Let's Dig Deep!

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Veronica's POV

"It was Harper. It was Seth Harper behind the monsters the whole!" Ryan was angered at this. I'm not surprised, because Seth is dating his mother.

I rubbed my boyfriend's shoulder, sadly.

I heard coughing behind us, and we turned. Leo was laying down on the bed, coughing. He was injured badly.

He sat up, weakly. "Ryan."

"Take it easy Leo, you're not a hundred percent yet." I told him, as we stood by his bed.

His coughing was the response.

"Leo, I have so many questions about my powers." Ryan informed him.

"And I promise you, I will answer all of them, but right now, we have to stop Harper." Leo breathed out, but Ryan protested.

"But I-"

"Ryan!" Leo raised his voice, and Ryan glanced down. "There's a giant pocket of primorvist jell. It's the key to Harper's master plan to destroy the world, and if he thinks you drowned in the underwater base. He's gonna move fast to get that jell." Leo sniffled, looking at us.

"Define fast." Ryan wanted a specific answer.

"It could be days, could be minutes." Leo breathed out, "Ooo! Minutes would be a bummer."

"Got it, my questions can wait." Ryan replied, nodding. "We got work to do."

"Let's get down to Harper Futuristics, and put an end to that guy." Mark confirmed, and I furrowed my eyebrows unsure about that.

"We can't, even if we take out Harper, his people will still carry out his plan." Harris countered, and I nodded, agreeing.

"Then we have to get to the jell first and destroy it." I added, crossing my arms over my stomach.

"And get Harper to stop dating your mom." Spyder pointed out, and we all looked at him. "Really? I'm the only one who thought of that."

I heard Mark breathe out, "So, Leo, where's this ooze pocket?"

Leo sighed, shaking his head. "I don't know, he keeps all of the important stuff locked up here, you know?" Leo tapped his head.

"Yeah, to bad you can't use your powers to hack into his brain." Spyder mentioned, disappointed.

I don't think that's possible.

"Ah!" Leo beamed at Spyder. "Hack into his brain."

Never mind it's probably possible.

Leo snapped his fingers, and dug under his pillow and got his journal out. He flipped to a certain paged, and laid down, and began to write something.

Harris realized what he was doing. "I see what you're doing.  That's the part of the robot that boosts Ryan's powers to connect with Mech-X5."

"Exactly." Leo nodded.

"But, what are these modifications?" Harris asked.

"These are Theata Band Transceivers, so you can sync up to Harper's brain." Leo informed, scribbling something out.

"And create a three dimensional memory scape." Leo nodded, grinning at his words. "Accessible to techno pathetical plane."

"Bah bam!

"Yeah!" Leo and Harris did this weird handshake, and said something about science. I rolled my eyes, and turned my head to Ryan, who spoke up.

"Wait, so we put that-"

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