House of Dicks - Literally [R...

By Bitexme

475K 6.8K 1.5K

Serafina; a teenager going through the trials for high school just like any other. Until, one day her father... More

House of Dicks - Literally
2. House of Dicks - Literally
3. House of Dicks - Literally
4. House of Dicks - Literally
5. House of Dicks - Literally
6. House of Dicks - Literally
7. House of Dicks - Literally
8. House of Dicks - Literally
9. House of Dicks - Literally
10. House of Dicks - Literally
11. House of Dicks - Literally
12. House of Dicks - Literally
13. House of Dicks - Literally
14. House of Dicks - Literally
15. House of Dicks - Literally
16. House of Dicks - Literally
17. House of Dicks - Literally
18. House of Dicks - Literally
19. House of Dicks - Literally
21. House of Dicks - Literally
22. House of Dicks - Literally
23. House of Dicks - Literally
24. House of Dicks - Literally
25. House of Dicks - Literally
26. House of Dicks - Literally
Epilouge. House of Dicks - Literally
Carpe Diem: Seize the Day - The Sequel

20. House of Dicks - Literally

12.2K 278 66
By Bitexme


I spun around screaming her name over and over. I kicked every stall open, even checked underneath the sink and behind the door; nothing.

I faintly heard the guys screaming, Caleb with silent tears.

I stopped pacing and took a deep breath, "this doesn't make sense. She walked in first, and there are no windows. If she walked out, I would have seen her. I don't understand how she could just disappear!"

I look at Caleb, his eyes blood red, hands white and shaking from being clenched so tight.

"We'll find her Caleb, I promise." I felt fire start to grow, spreading from the tips of my fingers up my forearm, and then, nothing.

It wasn't like I fainted, or fell asleep. More like someone turned out the lights.

"You know, that wasn't very nice," I sang to no one.

It was still pitch black, and I felt as if I was not alone. I started snapping my fingers, trying to produce fire, light.


For the hell of it, I tried ice, then wind, and earth. Yet still, nothing.

Frustrated I sat on the floor. It was hard and cold and my ass numbed not long after.

After what felt like hours, a small light could be seen. It was very faint, and looked as if it was miles away, but it was there.

I decided to get up and follow the light, what's there to lose?

As I was getting closer, the light grew stronger, but it also seemed to have grown wings. Not literally. But just as I would get closer, it would move back, as if it was leading me somewhere.

This reminds me when Nemo and Dory were following the light in the ocean and it ended up being from a really big and ugly fish.

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming," I kept singing, while skipping, following the light.

Wow, I feel stupid.

Finally the light stopped and grew big; it kept on getting bigger until it blinded me.

"Ah, turn off the dam light!" I yelled, while covering my eyes.

A chuckle responded. It was deep, sickening, and just plain creepy.

"Are you going to comply, or just laugh at me?" I asked, "Because frankly I don't have the time, I have to find my best friend, save the dam world from idiots, pick up the grocery's and still be home for dinner. So would yah mind hurrying up the threat?"

Yet again, the only response was laughter, great; though he did tone down the light.

Then he spoke, his voice was gravely, and sounded as if knives were being drawn against metal.

"She's not here you know," he sang back.

"Well then, why don't you be so kind to get me the hell out?" I screamed the last part.

"It won't be so easy; you do want to save your friend don't you? As well as Emery and everyone else, am I correct?"

"Obviously you are, but wait, who are you?"

"That is not of necessary importance at the moment. However, the wails of your friend are starting to aggravate me, I shall see you soon."

"Wait! You said she wasn't here! Get back here you inconsiderate imbecile!" I yell, trying to grasp the fading light.

Once again I was engulfed in darkness.

What the hell was the point of that!

Slowly but surly, the background was beginning to fade. But apparently, my mind had other plans other then 'waking up'.

I started off in a forest, why is it that spirit always starts off in a forest, why not a café, or library? Somewhere where I can sit and not blister my ass.

None the less, I sat and waited, either Serafina or Derek should be visiting.

After five minutes, I gave out a frustrated sigh. No one has come yet.

"You know, April fools isn't for another few months, so stop with these dam pranks. If this is pointless, I will be one very pissed off elementalist." I said to no one.

The only response was the howl of the wind, as if telling me to stay quite. The tress and grass started bending, leading me to a certain destination.

I got up and followed nature, at first nothing out of the ordinary but then I heard voices.

"Is it all planned?" a males voice said, he sounded awfully familiar.

"Yes, do you no what you must do?" a female responded.

"Of course, and then I will rule," he said, the women cleared her throat. "With the most beautiful queen by my side." He added.

"Good, take the potion, and make sure you get them both alone, I will take care of the girl. Once that is done, since you are next in line, we will rule, for all eternity."

I crawl closer, careful not to snap any twigs, I knew it was a flashback, but I had to see who was speaking.

The guy has his back to me, but I had a clear view of the girl. She had blond hair that was tightly curled in a 19th century design. Her dress was puffy and pink, and was clutching a matching mask in her hand. It was must be the yearly Masquerade Ball.

I tried crawling even closer. I had to see what the guy looked like, his voice sounded so familiar. But I accidentally put my hand down on a twig and it snapped in half.

I froze, I don't know why, but I feel like they could see me. The guy turned around.

"What is it?" the girl asked.

"Mhm, I thought I heard something." He said, oh my god, it can't be him!

"Must be a rabbit, filthy creatures I must say. Come on then, we wouldn't want them to become suspicions would we?" she smiled, it was creepy though.

"Yes, shall we Suzanne?" He replied.

She smiled and looped her arms through his as they walked through a path the opposite direction from me.

I was about to run after when everything started to fade.

No, no, no, not now!

I sat up and gasped. I looked around confused, where was I again?

"Fire, Serafina? Oh God your awake!" Emery was hugging me, clutching me for dear life.

I was still confused, something happened, how did I get here, I didn't drink did I?

"What happened?" I asked, just as all the boys came in, all except Caleb.

"You don't remember? You didn't hit your head," Chris said pondering.

"We were at the club, and you went to the bathroom with Avi-" I cut off Emery,

"Where is she? With Caleb. How long was I out?" I said shaking my head.

"Uh, 2 hours, though Avi, not quite, you see, you went to the bathroom and told me something wasn't right. So we all went to you and well, she disappeared. Caleb is going fanatic, still searching with the guards."

And then it all came back to me. The empty bathroom, the creepy voice, the flashback...

"Who's Suzanne?" I asked.

The temperature in the room suddenly got really cold, Emery's eyes held hatred, everyone else held anger and confusion.

"How do you know about Suzanne?" Asher asked, eyeing me carefully.

I was about to speak, when I looked back at Asher, hatred in my eyes now.

"Let's speak alone Emery." I said, not moving my eyes.

"Everyone out now!" he yelled.

When everyone left, I sat up on the bed, and took a deep breath.

I told him about the voice and the flashback,

"Asher called the girl Suzanne, that's why I asked."

"That bitch was in it also, cheating on me just didn't cut it did it? I knew I should have killed him when I got the chance! That son of a bitch is going to get it!" he yelled, fire swirling around him already standing.

"Emery, baby, calm down. What do you mean when you had the chance?"

The fire died down, but it was still hot, "Please don't hate me," he whispered falling to his knees, eyes filling with tears.

"I would never do that, you know that Emery." I said taking his face in my hands.

He took a deep breath, wiped a stray tear and began. "The night of the Masquerade Ball, was one no one would ever forget. It was the day Lily and Anthony died. All because of me," he whispered, I was about to say something, he shook his head no. "I'm not finished. We were all having a great time; I was dancing with Caleb's younger sister, my cousin, when Anthony told me to meet him in one of the empty defence rooms. So I went. When we got there he said he'd be right back. I was a little confused, but leaned against the wall waiting. When he came back, I stood up but before I could speak he punched me in the eye. He must have dipped his hand in witches oil, it is the only thing that can scar us." He said, the scar, I traced the scar on his left eyebrow down to the end of his eye. Witches oil is the only thing that is capable of scaring a Rouge, everything else would just heal smoothly. "I was pissed now, I was about to hit him back, you know just get this out of our system. But then another Anthony came, and pulled him off me.

I just stood there, confused as shit, watching two Anthony's fight. I started growing a fireball in my hand. Getting ready to throw it at the wrong one, the thing is, I couldn't tell. I yelled, told them to stop and finally they did, they both just stared at me.

'Kill him Emery, he tired to kill me! Do it Emery' yelled one.

'No, I'm the real one, kill him! Emery I'm your brother.'

They both started coming towards me, arms held up in surrender. I didn't know what to do; they were taunting me, 'kill him!'"

He paused, tears falling down his cheeks; he couldn't even look at me.

"I called the guards; I figured just tie them both up, wait until the moon fell. When Rouge's takes a pint of a Shifter's blood, they have the ability to shift as well, however it only last until sunrise." He added. "Then we would have our impersonator. I turn my back, for one second, just one second. Then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I didn't think, thought it was the shifter, so I through my fire ball at him. Nothing was left but a pile of ash, dust. Then Asher," he spit the name, "formed back to him. I was about to loose it, but then the guards came with my father and held me back. I killed him, I killed my own brother! I was going to kill Asher, I was so ready to, but my father wouldn't let me because he has something to do with the future, I don't know what though." He breathed.

I was clutching his head to my chest. He was crying hard now, barely able to breathe. He kept muttering 'I killed him'.

"You were tricked Emery, you didn't mean to. He has forgiven you." I whispered.

"Lily died that night, she was poisoned, and we just couldn't find who did it. Now we know who. I have to call my father." He said ignoring everything I said, wiping his tears away.

"But first, we find Avani." I said.

He nodded, and we left.


So, I am really sorry to say, but I will not be uploading for a while. I want to edit everything again and throughly. Get my facts straight, and fix everything up. It feels loose to me. Plus, it is almost finsihed!!

However, when I do upload, the chapter will be worth it, hopefully. You guys will be the judge of that. Depending on how long it takes me to edit, I will probably have two or three new chapters when I upload.

Sorry guys! I will try to speed it up, defnatly before the end of March though so don't worry.

Hope you Enjoy,

xx. Alex


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