B.R.O.N.X. (Justin Bieber Fan...


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"Every girl wants a bad boy that will be good just for her" Brooklyn wasn't trying to find that kind of boyf... Еще

B.R.O.N.X. (Justin Bieber Fanfiction)
"I'm everything but cute."
"Wait, you know him?"
"Trouble is his second name."
"You're no fun, Princess."
"The world of business"
"I love Disney Princesses so shut up."
"Glad to know I have this effect on you."
"I know who you were with."
"I know you were enjoying that Brooke."
"Have sweet dreams about me, Princess."
"Not a date"
"Let's say I just don't believe in love anymore."
"You seem to do all the reckless things when you are with me."
"Drunk people never lie."
"I was thinking about how much my life's changing because of you."
"You're too beautiful to cry, Brooke."
No turning back
"Don't try that, Bieber."
"Im not good for you"
"I like you, Justin Drew Bieber."
"You want more of The Bieber Experience?"
"She still has to pass my test, Bieber."
"You have one sexy ass"
"You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince."
"I may not know much about relationships, but I do know they're based on trust."
"I think you're falling for her too. Hard."
"You went all Bronx on her."
"I love it when you become all protective."
"What the hell were you two doing over there?"
"You're not seeing him ever again."
"You thought I wouldn't find out, Brooklyn?
"You're in deep trouble for this, sorry or not."
"Badasses can fall in love too."
"I had never seen him this way before."
"Were you trying to make me jealous?"
"I would say I'm glad to see you, but it's not true."
"I'm dying to see you in a suit."
"Are you ready?"
"I do not like it when you go all "surprise, surprise" on me."
"Did you know your boyfriend has a criminal record?"
"Boys from my side of town don't get fairytale endings."
"He needs you."
"Show me that you've changed, Justin."
"I see you listened to me."
"What were you doing with that prick?"
"You truly are so naïve, girl."
"You don't have to pretend that you're okay."
"I think I will take you up on the car races, if the offer is still up."
"I really hope you're not lying to me."
"My life is already wrecked. There is nothing that can save it."
"I don't want to be with you right now."
"You're going to wish I had killed you today."
"You're not you anymore."
"Oh, I like being miserable."
"He was close to dying."
"He was playing with fire and so he got burnt."
"If I had the chance, I'd take it all back and make it right."
"I've seen how easily you can lose everything you have."
"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."

"You sure you wanna do this?"

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"That girl really is stupid, you're soaked in coke." Brooklyn giggled, tickling my lips as she undid the last button of my dirty shirt.

"It was actually your fault, babe." I chuckled, bringing her lips back to mine in another kiss.

But she pulled away to look at me in fake surprise. "How was it my fault?"

"You know you pushed Blair." I looked at her knowingly, brushing her hair back as she narrowed her eyes.

"So her name is Blair, huh?" I could tell annoyance was growing inside her because her hands fisted in the back of my neck, trapping the short hair between her fingers.

I shrugged, cupping her face. "Who cares what her name is? We won't even see her again." Reaching up to kiss Brooke, I hoped that would take her mind off the other chick. After all, she was nothing but a loser who unsuccessfully tried to seduce me with her snobby comments. She was pretty lame.

"You're right." With a sigh, Brooklyn gave in and returned to wrapping her lips around mine, eager to clash our tongues together.

I had never seen her so willing to wildly make out in a public place. Soon, I felt her fingers skimming my shoulders to drag the cloth of my shirt down. I helped her take it off, my hands flying to her back soon after. Our bodies were so close you couldn't even fit a bubble of air between them. When we needed to break the kiss for air, Brooklyn's lips attacked my neck without a second thought. She sucked on my jugular, making my teeth bite hard onto my tongue in order to prevent groans from flying out of my mouth. All the while, her hands were massaging my scalp gently but sexily. Involuntarily,  my own fingers slid down her sides until they met the bare skin of her legs, the fluffy skirt of her dress rolling up against my lower stomach. I made sure my moves were slow because I didn't want her to panic but she made no attempt to stop me whatsoever, so I kept drawing patters on the soft skin of the inside of her thighs with the pads of my fingers.

Suddenly, she pulled away, once her lips had kissed all the skin from my collarbone to my earlobe. When she looked at me, her stare was naughty as she bit her lip. "Ups, I think I sucked too hard here." Her thumb softly flicked over what sure as hell was a hickey on my neck, making me swallow hard. It wasn't possible this was the same Brooklyn who blushed when I called her princess or was scared to ride a skateboard. But she was looking so sexy with her hair all messed up from grinding against me – it was probably my fault for the most part – and her lower lip swollen and trapped under her front teeth, looking down at me with lustful eyes. I had never seen this side of her, not even that night she slept at my house.

"Brooklyn... " I trailed off, not sure about what I wanted to say. Would you blame me for wanting her right here, right now? I had spent like two months without having real sex and I would be damned to say I wasn't kind of desperate. So Mini Justin down there was starting to react to Brooklyn's sexiness and get excited and I wasn't sure how much longer I would be able to control him.

"What?" Confusion immediately overtook her features. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, no, you didn't." I quickly replied, licking my lips as I held her hands in mine, interlocking our fingers. "It's just that if you don't stop now, I don't know if I will be able to stop myself." An awkward laugh slipped in after my sentence.

To my surprise, her mouth didn't form the usual 'o' shape it always did when she realized what I meant, but instead she sighed as if she was upset. "Can't you see it, Justin?" My eyebrows creased in misunderstanding. " I wanna do it." Her voice came out as a whisper, probably because she was slightly embarrassed to admit it.

I'm pretty sure my eyes bulged out of their sockets, a bump of saliva forming in my throat that made me swallow again, even harder than before. For a second, I remained quiet, just searching her eyes for any signs that this was a joke or a dream or something. However, I found nothing. "Brooklyn, I-we don't have to do it. I want you to be ready, I can wait." I stuttered like a moron but I was still struggling to make sense of her words. When had she changed her mind? A mere few days ago she didn't even want to make out because Jaxon was home.

To my even bigger surprise, she rolled her eyes. "God Justin, I am ready." Her hands moved up to hold my face in place since it was moving everywhere so I didn't have to meet her eyes. To say I was getting excited was an understatement but the caring, not hormonal part of me had to make sure she wouldn't regret it later.

"You didn't drink, did you?" I kept asking questions to convince myself that this was right, this time staring straight into her eyes. It was easy to tell when she was lying – at least for me.

"No, I didn't." She said through gritted teeth, seemingly irritated. After closing her eyes to take a deep calming breath, she looked back at me much more softly. "I want to show you that I love you and that I trust you." The words left her mouth slowly but surely, leaving a sheepish glow on her cheeks. She made it sound so sweet, I knew she needed this as a reassurance that I loved her too.

After gulping again at her sincerity, I nodded, making a smile spread across her lips that soon mirrored in mine. "Okay, but not here. Someone could walk in any moment." I stole a glance at the doors of the big room. We had closed them but there wasn't a lock. Besides, the place wasn't what you would call romantic. "Plus, your first time has to be special." I smiled, tucking a lost strand of hair behind her ear.

"It's always gonna be special if it's with you." And there was shy Brooklyn back again, hugging  me to hide the blush on her face. I chuckled, squeezing her body against mine. "We can go to my house. My parents and Blake will come late and Tommy is at a friend's." She suggested, lifting herself from my lap and straightening her dress.

"Alright." I nodded, trying to conceal how fucking eager I was to make love with her. It would be my first time having any sexual activity that involved love too. "I'll just go clean myself and meet you outside, at the lobby." I stood up right after her, watching as a snigger left her mouth. I raised my eyebrows, not getting what was so funny.

"Yes, you should. You kinda taste like coke." She blurted out while strapping her golden heels on her feet.

"Ha ha. I wonder who's fault is that." I laughed humorlessly, making her giggle again. If it was any other person, it would annoy me how much she giggled. "But you look like a cupcake in that dress."

She gasped as if she was offended, squinting at me with her hands on her hips. "Don't worry, you won't have to watch me wearing it for much longer." After that, she strutted out of the room, effectively leaving me speechless.


It felt so good to finally be back on my clothes, looking swaggy again instead of like a prick. When I got out of the changing room, some guys were back chatting and being idiots because, sorry not sorry, all the guys here were idiots. I guess it was a good thing I hadn't let myself go with Brooklyn before or we would have been caught.

I happily left without saying goodbye to anyone – not like I had made any friends – and tried to remember the way back to the lobby. The corridors and hallways of this hotel were like a fucking labyrinth. After a couple of wrong turns, I made it to the lobby, where Brooklyn was impatiently waiting sitting on an armchair, tapping her foot on the floor and biting her nails. She seemed way too nervous to be ready to have sex but it was the first virgin girl I knew so I guess it could be normal.

"Hey." I greeted, snapping her out of her own world.

Her head lifted up as soon as she heard my voice. "Did you get lost or something?"

I scoffed. "Not at all."

She let out a laugh, taking the hand I was offering her and sending me a small smile at the same time. I planted a kiss on her temple, hoping it would make her relax, before we crossed the glass doors of the hotel to be met with the freezing temperature outside. Brooke shivered, hugging her body with her free arm. Only she would bring a simple leather jacket when it was like 26 degrees outside, but I must admit she looked pretty hot. The valet soon gave me my car and keys back – it was the same red-haired boy from before and he seemed sad to let my car go. 

I was about to open the driver's door to get inside when Brooklyn got in my way. "Oh no, you're not driving."

I arched an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

"You drank." She explained simply, stubbornly standing in front of the door. "The last thing we need is an accident to ruin our night."

"Wow, dramatic much?" My eyes widened at her words. She always tends to exaggerate things a lot.

"Keys." She sternly stuck the palm of her hand out, making me roll my eyes but hand them to her. My cravings beat my pride this time. I just wanted to get to her house as soon as possible. Apparently, she was able to control the sexual tension in the air much better than me.  She smirked in satisfaction once she realized she had not only gotten her way but she was also gonna drive my precious car.

I reluctantly clambered into the passenger's seat and buckled myself in, breathing deeply. "Be careful with the gears and don't press the gas pedal toor13;"

Brooklyn cut me off, letting out an annoyed huff. "I didn't get my license yesterday, Justin. I know how cars work."

I raised my hands in surrender. "I'm just saying this car can go pretty fast."

Her lips curled upwards when I mentioned that, her hands gripping the steering wheel after she had fastened her seatbelt, ready to start the car. I was sort of scared not only for whatever damage my car could get, but also because Brooklyn looked too confident with herself to be in a car that worked so differently from hers.

"But wait, you're still wearing heels." I objected. Driving on that shouldn't be too comfortable but, then again, I had seen her driving with them on multiple times.

"God, Justin, chill." In a too swift movement, she reversed out of the parking lot and into the street. I gripped the handle of the door for safety, eyeing her from the corner of my eye. "I'm not gonna crash your car, relax."

When I didn't reply, she rolled her eyes and chuckled. "So how was your experience?"

"Is telling you that I won't repeat a good enough answer?" I responded, letting go of the handle once I was sure we weren't actually gonna crash.

"That's a pity. My mom said you were very good." Brooke fiddled with the radio, flicking through the stations until she found one that wasn't among the ones I usually listen to. Some pop song I didn't know started playing but, at least, she kept the volume low.

"I bet."

"I thought so too. You looked sexy." She bit her lip, her eyes still focused on the road but I knew she could see me chuckling from her peripheral vision.

"I looked like a freak." I slumped back on the seat, cursing the slow traffic on my mind. I wanted and needed nothing more than to get to Brooklyn's room – and bed, especifically – already.

She shook her head as we stopped at a red light. So far, no accidents. "No. I said you looked sexy, bangable even." She dropped all casually. A giggle escaped her sealed lips when she saw my expression.

"Who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?" I asked totally serious.

"It's true. It gave you this intellectual, mysterious guy vibe." She sent me a grin.

"It's not that I'm complair13;"

"Oh my God, shut up!" I was newly cut off by a squeal that honestly startled me.


"This song!" She turned up the volume of the radio to the point my face scrunched up and the speakers on the back vibrated. The stereo system was pretty fucking cool but the song wasn't. I took my chance to lower the volume again when the light turned green but that didn't stop Brooke from singing at the top of her lungs. "You give me that kind of something, want it all the time, need it everyday." She turned to me momentarily, making weird posing faces. "On a scale from 1 to 10 I'm at hundred, never get enough, I can't stay away."

I didn't even know who the singer was but the song had Mac Miller on it, I could tell that. Laughter erupted straight from my stomach everytime Brooklyn sang, looking at me while doing the duck face. "If you want it, I got it, I got it everyday. You can get whatever you want from me. Stay by your side, I'll never leave you. I ain't going nowhere 'cause you're a keeper." Her index finger pushed my chest back as she danced as well as the reduced space allowed her to. I won't lie, I was enjoying this. It was funny to say the least, even though I had already noticed people from other cars looking at us. "So don't you worry, baby you got me. I got a bad boy, I must admit you got my heart, don't know how you did it." She shook her head, making her hair fly everywhere, glancing at me now and then but thankfully not losing control of the car. I was keeping an eye on the wheel just in case, anyway. "I don't care who sees it, baby. I don't wanna hide the way I feel when you're next to me. I love the way you make me feel, I love it, I love it."

By the time the song finished, I was in tears of laughter and Brooklyn was out of breath, which didn't surprise me in the slightest. "That was quite a show." I noted, wiping under my eyes with my knuckles.

"I know. I'm thinking about auctioning for American Idol or The X Factor." She flicked her hair over her shoulder, being forced to slow down since there was a line of cars forming a jam in 5th Avenue. Stupid fucking city. "But the song reminds me of you. You know, with the whole bad boy thing." She winked, drumming her pink manicured fingers on the orange steering wheel as we waited for the line to move.

I simply hummed. I hadn't liked the song that much. Nevertheless, silences didn't exist with Brooklyn and she decided to fill the comfortable one that was forming right now inside the car. "I'm gonna tell my parents."

"Tell them what?" I asked curiously.

"About you." She turned to the side to look at me. "I want them to meet you properly, just let me work some things out first." A shy smile drew on her lips.

"If this is about the incident with your mom before, don't worry, I get it." It had hurt me slightly that she had made up that lie about me being Kelsey's friend but, on the other hand, her mom wasn't gonna like me so I guess it was better this way.

"No, it's not about that." Her voice softened, probably remembering our little fight back at the hotel because of that. She was biting the inside of her cheek guiltily. "But I know your whole family so it's only fair you meet mine. Although, you should mentally prepare yourself. My parents aren't as nice as yours. And well, you already know my brother, apparently, for reasons I am not aware of." Her tone went bitter towards the end of the sentence, her foot pressing down on the gas pedal to speed up once the traffic had dissolved.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Can we not talk about that tonight, please?" I pleaded with my eyes that she would drop the subject because I was positive if I told her everything now, it would ruin not only just tonight. I knew I was gonna have to tell her sooner or later but I was pushing it as much as I could in fear of losing her. Not like it wouldn't affect Ryan too, that's why he hadn't told her yet either.


Another silence was gonna engulf us – and I thought this time Brooklyn wouldn't break it since she seemed upset – but it didn't last long.

"Speaking of family, Blake told me he saw you singing in Times Square the other day." Her voice wasn't chirpy but it wasn't angry either. I guess she wanted tonight to be perfect as much as I did.

"Isn't he supposed to be in school at that time?"

"That's what I said but then I realized I'm not the best example." She gave me a knowing look.

I chuckled. "Yeah, what kind of big sister are you? You should be a role model and instead, look at you, skipping school to meet your badass boyfriend." I shook my head in disapproval, causing a musical giggle to escape her lips that had lost all the pink lipstick she was wearing before our heated makeout session.

"And I regret nothing!" She exclaimed, sticking her tongue out at me.

"Better keep that tongue where I can't see it." I warned, smirking.

Brooklyn instantly shut her mouth, a blush covering her cheeks. "So Lil Wayne?" Obviously, she changed the subject. Back to the usual shy, sweet, innocent girlfriend. But it seemed as if she was speaking in a foreign language when she pronounced Wayne's name, which made me snicker a bit.

"It's one of my favorites." I nodded, the remains of the smirk still visible on my face, especially because we were only two minutes away from her house now.

"So how's your dad doing?" Another question popped out of her brain, as expected.

"You can never stop talking, can you?"I played with her fingers in my hand when she reached it out to me. It was like an innate reflex of hers to comfort me when the subject of my father came up.

"Jeez, I'm just trying not to get you bored but fine, if I'm annoying you, I'll shut up." She huffed before retiring her hand and using it to retrieve the keys of the parking lot from her purse that was in the back seat.

"I was kidding. I like the fact that you can make conversation, even if it's not always good or interesting." I shrugged, watching as she scowled while pointing the remote at the door and pressing the button. The door started to roll upwards so I unbuckled myself now that my life was out of danger. Brooklyn stared ahead, still upset over my comment, even if it had been a joke. "I was kidding again, princess." I leaned in to plant a kiss on her cheek, leaving several more afterwards when she didn't react, making sure the smacking sound was loud. In the end, a laugh cracked through her teeth and I smiled against her neck.

"Stop it, Justin. I have to park." That reminded me that I didn't have a parking spot here and hers was occupied by her own car.

"Where are you gonna park?"

"Over there." She pointed to a darkened corner. "The owner died a few weeks ago so it's still empty."

The casualty she said that with took me aback. "What if his spirit is wondering around?"

She turned to me with a you're-kidding-me-right expression, stopping the car once she had positioned it correctly. "Are you serious?"

"No." I replied, making us both laugh before exiting the car.

"So, your dad?" She moved her fingers as if motioning for me to answer her previous question. I followed after her to the elevator, sighing and grabbing her hand that wasn't holding her purse.

"We've been catching up, you know? Spending family time together and it's all good." I know I'm kind of cryptic with my replies but I don't think after knowing me so well, Brooklyn would expect me to start gushing about my feelings. She understands me even when I don't say anything and that's one of the many reasons why she's perfect for me.

"I'm so happy to hear that." She grinned, looking up at me – since she was wearing heels, her eyes were at the height of my lips – as I clicked the button to call the elevator. I smiled back, pecking her lips because, if I let myself go any further now, I would just take her in the elevator  – and that would ruin the whole purpose of being romantic.



I was nervous.

I could never stop talking whenever I was and so I had spent the whole ride to my apartment blurting out the first thing that came to mind. Driving, singing and talking basically kept me from focusing on the butterflies having a sleepover party in my stomach.  It's not that I wasn't sure about it – I had been thinking about it for days until I had come to the conclusion that I wanted to lose my virginity to Justin – but I had the right to be a little scared too, didn't I?

Justin had been really cute when he was surprised I even suggested to do it. His eyes looked like the ones of a kid in a candy store, yet he was cautious. I was aware of how much Justin needed this and I was positive I wanted to give it to him because it was not just for the pleasure but because it was the best way to show him he was the only one I loved. As badass and tough as he wants to appear, inside of that attitude there's an insecure boy with trust issues. And it came out whenever I white-lied to him or made him jealous. Somehow I was glad I could get to see that Justin because not many people could. I loved how he turned into a completely different person when we were alone, yet he wasn't fake in front of his friends. He just had a more caring side for me and a more careless one for them.

Once we were inside of the elevator, I realized how much my feet actually hurt. I fidgeted in them, twisting my ankles trying to find some comfort.

"Sore feet?" Justin was by my side, his hand interlaced with mine and observing my scowls of pain with amusement.

I nodded, reaching down to take them off. After all, I was almost home.

"That's for wearing killer heels." He acknowledged, actually eying them with a grimace as I raised up with them hanging from my fingers.

"Hey, but at least I didn't crash your car." I defended myself. I had noticed how during the whole ride that had been Justin's main concern. Back to the shoes, I loved heels and I kind of needed them since I was short, but I hadn't been wearing them much lately so they started hurting soon. "Plus, I look sexy." I smirked up at him, my eyes at the height of his neck now.

"I will give you that." In a swift movement, he had me pinned against the wall of the elevator and was kissing me. All too soon the kiss was over and the ding of the doors opening interrupted us.

I coughed, a little flushed because that kiss had left me wanting more and I knew I was gonna get it soon. Nerves were being replaced with desire and I could feel little flames tickling the skin of the inside of my stomach."Here." I held my shoes out to Justin and moved on to get the apartment keys out of my purse. My fingers were shaking slightly, my teeth attacking my lip viciously. This was the kind of tension I had been trying to avoid all night.

Justin held them in his hand while I twisted the keys in the door knob, hearing the silence of an empty house as soon as I opened the door. The darkness was making me anxious so I quickly switched the light of the hall on. Both Justin and I took our jackets off and I took Justin's to my bedroom very fast while he used his phone to call Pattie and tell her he would sleep out today. Once I had dropped Justin's jacket – it was one of those denim vests with grey hoodie sleeves and a hood – I took a look in the mirror. My hair was pretty messy, most likely from dancing in the car, but still remained in the curls the stylist had made. My lipstick was gone, leaving a pair of pale pink lips, but the dark makeup around my eyes was intact. I took a deep breath before emerging from my room right at the moment Justin was saying goodbye to his mom.

"Shut up, Jazmyn. You'd better keep your mouth shut if you still want that camera for Christmas." Apparently, it wasn't his mom but his sister and, by the looks of it, she was teasing him about sleeping here. Of course his whole family would know he was here but I'd rather not think about that.

When Justin hung up, there was a mad look on his face that made me laugh. My bare feet trailed to the kitchen, welcoming the heat coming from the floor since it was so chilly outside. "Are you hungry?" I could hear Justin's footsteps trailing behind me and I bet he would be staring at my bum if I wasn't wearing such a sheer dress. How did he dare call me a cupcake? The dress was flawless.

"Not really, are you?"

I shrugged, opening cabinets until I found what I wanted. "I'm craving Nutella." Justin raised his eyebrows in confusion when I jumped on top of the counter of the island and started digging my finger in the half-empty jar of Nutella. "Want some?" I offered upon what he shook his head, chuckling.

"No, thanks."

"Okay." With another shrug, I dug the tip of my finger in the brown sweet cream and slowly brought it to my mouth, making sure to lick it off sexily. Hearing Jazzy teasing Justin had made me want to tease him a little too.

Seemingly, it worked because he swept his tongue across his lips, taking baby steps towards me. I tried hard not to let my lips curl upwards in accomplishment, working on my teasing game. "You know, Justin, you were right about the clothes. The ones you're wearing now make you look so much sexier." I stared at his face for a second for any signs of annoyance while crossing my legs, but I only got an intense look back. So my eyes travelled down his white v-neck that was showing his collarbones and the muscles in his arms and down to the yellow-mustard jeans he was wearing. Damn, that color looked bloody good on him.

When he caught me checking him out, a smirk etched across his own lips and he began to come closer and closer until he was standing in front of me, nose to nose. "On second thought, I do want some Nutella." However, instead of taking it with his own finger from the jar that was resting on top of the counter next to me, he lifted my finger to his lips and sucked on it, effectively removing all the blob of Nutella from it. All the while his eyes were boring deeply into mine, igniting a fire within my insides. It was unexplainable what I felt for Justin, it was too strong and I felt like it was mutual. "Hmmm." He hummed after tasting it. I swallowed quietly but I'm pretty sure he saw my throat moving because his fingers reached out to trace it.

I couldn't hold it anymore and I cave into the urge to mesh our lips together. One of my hands cupped his check while the other pressed at the back of his neck to keep our lips together. He circled my waist, pulling me closer. Soon, his tongue was asking me for entrance that I gladly granted, wrapping my legs around his waist as the kiss deepened. I could hear the beating of our hearts pumping in the otherwise silent room. When we had to break apart for air, our lips didn't last long separated. Justin gently hopped me off the counter, keeping his arms around my back, even after I loosened the grip of my legs around him and my tip toes touched the floor. We started blindly making our way to my room, following the wall of the corridor with our hands now and then. Every few steps, Justin stopped to pin me against the wall and drop sloppy kisses on my neck. In mere seconds he had me moaning. I hadn't felt so much lust in my life and, by the bulge forming in his pants, I could tell he was getting excited too.

When we finally made it to my room, I was pretty much out of breath – clearly not used to doing this very often –but Justin looked about ready to run a marathon. I took advantage of one of the rare moments when our lips weren't touching to pull his t-shirt over his head, upon what he put no objection. His hands instantly flew back to my lower back, caressing the skin over the dress. My hands tangled in his totally messed-up hair, my lips hungrily savoring every inch of his. No words needed to be spoken, I just knew at that very moment that it was gonna happen and I wasn't scared. I was looking forward to feeling Justin showing me his love because he wasn't the only one that needed reassurance. I hadn't realized how freaking hard we were going until we both stopped for a much needed break. Our chests were rising and falling with heavy respiration, our foreheads pressed together and our swollen lips millimeters apart. I was feeling slightly dizzy, looking for support in Justin's stomach as he held me, his hands extremely slowly creeping up to the place where the zipper of my dress was born.

"You sure you wanna do this?" He whispered very softly, gently stroking my left shoulder and searching for the truth in my eyes.

"Yeah." I whispered back, giving him a nod. The whole atmosphere changed after that, everything went more slowly and Justin was much more careful with his hands and his lips. I leaned up to brush my lips against his, feeling a jolt of electricity course through my body. His fingers started very slowly pulling the zipper in the back of my dress down, drawing calming patterns in every patch of skin that got freed from the cloth. I massaged his scalp with my nails, relishing the multiple feelings I was experiencing.

Suddenly, my dress fell in a pile on the floor, Justin's fingers remaining at the end of my back, caressing the skin and bringing goose bumps. I felt a bit insecure in my light brown lacy underwear since this was the most exposed I had ever been to Justin's eyes but he wasn't even staring at my body. Instead, his eyes were focused on mine, as if trying to keep his movements in synchrony with my thoughts. "I love you." He whispered, softly sliding his hands up and down my sides.

What I felt at that moment was indescribable, so many emotions gathering together inside my brain, pulling at my heart strings and swarming in my stomach. "I love you, too." I replied sincerely, reconnecting our lips and putting all the love and passion I could muster into the kiss. Justin replied with the same force, making me experience all sort of fireworks inside my being. I felt us moving backwards until the back of my knees touched the bed and Justin gently pushed me down until I was lying on the mattress. He reached down to unbuckle his belt and put his pants down. I bit my lip both at his sexiness – his eight-pack was in full view in front of my face and his V was surfacing just above the waistband of his black boxer briefs – and in anticipation for what was about to happen. His boner was sticking out against the boxers and it made me wonder how something that looked to be so big could fit inside me.

I crawled back under the covers and waited for Justin to come join me once he had gotten rid of all the unnecessary clothes. He was smiling at me all the time, clearly not seeing the moment to finish with the preliminaries and get into the real action. He hovered over me, supporting his weight on his forearms and looking down at me lovely. I reached up to give him a peck, wigging my nose with his. He chuckled at my childishness as he covered our bodies with the sheets. I took that moment of distraction to flip us over and be on top. I knew it wouldn't last long by his challenging lopsided smile but I would cherish it. Gathering all my hair in my hand, I held it to one side so it wouldn't fall on his face when I leaned down and started kissing him passionately. He responded tugging me down so I was completely lying on his body, feeling his erection in my thigh and his muscles flexing around me. His hands cupped my butt, giving it a squeeze and taking advantage of the following gasp to invade my mouth with his tongue. When I pulled away for air (it was becoming hard to breathe normally), I trailed wet open-mouthed kissed from his jawline to his collarbones, kissing the tattoos he had on both sides just above his pectorals. When I flicked my tongue around the crown one, Justin groaned, immediately bringing my head upwards to meet his lips.

As I had presumed, my dominant position didn't last long and Justin had flipped us over again. His lips brushed all the skin from my earlobe to my neck, licking and sucking just in all the right places where he knew he would drive me crazy. One of his hands was on the mattress, while the other one was outlining the rim of my underwear. I could feel myself growing wetter under his touch and I really appreciated how slowly he was taking it with me. It was only making me more and more aware of how bad I wanted this. "Justin... " I whispered but it came out more as a moan as he pressed his finger against the cloth of my panties.

As if reading my mind, he removed his hand from there and sitting up a bit, he reached behind my back. I propped myself on my elbows to help him unclasp my strapless bra, despite how anxious it made me. "You're so beautiful, baby." My bra was on the floor in a second and Justin was kissing all the new exposed skin continuing down my stomach until his teeth were grazing the waistband of my panties. I'm pretty sure they were soaked by now. "Hmm, you're wet." I knew he was smirking in satisfaction even if I couldn't see his face.

"Justin." I whined.

With a small laugh that tickled my skin, Justin lowered my panties down my legs and threw them on the floor, along with his boxers. I bit the inside of my cheeks, not wanting to even glance down there where his friend was sticking out in full glory. "Hey, look at me." He tilted my chin in a way that forced us to meet gazes. "It will only hurt a little at the beginning but I promise you will like it, okay?" He brushed my hair out of my face before stretching his hand out to my nightstand where he had left a condom before. I closed my eyes for a brief second, inhaling deeply. I felt Justin's lips planting a careful kiss on my lips, almost as if they were made of glass. All of a sudden, I sensed him positioning himself at my entrance. I could tell he was holding back from just slamming into me when he gazed into my eyes for permission. I nodded, interlocking my fingers with his as my other hand gripped the sheets in preparation for the pain that was about to overcome me. However, as he extremely slowly and carefully slid inside of me, it didn't feel that painful. It was more like a foreign feeling and it was sort of uncomfortable. It was like my body wanted to push him away from me but my mind didn't.

"I love you so much, Brooklyn." Justin's words penetrated my eardrums at the same time he buried himself completely inside me. That's when I felt the pain. It wasn't as agonizing as people made it to be but it wasn't easy to take either. Nevertheless, Justin's words calmed me, as well as the butterfly kisses he left all over my face and neck. So far, he hadn't moved, he was struggling to keep still, beads of sweat forming on his forehead, until my inner walls were used to his size. I didn't have any experience to compare it to but if there were penises bigger than his, I prayed for the women who had to take them.

After a few seconds, the pain subsided and I involuntarily bucked my hips upwards, meeting Justin's. "You can move now." I hissed, feeling pleasure begin to strike me. He took that as his cue to finally get what he wanted as he started to slid in and out cautiously but making sure we both felt how amazing it was. All the time he was kissing me and fondling my curves as I gripped his back and neck, trying to keep up with his pace. Clearly, he had more experience and his movements were precise. He knew exactly what he had to do and what points he had to hit to make me moan and scream like I never had before.

"Fuck, you're so tight, babe." He grunted, beginning to pick up his pace when he realized we both needed more.

"Justin... " I trailed off, my voice sounded strange to myself, like it wasn't me speaking. I was overwhelmed by all the feelings I had at the same time. It wasn't just the physical pleasure but also the feeling of being one, of being as close as humanly possible, showing how much we loved and cared for each other. It was probably the best thing I've ever lived through.

When it was over, we both came at the same time and he collapsed on top of me. Our bodies were panting and I could hear his heavy breaths in my ear, our skins sticking to each other because of the sweat. His arms held me until I came down from my high completely. I wanted to say so many things, but I felt like they would ruin the wordless moment we were sharing so I simply tightly hugged him back.

After a while, Justin pulled out of me, probably because I wouldn't be ready for round 2. Brushing my hair from my face, he cupped my cheek, stroking it with his thumb. "Are you okay?"

"Yes." A big smile broke out on my face, making Justin smile in return. "I'm gonna go wash my face and I'll be right back."

Justin fell back on the bed as I crept out and putting on his v-neck, went to the bathroom. I heard him trashing around – most likely getting rid of the condom – while I washed my raccoon face with makeup remover. The sweat had smeared it all over my face. I brushed my teeth too while I contemplated the face looking back at me in the mirror. The girl looked happy, she looked proud and loved. I had never seen myself looking so brilliant. So I happily left the bathroom and returned to the room to a Justin that was putting on his boxers. He sent me his million dollar smile as soon as he saw me popping into the room with his t-shirt on and my messy hair in a ponytail. He approached me to engulf me in a protective hug, giving me a view of the red numbers on my alarm clock behind him. "It's already 2 am?" I was surprised to say the least. My family wasn't home yet, which I couldn't decide if was good or not.

"Yep." Justin replied, popping the 'p'. " You should probably go to sleep, baby." In a swift movement, he had swept me up in his arms and was lying me down on the mess of sheets my bed was.

"Only if you come too." I bargained, holding his hands in mine from my lying position as he stood.

"You want me to stay?" He took a seat next to me on the edge of the bed, frowining.

"Of course I want to." I snapped, not rudely but like it was obvious. "You better not hit and quit, Justin." I added in a serious tone, suddenly panicking.

"Shhh." Justin silenced me. "I would never do that to you, I was just asking because of your parents."

An instant relieved sigh left my mouth. "We'll just lock the door." I suggested and he quickly complied, coming back to snuggle up with me in bed.

"Thank you for being so gentle with me, Jay." I mumbled sheepishly, my head resting on his chest as he played with my hair, pressing his lips to my hairline now and then.

"Thank you for trusting me." He said back, making a shiver run down my spine at his sincerity.

"Tell me the truth." I moved my head to face him, placing my chin on his chest. "Was it too bad?" I felt the need to ask him. I guess it hadn't been as good for him as it had been for me since he had had to hold back.

"Did you like it?" He replied with another question.

"It was amazing." I admitted truthfully, playing with the dog tag around his neck. He had looked really hot in just his dog tag, no clothes.

He took his time to reply, his eyes lost until they looked down at me, but he definitely surprised me with his answer. "It was the best I've ever had."

And I think that's how I drifted off to sleep after the best night of my life, with a real smile on my face and the most perfect boy I could ask for next to me.

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