Not From Your World(Mech-X4:...

By -babyroses-

64.7K 1.4K 593

Veronica Dublin(Caldera) is a normal 14 year old girl living on Earth. Well, is being an alien girl from anot... More

Veronica Dublin(Caldera)
Let's Call It MECH-X5! Part 1
Let's Call It MECH-X5! Part 2
Let's Get Some Air!
Let's Open the Monster Heart!
Let's Get To Know Veronica's Backstory
Let's Be Idiots
Let's Survive in the Woods!
Life on Caldera
April 17th!
Let's Get Our Robot Back!
Let's Get the Big Bad!
Let's Deal With Our Stuff!
Let's Get Some Answers!
Let's Go Clubbing!
Let's Get Veronica's Powers Back!
Let's Get Leo!
Let's Dig Deep!
Let's Destroy Some Ooze!
Dustin Caldera
Let's End This! Part One
Let's End This! Part Two
You Make Me Feel Human, Ryan
Ask Me Questions!

Ryan and Veronica's Date

3K 72 33
By -babyroses-

Veronica's POV

I woke up Saturday morning, feeling fresh as a daisy. I smiled and looked out my window, the bright, morning sun, was burning my eyeballs, but I don't care.

I stood up from my comfy bed and stretched. I picked up my phone from my night stand, and read the time, 9:32 AM.

Ugh, still to early.

I suddenly realized what day it is, and got excited.

Today's my date with Ryan! I squealed quietly, then stopped.

"Never do that again, Veronica." I told myself, shaking my head.

I sent my phone back down, and slipped my fuzzy, purple slippers on and walked down stairs.

I entered the kitchen, and my nose was filled with the smell of Saturday pancakes. Every Saturday my father and mother make us pancakes, and I love it.

"Morning, sweetie." My mother greeted, and I smiled at her.

"Morning, Munchkin." My father kissed my head, walking by me to go to the bathroom.

"Good morning." I walked over to my mother, and kissed her cheek.

She looked at me differently, and was surprised. I glanced away, confused by her facial expression. "What? Something wrong?"

"No, it's just that you always walk out, with a gloom look on you face and bags under you eyes. You seem happier." She chuckled, getting a plate out from the cabinet, and putting three pancakes on it.

"Well, today is a special day." I winked at her, and grabbed the syrup from the table, where Nikell was stuffing her little face.

I giggled at her, and she smiled at me. Her teeth were full of pancake fluff. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my plate for the kitchen.

"Oh! Is it because of your date with, your cute friend, Ryan?" She smirked, as I sat down next to my sister.

I blushed, looking at my pancakes. "Maybe...."

"Shiz flushing." Nikell muffled through the pancakes in her mouth.

I groaned, looking away, "That's gross, sis."

I heard her swallow, and she breathed. "She's blushing!"

I couldn't help, but crack a smile on my face. I picked up the knife that I had and spread butter on my pancakes.

"Aww, my daughters got her first date tonight." I heard my father coo, making his way over to us.

"It's just a date, not a big deal." I raised an eyebrow at them, and continued to cut my pancakes.

My mother walked over to me, and my father turned off the oven, because we finished making the pancakes.

"It is a big deal, honey. You never know, you might marry Ryan." She winked at me, sitting down in front of my sister and I.

"Marry? I'm fourteen, I haven't had my first kiss yet." I complained, and ate a piece of my pancake.

"I know, I'm just implying, what I think. Ryan seems like a nice, caring guy, who you seem to like." She explained, placing a piece of pancake into hr mouth.

"Don't rush her, dear. Besides, I'm not to fond of this date, but I've met Ryan, very polite guy." My father cut in, sitting next to his wife, with his plate full of pancakes in his hands.

"Yeah, he is. I just hope it goes well." I looked at the hardwood floor, picking my nails.

A techno path an alien freak, let's see how this goes.


Around five thirtyish this afternoon, I had to decide what to wear. Ryan texted and he said to 'dress casual'

I can do that, because I don't do girly or fancy stuff.

I decided with a simple dress, a jean jacket to wear over it, a beanie and cute brown boots

Cute, simple and casual. My style of girly if I had to be one.

I laid it out on my bed, and went to take a shower. No, I didn't take one this morning, it's Saturday, I don't do morning showers on weekends.

I went to the bathroom, took of my clothes and started the shower.

While I waited for it to warm up, I paced around, nervously.

What if this goes wrong and a stupid monster attacks?

What if he doesn't like what I'm wearing?

What if things are awkward, and just plain weird?

Why am I pacing around naked? I shook my head, confused.

"Just relax, Veronica, don't stress, and you will be fine. I breathed, and stepped into the nice hot, shower.

I ain't telling you what's happening in here, it's my damn business.

After my shower was over it was close to six. I put on my robe and went back to my room. I closed my door, and locked it.

I grabbed my towel and dried it the best I could. My blow dryer broke, because somebody, who is my sister, dropped it in the toilet, when she was blow drying her own hair. Well she was trying, she burned herself three times.

Anyway, back to reality, I sat at my vanity, and decided to wear little makeup, like always. I usually wear lipgloss and mascara and that's it's.

This time, I put on a little more then usual, I put on eyeliner, mascara, and lipgloss. First time putting on eyeliner and I nailed it.

I decided against perfume, because if I smelt good then that would take away Ryan's glorious smell.

I stood up from my vanity and sat on my bed, contemplating life.

How did I get so lucky, to get a guy like Ryan? Sweet, caring, protective, funny, a little bit awkward I guess, and very handsome.

I looked at my digital clock and it was 6:30.

One hour till he gets here.

I sighed, then grabbed my computer and played Overwatch.

-40 Minutes Later-

I stopped playing and put my computer away, I looked at the time and it was 7:10.

"Twenty minutes." I muttered, having mixed emotions go through my body.

Excitement, nervous, scared, anxiety, and love.

That last one is weird, I don't love Ryan. We aren't even dating yet, but maybe after today we might.

I stood up, faced my outfit and examined it.

"You got this, V." I breathed, and took of my robe and put on the dress, and the jean jacket over it. I placed the beanie on my head, and put on the boots.

I walked in front off my mirror that was on the door. I scanned my whole body, and was actually happy.

"I look pretty, I hope Ryan likes this."

Ding dong!

I snapped my head up and my eyes widened. He's here?!

I looked at the clock; 7:29!

I smiled confidently at my reflection, even though, I was basically throwing up inside.

I walked into the living room to find Ryan and my mother talking.

I stopped around the corner of the hallway, and listened to their conversation.

"So, I hear you like my daughter?" My mother told Ryan, and I could basically hear that smirk grow on her face.

"Ye-ah, I do, I just really hope she likes, what I set up for us tonight. A special girl, deserves a special night." Ryan answered, and I could hear the nervousness in his voice.

I closed my eyes, smiling, graciously. Aww.

I walked out from the corner, and into the living room.

Ryan noticed me first, and he looked at me like the first time he saw Mech-X5.

My cheeks were burning up, from blushing to much.

"There she is, ok, you two have fun, and bring her home by 10:30. Love you, sweetie " She kissed my forehead and walked away, I blushed from embarrassment.

"Don't have too much fun!" She added, before closing the door to her room, and I hung my head.

"Mom!" I cried, and then looked at Ryan, who was smiling at me.

"Wow, you look gorgeous, Veronica." He breathed, dreamily.

I blushed, glancing down at the ground. "Thank you, you look handsome."

He blushed, scratching the back of his neck, then cleared his throat. "Shall we go, M'lady?" He put his arm out for me to grab.

I chuckled, and wrapped my arms around his. "We shall."

We walked out the door, and walked one the sidewalk.

It was so hard for me to talk, because of these butterflies in my stomach. My heart was beating out of my chest, feeling like it could pop out any second now.

I gathered up the courage to speak, "So where are we going?"

I saw his face for a smile, "That is a surprise."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Come on, not even a little hint."

He shook his head, "Nope, you gotta wait."

"Fine." I pouted, which made him chuckle. My pout disappeared when I heard that.

His laugh is like music to my ears.

-10 Minutes Later-

We walked along the sidewalk, talking, laughing, having a good time so far. I then saw a beautiful park, and we walked down the little pavement.

"Wow." I breathed, looking around. "This is beautiful."

"This isn't even the best part." He winked at me, making me blush.

We walked down the walkway until it ended and it lead into grass.  I bit my lip, nervously.

The sound of grass under my boots, is some what soothing to me.

We stopped walking when I saw a cute, little, picnic set up. I put a hand over my mouth, and leaned my head on Ryan's arm.

(Ignore the wine bottles, pretend that tin can is holding apple cider)

"Ryan this is amazing." I smiled, and looked up at him. "You did this, for me?"

He looked at me nervous, but nodded. "Yes... a special girl deserves a special date.

I blushed, looking down at my boots. He may have said it twice, but the second time was to me and that made my heart flutter.

We walked over and sat down on the blanket. It was silent for a bit, as Ryan took out the food and stuff, and the drinks.

It wasn't an awkward silence, it was a comfortable silence.

I stared at Ryan, as he moved around, and I can sense that he is very tense and doesn't want to mess up. He was wearing his jean jacket like he always does, with gray shirt under it and a plaid shirt over the shirt. With dark blue jeans to. He looked very attractive.

I snapped out of my thoughts, as Ryan finished getting the stuff out.

He brought, sandwiches, apple cider, chocolate covered strawberries, cookies, and doughnuts holes.

"Ryan, you didn't have to do this for me, I'm not worth all this." I told him, honestly, motioning to the picnic.

Ryan looked at me for a few, then scooted over towards me and grabbed hands in his

"You may think that, but you are worth all of this. We may not have known each other that long, but I can tell you now that, you mean a lot to me, Veronica." He stared deep into my dark chocolate eyes and I stared back into his.

Through his eyes, I can tell he was being serious.

"You mean a lot to me to, Ryan. With my family, the guys, you, it makes me feel like this is my home. Like, I'm not some weird, alien girl who is left out. You make me feel like I'm at home." I leaned my head on his shoulder, looking at the tall, swaying trees in front of me.

I small gust of wind came by, and I shivered. Maybe a dress wasn't the best option.

"You cold?" He asked, suddenly slipping his arm around my shoulder.

"Just a little, I should not have gone with a dress." I chuckled, but it stopped when my teeth chattered.

"Here." He put his arm under my legs, then picked me up, and put me in between his legs, wrapping his arms around my body. I suddenly felt warmth, and I sighed.


"Yeah, much."

After, we then started to eat, and it was delicious.

I giggled when Ryan feed me a chocolate covered strawberry.

I grabbed a chocolate hip chocolate and looked at Ryan, "Want one?"

He smiled, nodding, and I fed it to him.

"So, can you tell me something about yourself that nobody knows?" He asked, intertwining our fingers together.

"Alright, well, my real last name is Caldera, which is the name of my home planet." I responded, laying my back against Ryan's toned chest.

"Not to get personal or anything, but what was your reason you came to Earth?" He asked, taking a sip from his apple cider.

I looked down at Ryan and I's hands, sighing. "I- I don't know if I want to talk about that."

I saw Ryan put down his glass, and put his hand on my cheek, making me look at his beautiful eyes.

"Hey, it's okay if you don't want to talk about that." He told me, and I smiled sympathetically at him.

I shifted my body so I can look at him better, and shook my head. "No, no it's best you know. Besides, we are alone, and no one can hear us." I stopped talking and breathed. "Okay, my parents are the king and Queen of Caldera, which makes me a princess and my older brother a prince.

"You're a princess?" He asked, with shock, but smiled.

"Yep, but being a princess wasn't all that great, I mean, I was only six months old when I left Caldera, and my brother was two. Reason why I left my planet with my family, was because of our rivals the Zontreians, who wanted to invade our planet for unknown reasons. When they attacked, we left in our mothership and tried to go to a different galaxy. I don't remember what happened after, we crash landed on Earth, I woke up and I was here, In Bay City Orphanage. I have no idea where my brother is if he is alive." I looked away, watching the beautiful moon start to rise. "I miss him dearly, and I don't even know if my family is tracking us down."

I felt my throat get tight and my eyes get watery.

"Hey, hey, don't cry." Ryan hushed me softly, placing two of his fingers under my chin, making me look at him again. "I'm pretty sure your parents are trying to locate you right now, and even if you're not at your home planet, you're here with us. Like you said before, this is your home."

"Yeah, I know, but what if the Zontreians have taken over our planet. I'm a princess, it's my job to protect the planet and I-"

"I understand you think your planet is in danger, but what you're parents did by trying to escape was to protect you and your siblings." He cut me off, and I sighed, laying my head in the on his chest.

"Yeah, you're right, they were just trying to protect their children. Besides with what they did, and what happened, I got to meet you. Which was probably one of the best parts." I blushed, tilting my head up to look at him.

"You're amazing, you know that, V?" He told me, making me blush.

"Well, I guess, but I'm an alien, so it's different." I shrugged, feeling a little shy.

"No, I mean you're amazing, even if you weren't an alien. You're amazing just the way you are." He pushed a strand of my hair, and flashed his pearly white smile at me.

"Bruno Mars reference, really?" I asked chuckling, lifting my head up from his chest, to get a better view of him.

"What can I say, I like the song." He shrugged, chuckling.

I rolled my eyes, and stared at Ryan. He stared back at me, and glanced at my lips.

Is this it? Am I gonna have my first kiss?

Ryan started to lean in, and I mimicked his actions. He placed his hand in the side of my cheek, and put his lips on mine.

I immediately kissed back, and I felt fireworks go off in my stomach. It felt like all of my worries were lifted of my shoulders.

We kissed for a good ten seconds, until we pulled away.

My cheeks were red the entire time and his were too.

"That was-"

"Incredible." I finished for him.

Ryan leaned his forward on mine, and I giggled.

"Hey, V?" He asked, and I could feel his fresh minty breath on my face.

"Yeah, Ryan?" I grinned.

"You know, I really like you, right?" He questioned, making me glance at the ground.

"Why, yes I do, and I really like you too." I told him, softly.

"So, it brings me to this question." He stopped, and grabbed something from the basket that was beside us. He pulled out a beautiful, delicate, red rose.

"Veronica Willow Dublin, will you be my girlfriend?"

I felt tears prick from my eyes. I gently took the rose, and smiled at it.

"Ryan, of course I will." I leaned up and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He reacted by wrapping his arms around my waist, and sighed into my hair.

"That bet was so worth it." He said, and I chuckled at him, then kissed his cheek.

Best night ever!

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