as I stepped out.

"Do you expect me to sit back down again and close the door for you to open it for me?" I questioned him raising my right eyebrow. He nodded and got off to open the door for me. He made his way to my side and opened it just like a gentleman.

"Here" He said giving his hand out for me to grab hold of.

"Thank you" I held onto his warm hands making my way out of the car.

"Thank you again for the surprise party!" I added and politely bowed.

"Aye, you don't need to be so formal, it makes me uncomfortable" He said scratching the back of his neck.

"I'll get going now, I think my brother's waiting for me inside" I continued and gave him one last smile before I walked to the door.

"Goodnight" He waved and I waved back. I turned around and walked to the door but I felt a pair of arms wrap itself around my waist. I was shocked by his action as I didn't expect him to be this type of person. I thought he was awkward around girls...

"Let's stay like this for a bit" He whispered into my ear still back hugging me. Standing next to him, I was only around his nose making me 162cm tall. Aigoo...I wish I was a bit taller.

He broke the hug and I turned around to see a tomato faced Jungkook.

"Hahahaha" I let out an evil laugh.

"What's so funny?" He asked in confusion.

"Your face" I said poking his cheeks.

"What's wrong with my face?" He asked still confused.

He walked to the side mirror of his car to see that he was burning up. He cupped his face with his hands and walked back to me.

"Better?" He asked cutely holding his face in his palms.

"Nope" I responded and let out another laugh.

"I'll see you Monday" I said making my way to the door still laughing at his face.

I knocked on the door expecting my brother to open it but as it swung open a familiar face appeared. It was Lee Cindy, my brother's co-worker.

"Unnie! What are you doing here?" I asked trying to look for my brother as she was blocking my way.

"Oh, I just came to pick up some paperwork from your brother" She explained.

"I better get going now, see you another time!" She added waving at me and I returned it by giving her a smile.

"Yong Suk oppa! Where are you?" I yelled out as I took my shoes off.

"Here!" He replied from the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I asked ascending to the kitchen.

"Just cleaning up the dishes" He replied.

"I'll head to my room now" I said lazily walking to my room.

"Yah! Song Young!" I heard him yelling from the kitchen.


"What was the emergency?"

"Oh, my friends threw me a surprise party, I got so scared because I thought something happened to her!"

"Wow, what great friends you have" Yong Suk said in his sarcastic tone.

"That guy who carried you out when you fainted, was he there?" He asked curiously. Aish stop asking questions, I wanna go to sleep.

"Jungkook? Yeah he was there" I said letting out a slight yawn.

"Did Jimin confess?" He suddenly asked and my eyes shot open.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"Did Jimin confess?" He repeated.

"What do you mean by confess?" I went on.

"He was going to confess to you on your birthday" He said and I felt uneasy, memories from the past started playing in my head. No please, not today.

"Song Yong-ah, I know I shouldn't be telling you this but he likes you. He liked you ever since primary but you were too young to understand his feelings and-"

"Ok, enough!" I cut him off. I can't take this.

"Song Young I'm-"

"I said enough!" I cut him off once again and stormed to my room shutting the door ever so harshly behind me.

I fell to the ground and tears formed in my eyes and as soon as I knew it, the tears started rolling down my cheeks down to my neck.

"Jimin, why didn't you tell me earlier? I'm so sorry for not understanding your feelings, we were too young. I regretted not telling you my feelings the day you left me. I'm so sorry for breaking your heart, I'm so sorry's too late now" I cried out embracing my pillow.

"You didn't know what I've been through after you left me behind" I cried even more as the memories flooded back into my mind. There was only one image that will always stay there no matter how much I try to forget it. A blade.




"Song Young!" I heard my father call out from outside my room.

"LET ME IN!" He yelled even louder banging on the door violently.

At the age of 13 I was already cutting. Every morning there would always be a new wound on my body. At the age of 15, my parents passed away in a car accident. At the age of 16 I lost a huge amount of weight and on that same year, it was Jimin's debut or should I say BTS' debut. In that whole year, I was depressed and was stupid enough to think that he'll come back for me.




"Song Young! Let me in" I heard my brother's voice call out from outside my room.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled back and the whole house was silent. So silent you could hear a pin drop.




I woke up to the ray of sun shining into my eyes. I was too tired to wake up, I'm so stupid to even live. I rolled over to avoid the sun and the drawer besides my bed made me remember of an object. The blade. I pulled out the drawer and there it was. I took it out to examine it and it still had blood stains on it.

"Hello my friend" I greeted holding it up high, reflecting it on the sunlight.

"We meet again" I continued, placing it carefully on the pillow besides me. Cutting was like a drug. After a few times, you start doing it over and over again, and as soon as you know it, it has already become an addiction. I picked it up and held it back in my palm. I slowly forced my hand to meet my wrist and with a slight slash, blood starting pouring out. The pain started building up and I quickly ran to the bathroom to wash it away. It didn't pain me anymore.

"What are you doing?" A voice startled me as I ran to the bathroom. I turned to see my brother there in his apron.

"I-I need to go to the b-bathroom" I stuttered hiding my hand behind my back.

"What's behind your back?" He asked and in that moment I knew I was screwed.

"N-nothing" I stuttered again.

"Show me" He demanded and I flinched a bit.

"It's nothing, don't worry"

"Give me your god damn hand!" He growled and took hold of my wrist.

As soon as he saw my wrist, he quietened down.

"Why are you doing this to yourself?" He asked looking deep into my eyes.

"I-" He cut me off.

"Do you think cutting will solve your problem? Do you think harming yourself will make you feel better or something? Whatever it is that's bothering you, you have to let it go. Don't let it haunt you ever again. Forget it" He lectured and I broke into tears. He pulled me into his chest and I started crying my heart out, I couldn't stop the tears. They were too strong, I couldn't defeat them.

"I miss eomma and appa" I blurted out and I could feel Yong Suk's tears rolling down my forehead.

"I miss them too"

"Don't ever do this to yourself again ok?" He said holding onto my wrist and I nodded.

"Can we visit eomma and appa's grave today?" I asked knowing that he didn't have work on Sunday. He nodded and I forced a smile trying to make him happy again.

I walked to the bathroom to wash my face and memories of me and Jimin started playing in my mind to when we were little playing with water by the pond. I shook it off and continued washing my face. I walked out and went to my room to get ready. I went to my wardrobe and threw on a black sweatshirt with a pair of white jeans. I walked out to see Yong Suk wearing a white sweatshirt with a pair of black jeans. We siblings can never match.




After 10 minutes, we arrived at our destination. We both exited the car and walked to our parent's grave in a calm manner.

"Eomma, appa! Song Young and I came to visit you, sorry we haven't been visiting in a while..." My brother said while I was looking down at the bunch of flowers we bought on the way here.

"Song Young is about to graduate shortly! Are you proud of her?! She's grown so much hasn't she? I wish you were here to see how much she's changed-"

"We wish" I corrected him.

"Yeah, Song Young thinks she's the smarty pants in the house these days but I think she's more like dumby pants" He said and I playfully punched him in the stomach.

After our conversation with our parents, we decided to leave for some food but as we turned around, a figure made my heart feel uneasy. A figure who couldn't keep his promise, a figure whom I hurt. That figure was...Jimin.  

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