Who Will I Be?

By xosugarcookiexo

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Lizzie Jonas is part of McKinley High's New Directions. She has a blast, even though her two older brothers N... More

Who Will I Be?
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen- Part 2
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen- Part 1
Chapter Eighteen- Part 2

Chapter Sixteen- Part 1

1.4K 21 7
By xosugarcookiexo

Finally a update from this story! I'm so excited for ya'll to read this! :D
----------------------------------------------------------Chapter Sixteen------------------------------------------------------ It has been a couple of months since Regionals and things have...changed. Let's start with the great changes, which include Kurt's return to McKinley! There's no better feeling than having your best friend return to your school. Especially now since he can tag along to New York with us. As for Jesse and I, we cut it off (whatever 'it' was). Actually, we just stopped talking to each other. Also, Finn and I had been slowly becoming friends again. It's hard, since Quinn is now watching me like a hawk, but it's been amazing connecting with him again. 

 Now, the bad changes. Nick and I had drifted apart more than ever. It was as if he never joined Glee, it was back to the way things were. Even the Football Team's bullying was back, I guess Joe now has it out for me since that locker room spat. Did I mention that Quinn was watching my every movement with Finn? It was getting out of control. Even if I just asked Finn what the homework was, she would swoop in giving Finn a peck on the lips.  Never the less, Junior Prom was here and the Club was responsible for entertainment. I was singing "Every time We Touch" by Cascada, the slow version.  I wasn't going to let 'Fuinn' ruin it for me.

Mercedes, Rachel, Sam, and I were actually all going to Prom together! It was all part of our 'Prom On a Budget' plan, since Sam's family was going through some financial trouble. I sat in front of my vanity, I had on a long light red (not pink) strapless dress that had a slit that went up to a little above my knee. It was my dream prom dress! I curled my hair and applied my makeup. 

"Lizzie! Your friends are here!" My Mom called from downstairs.

I slipped on my black pumps and took one last look in the mirror. I smiled, this was it.

It was time for the best night of our young lives.


No P.O.V.

Nick sat on the couch in Amzio's living room. His tux felt uncomfortable as he tried to fixed his tie, he groaned, he hated wearing monkey-suits like these. Heck, he didn't even want to go to Prom, it was Joe that forced him. Even thought he's a Senior, he had a date-Emily- and she refused to go unless her best friend Macy could get a date. That's where Nick came in. He sighed, he would rather go to the Prom with Lizzie...and Rachel.

Rachel. He was hoping that he would be able to dance with her before the night ended, but that was up to her. He took another sip of water,it was actually his third bottle. He didn't know why, but he has been extremely thirsty for the past couple of days. Also, he had been getting headaches and has just been tired. Maybe the stress of Finals coming? He shrugged it off. 

He was going to have fun at Prom...at least he hoped so.


Lizzie P.O.V.

I had to admit, I thought Prom would be lame, but it's actually pretty awesome. The Gym was completely transformed from it's bare walls to streamers and balloons. Tables filled up the gym floor, a dance floor in front of them as well as a stage in front of the dance floor. I laughed as Mercedes, Rachel, and I danced together to Puck, Artie, and Sam's version of 'Friday', which was surprisingly catchy. 

I scanned the gym, my eyes are landing on Nick dancing with a Cheerio. His smile didn't reach his eyes, it was obvious that he was miserable....he even looked at bit pale. I rolled my eyes and looked over at Joe, who was grinding on some teenage trollop. Why was he even here? I just shook my head, I wasn't going to let them ruin my night. I then looked over at Finn who was dancing with Quinn. I smiled, he looked so handsome in his tux. Finn's eyes met mine as he shot me a smile, I smiled back. Quinn then pulled him down to her level and pressed his lips to her. I rolled my eyes, I told myself I wasn't going to let her ruin my prom. I intended on keeping that promise to myself. 

Everyone in the gym clapped as the song finished up. Rachel had to go get ready for her performance, making Mercedes and I head to a table to take a break. As Rachel began to sing 'Jar of Hearts', I watched the couples. Everyone looked so content and in love, it was odd to see it at a High School Dance, but it all looked so pure. Suddenly, Sam walked over and asked Mercedes for a dance, I couldn't hide my excitement for her as she put her hand in his and walked out to the dance floor. As she and Sam glided around the floor, she shot me a smile as I gave her a thumbs up. 

Finn shot me another look as he looked over Quinn's head. I pretended like I didn't see him, I didn't need his sympathy. The looks shooting towards me from the girls at the table behind me were enough. I picked at the corsage my Dad gave me, listening to Rachel's song when my thoughts were interrupted by my phone going off in my clutch. I took it out to see that I had one new text message. 

From Jesse.  

My heart sped up, but not in a good way. The way it most likely does when you're about to get a heart attack. I looked around, making sure none of my glee mates were nearby to read  the name. I hit 'Open'. 

Come outside. 

Oh no...he's here?! I looked around, as if I would see him peaking through one of the high above windows. I couldn't go out there. The last thing I needed was the stress Jesse gave me back in my life. I then looked over at Finn, whom was still with Quinn, and Rachel whom was singing on stage. I have to go out there, I have to tell Jesse to leave before Finn or Rachel see him. Especially Finn.  I got up out of my seat and fast walked to the door.

There was Jesse, sitting on a planter that surrounded the school. He was in tux, as if he was invited to this prom. He looked up from his phone and smiled at me.

"Hello, gorgeous." 

I stopped myself from rolling my eyes, "Jesse, you can't be here."

"And why not?" He got up, walking towards me.

 As if he didn't know, "Because, you'll get maimed by New Directions." 

"Fine, I'll leave." Relief washed over me, "If you dance with me."

Of course. I should've known that he wouldn't have been that easy going. I thought about what would happen if the club saw me with him. I guess they wouldn't mind, it wasn't like he was in Vocal Adrenaline anymore. But, Rachel and Finn. Seeing Jesse would ruin Rachel's prom. She saids she's over him, but did you ever get over a jerk like Jesse? Don't get me started with Finn. He'll probably drown him in the punch bowl.

I sighed. "Jesse-"You know you want to." He interrupted.

I rolled my eyes, "Fine."

Jesse smirked as he put his arm around my waist. I didn't even waste time moving it, I knew he would put it back in that spot the minute I removed his soft hand. I took a deep breathe as we walked back into the gym.


Nick dragged himself to a table and plopped down into the chair. He felt as if a brick was on his chest, he couldn't breathe. He grabbed a napkin from the table and wiped his sweaty forehead. He needed water. Desperately. What is wrong with him? It couldn't just be dehydration, could it? Nick has been dehydrated before and it never felt this..awful. Macy walked over to Nick and sat down in the chair next to him. Nick felt bad, this poor girl just wanted to have a fun prom and she was stuck with him. An eighteen year old that is acting like a sixty year old man.

"Nick, this isn't working for me."

He stopped chugging down the water that was on the table, "What?"

"You're not very..active. I need a guy to keep up with me out there." She ran her hands through her hair. 

Before Nick could say anything, she got up and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you for understanding."

Then, she walked away. Oh my God. She's crazy. No wonder why Nick was forced to go to Prom with her. Of course, he felt bad that now he was alone at Prom...but he was too busy trying to control his breathing to care. 

"Hey, uh, are you okay?" He looked over to see Rachel in Macy's old seat.

Nick couldn't help but smile. She looked like a beautiful princess in that pink dress. A princess that he lost, all because he was a coward. He took another swig of water, still feeling dizzy.

"Yeah..you were great up there." He smiled, motioning to the stage where Blaine was currently getting ready to go on.

Rachel blushed, a weak smile on her face. "Thanks." 

 The two turned to the stage and watched as Blaine began to dance to the beginning of Black Kids' hit "I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance with You.". Nick watched Rachel as she bobbed her head gently to the music, she wasn't leaving. A lightbulb lit up over Nick's aching head. Now was his chance to steal a dance with Rachel. He could push through at least one dance, then he'll come back to the table and relax.

"Hey, do you want to dance?" Rachel bit her lip, then smiled.

"I'd love too." Nick smiled as he got up and reached for Rachel's hand. She took it as the two went out into the dance floor, and began to dance to the fast-paced song. 


Lizzie looked around furiously as she danced with Jesse. No one was giving a second glance at the two, heck, she couldn't even find the glee club. Jesse smirked as he placed his hands on her hips-moving her closer to him. Lizzie tried to separate herself from him, but that only made Jesse pull her even tighter into him. Lizzie closed her eyes tightly as Jesse pressed their foreheads together. Then, he began to kiss her neck She just wanted to escape this, she never felt so...uncomfortable. 

"Jesse, stop!"

He ignored her. 


 Nick and Rachel danced, laughing together. Rachel felt the happiest she has felt ever since she entered the gym. Something about Nick just made her..glow. But, she couldn't help but notice that he looked sick. His smiling face was pale and he was panting as if he just did ten laps. Rachel didn't think anything of it, maybe he was just tired. Nick, on the other hand, began to see stars.  His knees began to wobble, as if they were a new can of jello being placed on a plate. He started to shake, Rachel stared at him in horror. 

"Nick...Nick are you okay?"

 Before Nick could respond, everything went black. Rachel screamed in horror but tried to catch him, she held him in her arms as she screamed.



(A few minutes earlier)

 Finn's mouth dropped. What was Jesse St. James doing here? Wait..why was he dancing with Lizzie?! He watched as Jesse pressed Lizzie's body against  his, he noticed the uncomfortable expression on her face. She wanted out, now. It was obvious Jesse wasn't listening as he began to feel her up and kiss her neck. That's it, Finn HAD to do something. He separated from Quinn, who dawned a confused expression, and walked over to Jesse and Lizzie. He pulled Jesse off of her.

"Dude, keep it PG."

Jesse scoffed, "It none of YB, your business."

"Well, this is MY school so it is my business."

"This isn't your girlfriend so beat it, MJ."

Jesse's response didn't sit well with Finn, since he shoved Jesse. Jesse's mouth formed into an 'O' as he shoved back. The shoving went on until Quinn and Lizzie began to verbally stop an oncoming fight. It was almost too late, as Finn threw a punch at Jesse but missed when the boy ducked. Almost immedently, Coach Sylvester came by and seperated the boys. She then threw them out of the dance. 

Quinn protested, then ran out of the gym. Her eyes filled with tears. Lizzie started to follow her but stopped when a scream echoed through the gym.

"STOP THE MUSIC!" Rachel's voice screamed.


 Lizzie P.O.V.

I quickly ran to the other side of the gym, I stopped in front of a circle of students, all encasing Rachel. I began to push past them, I had to reach my friend! I finally got to the front and gasped. There, in Rachel's arms, was Nick.

Nick. My big brother. The one who was always quiet and fragile. The one who sacrificed his reputation by joining a club he enjoyed. The one who seemed so weak on the outside, but he was so strong on the inside. The brother that made me scream and cry...but I still loved. 

He was now on the ground, unconscious. I got on my knees, looking over his limp body. I have never seen his face so pale, so weak. I looked at the crowd of students around me, growing more and more angry by their presence.

"SOMEONE. CALL AN AMBULANCE!" I screamed at them.

Surprisingly, Karofsky was the first to whip out his cell phone and dial the famous number. Santana awkwardly held his hand as he talked to the operator. I looked over at Rachel, she looked like she had just seen a ghost. Kurt and Blaine came into my vision as they pushed their way to the front. Kurt was about to run in as well, only to be stopped by a coming paramedic. Were they really already here? How much time passed?

They loaded Nick on a stretcher, the students created a path so they could move out. I looked for at Rachel, only to be engulfed in a hug by her. Tears welled up in my eyes as I picked up my dress and ran to catch up with the medics. I looked around, the eyes of my classmates boring into me, but...where was Joe?  I ran over to Karofsky, who was coming out of the corwd as I well.

"Have you seen Joe?" I asked softly, my voice weak.

He shook his head, I looked over at Santana who did the same.

 "...I'm sorry." She added.

I just nodded then left the gym. I didn't have time to look for Joe, I would just call him when I got to the hospital. When I made it outside, I noticed that Jesse was nowhere to be found...but I noticed Finn out of the corner of my eye. I could feel him looking at me as I fast-walked over to the ambulance. 

"Whoa, whoa." The medic said. "Sorry, you have to be eigtheen to ride with a patient."

My mouth gaped, "But-but I'm his little sister. I HAVE to go with him!"

"How old are you?" He raised an eyebrow.

I sighed, "..Seventeen."

"Sorry, it's the law. You can meet us there, sweetheart."

I stared off as the ambulance drove away. How could I meet them there? I walked here from Breadstix! Frustration tears began to fall as I began to run back to the builiding. Suddenly, I felt two strong hands on my shoulders, I didn't need to look up to know it was Finn.

"Lizzie, what's happened? What's wrong with Nick?!" I shook my head, sobs coming out.

"I-I don't know. I need to get to the hospital-."

I began to walk past him only to have him grab my upper arm. "I'll take you."

"You've done enough tonight." I pulled myself out of his grip.

I walked a bit faster, trying to get away from Finn, but he stepped in front of me yet again. Ugh, can't he just leave me alone?! He and Jesse single-handily ruined my prom night, and now my big brother is being rushed to the hospital. I didn't need this. I looked over to him, his eyes pleaing. 

"Please. I'll take you then stay out of your way." 

I looked down, he was always a good friend...and boyfriend. "...Okay." He smiled. "But I just need to get my purse, I'll meet you in the truck."

He nodded as we went our separate ways. 

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