Hello, Brothers {A Supernatur...

By Destifer666

12.2K 218 22

Dean was the oldest brother, Sam the youngest. That's how it worked, right? Wrong. They had an older brother... More

Hello, Brothers
Sand and Shadow
Scotty and Some Bodies
Author's Note

Jason Jr. and Sheriff McDouche

1.1K 27 3
By Destifer666

Burkitsville, Indiana

After their little run in with Scotty, the boys continued to make their way through town, stopping to ask the occasional passerby about the missing couple.

After the fifth person, Dean finally began to complain, "Seriously? How come no one knows these people?"

"Look, dude, these people went missing a year ago. Their appearance is so bland that even I would have trouble remembering them. Gotta say, though, there seems to be a lot of shady people in this little podunk town. Too many for my liking," Danny pondered with a slight frown.

Dean looked at him, snickering slightly as he said, "Spidey senses tingling?"

"More like 'bullshit senses.' They usually only go off around you, so maybe that's why," Danny responded with a rather cheeky smile.

Dean rolled his eyes, continuing towards 'Jorgeson General Store' with Danny following close behind. Inside, they met an odd couple-in Danny's opinion-named Harley and Stacy. Dean then proceeded to question them and show them fliers while Danny looked around, observing things.

"You sure they didn't stop for gas or something?"

Harley showed the pictures to Stacy. Stacy then shook her head in response.

"Nope, don't remember 'em. You said they were friends of yours?" Harley asked with a trace of skepticism in his voice.

"That's right," Dean replied at the same time as Danny said, "Sure, why not?"

A girl, who they would come to find was named Emily, cames downstairs carrying some boxes.

"Did the guy have a tattoo?" Emily inquired.

"Yes, he did," said Dean.

"Probably. Here, let me help you with those," Danny responded, walking over to Emily and taking the boxes from her hands and placing them on the counter.

Emily thanked him and looked at the picture of Vince. After a moment, she turned to Stacy and Harley, saying, "You remember? They were just married."

"You're right. They did stop for gas. Weren't here more than ten minutes," Harley said, apparently now able to magically recall every detail.

"You remember anything else?" Dean questioned.

"I told 'em how to get back to the Interstate. They left town," Harley said with a small shrug.

"Could you point us in that same direction?" Dean asked in a rather polite-for him, anyway-tone.


A moment later, they were in Dean's car, driving down the road. They were driving by the orchard when they heard a noise coming from the backseat, prompting Danny to cover his ears with a groan of annoyance and pain.

"What the hell?" Dean exclaimed, pulling over and reaching into his bag.

He pulled out the EMF meter, which was beeping frantically. With a small glare at the thing, Danny reached over and shut the sound off of it, letting the lights still glow. The boys glanced at each other for a moment before they walked towards the orchard. After walking around a few minutes, they stop and see a scarecrow on its post. With another glance at each other, they walked over to it and looked at it for a second.

"Dude, you fugly," Dean commented.

"It looks like Jason Voorheese fucked a scarecrow and had a really hideous baby," Danny said lightly, poking the thing's stomach with a finger.

The scarecrow doesn't move. Dean and Danny noticed a sickle in the scarecrow's hand and a design on its arm. ("Honestly, I would have bet a machete," Danny commented.) Dean takes a ladder from a nearby tree and climbs to the top so that he is eye level with the scarecrow. He moves its clothing and recognizes the design from Vince's tattoo. He pulled out Vince's flyer and compares the designs, which are exactly the same. He looked at the scarecrow again.

"Nice tat."

"Looks like either Jason Jr. is a fan of Vince's art design, or some crazy pagan shit is going on here," Danny said, poking the tattoo.

"Why does it have to be pagan?" Dean inquired.

"Dude. It's a creepy ass scarecrow in the middle of a weird ass orchard in a town of shady ass people. Of course it's pagan. What it is, exactly, I'm not sure," Danny said with a thoughtful frown, making his way back to the car.

Dean made a face, saying, "Fair enough."

The brothers then got into the car and drove back into town. They stopped at a gas station, where Dean proceeded to chat up Emily and get their gas tank filled. After a moment, Dean got back into the car, explaining that there was another couple in town who might be in danger. They make their way over to the Café, and proceed to enter it.

"Oh, hey, Scotty. Can I get a coffee, black? Oh, and some of that pie, too, while you're at it," Dean said as soon as they walked through the door.

"Guess I'll have some hot tea. Whatever you got," Danny said with a small shrug.

Scotty walked away, presumably to get their drinks. The boys sat at a table next to the couple, where Dean begins to exchange pleasantries with the couple, and probably harass them too.

"How ya doin'?"

The couple waved and smiled.

"Just passing through?"

"Road trip," the woman responded.

"Hm. Yeah, us too," Dean replied, gesturing his thumb to his brother.

They nodded rather awkwardly in response. Scotty walked over to refill their cider. What a douche. He hadn't even gotten their drinks yet. Or the pie. Can't forget the pie.

"I'm sure these people want to eat in peace," Scotty said rather irritably.

"Just a little friendly conversation," Dean replied.

"Something you're, apparently, not familiar with," Danny smiled, tapping his fingers on the table.

Scotty started to walk away when Dean called out, "Oh, and that coffee and tea, too, man. Thanks."

"And the pie. My brother gets cranky when he doesn't get his pie. 'Hulk smash' level of cranky," Danny continued in a rather off-handed tone.

Scotty looked agitated as Dean continued to talk to the couple, causing Danny to cringe slightly at his lack of people skills.

"So, what brings you to town?"

"We just stopped for gas. And, uh, the guy at the gas station saved our lives," the woman said.

"Is that right?" Dean asked skeptically.

"Yeah, one of our brake lines was leaking. We had no idea. He was fixing it for us," the man spoke.

"He's fixing something, all right," Danny mumbled, really wishing he had his cup of tea right now.

Dean tried and failed to convince the people to let him take a look at their car. He then tried to not-so-subtly warn them about how dangerous the road was, much to the couple's irritation. The bell above the café door suddenly jingles and a man walks in. Scotty came out from a back room, without their drinks and pie, I might add.

"Thanks for coming, Sheriff," Scotty said, probably bouncing with joy inside.

Dean and Danny exchanged nervous and frustrated looks. Scotty whispered something in the Sheriff's ear, and they both look at the brothers. Dean looked away while Danny shot them a smile and a small wave. The Sheriff walked over to them.

"I'd like a word, please," the Sheriff said.

"And I'd like my damn tea. Looks like neither of us are getting what we want, Sheriff McDo-" Danny started to snap when Dean suddenly covered his mouth with his hand.

"Come on. We're having a bad day already," Dean complained.

"You know what would make it worse?" the Sheriff asked rhetorically, sending a glare at Danny as he did so.

Danny returned the glare as Dean nodded slowly. The boys hopped back in the car, Danny throwing a silent temper tantrum as they did so. They began to drive to the Interstate, Sheriff McDickbag's car following theirs to make sure they left. When they were farther down the road, the Sheriff turns around and drives back to Burkitsville.


"Gotta say, Dean, sneaking into a creepy orchard after being chased out of town by the sheriff-that's pretty crazy. I knew there was a reason you were my favorite."

"That's not the craziest thing I've ever-wait, I'm your favorite?" Dean asked incredulously, reaching into the trunk.

They were parked by the couple's car, having snuck back to the orchard in the dead of night. Dean rummaged a bit more before pulling out two pistols, holding one out to Danny. Danny waved a dismissive hand before reaching into his right boot, pulling out a rather large dagger.

"Sure. Admittedly, the whole 'obedient dog' schtick is a bit annoying most times, but you've got that whole 'bad boy snarky older brother' thing going on for you. I guess that makes up for it."

"You forgot to mention handsome and charming," Dean smirked, closing the lid of the trunk with a snap.

"Oh, you mean narcissistic? Think you just covered that base for me, bro" Danny replied with a smirk, clapping his brother on the shoulder.

The brothers walked in silence for a few moments, but didn't make it very far when the couple ran towards them, screaming, the scarecrow following not far behind. Dean yells for the couple to get back to their car, shooting at the scarecrow as he ran with them. The scarecrow was unfazed by the bullets and began to swing at them with his-it's?-sickle. Danny blocked a swing with his dagger in one hand, and socked him in the face the other.

"Gah! Son of Lucifer! What the hell is this thing made of?" Danny yelled, backing away and cradling his left hand with his right.

"Why the hell did you punch it?" Dean retorted, firing off a few more bullets before running back to the car.

"I thought it would look cool!" Danny shouted back, grabbing his brother's arm and running towards the car.

Once they left the orchard, they turned around and found that the scarecrow had disappeared. Apparently, it was confined to the orchard, which was convenient for the brothers, as they weren't entirely sure what they were supposed to do to stop that thing. The brothers looked at each other, panting. Danny flexed his left hand a few times, feeling the pain vanish as he did so. They then got in the car, the couple badgering them with questions until Danny snapped at them. After that, it was a rather tense and uncomfortable car ride to the next town over, where they dropped the couple off.

Dean then got onto the phone with Sam, confirming Danny's thought that it was some sort of Pagan god-which one, they weren't sure of. After a bit, Dean wished him well and hung up the phone. He looked over at Danny, whose eyes were closed, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"He went to go look for Dad."

"Hmm? Oh...well, if that's what he wants. Not sure how far he'll get, though. John wouldn't make it that easy to be found, and I have a feeling that Sam will come back soon enough," Danny replied absently, half-opening an eye to look at Dean.

"Dude, you feeling okay?"

"Yeah...just a little...sick at the moment. Low iron count-not fun. Anyway, I'm gonna head into town, try and pick up some medication or something. You gonna be alright on your own?" Danny asked, reaching into the backseat to grab his bag.

" I should be asking you that question," Dean replied with some concern.

Danny gave a small smile, clapping Dean on the shoulder and saying, "I'll meet you back at the orchard. Call me if you find anything."


After procuring some much needed substances from the hospital, Danny began to make his way towards the orchard, a spring in his step. He began to hum the muffin man song-when you raise six kids, certain songs tend to stick in your head. After a moment, his phone began to ring, the sound of barking puppies filling the air as the ringtone. Danny flipped open the phone, answering it.


"Danny, hey. Have you seen Dean? I've been trying to get ahold of him for the past three hours-all I get is voicemail," came the voice of the worried puppy on the other line.

"No...we split up, I had to get some stuff. We were supposed to meet back up at the orchard later. I'm on my way there now," Danny replied, going into 'concerned big brother' mode.

"Great, I'm taking a bus to there now-see you soon," Sammy replied, hanging up.

Danny flipped his phone closed, tapping his chin with it in thought. Should he run or walk to the orchard? Was there any guarantee that Dean was even there? Should he just wait for Sammy? Or-

"Son of a bitch, Dean's car!" Danny exclaimed.

Danny began to race towards the college where Dean last was, moving as fast as his legs could carry him. He made it to the college in record time-thankfully it wasn't too far away from where he had been. He immediately spotted the car and opened the door-knowing Dean wouldn't lock it. Once inside, he proceeded to Hotwire it after throwing his bag in the back. Once the engine turned over, he drove out of the parking lot, headed towards the nearest bus stop, hell bent on waiting for Sammy.

A few hours passed, when a car drove up alongside him, containing one Sammy Winchester in the driver's seat. They stared at each other for a moment through the windows of their cars before Sammy got out of his and headed toward the Impala. After getting into the passenger's seat and closing the door, Danny gunned it, heading toward the orchard.

"Y'know, if you had told me you were going to steal a car, I wouldn't have bothered hot-wiring the Impala."

"Yeah, well, I needed to get here fast. No update from Dean then?" Sammy replied, glancing at his brother.

Danny kept his eyes firmly on the road-not everyone could drive like Dean Winchester-before responding, "Bumpkiss. My guess is that they might try to use him for the sacrifice. We just have to get there before Jason Jr. does."

Sammy nodded, and they drove in silence for the next ten minutes, when they finally arrived at the orchard. They scrambled out of the car, running into the orchard. For a moment, they saw nothing, then they started to hear voices up ahead. With a glance at each other, the brothers pelted toward the voices, eventually coming upon Emily and Dean, each tied to their own tree.


"Oh! Oh, I take everything back I said. I'm so happy to see you. Come on," Dean said, overjoyed to see his brothers.

Sam began untying Dean from the tree, while Danny took out his dagger, cutting Emily loose before walking over to Dean to do the same.

"How'd you get here?"

"I, uh—I stole a car," Sam replied rather sheepishly.

"I stole the Impala," Danny replied in a rather proud tone.

"You hot-wired- nevermind, not important right now. Good job stealing that car, Sammy. And keep an eye on that scarecrow. He could come alive any minute," Dean replied, sending Sam a proud smile.

"What scarecrow?" Sam and Danny asked simultaneously.

Dean gots up and saw that the scarecrow's post was empty. The brothers all exchange a nervous look. The boys and Emily then began to run.

"Alright, now, this sacred tree you're talking about—" Sam began.

"It's the source of its power," Dean said.

"Of course it is," Danny grumbled.

"So let's find it and burn it," Sam suggested.

"Nah, in the morning. Let's just shag ass before Leather Face catches up," Dean replied, more concerned for their safety at the present time.

The four of them reach a clearing. Waiting for them are the elders and a few other townspeople. They turn around but they are blocked in all directions.

"Y'know, I think I've seen this movie before. Townspeople killed by their own creation, almost-victims go free. Oopsie, I think I just spoiled it," Danny smirked, holding his dagger up a little higher and giving it a few twirls.

"Please. Let us go," Emily pleaded.

"It'll be over quickly, I promise," Harley said in what was supposed to be a soothing tone.


"Emily, you have to let him take you. You have to—" Harley began, when, all of a sudden, the scarecrow sticks his sickle through Harley's stomach.

"I fucking called it," Danny cheered.

Emily and Stacy screamed, then Stacy was captured by the scarecrow, too. Emily runs into Dean's arms while her aunt and uncle are dragged away by the scarecrow. The rest of the townspeople ran away in fright.

"Come on, let's go," Dean said.

Sam, Dean, and Emily start running, Danny just strolled along behind them. He knew they were safe now, the scarecrow had gotten its sacrifices. They hear a noise and turn around, but the scarecrow and its victims have disappeared. The four of them stayed there and looked around.


The next morning, Danny, Sam, Dean, and Emily walk to the sacred tree with gasoline and a lighter. The tree is marked with Vince's tattoo design. Sam goes to the tree and pours the gasoline on it. Dean picks up a long branch and lights it.

"Let me," Emily said, taking the branch from Dean.

"You know, the whole town's gonna die," Dean informed her.

"Good," Emily and Danny said simultaneously.

She throws the burning branch onto the tree, and the four of them watch it go up in flames. After burning the tree, they dropped Emily off at a bus stop. Emily got on a bus to Boston, smiling and at Dean. Dean waved at her. She waved back and took a seat. The brothers watch the bus leave.

"Think she's gonna be alright?" Sam asked with some concern.

"I hope so," Dean replied.

"And the rest of the townspeople, they'll just get away with it?" Sam asked, rather upset at the thought.

"Don't worry, karma will bite them in the ass. Without their holy scarecrow tree, the town will fall apart, the people will suffer, and then the town will eventually be a memory," Danny responded with a wave of his hand.

They made their way to the car, Dean asking, "So, can I drop you off somewhere?"

"No, I think you're stuck with me," Sam said with a small smile.

"What made you change your mind?"

"I didn't. I still wanna find Dad. And you're still a pain in the ass. But, Jess and Mom—they're both gone. Dad is God knows where. The three of us. We're all that's left. So, if we're gonna see this through, we're gonna do it together," Sammy replied, looking at his brothers.

"Hold me, Sam. That was beautiful," Dean said, putting a hand on Sam's shoulder.

"Three musketeers, eh? Sounds like a blast. Although, if we do find John, don't expect me to be cordial," Danny warned.

"We don't. Not sure what caused the rift between you and Dad, but that's between you and him," Sam replied, swatting Dean's hand away, causing the brothers to laugh.

"You should be kissing our ass, Dean. You were dead meat, dude."

"Yeah, right. I had a plan, I'd have gotten out," Dean replied rather indignantly.

"Pissing your pants is not a plan, Deano. Well, I suppose it is, just not a very good one," Danny smirked, putting his arms around his brothers' shoulders.

"I thought I was your favorite, why do you always screw with me?" Dean asked, shoving Danny away.

"Wait, Dean's your favorite?" Sammy asked, giving Danny the kicked puppy look.

"Is he? Or did I just say that to make him feel better?" Danny said with a wink, getting into the backseat.

The Winchesters looked at each other, smiling and shaking their heads before getting into the car. If nothing else, the drive would certainly be interesting.

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